
Comments by jablake (page 2)

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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    "1. Obama: born in USA. Obvious. Duh. Idiots who think otherwise haven't done the research." Actually, this is one of those cases where superior intelligence can be handicap. :) President Obama may have been born in the USA or the nut jobs may be 100% on the money. You'd have to not only research the issue, but you have to sift thru all the idocy that is propounded with it. There may be a damn good reason why the soon to be President fought tooth and nail in the courts to keep the issue from being decided on the merits----sure it could just be his legal training or a simple fuck you to nasty Republicans or even better a strategy to waste the resources of the enemy and keep him distracted. As I said this is an issue where superior intelligence can be a true handicap. It is very tempting to read the ravings of some of these imbeciles and dismiss 'em at out of hand. :) President Obama born in the USA? Not so sure about that. :) President Obama a fantastic President? Oh yeah, baby.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    As an iron clad rule I considered former President Bush to be as dull as dull could be. However, if true, he showed a remarkable perspicaciousness when commenting that the U.S. Constition was just a goddamn piece of paper. If true, damn, my sincere respect to former President Bush for not only speaking the truth, but demonstrating a keen intellect at least as far as the U.S. Constitution is concerned. Of course, the media can't be trusted so this might just be a canard.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    Yes, quality. Endless war as propounded by psuedo-convervatives or investing in the American people as articulated by liberals. Gee, that marxism is looking better and better. :) BTW, it seems like one person's quality government is another person's police state.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    BTW, it is the leftists who are saving America! Also, I consider myself to be rightwing, but on average rightwingers are such ignorant simpletons that the only hope for even a little freedom in America are the leftists who see the abomidable lows America has sunk to. More government? Sure, more government in the form of housing, education, health care (including abortion funding), gun control, etc. and with lots of luck zero government for the fraudulent war on terror---global or otherwise. Yes, I guess sending boatloads of cash to the Taliban might be ok for those who insist on throwing away government money----it is prolly a wise stratgem even if mildly distasteful.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    Hi how, It is amazing the good one man can do. I never could comprehend patriotism or flag waving until President Obama. It feels FANTASTIC!!! :) Don't love America? Back to Europe if they're dumb enough to take you or better yet the middle of the Atlantic! LOL! If you are correct that President Obama "hates America," then perhaps America isn't such a bowl of cherries. If fact if it is hatred or even mere disgust that President Obama feels towards America, then perhaps America is more akin to a stinking pile of shit? You know I get to meet people from other countries all the time and their opinions about America range from America being a rogue terrorist state to America the beautiful. When I'd hear positive commentary from visitors it was like are you are on drugs or are your eyes firmly sewed shut? Anyway to those who were flag wavers pre-President Obama, now you've got a real reason to be waving that flag. With lots of hard work America can become a marxist state like Castro's Cuba. Hail to President Obama and his family! :)
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    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Dang, thank you for the comments by General Casey. He sounds like a true hero. I can definitely feel honor toward soldiers like General Casey. Heck, I could have even felt good enlisting as a grunt if the likes of General Casey were in charge. Hell, if General Casey believes in the war on terror maybe there is some merit to it after all. :) This country desperately needs a healthy dose of marxism and black liberation. If in this wealthy country health care needs to be rationed it seems only fair that whitey finally get the short end of the stick. Maybe that will wake up a few of these imbeciles to routine injustices that blacks have long faced. Also, whitey can use a healthy dose of racist black police officers abusing their power----that might wake up even the slowest whitey to what blacks have faced and still face. Oh and whitey needs to go thru a racist meat grinder known as the justice system and let's see if he still remains as stupid as ever. I wonder if the mindless chirping about a supposed need for a war on terror would continue-----my guess is no way no how. Social justice will suddenly system like the main issue of importance with so called "terrorism" seen as the relative trivia it is. Heck, muslims probably kill more Americans EACH year on the nation's highways then the total killed on 911. The math? Let's say there are 50,000 dead Americans yearly due to traffic accidents and that muslims represent 10% of drivers and are proportionally represented in deadly accidents. That equals 5,000 dead Americans EACH year due to Muslims. Let's say Muslims are only 5% of drivers . . . well that is 2,500 dead Americans yearly. Time for the U.S. government to start launching missiles at the nations highways. A more scarey thought. Medical incompetence supposedly equals 150,000 dead Americans EACH year. If Muslims are responsible for 10% that is 15,000 dead Americans. Dang, the government needs to start blowing up the hospitals.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    The unthinkable occurred to me: President Obama may be French! Yes, here is the link: http://carrollfamilysaga.blogspot.com/2009/07/president-obamas-genealogy.html . I think the Constitution poo poos a French man being a U.S. President. Probably a jealousy issue considering there'd be no U.S. if France hadn't saved the bacon of the cowardly rabble again and again. Should the world hate the French for this ignoble deed perpetrated hundreds of years ago? Damn straight! Also, the French lose all credibility trying to reason with American leaders whether it be about fine cuisine or terror or women or etc. . . . that is totally President Bush dumb. OK, Freedom Fries or French Fries? I still remember the embarrassment of a server who asked baked potato or freedom fries? I give him the look and he starts yelping that he is French and not to blame him. I say just because that makes you light years better than a typical American don't mean your shit don't stink!!! Give me some freaking French fries you poor excuse for a Frenchman . . . he started to protest, but he saw my eyes turn red. Frenchy knows it is better to turn and run. :) The world needs more Frenchies, iows, lovers not killers.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    "In the wake of Black (and legally blind) New York Governor Paterson's claiming that white people will attempt to destroy the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama because of race, another voice has joined in the Obama defense." Clubber adroitly pointed out a Newsweek article with substantial evidence that white babies are born racist so yes makes perfect sense you got a bunch of whiteys out to do evil especially given the history of the U.S. Thanks to President Obama, I don't have to be quite as ashamed to admit that I'm a natural born American. Heck, First Lady Obama finally felt some pride-----yes, with President Obama running the show I can see where she is coming from. Anyone puts me down for being an American and I just say well President Obama is doing wonders just keeping the country from total collapse and he is winner of a prestigious peace prize. He is total He-man and intellectual to boot! I love to see his portrait on our dollars and coins-----it should prop up their ever falling worth real quick. Gold might even sink to $100 an ounce or less given the expected extreme demand for President Obama money. President Bush was so eager to see a falling dollar to help exports----heck just put his portrait on the money and dollar dumping should be the next greatest sport.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    "News Flash: He's NOT a Muslim!" Sure. And, next you'll be yapping that he was a natural born citizen. Are you French?
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    Hi how, I believe we do know that there weren't WMD based on what French intelligence was stating. Essentially, Iraqi was the most spied upon nation in the world and the French spies were coming up with zilch and the Americans kept lying and the lies were so stupid as to be extremely insulting and the Russians shared the thought it was just a war for Israel and an oil grab----the truly stupid lies being the only recourse available to the U.S. Colin Powell was an embarrassment before the UN where he blithered on and on without any facts-----as was bluntly explained to him, lying to the American people is child's play, however, please show some respect before the UN.
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    15 years ago
    26 yr old Stripper marrying 64 year old Sugar Daddy
    Shadowcat wants to get married???
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    "Why do so many people take care to note that this islamofascist Hasan is the 'alleged' shooter?" Those in the media might be concerned about a defamation lawsuit. Remember the hero who saved people from a terrorist attack and then then he came under attack due, imo, to government incompetence and a less than critical media? Here is the link: http://law.jrank.org/pages/8241/Libel-Slander-Richard-Jewell-Olympic-Park-Bombing.html You'd probably be shocked at the false information that makes it to the front page and that is even when the reporter knows it is false---he needs a good story and the truth isn't sexy enough. Anyway, it might save a lot of lives if the media used terms like alleged more often even when the facts seem indisputable. For example, the media could better have served the public by reporting about the ALLEGED weapons of mass destruction. I saw one of the government frauds claiming that he never asserted he had positive proof of weapons of mass destruction----he was caught on tape making that very assertion. Now perhaps the tapes are all doctored fakes or more likely he knows endless fraud pays handsomely. :(
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    why do YOU go to a strip club?
    It allows me to practice philanthropy on a tiny budget---I'm not talking about buying lap dances; that's business. The SUNPASS is an example of philanthropy on a tiny budget. That dancers was throwing away hundreds of dollars and getting arrested for no good reason. It amazed the hell out of me when I saw all her $1 receipts to the government, but as many as she paid the few she didn't resulted in whopping fines, suspension of license, arrest, etc. Thumbs up to the last hearing officer who saw all her receipts and dismissed the case against her. It was very believeable that she was paying and paying and paying and just missed a couple. Now that she has SUNPASS she can concentrate on getting arrested for better reasons----like not wearing a seatbelt. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    Yes, sometimes those stereotypes fit perfect. I believe that if you asked her, she'd probably say that she strongly prefers cash to gifts. Her behaviour belies that. Customers with money, much more money, than me definitely want her services. Instead she wastes time with me and I need to force her to go to work; I don't want her blaming me later when she has no money in her purse. Instead of SUNPASS let's say the I gave her $20 cash-----that truly has almost no value to her. Hang out with the drug lords and they're handing out $20s like they're $1s. So should I believe her actions or her words? She says she is all about the money and then don't waste time with a financially depressed old man when they're real customers spending real money. Another benefit of the SUNPASS is now she will teach her friends and family---if she can do it she'll argue, then anyone can, so she gets an ego boost and brownie points. BTW, when she complains something is too complex it seems like she really means it is an unpleasant chore that requires thinking; she is an all pro when it comes to using her cell phone and that phone seems complex to me.
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    15 years ago
    Glory Holes
    "A hole located in a partition in which one's penis is inserted, thus separating the participants and ensuring anonymity throughout the act of copulation or fellatio (or possibly a titty wank). In higher class establishments, this hole will be fabricated with duck tape to prevent genital chaffing." http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=glory+hole IMO, these are brave men.
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    LATEST AND GREATEST GIFT?! Since you're so curious, I'll share and elaborate. ***SUNPASS*** That be right a government privilege to drive on certain roads. A wacked gifted to give a stripper? Hopefully. :) Anyway, a stripper had a problem raking up hundreds of dollars worth of violations due to not paying the tolls-----usually she'd mail in the dollar, but that didn't always work resulting in a loss of $$$ to her purse. Since she didn't have any ideaological problems with having SUNPASS the solution to losing hundreds of dollars was straight forward. Buy a SUNPASS! I'd suggested she do that, but no she raked up hundreds more in violations instead of buying the SUNPASS. She thought the SUNPASS was too complicated . . . How did I know about her ticket problems? Well, she got arrested for driving with a suspended license. Nagged her into calling an attorney to fix the problem and she chooses the cheapest ticket attorney which is a good start. He, however, was an ignoramus and said nothing could be done. That's it she refuses to contact any other attorneys. A single attorney opines the law says X and by god that is that---typical cattle class mentality. *I* called another ticket attorney and he solved the problem cheaply and quickly. Stripper says how did I know to call another attorney. I explained the law is basically filth that says whatever a judge chooses it to say----it is profitable scam. Besides from reading the rules I knew there were supposed to be remedies available for her type situation. So, she sees the SUNPASS that I'm giving her and is one unhappy camper-----thinks it is too complex to operate. I explain just stick it on her windshield (I pre-loaded it; yes I knew the vehicle details) and bingo the government just collects the money. I then showed her how to load it online and what a change of attitude. :) Now she loves SUNPASS----no more toll violation tickets or suspended license (for that reason) and it is so easy! :) No, I don't think she'll be my girlfriend because I gave her the gift of a SUNPASS--------here is a newsflash: I don't want her as my girlfriend and I don't want a girlfriend. Would she really be happier with a cash gift over the SUNPASS??? I highly doubt it---the cash would be forgotten almost as soon as she received it. Now she has a story and a new skill and a memory that is triggered whenever she does a reload.
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    I appreciated that she was so in my face with stories of a tortured childhood to boot and it reminded me of my mullet story; adults can be cruel to children. Besides, I knew that if she tried it that she'd love it. Here in Miami the street vendors sell this nasty fruit and for some strange reason everyone thinks the fruit that I have is the same one. They don't even look the same; one is green and the other is red---also one has soft white flesh and the other has orange fiberous flesh----one has smooth skin and the other is like sandpaper with bumps. But, stripper or no stripper it is normally claimed in this area that they're the same. Apparently being round and growing in bunches and coming from a large tree makes 'em equal??? Weird, but that is how it is. And, for cultural reasons it seems that mine will be grouped and named with the nasty fruits forevermore. Reminds me of "sapote" which among some indian tribes is the name for all soft fruits----the indians think giving different fruits different names is insanity and state be lucky you have fruit!!! What a bunch of loonies, imo, and that anti-naming of fruit is found right here in Miami. Point about the puzzle book was she had low self-esteem and time to burn during slow hours. The puzzle book was met with the extreme dislike that I anticipated. Her negative reaction was what I expected and it was only a hope that she'd come to appreciate the puzzles. A very happy surprise that she actually started buying her own puzzle books and then went further to online puzzles. :) Her reaction didn't bother me at all and I even found it amusing.
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    The mullet story of the ages. As child, I had all manner of smoked mullet shoved down my throat. I *did* HATE, DETEST, REVILE, LOATHE, ECT. smoked mullet. Finally, I got some muscle and don't need to put up with these nasty smoked mullet forced on me by "do-gooders." The game had changed. An old man starts practically crying that I need to try his smoked mullet. I explicate the whole sad history of all the wrongs done against me in the name of smoked mullet. He promises that his smoked mullet is wholly different. Please he just try it he keeps whining. I ask what part of my story did you fail to comprehend? This is truly nasty shit and I'm sick to death of the smoked mullet and feel a total rage at the mere mention. I felt like beating this old pathetic man into the ground, but I figure let me just spit some mullet in his face. That will teach the asshole a much needed lesson. Disbelief-----I loved his smoked mullet. Decades later I kept searching for another who knew how to smoke mullet. It is heaven. To the old man was it total heaven once my eyes lit up and I exclaimed this it is fantastic!!! :) He told he'd been working on his secret recipe and smoking for over 25 years and this was his best batch ever. He thought he was going to get rich-----I'd be in line eager to buy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    "Really, what is the purpose of giving a dancer a gift? I mean, you know that they have to like it, whatever u give them." No, they don't have to like it. It should be child's play to read whether she is being polite or she actually likes it. I gave a gift and the dancer made it MASSIVELY clear she didn't like or want the gift! Guess what??? I insisted she try it. She starts yapping that she has tried it and isn't going to try again. Of course, I don't play that idiocy. I wanted her to try and insisted. Extremely reluctantly and after plenty of whining she tried. That is all I required. She hates it, then not a problem. She loves then fantastic. She loved it. Believe me this dancer isn't some mindless pussy afraid to show her true feelings and express 'em with a vengeance. God, I love the hood----with the whole damn country could be turned into the hood. I feel contempt toward most manners and prefer the dancer be from the hood. IOWs, the dancers don't need to claim she likes. With the dancer who didn't want to try----the agreement was that if she didn't like it after trying then BINGO she doesn't have to like 'em. I didn't need to hear BS that she'd already tried 'em----she tried the filth that I can't stand either. So she is in love with 'em-----does she call 'em by their correct name? No, she insisted on referring to them with the wrong name because that is what she insisted they were. They weren't what she believed and refused to use the correct name. BTW, it is impressive the number of imbeciles who refuse to use the correct name. Just amazing. What is the purpose? A little concept known as confelicity. Yep, confelicity. Another dancer threw a hissy fit over a puzzle book-----she knows she is too dumb to solve the puzzles. I insisted. Any surprise there? Months later I notice puzzle books in her car! Guess what? She not only loved the puzzle book after first declaring holy war against me, but she used her own money to buy more and was teaching her kid and sister and mom how to solve 'em. Besides confelicity was there any reason that I went on a limb and bought what I knew she'd declare holy war over? Yep, yes, affirmative, she needed a boost in self-esteem. Most people are slow and even highly intelligent people are slow in some areas-----she needed to know that she could solve complex puzzles despite her supposed lack of intelligence.
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    15 years ago
    Alleged Fort Hood Shooter Frequented Local Strip Club
    I'd take the stripclubbing with a grain of salt just as would any information from the propagandists. Last I'd read the first claim of stripclubbing was proven bogus-----you know cameras everywhere and in theory a person can't be in 2 places at once. If the stripclubbing was true, then wow, very impressive.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    It has always worked better than cash. I like giving gifts that the person receiving will truly like and this goes for strippers and just ordinary boring folks. Gave some winos "bad" wine (a couple cases)-----I explained that the wine didn't agree with *my* taste buds and if it didn't taste good dump it! The winos loved the shit----all they cared about was the alchohol and thought it was insane that I'd give it away. In the immorality of lore a man saw me giving wine away and wanted to buy. I explained it was bad to anyone that knew this particular wine (it was bad)----it was only good for winos from what I could tell. He argued buyer beware!!! I sold and was probably wrong to do so because he would sell at a high mark up not giving a damn that his customers *may* be very unhappy. So yeah, I like giving good gifts to strippers and they don't need be expensive and better normally that they aren't unless she really is into that filth. The ol' confelicity at work where giving value is just as good or better than receiving value.
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    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hypnotism: is this for REAL?
    BTW, I don't think you need to pay to touch 'em assuming you don't mind wasting time (becoming a piece of talking furniture). Also, if you are pussy licker, then at Angels the dancers will be lined up for you services-----I'd be surprised if at other clubs the same rule didn't apply, but I could be wrong. I never felt that I had to pay, but it made no sense at all not to. The dancers needs are typically very different than mine; forget about babies or a real relationship or proving I'm an alpha male.
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    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Hypnotism: is this for REAL?
    I think it is for real. :) Of course, magicians can make the unreal seem real. How about a stripper who can make you think that you just had the best lapdance of your life without even touching her? Those strippers who enjoy role play can be a lot of fun.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    condom or not?
    The rule amongst the men and women that I know appears to be no fear. I'm still afraid and even a day before death I'd probably be afraid. Shorty, was short which is why he was called shorty, but he was a favorite among the hoes. Not sure what he caught, but ended up sans penis and testicles; still chased the women and still had no fear. He had a strong faith in God and figured what is going to be is going to be and also that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
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    15 years ago
    "The real reasons strippers strip"
    Some years back they had a talk show where a stripper who was a genius and her father was a genius were featured. I believe the lady's IQ was something absurd like 190. Did she need the money? No. Do customers want to believe she dances for the money? Could they think otherwise even if she was worth tens of millions? I doubt it. Once people are programmed it is almost impossible to change their opinion. Anyway, the host kept focusing on 2 facts: First she was too intelligent to take her clothes off for money. Second she was too hot to need the affirmation customers could provide. In his opinion it was insane for her to subject herself to being treated like a sex object. Basically her articulated reasoning was something like she was tied of being appreciated for her mind. She wanted pawing and drooling men who didn't give a bit about her advanced degrees or mental abilities or career; boys please just appreciate this fine ass and titties.