Comments by jablake (page 104)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Excellent point shadowcat! :)
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi MIDancer, Yes, that is the one. :) I always had a reservation that her cultural biases might have changed what she was seeing, but that would be the case no matter who was writing. I also enjoyed I think it was the Pat Pong Sisters, but the quality wasn't the same level and my bias toward the trade e.g. strip clubs may definitely have given me more interest in that book. Also, I think it was titled the "Mean Gene" was in my mind about culture--probably most people wouldn't see it that way. Anyway, maybe I just liked books about culture because my culture was under heavy attack by government. I was fortunate in that some of my people were part of the system so the "rules" as far as the criminal justice system were ignored or broken in my favor where someone else may have been paying bigtime.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi MIDancer, Yes, that is her. :) I might have read that one about Samoa. It has just been so many years. She just impressed me, big time! The one that I really enjoyed was where she examined three different cultures living on one island. One culture was based on love and those people just didn't believe in punishment. Everybody was your brother, no matter how screwed up. The real problem they had was dealing with true deviants--not the kind that are *invented* in the U.S. Deviants that no matter how much love and kindness they are shown still want to hurt other people in the tribe. Another culture was based on religious mumbo jumbo and pretty much lived in fear of this god or that god or their neighbors or spirits. The final culture was based on extreme violence. Children were trained to hate at a very young age. Parents really didn't care for their children. A high premium was placed on young females. But, the high premium didn't translate into good treatment. In fact, they might have had it worst of all. It has been a long time, but I think I would have rated the cultures in order of preference 1) lovey dovey, 2) extreme hate, and 3) mumbo jumbo religion. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    As long as I have the nerve to be recommending books to an avid reader, then I'd say YES to any of Margaret Mead's books. I guess they deal with anthropology or sociology. I'm not sure and I don't even remember the titles. I just enjoyed her writing style and her observations and her thoughts. And, it truly helped me recognize that what one group sees as normal/good another group will see as abnormal/bad. OK, I'll shut up now! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    In the culture, manners really weren't appreciated. If anything it was looked down upon along with those who believed in "manners." I think the reason being that the "manners" were seen as deception. If you not feeling well, then don't pretend. If you want someone of you face, then let them know! Manners were generally seen as disgusting unless you were talking table manners or those that really didn't deal with feelings. The positive was you didn't have to wonder where you stood. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi MIDancer, You may have already read the book being that you're an avid reader. If not, then I'd highly recommend "How to Win Friends and Influence People," by Dale Carnegie. Most likely I haven't read as many books as you, but out of the hundreds that I've read that was one of the best. And, generally that isn't the type of book that I would care for. Also, I have to say every once in a blue I would see a dancer who not only took extreme verbal abuse but did it like a duck in water. Sometimes even turning a profit from the abusive customer or someone that liked her style. The old saying the best way to get rid of enemy is to make a friend out 'em. I don't have that personality. :) I remember this girl in school. Holly. What an ugly looking girl. Fat and tall and bad skin. :( She impressed me like you can't believe. A very popular girl, among boys and girls, who somehow could remain positive in front of the most hateful comments. And, it wasn't just skin deep or acting. I wouldn't believe how she stood tall except that I saw it first hand. Being trained to be in a bad mood, I sure wasn't a fan. Not that I sought her out or anything. But, if she asked how I was doing then I was liable to tell to get lost or drop dead or just ignore her. I don't think I ever treated her right. It was just the culture. She was always very upbeat with me and everyone. As I said I never sought her out, but then again I don't think I was ever nice to her. I wanted her GONE! I didn't really care where as long as it was away from me. Remember she impressed the hell out of me and I still didn't treat her right . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi MIDancer, It could be anthing from a bad day to that is how he gets off. Also, I've noticed some customers that just don't like dancers for all manner of reasons including it should be "free" to dancers are frauds because they pretend to like you. Never underestimate the stupidity of a customer! Or, it could be just cultural. If you met me when I was young, then I'd probably be less than nice regardless of the circumstances without even understanding there was a problem. And, I wouldn't expect anything from you and would in fact prefer your actual feelings whatever they maybe. I've changed a lot. Even so some people IRL and elsewhere consider me crazy--they might be correct or it might be they're slow or it could be anything . . . I'm sure you know it is really the customer's problem and you just need to rise above it! Best wishes. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The WAR between dancers will soon begin
    Hi FONDL, You don't think their is a danger of a currency collapse? There should in theory be a limit to how much paper money you can print. Yes, I realize it is mainly computer credits so allow me to revise it ---- can computer credits be created endlessly? No collapse? I believe this global warming is just another fraud, but that could create a collapse depending on how real it is and how real the effect would be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    It doesn't even seem like a fuck up. More like an investment that went south. That happens a lot with RGFE as well as with RWR. :(
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    I think the older folks are generally a lot less tolerant, now. It amazed me how conservative some of the older people I knew were in conducting their affairs and yet they basically had a live and let live attitude among their own people. It was the old grasshopper and ant story. Sure play play play, but at your own peril. Don't expect that you will be rescued if you've been acting irresponsible--you might get rescued or you might meet the fate of the grasshopper! An example of compassion, imo, *were* the drug laws . . . some people believe and like that garbage and if not with drugs then with some other pet evil e.g. stripclubs, prostitution, homosexuality, etc. I wrote of NO compassion and in a way that was positive because it also came with indifference i.e./e.g. live and let live. Someone wants to drink themselves to death, well why should you care even if they're immediate family? BTW, I did care and that was consider weak and abnormal, which was true for them.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is dancer quality declining?
    Wow FONDL, Sounds like you're asking for the world. <just teasing> I was at The Trap last night and not a single dancer met your requirements and there was a good number of dancers. :( Sometimes when the food supply changes, then your tastes need to change? NO!!!!! :) I think even if you went to Tootsies which has hundreds of dancers you'd be lucky to find 3. The reason being is the focus seems to be on "sexy" and not cute at all. And, then the price goes to the stratosphere unless you don't think $25 for 3 minutes is strato land. And, I think for a lot of customers 3 minutes is more than enough time so it is a good deal or they make very excellent money and $25 for 3 minutes is reasonable or even cheap. Over at Angels I saw a dancer who was just adorable in street clothes without makeup. She was still hot with all the garbage i.e. high heels, makeup, fancy outfit, etc., but I would have been a lot happier just getting her as she came in the door. She even acted better in street clothes--more natural and girlish. The club is just a little too upscale--concern with all types of flash, one of the negatives of inner city--even though it is a dive.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    Hi shadowcat, Sounds like you're be a little hard on yourself. I hope you don't stay pissed off too long it sounds like you have a fantastic situation with your club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Next convention?
    "I might could scrounge up about 2k. I was thinking you guys were talking about 10k or some insane amount of money or something." I was thinkg those guys were talking about 2k or some insane amount of money or something. :) So much for the days of $20 or $30 at the stripclub.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The WAR between dancers will soon begin
    My guess would have been at least asking customers for a dance would maximize income. I think that I'm one of the very few who like "wanna dance" as long as the dancer asks and then goes. Even better are those who approach and don't ask if they can see that you're not interested, but I don't mind the request. Some customers look away not because they lack interest in the approaching Mack Truck, but because they're afraid of women especially women without clothing. The image of that desperate customer licking the huge assed dancer will forever be branded in my brand. :( Might have even killed 90% of what ever brain cells I had left. It got even worse, but best to just think happy thoughts like the Burger King Value Meal. ;) Well, here in Miami from what I've seen there isn't a dancer war. The customers may be fighting to see who has the bigger dick and can spend the most money. Another reason to move, perhaps.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    Hi Book Guy, I think it started out for low lifes. At least that is what I've read and seen. Both could be wrong overall. So Tootsies was a total dive for lower class people. It went on to become a place for those with money. Angels was and is a dive, but now money is flowing in for some reason. The other clubs on W. Dixie Hwy. were like Tootsies--dives for lower class people and also low end tourists, but thanks to the government those clubs were shut down. This gentleman club development is a turn off for me, but that might be just because it is out of my price range. If I had the right budget, then I might say it is the greatest. Or, I might still have low class tastes. It is difficult to know without having the experience. $25 for a 3 minute dance? Not appealing in the least. But, if you're making $400 or $500 an hour it shouldn't be that big a deal.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The WAR between dancers will soon begin
    OTC doesn't sound like low hanging fruit unless there is some real compensation or quid pro quo. The housing market over here is DEAD. But, there seems to be money for other people. Maybe it is Homeland Security, the Drug War, Welfare? Whatever it is keep up the good work! I haven't even bother to read the reviews of Tootsies lately, but I would assume they're doing excellent with all the money that is down here. The big negative as far as jobs would be the housing situation. It is amazing there is so much money and yet the houses seem just stuck (unsold) or being foreclosed on.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The WAR between dancers will soon begin
    Is it simply to keep up their image? Or, to make their job easier? Perhaps both are good rules of thumb, but I think that it is somewhat difficult to know their motivation. This outgoing person made the remark to me that shy people are selfish. I don't know if you agree or disagree, but it caught me off guard. And, she truly believed that shy people are selfish. I wish I could remember her line of argument because it did make some sense. When I think of shy, I think of insecure or respectful. Some nice girls think not asking wanna dance is being respectful. If a customer likes you, then well he is a man and she just assumes he would generally most rather act like a "man." A new dancer who I approached was very insecure and as things turned out she ended up just letting customers ask her for dances even after become a pro. But, she was very shy which is a funny thing to say about a stripper. She didn't have a problem with nudity. She was just afraid of a lot things. Like the customer would find her boring or stupid or breasts were too small or she was too short or whatever. And, yes especially in that club the larger dancer seems to do better. At the right club she would be Ms. Popularity. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    One other point and it probable isn't too common (I'm not sure), but you can get free junk food at Burger King. The girls behind the counter seem to be from a poverty background also and if you need a whopper and fries, then when I tried it wasn't a problem. OK, I looked down and out. That probably helped a lot. But, they were more than friendly and the hardest thing was just the asking part. That is bad. Also, I don't know how they would have reacted if I became a daily pest. I was feeling bad just asking once in a blue moon. I wouldn't make a practice of it. Hey, you're doing construction work and there is a down turn in your local area things can get bad real quick for a short period of time. Usually, there is some reasonable work at a fair wage. The hardest thing is finding it and getting hired. I'm talking about work nearby. The farther you are willing to travel the more opportunity there is. I wasn't willing to travel too far. Better to rough it for a little while.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    "can be had for about $70, and will last for far more than a week when you consider leftovers and the fact that there is about 3 times the meat/beans/eggs needed. Eating healthy, even overeating healthy, is far cheaper than junk/fast food. I spend less than $200/month on groceries, and I eat extremely well (see above), but I never eat out." Excellent breakdown on what you spend. Thanks. :) OK, so I buy a pound of chicken for $1.99. A single large tomato will cost $1. Brown rice is 50 cents. So I should be able to eat for $3.50 a day. I don't know how much the electric costs, but I do watch it and it adds up quickly. So we are talking about $105 a month roughly ($3.50 X 30) not including electric. The Whopper and fries are $60 a month roughly ($1.99 X 30). You're talking about a difference of about $500 a year ($45 X 12). That is a lot of money to some poor people. What I was living on and you can live on it is the chicken and rice and tomato paste. That isn't too bad--the Whopper and fries is bad, imo, but you can live on it and depending on your body you can get fat on it. I was fairly lucky in that respect. I could eat a lot of garbage without a lot of weight gain until I got older. Of course, that is perception also--some people considered me overweight when I was younger. Other people eat anything like a Whopper or fries and they seem to put on the blubber.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    "Sorry, you can not live on a $1 burger and a $1 fries per day for a month." I have tried. It wasn't fun for me. That is when you are really down and out, imo. (Also, that was a long time ago so maybe I "cheated" with extras, but if so it was probably brown sugar or cheese doodles.) The secret is in the ketchup, imo. Use about 6 packets. The burger is a Whopper. The 99 cents does sound like a sales price and depending on the area that is true (when I was buying long ago I think it was 49 cents and better quality, but who knows maybe it was still 99 cents and poor quality). Some places here in Miami, I think the price is $1.99 or even more. If the poor are eating $1.99 burgers regularly, then I would think they could afford better food. I watched a "poor" girl spend $6 on a regular sandwich. I was stunned. She was surprised that I was surprised. She agreed $6 was very expensive, but what choice did she have? Walking all the way to Burger King for her wasn't a real choice, imo. The more I learned the more I understood where she was coming from, but it was still a waste of money, imo. A big problem for her was transportation and that she didn't have any idea how to cook even eggs. I said but, your mom cooked. She looked at me like I was crazy. Most of her food was junk and not healthy. Now, she wasn't fat . . . but at the rate she was eating the junk food it was only a matter time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Hi FONDL, I would say it is a combination of custom and their need and how you feel about it. Strippers that are making money doing laps don't go begging for tips do they? I would refrain unless I wanted her attention or she asked. Well paid workmen not generally unless you can see they've gone above and beyond the call of duty and you can afford a tip that they will appreciate. Did the installers do something special? Can you afford a large tip that would make them feel good? The guy who sprays for bugs would again be a no unless you see he is doing something special or perhaps for holiday cheer and you have it to be generous with. An adult paper person definitely especially if his service is good. Depends on your relationship with the massage girl. The mailman not generally unless you have a good relationship and then it should be something other than money that is thoughtful. Probably no to the stripper unless I had extra money to spare which I really don't. Anyway, for whatever it is worth those are my thoughts. Probably your gut is your best guide as well as your goal. Happy tipping! :) BTW, please remember my culture and level of wealth is probably far different than yours so most of my ideas my not apply to you!!! Oh, and hope you aren't one of those nitwits who believes there is some universal American culture that all Americans share. That I just don't see at all. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    Another indication of wealth is the drug dealers. They seem to be doing a hell of a lot better. That in turn should mean people have more money to waste i.e. wealthier. I was impressed NO end seeing $20s being spent like $1s. Just wow, this is truly fantastic that they have so much money. I'd like to get work shining their shoes, but they wear sneakers. :) Maybe polishing their guns? :) As long as it isn't too risky, then I'd like to get back to work with the way they throw money around. Who knows maybe attorneys spend as much or more and I just don't realize it. If the attorneys also spend money as recklessly, then damn I'd like to be shining their shoes. :) It is just amazing how seeing $1 tips was rare and now it is $20 tips and there is hell of a lot more tipping. The biggest negative is just the club is so crowded and that is great for the dancers--their assorted fees to club have gone sky high. I'd rather have customers tipping $20s like that because I think the dancers do deserve a good income for the service they provide.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    Hi FONDL, That may be true about more people getting wealthy--I don't know if that is true or not. In some ways there is no doubt, imo. The internet, color tvs, computers, printers, etc. Housing? I don't think so unless you're impressed with rising prices. A single family slum house that should have been selling for around $30,000 was priced at $130,000. So the owners are wealthier? Of course, their taxes went thru the roof. But, the house is garbage. An older lady that I know was telling how she was wealthy now. Why? Because her home is worth $400,000. It didn't improve. It just takes a hell of a lot more dollars to buy it. She feels wealthy and that is the important thing for her. The insurance costs have been rising way past the inflation rate. My doctor was thank fully allowed to cancel his malpractice insurance under State law. It just got too expensive. Are cars cheaper as a percentage of income for most people? I don't know. They seem pricey to me. I'd rather by a junker. Medical care is cheaper as a percentage of income? Maybe if the government is paying for it. I don't know. One trend I do like and can see is the increasing number of illegal immigrants that are in my area. That is good news depending on your viewpoint and needs. The Wall Street Journal had an excellent piece some years back comparing wealth today to wealth in 1950. It was real eye opener. However, perhaps a different piece would have painted a very different picture.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer incomes getting hit
    "A healthy diet is cheaper than fast food and is easily affordable by almost anyone." Really? I could be wrong, but just offhand sounds so completely idiotic it could have only be written by someone that actually has money. Let's see I was eating brown rice and that was very cheap. I was eating chicken and that was very reasonable except for the electric for the stove and the refrigerator was off to save on the electric. And, yes not having the refrigerator on or the hot water heater for that matter made a huge difference in my electric bill. The hot water being off saved about $15 per month and I don't remember exactly how much the the refrigerator saved, but I was down to about $25 a month electric. So the chicken is going to cost $2.50 (a half a chicken) plus let say 50 cents for the rice. So that is $3 for a day's worth of food without the fruits and vegetables, which are very expensive. Let's forget about fruits and vegetables and pretend poor people don't need that and can just survive on chicken and rice. So that is $3 a day times 30 days is $90 a month. Or, I can walk to Burger King and pick up a Whopper for 99 cents along with fries also 99 cents. That's just under $2 a day or $60 for the month. I'm saving $30 a month by eating the fast food. And, actually I can save even more money and get a lot fatter if I just buy the junk at Winn Dixie. One box of brown sugar a pound is 50 cents. The cheese doodles or some other off brand garbage is also 50 cents or if you want to go crazy on expensive junk food make it 99 cents. That's a $1.50 a day and I guarantee that you'll start putting on the blubber even if you work at a physical job. Anyway, that is $45 a month for garbage that will make you fat. I would much rather be eating tomatoes, melons, pears, grapes, nuts, etc. The problem is when you are watching pennies that adds up fast. Now a wealthy fuck wouldn't know anything about that. So, if you can eat cheap and healthy that is wonderful. I think anybody that says that is either brain dead or completely full of shit. Anyway if it is a fraud by the POVERTY INDUSTRY and it might be, then it should be fairly easy to refute. Perhaps the poor just need to learn how to do it. I know when I was watching pennies and eating junk--I definitely wanted the healthy food, instead. It usually was too expensive. A wealthy fuck usually wouldn't understand that. Doesn't matter how intelligent, if they're wealthy or have a decent income then they don't have any idea that it is cheaper and more fattening to eat junk food than to eat good food. So, I don't mind being proven wrong. Just offhand in my experience eating fattening junk food is much cheaper. Again, I will repeat. Maybe I'm dead wrong and maybe the POVERTY INDUSTRY is pushing a fraud. But, if you can eat good foods as cheaply as junk food that is fantastic! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This makes me reconsider my favorite club.
    Hi FONDL, I think drugs should be decriminalized, but it makes little different to me one way or the other. My point was there are strong arguments for not only keeping drugs illegal, but for the government to act in a more draconian fashion. Chop of the limb or limbs of drug users and or sellers? That might work. If that became the governments' policy, then I think most people to be patriotic would support it or pretty much any government policy. Legal drugs are a serious health issue. I think recreational heroin use and more importantly abuse would increase if it were legal. I don't know that for a fact, but it seems like making it legal might have the affect of making it socially acceptable and perhaps even mainstream. I can just see different brands of heroin being advertised featuring hot women and fast cars. Of course, making some drugs legal might help reduce their demand by killing the customer too quickly. One of the most frightening drugs imo is glue and the high is excellent! :( I learned it was good by accident when a friend let me help him make a model of some type. A couple kids that were even slower than the normal children were bragging about the cheap high. Within a couple weeks their brains were like blank slates. I attributed it, rightly or wrongly to their admitted use of glue as a cheap high. One positive effect was that other kids wanted nothing to do with glue despite the excellent high. If I had, had any interest in glue, then witness those 2 kids become like zombies almost overnight killed it like a roach drinking Raid.