Comments by jablake (page 103)

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    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    Hi casualguy, I see we have a budding sci fi writer. :) But, where are the alien strippers??? Seems like they would have been tasty morsels . . .
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    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    Bye Bye Bones. :) Apparently he doesn't like kiss and tell. These strippers are truly angels to put up with half the garbage they do==at least at the less expensive inner city clubs. And, yes I did know a stripclub customer who 1) thought he was an advanced non-human human and 2) hated strippers for not returning his "love." In all fairness I think the customer sold his religion better than I attempted to explain it. I just had a closed mind because he could produce any hard proof or show special knowledge or special skills.
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    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    Well, you frequent Angels and like BIG BOOTY. A. + B.B. = BLACK. :) And, when you're singing your travails it twaint over the wire . . .
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    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    Not to worry. I'll just report you to the IRS. $5 million in LLDs on a declared income of $50,000 just ain't going to play well to the gmen or even the peanut gallery. And, while you're at let's see you explain the marble toilet, to wit: "Ministries from Fenton, Mo., to explain the tax-exempt purpose of a $23,000 'commode with marble top.'",0,1091441.story?track=mostviewed-storylevel
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    17 years ago
    He Didn't Like Strippers . . .
    Sorry to let you in on a little secret, but you fooled only the lesser beings. The highly developed TUSCLERS spotted you your first post! :) I suggest you keep the invas- the liberation forces under lettice till this site has been neutralized. Key Code: lettice = cover little secret = large secret liberation = invasion neutralized = nuked LDs = lascivious dances LLDs = long lascivious dances
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi FONDL, I'm very happy you see the humor in it. :) Yes, it does seem a little by design, imo. Of course, I don't think it is ready for the comedy circuit just yet, but you never now! :) Many a comedian I don't care for others go ga ga over . . .
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Thinking of another culture tv show that I would expect people to be familar with is the one where the young women are being whipped bloody. It is on Directv. Maybe the Discovery channel. Flipping channels I must have seen it more than 4 times. In the tribe a boy in order to become a man has to pass tests. The boy is under extreme emotional pressure because essentially if he fails his life with friends and family is over. Sounded like a death sentence. So far nothing really wacky to report, imo. Anyway the boy's female relatives and friends want to support him. This is where, imo, the group is brain dead. How do they support him? Writing letters to their congressmen? Protesting in the village square? How about a boycott of some products like hand soap? Nope, none of these mundane efforts for these girls and women. Public whippings are so much more interesting. The blood is running freely and the women have scars from previous whippings earned in support of male friends and relatives. The poor women, imo, go through a lot more physical pain than the boy who is to become a man, if he passes. This, imo, is just another example of a wacky belief system by a different culture. Is it an accurate representation? I dunno know! :) I sure as hell don't have much faith in the U.S. media. The whole shabang could be staged. LOL! Do most "normal" people consider these different cultures wacky? I think so, but again I don't know for 100%. If so, then can these "normal" people see their own culture has stupidity and wackiness? I don't think so generally, but again I don't know. I think the mentality is pretty much simple simon. I had thought the zenith of idiocy was The Wall Street Journal's one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. But, I maybe wrong. If it was as idiotic as I thought, then would they have publish repeated editiorial hammering the same idiocy? Apparently even those with intelligence and success could see that as reasonable or even a universal truth. What does any of the above ranting have to do with manners? :) Well, different people have very different ideas of what is mannerly and what isn't. That is what I love about Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. He tried to show how important it was to try and see things thru other people's eyes. That does NOT mean if you love money therefore everybody and his brother has that same love. If a dancer could briefly become a nasty customer, then maybe she might even like or pity or at least understand the nasty customer. Some of these dancer are so impressive how they take abuse and yet still like people! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    Well, it is the cute girl-next-door types that I give the 10s to. :) I mean I remember Playboy and there were some beautiful women, but as a kid Marybeth or Shirley or Amie from nearby were smoking hot, imo. IOWs, I would take them over the models just based on looks. Now, these cute girls didn't have flaws . . . otherwise they'd be cute next door girl types who I'd rate a 7 or 8 and wouldn't have much interest in. Actually, probably no interest. If I'm thinking about the hottie that I saw a week earlier, then the current girl is a dud even if she's a 7 or 8.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat fucks up again. I got jealous.
    Only a strong 8? I was thinking that she was very hot.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi MIDancer, "this guy didn't LOOK like he'd have too much trouble in the dating world (clean cut, decent looking, apparently had loads of money, etc). Perhaps he'd just gotten out of a bad relationship... I'm sure I'm taking this all too personally." One friend of mine has money, a successful business, a nice wife, clean cut, educated, charming, etc. Probably his biggest negative to some women is that he is old. One of his ideas is that the dances should be "free." Where did he come up with that? Given his background it seems even more bizzare. It is like the customer who didn't believe in tipping a $1 because he spent $3.75 for a drink. The point I'm attempting to make is that it can be almost impossible to understand where even a "normal" person is coming from so try and see it from that perspective. You might have reminded him of an old girlfriend or wife that dumped him! ">>Sorry, you are too short! Was that rude or lacking manners?<< I still think a simple "no thank you" would suffice." It made me feel better that she was "looked" based i.e. looks were very important to her. I'm looked based and it isn't fun when someone tries to lure or pull you away from what you consider attractive or important, imo. So many times I hear looks are unimportant--well, to you maybe! " >>If her response was you're a total asshole who disrespects women, then I probably would have been disappointed that she felt that way. Would that have been rude or lacking manners?<< Depends on whether or not you've demostrated behaviors that would indicate that you're an asshole who disrespects women." And, different women have different standards as to what constitutes "a total asshole who disrespects women." Being anti-abortion might be enough for some women . . . etc. So a women comes up and asks me for a date and I say No, you're a total gold digger slut. Is that rude or lacking manners? (BTW, I agree with your prior answer above that it *depends*.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Speaking of strange cultures, in another thread I posted links to stories about schools in the U.S. that have NO hugging, NO handholding, NPA (No Public Displays of Affection) rules. One school stated something like it brings dishonor to the school and student or some filth like that. Now, if you believe the school is correct then that is fine. I see it as nasty--very nasty. Also, the portion about dishonor or maybe it was discredit to school and student was, imo, total filth. The dishonor and discredit belongs to schools. :) Anyway, given what I perceive to be sickness or insanity right here in the U.S. it is supposed to surprise me when some amateur finds people in a faraway place who have very different belief systems? I was listening to a fruit expert who had gotten back from visiting in the jungles of central america. Communication was a problem, however, he claims to have picked up the local language in only a few months. According to him different tribes with different languages like or use the word "sapote." Essentially, edible fruit or soft fruit. So I listened to his different tales and my bs alarm should go off? Anyway, the tribes thought it was crazy to name individual fruits and laughed when he tried to explain the concept. Only crazy people want to complicate things by naming individual fruits! (e.g. oranges, apples, grapes, etc.) Now, the fruit expert could have been wrong or confused or whatever. It just wouldn't surprise me if these different tribes have very different ways of thinking.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Getting a little more back to the subject. I have even later in life sometimes been too harsh with a NO. What can happen is you get hard sell after hard sell where you tried to be nice and it just made things worse. The next dancer no matter how nice or well intentioned gets a ka pow! NO!!!!!!! Well, not even that bad. Just a little too aggressive. And, then she is upset and rightfully so. I asked a woman if you would like to see such and such movie on blank date because I think she enjoy it because of blank, blank, blank. Her response: Sorry, you are too short! Was that rude or lacking manners? I didn't see it that way and appreciated that she volunteered exactly what she was feeling (it helped that it was just me and her!). If her response was you're a total asshole who disrespects women, then I probably would have been disappointed that she felt that way. Would that have been rude or lacking manners? When I pull a woman away from her friends is that rude or lacking manners? Some people know for a fact this is rude or that is lacking manners and this *knowing* seems very reasonable. The man who says hell no, definitely sounds rude. It could just be his attempt to show he is a man and hopes further conversation will result. Dancer may answer hell no? Are you saying you don't like me? Man then shows how cool he is by saying something like babe I like you way too much. Just looking at you has me ready to sling you over my shoulder and take you home! Heck, I'm sorry but I really do need a much less attractive dancer. Of course, in the original post hell no was followed by an explanation he preferred another dancer. That could have been his feeble attempt at smoothing the hell no. As in gee I was so harsh because that is who I really want and she's not here. Maybe she even already told him to drop dead for whatever reasons.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    "I don't consider video clips on CNN to describe a culture" Sorry, but that sort of evokes an uh duh response from me. The video clips can show very strange behaviour/culture. That is the point. I see a place with conservatively dressed people bowing and praying to big penises and little penises--that of course doesn't describe their culture. Do they love penises? It *seemed* like it. Perhaps they were afraid of penises. Whatever it was different! Next, they might be chopping off penises or giving bjs. :) The video clips assuming they weren't fakes were impressive for showing how strange and different people with different cultures can behave. Parodyman---I would appreciate your insight. I like your style even if you not treating like a bosom buddy. Or maybe you are! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    I think parodyman has an excellent point. :) It is the old beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just happens upon? I thought she was looking for different cultures. Even just happens upon isn't really just happens upon when you consider all the other people in world who travel and bring back interesting stories. Amateur? I guess amateurs don't make discoveries or inventions, but I didn't realize that she was an amateur not that, that would have made a difference as long as she was trying to report facts and then draw conclusions. It was been a long time, but I don't think that I necessarily agreed with her conculsions. It was the "facts" that were interesting and the question that I had was how much is her culture interferring? Also, for whatever reason her writing style was very appealing to me. And, I don't need to agree with writer to find their style of writing appealing. At the flea market (the one with the old man with 2 underage babes) there was an old man missing his lower jaw. Somehow he could speak. A nasty fellow, which wasn't a problem. The "treasures" he claimed to have obtained first hand were just wonderful. Made my eyes just light up. His *short* stories told in a go to hell attitude were of very strange people and customs. Was he telling the truth? I think so because his culture was one of in your face nastiness (truth telling), but of course he could just be a skilled con man. Her conclusions are supposedly based on facts. If she was correctly reporting the facts, then one is free to draw their own conclusions. For example, a man is using all manner of hateful racist slurs in a bar. I report what I heard him say as correctly as possible. Is the man a racist? Some people would automatically think: uh duh! For them it would be black and white. Hateful racist slurs = racist. Maybe the man was a federal agent, a writer trying to do a story, a joker making fun of racists, etc. Most people can't think past the very obvious. A few additional facts can change everything. Perhaps they were filming an action movie at the bar! Etc. Etc. Etc. Anyway, unintentionally I think parodyman really contributed some substance as he often does. It is a question of establishing a base line. If you agreed with the idea that that one man's criminal (terrorist) is another man's criminal (terrorist), then the base line is set very low and there isn't much chance of a positive discussion. BTW, if you feel that way wonderful, but I consider it to be brain dead. That doesn't mean it is brain dead. Just that I consider it to be brain dead.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Yes, I expected you to be aware of other wild stories involving different cultures. The penis story played a few times on CNN. But, even if you didn't see that video, you should have been more than aware of other weird stories. When you see these stories does that mean they're true? Are you telling me that you never see or read weird stories about different cultures? Mead's story didn't seem too strange compared to all the other weird stories about different cultures. And, it isn't like these stories are hidden. They're on the television. They're in books. They're in newspapers. They're in magazines. Now, these stories could be fakes for all manner of reasons. Political, financial, artistic, religious, etc. Do you expect me to remember titles, dates, and times? Not likely. I didn't even remember the title of Mead's book.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    BTW, glad you raised the issue of truthfulness. Too often if it is in writing or on video it is seen as true. My own experience living in Miami is that different cultures can have very different values.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    The point seems obvious. You yapped about a "bullshit alarm" going off. I explained that there were other stories and docs that seem just as wild. Hence, why would the good old bs alarm go off? Because it seems wacky? Because it fills an agenda? It sounded like you thought it was too weird and thus, the bs alarm needed to sound. I just sort of shrug my shoulders at that. Really. There are a lot of strange stories. Might be true or might not be.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    The Wall Street Journal had a really unbelieveable story on the IRA or some fighting faction over there. The fighters allegedly waited to be knee capped! That seemed 100% fake. Wait to have someone blow out a knee cap or knee caps! So I'm going to show 2 PM Monday and you be at Joe's so I can cripple you for life. And, then you show? OTOH, I would think/hope that their rep would be worth more than printing such an absurd story if it was phoney. Also, it wasn't like a propaganda piece as I recall. There didn't seem to be an agenda.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    It would have, but I've seen the video on the Yanomamo (sp?). Yes, it could have been faked. But, it sure described them the way my girlfriend from that part of the world described them. She was 100% biased, btw. Hated those people with a passion. Also, there was the doc on Japanese religious penis faithful. That seemed wacked out. Then there are the video documentaries on different African tribes. Those seem wierd. The people (some) of India and their cow loving ways among unusual beliefs . . . Could 100% fake. And, if so of course I'd rather find that out! :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    "First published in 1935, Sex & Temperament is a fascinating and brilliant anthropological study of the intimate lives of three New Guinea tribes from infancy to adulthood. Focusing on the gentle, mountain-dwelling Arapesh, the fierce, cannibalistic Mundugumor, and the graceful headhunters of Tchambuli -- Mead advances the theory that many so-called masculine and feminine characteristics are not based on fundamental sex differences but reflect the cultural conditioning of different societies. This edition, prepared for the centennial of Mead's birth, features introductions by Helen Fisher and Mead's daughter, Mary Catherine Bateson." Well, the description from Amazon is different than my recollection. The beach people as I recall were based on love. I think the middle people were cannibals. And, the mountain people religious. I would trust the description from Amazon over mine! :) But, I would have sworn the beach people were lovey dovey. Also, this doesn't mean someone saw the same tribes in the same way.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    " I'm going to have to call bullshit right there unless she named the island, the tribes, and someone else corroborated her research. That, as described, just doesn't pass the smell test." Well, I'm about 95% sure there is at least 2 out of 3. It would be interesting to know if someone corroborated her research.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Role play? Probably a dumb idea, but some people including dancers love doing role play. Depending on the customer you might be able to create an entire little fantasy scenario around his character or words. Of course, some dancers gave the thumbs down aggressively and others seemed to love it. :) I'm trying to think of that actress-- She had a half hour show and had like 5 mini stories in the half hour where she played different roles. Might have been Sarah? Anyway, the way she could change was amazing and it was supposedly ad lib--maybe.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    True. I thought she said Ara something, however. Or, that could be just a misremembering. Greek or Latin would make sense. She didn't know Hebrew.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    As far as problems of translation, my grandmother on the "good" side of the family said that she wouldn't be a Christian if the English translation was correct because in her opinion it changed it from a book of love to a book of hate. I think she said she learned it in Aramaic or something like that. She was fluent in seven languages--with her fomal education coming to an abrupt halt at around age 13. Meanwhile, I had difficulty just with English. :) Her level of education put me to shame in pretty much every area and yet her years of schooling were very few.
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    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Hi MIDancer, Yes, distorted and not only by culture, imo. I believe there is also physical distortion due to individual genetics. The old debate is has the culture determined what you find sexy or is it the way you see and sense? My 2 cent opinion is the majority of people learn what is attractive. So in one African tribe the women try and get extremely long necks. Perhaps they possess a gene that says long necks are attractive. I think more likely you could take many members from the tribe at birth and train them to find something else attractive. Who knows perhaps despite the training some would still be focused on the long necks as a sex symbol. My extremely limited use of marijuana showed me how limited and poor my eyesight was. I had the feeling that some other groups saw colors more brightly just by the way the acted toward them. Of course, I wasn't sure. It could have just been their cultural training. With the marijuana WOW!!! everything that had been dull suddenly had life. The world wasn't nearly as dark and grim as I had always seen it. Perhaps this vision was normal for happy cultures or people. I think my dark and grim vision had survival value . . . and apparently the reverse was true. :) Unfortunately, I think the normal thinking is that if peanuts are healthy, then they are healthy for everyone. Individual genetics being completely ignored. Same with what is sexy. If most learn beauty then everyone learns beauty . . . I hope that made some sense. :)