
Comments by Jolicouer23

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    I used to work out at a women's gym (less of a meat market than a gym designed for both sexes), but have really been slacking. My bf and I are having a treadmill delivered tommorow and hope to turn one of the spare rooms into a small gym, with some free weights and one of his old workout contraptions. The club can only keep you so fit -dancers usually always have strong leg muscles, but it doesnt really work much else or burn many calories unless you dance like a spaz.
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    21 years ago
    MANY strippers have been SEXUALLY ABUSED and FONDLED and FUCKED in the ASS
    Yoda, probably the same place GMP got his data from; he pulled it out of his ass. C&S, does that make you feel good that many women as children were physically and emotionally hurt so badly that it affected them for the rest of their lives? Does that make you feel like more of a man to remind many women of what they could not stop from happening to them when they were children? Nice topic. You are a frightening, disturbed, sad human being.
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    21 years ago
    Dancer earnings during holiday weeks
    I'd say it depends. I don't work on holidays as I prefer to be with family, but I work around the holidays. Most times earnings increase around the holidays, but it depends. Last year earnings stayed the same but this past year they increased.
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    21 years ago
    Some strippers may be CUMMING on customers in an ATTEMPT to transmit STDs
    LMAO omg that's just funny. "I'm having a lousy day today. I think I'll go try to spread herpes. Yeah that'll make everything ok..."
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    MANY strippers WAITRESSED at clubs before GRINDING and SHAKING
    ...and many people order APPETIZERS before their ENTREE. ASTOUNDING!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    If you are a stripper that HAS been SEXUALLY abused, PLEASE tell us about it.
    I was glad that Niceass put the block on this bastard's posts. There are no words to describe what an ugly, sick, disturbed person you are C&S, you disgusting worthless pile of shit. You want to hear stories about women getting raped you sick twisted fuck? Because their dancers that means they deserve to have gone through sexual abuse as children? Let me tell you, I've got plenty of stories you pedophile fuck. Before I was a dancer, for four and a half years I worked with children who have gone through hell and back because of heartless filth like yourself. Little girls (and boys) whose lives have been ruined forever because of something that happened to them when they were so little that they couldnt do anything about it. That's funny to you? A helpless little girl trying to fight off someone who was bigger and stronger than she was? Do you like to hear stories about five year old little girls getting raped by a grown man who beat their head with a telephone and raped them to the point of being physically ripped apart? Is that funny to you? A little girl screaming and writhing in pain, bleeding right through her pants because of what her father did to her? Until you look into the eyes of a tiny girl who had to be stitched up by doctors because of the sexual abuse that she endured from a grown man five days before, you'll never know how low and sad what you are trying to make a joke out of. No human being with a heart would ever bring up a subject that has ruined many women's entire lives. Most likely you get a cheap thrill out of hearing about sexual abuse is because you are a victim, you are a molester, or you have no soul and are so angry and bitter because you have nobody in your life who loves you. Probably a combination of all three. No normal, psychologically sound person would EVER want to make light of the rape and abuse that happens way too often to innocent, helpless children. I hope you got the "rise" you wanted to from this post, if making light of sexual abuse is what you have to do to get any sort of gratification in your twisted, lonely, fucked up filty mind. Dont bother responding. Nothing written by C&S will ever be read by me. People like you are the ultimate scum and deserve to live and die all alone as I am sure you will.
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    21 years ago
    Dancer earnings during holiday weeks
    Dusty, you're lucky. Those are the two holidays (plus Veteran's Day) that I have worked in the past few years and all three seperate days have been consistently lousy for us!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Dancers and their families
    My extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) have just found out that I dance over the past few months. They aren't thrilled but they still love me and are there for me. I have two aunts who have a problem with my job but when you're an adult, you live your life how you want to, not how your aunts want you to. I understand why many dancers lie to their family about their jobs. It's horrible to have to lie but there are some people who immediately associate dancing with drugs, prostitution, and whatever else. Perhaps many dancers feel that their families just dont know them well enough to seperate their jobs from the stereotypes out there, so they feel compelled to hide it from them. Aside from my aunts, if I knew that my family (or 98% of them)would be as supportive as they have been about my job, I would have told them sooner.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Dancer's biting or nibbling, is this something the dancer's enjoy?
    Yoda's right. If you don't like it just tell them you have really sensitive earlobes or something, or that biting just doesnt do it for you and they'll get the hint pretty quickly.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do alot or most dancers work out at home or a gym?
    Casual, you're right in terms of January being the worst time of year to join a gym. Most people will let their "new years resolution" slide and then the gyms become less crowded. Also, if you like working out with less of a crowd, you might want to try going to them gym between 1pm to 3pm. This was the time I always went and there was always less people than there were in the morning and evenings, and you can stay on the equipment longer.
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    21 years ago
    A Challenge!
    I havent been here for awhile but when I see a thread that's written by Kingpin I ignore it and skip right over it. He'll do anything for attention, that's sad. Hateful people like that are just a waste of life.
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    21 years ago
    A Challenge!
    I havent been here for awhile but when I see a thread that's written by Kingpin I skip right over it. People like that are just a waste of life.
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    21 years ago
    Niceass, DO NOT try to stop discussions about strippers being FUCKED FOR MONEY
    LOL Niceass. I think it's funny too. By the way, who ever my obsessive imposter is, thanks for the compliment. I guess what they say is true; to imitate someone is the sincerest form of flattery. But I don't think anyone is going to really believe that fake name is me, or the people who really matter here won't anyway. I applaud your effort though!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    My point has been proven! Like I said, only the morons would beleive that that imposter is me. "Jolcouer" ?!?? Really that difficult for some people to notice a missing "i" in my name? Good one!
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    21 years ago
    Top Gun is back!
    Welcome back Glen!
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    21 years ago
    Cadillac Pussy
    "Drug addict" p*ssy? That's just great. Whether a woman is big, small, skinny, short, tall or whatever, the size of her body has no direct correlation whatsoever to her "tightness." Things that DO factor into how tight a woman is are things like; has she had children? Does she practice "kegels"? How much she employs the use of her vaginal muscles is directly related to how tight she is. You cannot tell by looking at a woman whether she has strong "inner muscles" or not. You may prefer the look of the vulva of a drug addict or whatever you said, but a girls' weight is no indication as to what she feels like on the inside. You could argue that a fat chick may be less likely to do any sort of excersises, even vagina ones, but then again it is not likely that the drug addict is doing kegels while she's tying off her arm for her next heroin hit. Either one could be "tight" or "loose," and it is not something you can tell just by looking at a woman.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Fitness faddists move to Stripping
    I just bought a copy of that book yesterday. It's a good book but the first half are basic moves that mostly all dancers know and use. Mostly geared toward girlfriends/housewives who want to learn how to put on a striptease for their S.O. The last part of the book is really great though because it contained detailed descriptions of how to do pole basic to advanced tricks. I am going to try to find out whether Shiela Kelley makes an instructional DVD of these pole tricks as well. If anyone has any info on that, let me know ;)