Yes the song by Kid Rock that we love to hear while our favorite dancer is on stage. I have encountered good, bad and "Cadillac" pussy's in strip clubs. The best pussy is from a girl with a skinny body, like drug addict skinny, small ass and breasts.
"Drug addict" p*ssy? That's just great. Whether a woman is big, small, skinny, short, tall or whatever, the size of her body has no direct correlation whatsoever to her "tightness." Things that DO factor into how tight a woman is are things like; has she had children? Does she practice "kegels"? How much she employs the use of her vaginal muscles is directly related to how tight she is. You cannot tell by looking at a woman whether she has strong "inner muscles" or not. You may prefer the look of the vulva of a drug addict or whatever you said, but a girls' weight is no indication as to what she feels like on the inside. You could argue that a fat chick may be less likely to do any sort of excersises, even vagina ones, but then again it is not likely that the drug addict is doing kegels while she's tying off her arm for her next heroin hit. Either one could be "tight" or "loose," and it is not something you can tell just by looking at a woman.
I wouldn't know who has the tightest pussy between thin and heavy women as I have never been attracted to a heavy lady, but drug addict skinny is not attractive either. I much prefer an athletic build over skin and bones.
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