
Dancers and their families

Sunday, January 4, 2004 8:06 AM
How do dancers handle explaining their job to parents and siblings who might be negative to the dancer life? My ATF has kept her dancing a secret from family and friends that live 1000 miles away. She seems to be disturbed by the whole idea of them ever learning her secret. Is this a common approach?


  • tom_pb
    20 years ago
    J Did you live near your relatives? I think it is easier to lie about your job if they are far away. However when they decide to visit there is a hell of a lot of stress. Thanks for the response.
  • Jolicouer23
    21 years ago
    My extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) have just found out that I dance over the past few months. They aren't thrilled but they still love me and are there for me. I have two aunts who have a problem with my job but when you're an adult, you live your life how you want to, not how your aunts want you to. I understand why many dancers lie to their family about their jobs. It's horrible to have to lie but there are some people who immediately associate dancing with drugs, prostitution, and whatever else. Perhaps many dancers feel that their families just dont know them well enough to seperate their jobs from the stereotypes out there, so they feel compelled to hide it from them. Aside from my aunts, if I knew that my family (or 98% of them)would be as supportive as they have been about my job, I would have told them sooner.
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