
Comments by mike710 (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Rental Car Prices ?
    I rent cars almost every week and in a rental in Tampa right now. The selection was slim when I arrived on Friday and got stuck with a mustang or SUV. I chose the mustang but don't like the rental versions of mustangs or camaros. I do like the Dodge RT rentals. I'm immune from price fluctuations because of company rates. It's a perk I use for personal rentals as well. I've noticed Uber and Lyft rides going up.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Could someone please explain to me why providing photo ID to vote is racist
    If it's so hard for these people to identify themselves to vote then why is it so easy to identify themselves to get a stimulus check?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Arizona opening up!
    I saw floor dances going on at Sugar last night. I didn't get one to know if they were still $10 but I did go to VIP and they were still $20.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Great songs referencing strip clubs
    This video used to have some bare breasts, but, like all things that were fun, got cancelled by the cancel culture. Still feels like they used real strippers in the video N.E.R.D https://youtu.be/I_uDcCZDrxg
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Bourbon starting towards normal but not fully back to normal
    You made me think I spaced the price but I put it in $20
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Got my 2nd Covid shot
    Pfizer. It was my second. On both shots, I couldn't sleep that night but didn't feel terrible. Maybe it was my metabolism ramping up to fight the foreign substance in my body? The second shot was definitely a bit worse but not like some of the horror stories I've heard about.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Got my 2nd Covid shot
    I did wake up feeling sluggish this morning after my shot. Took a couple ibuprofen and took a one hour nap and back to normal. Seemed like a slight hangover is all.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Got my 2nd Covid shot
    Just got my second shot of Pfizer a few hours ago. So far no reaction but I here it takes a bit if you are going to have a reaction.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Questions on the history of stripping and lap dances
    I got my first full nude contact dance sometime around 1982 in Tempe AZ. This wasn't a classic strip club per se but a nude dance place where you could pay for extras. I don't even remember the cost but I was a poor college student and couldn't have afforded a whole lot more than $50. I remember being disappointed that it was only a naked grind and the girl was all business. The first high mileage dances I remember getting were at a club called Nightlife in San Diego in the 90's. They were $5 a song. The owners of this club also owned 10's in Tucson that I think is still open. I remember extras being available since I was able to go to bars in the early 80's but never gave a thought to the origin of the lapdance. I couldn't afford much at an early age.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Start your own cancel culture list.
    Tom Petty's older anthem for the cancel culture https://youtu.be/TCFAzPl1QmE
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Proximity to a club.
    I live within walking distance of a club. However, it's in San Diego and not worth going to.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Infection v vaccination
    I never wanted to get any vaccinations but, if I want to be allowed to work in hospitals, I have to get a flu vaccine every year. I have had a reaction where I just want to stay in be the day after a couple of times. Hasn't happened in the last 5 years, however. I spend times in covid units since April so, if I want to be free to move on with life, it's to my advantage to get the vaccine. I got my first dose last week. People complain about feeling lethargic but I was the opposite. I didn't feel bad or have any pain in the injection location but I kept waking up that night. Finally, at 3am, I said forget it and got out of bed. I felt like I had been injected with speed or cocaine. I did crash the next night but I didn't feel lethargic.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Tampa extras advice ?
    Tampa can be fun but it sounds like you already have experience in Pasco an Pinellas. I would stick with Pasco and Pinellas for a sure time.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Phoenix 2AMer ...Maybe
    "HOENIX". Must be a lot of Hoes in this city.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Stopping at OZ after a long hiatus
    I didn't. Might have made a mistake by getting a haircut on the way to the club. Might have made me appear as a cop since I wasn't known here. Spoke to a few friendlies but was wanting the hot ones tied up with regulars. This is a place that caters to regulars. I didn't bite on the girls that came up after 5 or 10 minutes so they moved on. In a way, that's good that they don't linger.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Denver Hit and Run at Shotguns
    Also, I was pushed for time because I wanted to get dinner at Sams #3 around the corner. They close at 8pm these days. Never saw the episode of Diners Drive-ins and Dives they were in but love their menu and food.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Denver Hit and Run at Shotguns
    Didn't mean to write a tabloid title. Just described my visit. I had forgot that they had a murder at the club several months ago. That is probably the reason why the inner door is locked and you have to be let in by the door guy. Initially, I was thinking it was covid crowd control and social distancing.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Infection v vaccination
    I just now got my first Pfizer shot with a second dose scheduled in a few weeks. I work in the healthcare environment and have been in covid units quite a few times since April. Just make sure I use caution when around them and spend as little time there as possible. Getting the 1st appointment was a pain but the second was set up as I got my 1st. I didn't even realize when she injected me so it was quick and painless. I also arrived 30 minutes early for my appointment and had no lines. There were lines after I waited my 15 minutes on site to make sure I had no reaction.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Las Vegas....
    A couple of MGM properties announced yesterday that they will go 24 hours starting March 15th. Also, capacity in indoor dining is going to go up as well. I think it was from 35% to 50% initially. It seems we're on the downside of this thing but ramping up slowly.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Tampa Trip Briefing
    I gave up on TJ after a Federale, armed with an automatic weapon, pulled me and my buddy aside just for walking down the street. He said we had glassy eyes and proceeded to pull out a bag of weed from his pocket and said "we are looking for people with this". In my broken Spanish, I spoke to the guy for 30 minutes about what we were doing and other things he didn't need to know about. When he asked if he could search us, I said that I don't think I could prevent it if he wanted to if that is what he wanted to do. We walked away with all our money and no ride to the station but I just said I don't need that.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Tampa Trip Briefing
    I don't get many single dances anymore. Got offered a $20 dance at Thee Dollhouse right now. I'm dealing with a new girl and a veteran dancer. The veteran is going to lose money for the new girl if I walk out.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tampa 2AMer.
    Went to this club Saturday night. Of the 5 clubs in the Tampa area I have been to this weekend, Scores was the only one to wand me down for weapons.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Hotel bars
    Been approached a few times in Vegas at the Tropicana and Cosmopolitan. Did see one that in Detroit but she was staying in the hotel and getting online bookings through an agency. Also, ran into a friendly girl in Denver that must have been flown in for a high end client. She said she had a "meeting" but she had a vibe to her that just said escort. Otherwise, I don't really see them in hotel bars.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Larry King dies at the age of 87
    Maybe it's just poor writing and lazy reporting? We know that never happens these days. When someone writes "Estate", you think that is his worth at time of death. Other financial tools would explain things but a poorly written story then.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Larry King dies at the age of 87
    He must have spent all his money on hookers and blow on his way out. Can't figure out how his estate is only $2 Million. Probably a lot of us that would leave that if we moved on from this place. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/larry-kings-handwritten-splits-2-214204700.html