
Arizona opening up!

If I'm reading Governor Ducey's announcement correctly, social distancing and mask requirements will, henceforth, be up to the individual businesses. Should bode well for getting the clubs back to normal.



  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Key portion

    Bars have already been allowed to operate as “dine-in” at full capacity. They will now be allowed to resume regular operations, with the ability to require social distancing and masks.

  • azdd
    3 years ago
    You are correct LW! Businesses have discretion on distancing and masking. Technically CDC guidance still applies, but only for events of greater than 50 people. My guess is that Arizona clubs will be fully opened by this weekend!
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    This afternoon, I plan on visiting Platinum Plus, BSC and Crazy Girls Cabaret. I will show the Managers the article that requirements have been lifted and they don't have to worry about getting in trouble.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Good thing i had sex last night. i will be going to the club, see if i leave with sticky pants.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Theres no sex at bourbon, i go there for the Financial Domination, im the sub
  • Meyou1
    3 years ago
    I know most may not care but remember:

    Covid is still here. If you're not vaccinated you're taking a risk.

    If you're getting vaccinated its a month between doses (unless you're getting the Johnson and Johnson one) and 2 full weeks before the vaccination is at full strength.

    So if you are still concerned about your health give yourself 6 weeks from your first dose before jumping into the club's.

    Be safe out there mongers.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Mayor Kate Gallego of Phoenix says the Governor is wrong and restrictions should continue. We’ll see if she does anything about that.
  • Meyou1
    3 years ago
    Troll? I'm new.
    No reviews? I joined during the pandemic.
    I just don't want things to spike again just because we opened everything 2-3 months early before the general population got vaccinated.

    We'll see how everything goes. Getting my first shot soon.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    This afternoon, I visited PP, BSC, CGC and CS.

    Platinum Plus - No masks required. They have added $10 floor dances and $25 VIP dances.

    Bourbon Street Circus - All restrictions are still in place. I knew it was a bad sign when I entered and they took my temp and made me wash my hands. Jordan told me that they are waiting for approval from the owner to lift restrictions. I left after 10 minutes.

    Crazy Girls Cabaret - No masks required. They have added $25 VIP dances but no floor dances. Greg told me that they are waiting on approval from the owners for floor dances.

    Candy Store - No masks required. They still have VIP but no floor dances until the owners approve.

    Hopefully, my friend Chili Palmer can give us an update on Hi Liter.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Thanks for TOFTT everyone! I’m gonna sit my lame ass out and watch until all the amateurs clear out after things have started to loosen. Some pent up demand will likely shift market conditions, but enjoy and tell us how you do.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Hi-Liter: Aside from a dearth of girls there, all restrictions seem to be lifted and it's business as usual. It took awhile to finally get a dancer to give me some dances and try her in VIP...everything is gonna be just fine here now.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    CP - are they doing $10 floor dances?
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    FYI, part of Ducey's latest Executive Order rescinding all previous restrictions and making them now "recommendations" is that it also prevent local cities or towns from enforcing restrictions that are contrary to Ducey's Executive Order 2021-06. So Mayor Kate and company can go suck it.

    Personally, I'll be wearing a mask in when I go shopping for the foreseeable future, but other than that, it's been business as usual for me since the beginning of the pandemic and I have no plans to adjust any other behavior, including my strip club jaunts.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    LW: yes they are. If they actually get enough dancers.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    Desertscrub, If I ever see you at a club, I will buy you a Coors Light.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Did you see the blind dude there today?
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Beyond the PL's I can just imagine all the dancers, waiters, bouncers and managers delighted to get the HL cash cow moving again.

    Hell yes!!
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    According to a dayshift fave at Curves in Tucson, no restrictions in VIP, now also doing floor dances. Bad news is they are holding on to increased prices, probably still trying to recover lost revenue. Floor dances $15, VIP $30. I told my fave this will keep a lot of guys away.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    The reason I drink Coors is because in the 1970's it was illegal to sell Coors east of the Mississippi River. We had to travel across the Mississippi River to buy Coors in Minnesota and bring it back to Wisconsin. When you drive 60 miles for a beer run, the beer tastes better.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    Indiana plans to end statewide mandatory masks and social distancing too on April 6th. The Indianapolis mayor, though, plans to keep them. When you see states open up it will be mostly the big cities with Democrat mayors that will opt out and keep the restrictions.

    A lot of state governors were hesitating about reopening but the states that have reopened like Texas, Iowa and Florida haven't had big case increases so it increasingly looks like it is safe to reopen.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Look for my review of Band Aids, which should be posted soon. Very busy, and a lot of fun.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Hi-Liter is back!

    Early afternoon visit today. As stated, no masks. 10 dollar floor 25 VIP. Just like before the shit.

    Talent was very good. Word is getting out as dancers and PL's streamed in as the afternoon went on.

    Cuban contingent transitioning quickly from other clubs.

    Great vibe. I enjoyed the squeals from the ladies as they were reunited with other dancers they have not seen for a long time.

    It was great spending time with all that sweet sexy young firmness without restrictions.

    I'll never take it for granted again.

    Thank you governor Ducey!
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    I saw Mika and the red headed massage lady. I didn't see Katana (finest dancer in the valley). I hope she returns.

    A lot of new faces. Most of my favorite Cubans have not returned yet either.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Mika was there...not many others when I was there...PLs outnumbered dancers 6-to-1.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Scrub - was her name Veronika?
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    I just visited Xplicit and CGC. It appears that both of these clubs have no intention of having $10 floor dances in the future. Getting floor dances really helps in deciding who to take to the VIP. Does anyone know if Sugar 44,
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    Bourbon last night and today. No mask requirement, but still checking temp on entry. No masks on dancers either, nice to see smiles again. Interestingly they still have the chair rule on the back VIP area even though most ignore it. They also have the side VIP (across from stage 1, open all the time, including Shri g dayshift today. Regular lap-grind dances in there. Standard limited Bourbon mileage. I was there early last night, between 7-9 and there were very few customers and just a handful of dancers. It probably kicked up after 9, but I had to leave.
  • Heellover
    3 years ago
    CGC is crazy girls cabaret. New name of Bliss.
  • CarlitosPeligro
    3 years ago
    Great news!
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    I saw floor dances going on at Sugar last night. I didn't get one to know if they were still $10 but I did go to VIP and they were still $20.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Posted a review of Hi-Liter from my visit today. The TL;DR version: A very good time to be had, makes me almost weepy.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Floater = bouncer.

    Your first sentence is a bit incoherent, but I disregard your (mostly negative) comments about Hi-Liter because they are 180* different from my experiences. Even during its down times before COVID hit, I was still very much enjoying myself at that club (usually).

    Frankly, while the ongoing narrative here on TUSCL during COVID re: Bourbon Street was that the dancers just talked to you in VIP, me and couple other PLs who knew better were laughing at the comments and enjoying some of the best dancers in Phoenix all to ourselves because people believe what they want to believe.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    For a man, sex is done not after you cum but when youre done bragging to your friends
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    I just posted a new review for Bourbon Street detailing an odd change to their business practices...
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Northern Arizona seems to be much more buttoned down than the Phoenix area.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego announced Tuesday that the city's mask mandate remains in place, even though Gov. Doug Ducey issued an order more than a week ago saying that cities could no longer enforce such requirements.

    Could this spell the end of the Phoenix clubs reopening ?
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    I dont think so, you can not eat and drink with a mask on
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    The Phoenix mask mandate is a risk to the fun.

    A large population within AZ will not get vaccinated. Perhaps the mayor want us to wear masks forever.

    I'm surprised at the number of people that support lockdowns and mandates. I grew up in Phoenix. The acceptance of government control has changed greatly.

  • tete1526
    3 years ago
    I think the mask thing is just politics. Ducey's word should trump Kate's in a court of law but I imagine most businesses in Phoenix will continue with a mask policy but it will not be enforced. Will be interesting what these clubs decide to do. Not sure how much pressure the clubs have gotten from Mayor and Council / PD but my guess is while Gallego probably truly believes we should all still be wearing masks, her angry tweets about Ducey are just to score political points and the enforcement will probably be next to nothing considering she doesn't actually have the power to force people to wear masks.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    If ( as I expect ) we are at the end of major CoVid waves, she can claim her masks were responsible. If another wave hits, she can blame Ducey.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    It will be interesting how the Phoenix suburbs react. If restaurants and bars in Scottsdale and Tempe stay mask free, Phoenix is going to lose a lot of business.
  • Heellover
    3 years ago
    They (Doug and Kate) should have a free throw shooting contest to settle it. At the same time, most makes in 10 minutes (equal number of basketballs at the ready at the start) wins. Instead of a jury of 12 have 12 officials "randomly" selected. Do this next Saturday the 17th to allow practice and planning time.

    No never mind sounds too complicated and will be controversy over electronic scoring and basketball rims being too tight or too loose.

    So a 100 yard dash it is! On the 24th. Plenty of time to train. Winner gets their way with mask preferences and loser makes sizeable donation to charity of winners choice! Probably still controversial because of false start accusations and lane assignments, but a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

    I usually don't have all the answers, but I like this idea.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    The politics between Ducey and Gallego aside, y'all are missing the point about the mask mandate. It's not about the mask, which we can take off once we are seated at a table and drinking/eating, it's the social distance requirement that was preventing clubs from opening and offering dances. Gallego and the Phoenix City Council are only keeping the mask requirement in place, and are not extending social distance restrictions. This should have limited overall impact on our club experiences in Phoenix.

    The most ironic thing about their statement is the comment about Ducey's executive ordering representing "significant government overreach." That's right, the people who are the ones imposing restrictions are the good guys over the ones who want a quicker return to normalcy. The Ministry of Truth would be so proud.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Quick update: BSC is now completely open. All tables have lamps and chairs, the raised VIP section no longer has every other cushion turned over and the girls don't have to stay in separate chairs. Both VIPs are open for business. Problem: Yesterday, only two dancers (Jordan and Shay) were there for the first hour, and then only Piper arrived by the time I left.

    Hi-Liter: While they open at 11, no dancer hit the stage until 12:30, Even at 1 PM, no more than 6-8 dancers on shift. Hope this gets fixed in a quick fast hurry.

  • azdd
    3 years ago
    Also at BSC, the front VIP area across from the main stage is now open all the time. It was formerly an overflow area at night only. There’s a fair amount of foot traffic through there, but it feels a little more private than the raised area in the back. YMMV!
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    I was at Crazy Girls Cabaret last night. The quality of dancers was awful. It appears that the attractive dancers have left. There were 2 dancers that just started this week that I would rate a 4.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    That law won't take effect until 90 days after the state house session ends. But, yes, a good win for Ducey. State law cannot be superseded by local law, unlike his earlier Executive Order.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    At BSC theres been a drop off in talent after the reopening. i guess they are more into "thick" girls now smh...
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    Did they go elsewhere or still UTR?
  • tete1526
    3 years ago
    I also am not seeing much talent in my limited trips to HL and BSC. And, we're entering summer season which is typically slower anyway.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    tete1526, I agree with you. It appears that less than half of the Pre-Covid dancers have returned. Phoenix Clubs in general are contracting some dancers that should not be dancing. I have noticed out of state dancers from California, Georgia and Wisconsin during the last several weeks. I was at Cheetahs and Xplicit last week and the dancer quality was poor. Both of these Clubs would not allow the $10 floor dances so it was a parade of low quality dancers trying to pressure you to do VIP. This makes for a short visit.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Summer season came early this year after the lift of the mask mandate. im gona start going to hooters instead
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    During the "lock down" a bunch of the hot strippers were telling me they were doing realestate. i didnt believe them. this is the top of the house market


  • mark94
    3 years ago
    There are now more realtors in the US than properties for sale. At least, that’s what I read.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    It’s like the experience of pay freezes in the corporate world. In all companies, about 5% of the workforce accounts for most of the productivity. Freeze salaries and the top 5% leave. That can destroy the company, though it appears normal at first.

    I expect the best looking dancers, and hustlers, found a way to thrive without stripping.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Thats correct mark and the last time this happened? crash
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    Just uploaded a review of Christie's in Guadalupe. The tl;dr version: Meh.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    Saw a handful of girls at Sugar that I haven't seen in a while last week. Crowley, Scarlet and Danger. While it was dead in there during the day, it seems like a sign that girls are starting to come back anyway.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    Mike710, Thanks for letting us know that Crowley has returned. She is really nice and has some interesting stories about her dancing experiences in Hawaii.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    The only time I have ever hung out with Crowley, I was too busy admiring her abilities to drive a manual transmission to listen to her stories of Hawaii.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Got dances from Mika and Sophia at HL this week. As word gets out, I think the dancers will return. It’s the old chicken and egg thing. Dancers won’t return unless there is money to be made. Free spending customers won’t return until there are worthwhile dancers.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    Mike710, I have never met any dancer that drives a manual transmission better than China.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    Mark94, Was that you on Thursday afternoon sitting along the wall with Mika.
  • Richard_Head
    3 years ago
    I stopped into The HiLiter for a bit today, it sucked, about 6-8 girls, half of them overweight Cubans. Only one good looking girl, a tall drink of water named Chanel, but she got fuckoed. Mika was there too, but she does nothing for me.
  • Lone_Wolf
    3 years ago
    Man, I like overweight Cubans. Wish I would have stopped in.
  • Hunter2019
    3 years ago
    Richard_Head, Was it Chanel from this site. I have been getting dances from her for the last 4 years at the Candy Store. She told me that she dances at Hi Liter every so often when she wants a change of scenery.


  • Richard_Head
    3 years ago
    No Hunter, different Chanel, she was tall, thin, well enhanced. Fuckoed is when a customer takes up all the dancers time.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    BSC turning into a urban club? they like to hire "thick" girls now...WTF
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago

    A "fucko" is a term coined by the great cerahas on Z-Bone's LA Strip Club website back in the mid/late 90s. The exact definition is "a PL who uses up excessive dancer bandwidth." In other words, the customer who talks for hours to dancers and rarely, if ever, buys dances, or, worse, the ones who buy out a dancer's time to just sit and eat pizza with them, like the 90 year olds at Sugar44. Of course, it takes two to fucko, with the dancer being a willing participant, but the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the fuckoing PL in question. It is used both as a noun and a verb.

    Hope this clarifies things for you.
  • Meyou1
    3 years ago
    I was at BSC two Fridays ago. Didn't see any extra thick girls there.

    Checked out HL as well but didn't enjoy my time there.
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    I was at BSC last week, day shift. I’d characterize the dancers as chunkyish.
  • Meyou1
    3 years ago
    I was there around 8pm. Maybe I was just around a good batch.
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