
Comments by casualguy (page 46)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I need to get laid OTC.
    This thread seems to be about farthest away from a thread I started 2 weeks ago. So what were you drinking that made you sound so desperate? I remember in college I was standing on the breezeway late one night (an outdoor open hallway on the side of a 12 story dorm building) along with 2 or 3 other guys from my suite looking out towards another 12 story dorm building. Suddenly I heard a girl shout out, "I need weenieeee real bad". The guys next to me suddenly sprang to attention. One said, where's she at? I didn't think she was serious because she didn't stick her head out of any window for us to tell where she was at. Probably like the girls who thought it must have been funny to whistle at me from their dorm building when I was walking by. I wondered if they did that with lots of guys walking alone or I just happened to luck out and I would walk by when they had a break between classes. They were probably laughing about it. Actually I thought it was kind of funny at the time to have girls whistling at me when I walked by their dorm building. Of course I couldn't see where they were at. Comedians everywhere or desperate people everywhere. Maybe it depends on your sex.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Where is your best source of strip club entertainment?
    There are hundreds of newbies out there? looking around... I thought it was just a few of us guys here. :) Oh, wait a minute, I guess I sometimes ignore people who don't look hot or have nice curves. Of course right now I'm only looking at text and tired of reading financial news after losing all my gains today and simply breaking even and selling out of the market. I figure the Dow is heading lower for the next couple of months and jumped ship. The lesson I learned today. Wait for the trend to develop if you know about a make or break day coming instead of guessing it wrong. Of course if I had guessed right, would have been nice. Could have made 10 percent today instead of nothing at all. Of course that would be if the market doesn't reverse course on Monday. I'm staying away from daytrading to avoid breaking some rules.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    Maybe it was SS, maybe not. Maybe she was testing me to see if I would bite. I didn't say anything about what she said so maybe she thought I wasn't interested. I noticed I didn't see her this past weekend and now I am having a lot of trouble even remembering what she even looked like 2 weeks later. I even forgot to check out this web site I think since last weekend. I don't have enough time to read or do everything I want to do. I guess that's life.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Platinum Plus web site question
    Ok, I missed the visit our myspace icon in the bottom right section of one of the main screens. I see it now. Still didn't see the feature entertainer though. What was her name?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn stars as featured performers...
    snowtime, can you name the club in Greenville that closed? I'm curious. It wasn't Diamonds was it? I don't know what that building may have been used for before if it was used for anything else. I like looking at feature entertainers if they look good and are nice to me. I don't want them spilling liquids on me or accidently splashing liquids all over the crowd where I'm sitting at. I don't want to be part of any show if she decides to rip your clothing or shirt off either. So what does the feature entertainer appearing at PP look like? I'm curious now. Is her pic on the web site of the club? I'm not that familiar with the names or faces of many of the porn star feature entertainers unless they have been featured in strip clubs for a long time.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Swearing off.
    I usually don't swear. Therefore I will skip the swearing off ceremony. Besides when I'm talking to a dancer, I seldom talk about strip club topics if I'm already a bit familiar with her and her dance prices. Sticking to strictly strip club topics is a bit too restrictive in my opinion. Lol, new tongue twister for you. It could be worse though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for a stripper to make it to your favorites list?
    If a dancer club hops, I know of 3 that did last weekend, she could be a favorite at one club but not the other. I just say no to lap dances at the overpriced club. If they would just lower the dance price instead of giving away all the token junk and charge you extra, I would probably get dances there as well.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What does it take for a stripper to make it to your favorites list?
    For me it's pretty simple. She has to keep appealing to me. That means she looks good and makes me feel good either by her great looks and/or doing great lap dances with a nice attitude. If she tries charging me too much for her dances though, I'll probably shoot her down before she can even dance for me though. I don't really have a list and last weekend I was ignoring old favorites and trying out different dancers. I don't do that often because it costs a bit of money to try out different dancers but it can be fun. I was wondering if I did something to upset one old favorite because she didn't immediately ask me for a dance after I went and tipped a different dancer instead of her. Now I'm fine with no longer getting any more dances from her. I would be happy if she is ok with that too. Instead of cutting off an old favorite dancer cold turkey, I think I'll go with the maybe later line if she finds me free or maybe tell her I'll let her make more money dancing for other guys since she suggested she was giving me a big price break.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    I believe we'll be getting a price break on oil and gas during the summer or the next 2 or 3 months compared to now. All this talk of forever increasing prices reminds me of stories of a tulip bubble and other bubbles. Of course if your time horizon is years instead of the near future, I am bullish too. No use debating this now, we can talk about it in August after gas prices have dropped down a bit if anyone even remembers this topic.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    I guess I forgot about this topic. Was too busy reading financial news and didn't even make it to this site for the last couple of days. I heard some guys get about as excited watching stocks and financial news as some guys do with porn. I guess if you're making money and find it very interesting. As far as the girl in question goes, I'll take things one step at a time. First of all I will have to remember what she looked like. If she's there, she'll probably find me though. I don't know why one week seems like an eternity sometimes. I am learning a lot about stocks in general, market forecasts, etc. I guess I'm lucky that financial news seems very interesting to me especially because it can become very profitable when you start determing the market direction of so many markets, stocks, and ETF funds. However I also learned the professionals know a whole lot more than I do. So much knowledge and so little time to read it all. I think I'm even learning how to forecast the mood of people in entire countries. Ahh, pretty far off the topic of should someone date a stripper. Actually I never considered dating. I just used to hang out with some after they got off from work. There weren't too many regular bars near the military town I used to live near a long time ago. Of course if she keeps appealing to the right part of my anatomy, she could go far. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shifted Display
    Apparently I caused some trouble. Not the first time though. I didn't realize posting that long link would shift everything over and keep something in memory affecting the rest of the web site. However it appears just that one thread is affected. I'll try to reduce the size of any long links in the future if I remember. I actually thought the text in the link would wrap back to a second line but I guess not. It would be nice if we could post links that were clickable instead of having to copy and paste the link in the address bar to go to a link mentioned in the comments.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Party animals....
    Every once in a while you'll run across a dancer who is ready to scold you if she thinks you drank too much. Fortunately most dancers aren't like that. Just because a dancer can't handle 5 beers doesn't mean a big guy can't. I remember I was joking with a dancer saying I had 5 beers before I came over to the club. She started scolding me not letting me get a word in. I had enough of her. I didn't bother to mention that was several hours ago and I ate as well so very little if any alcohol was still in me. She was a party pooper.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Party animals....
    I have noticed a few dancers on a few occasions during the last few years who seemed to have one too many. One or two dancers were so sleepy or tired that one was lying down on me like she wanted to go to sleep. However it was about 5 am and I'm usually sleeping at that time myself. Typically a lot of dancers don't even drink alcohol and the others only in moderation or very little at all. So if the dancers who drink are the party girls, I don't have any problem with them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Party animals....
    I haven't really noticed any party girls in the strip clubs. I thought the strip club was the party.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    Lol, my first thought when I heard that was "how about if we just become fuck buddies?" however instead I didn't say anything. She was starting to dance for me. My memory is fuzzy, I remember another dancer I tried out said she likes to talk dirty during her dances. I do remember her. She looks good and she made a point in saying that this was the first time she has danced for me and that is after a few years of me not agreeing to get dances. Typically she worked in a no touch club but she ran into me later on along with 2 of her friends that I recognized. I'm not used to dancers club hopping to the same place I'm at. I remember several years ago I promised myself I wasn't going to go out with any more dancers. Then one dancer managed to break me down in the last few years. I'm thinking maybe I need to go to other clubs if I'm thinking about going out with dancers again. I guess I'm slightly conflicted. I'm kind of ranting here. I think if I see the one dancer again, I'll just have to talk to her some more. I know almost nothing about her.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer asks "do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    I think I know shadowcat's answer, he would just fuck her, if it's free all the better. However would it matter if she expected you to really be a boyfriend? I believe I rarely hook up with a dancer if I think about it too much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    My screen display is really acting up now, oh well. Yeah, as someone commented the amount of money I spend for depreciation on my car is probably just now equal to the gas price per year and my car is now almost 7 years old. Maintenance has been pretty low, just routine stuff. My car's value has been holding up pretty well, so good in fact that I've had the dealer call me twice saying there is a lot of demand for the type of car I drive. I do not own a hybrid but apparently it is a very reliable car. Knocking on wood now. Still another 1000 bucks a year could buy me a lot of extra lap dances, now Exxon and big oil are going to get it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    I tried to post a good link. However with the government, they had to change it and I couldn't find it anymore so it looks more cumbersome to find things. The closest I found was near the bottom on this link listed under popular links within it. http://www.eere.energy.gov/ Here's an article on using aluminum, water, and gallium to make competitively priced hydrogen. Competitive with fossil fuels that is. http://www.isa.org/Content/ContentGroups/News/20082/February28/Aluminum_alloy_produces_hydrogen_on_demand.htm lots of interesting articles in their archives here http://www.isa.org/InTechTemplate.cfm?Section=e-News_Archives&Template=/ContentManagement/AllContentList.cfm&ICID=%2778%2C4559%27&PageName=InTech%20e-News%20Archives Just highlight, press control+C to copy, then paste into your browser address with control+ V and then you should have it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    If someone wants to drive slow on the interstate, please stay in the right lane. You might want your road hazard lights flashing too if you're more than 10 mph under the speed limit. Better yet, find roads that don't require interstate travel. If I'm going to a strip club, I don't care about going superslow to save one gallon of gas. In fact if we had an autobahn, I'd be willing to pay a little bit of money to drive it since I can get over 20 mpg at higher speeds. I don't know how fast it drops off at real fast speeds since I haven't tested that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    If I average 12,000 miles per year at 23 mpg, I use roughly 522 gallons of gas a year. At $2 a gallon I paid about $1,044 per year for gas. Now I should be paying about twice that whenever gas reaches $4 a gallon here which should be any day now the way prices have been rising. A few extra miles per gallon really does make a difference. I read for every 5 miles per hour above 55 you travel, it's like paying an extra 10 cents per gallon. After doing some searching that's not really a true statement I believe anymore. Apparently it depends on how aerodynamic your care or vehicle is. Someone claimed that their prius only saved 3 to 4 mpg doing 50 mph than they got at 75 mph. I haven't noticed that much of a change (the 5 percent difference per every 5 mph over 55) myself either. My car is more aerodynamic and is not a big SUV.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Chandler is not dead.
    My first thought after reading this was what I thought was funny at first. I wonder how many guys ask her "hey, you want to have another one?" However in reality that is not funny. If she's getting child support, she may not be doing as bad. However I knew of one dancer with a kid and she couldn't get the guy to pay anything. hmmm, that was about 12 or 13 years ago when she was only 20 or 21. I can't imagine what it's like to have 5 kids and be single and a dancer. Maybe she's married.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    If one of my nieces ever took off her clothes, I believe she would have some big hooters. However I believe she won a scholarship or grant for up to $150,000 so I don't believe anyone will be seeing her in a strip club anytime soon. Somehow saying she's stripping for the money just wouldn't be believable. One time I did meet a dancer who said she had a college degree and could work in her major. She explained to me how she was making a lot more as a dancer and was putting off regular work. I'm thinking if it paid that much more, maybe it wasn't a mistake. Ok, I'll stop posting on this thread for a while.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    A silly answer to "are all strippers stupid?" It's all relative to the size of her tits. The bigger they are, the smaller the IQ of the guy becomes. In other words if she has big uns or big guns, she is very intelligent, you're too busy googling or goggling over the size of those hooters. However being honest, hooters the size of a small basketball is a bit too big and becomes more of a turnoff. It might draw looks out of curiousity but that is not a turnon.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    and another dancer might have said, "half the customers are drunk already, what do you expect?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    and in response, some dancers probably have already asked, "what is wrong with all the customers, are they dense?"