
Comments by casualguy (page 102)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Masters Myrtle Beach Strip Club
    I tried to go there and didn't have any problem with the site popping up. It might have been temporarily down.
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    17 years ago
    Bird brains
    I guess it's that time of year for the bird brains to fiercely defend their territory from enemy reflections in the windows or whatever. :) I've seen these bird brains at work at several places over the years. Fortunately I haven't seen a bird go at my windows that fiercely. Maybe my windows are too dirty. Of course I have other bird problems. I have a bird that acts like it owns my house, my mailbox, my trash can, and everything else in the yard. I haven't seen it the last couple of days. It might be marking territory at the neighbors house now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever had Porn Internet Serendipity with a particular girl?
    I didn't know Houston was going to be a feature entertainer at one club I went to many years ago. I didn't let it stop me before when they had a feature I wasn't that familiar with. Maybe this was before she did a massive gang bang. Anyway I was a bit mad at her for ripping my shirt. That shirt cost me money. I probably wouldn't even go to a club if I knew she was there. I've had several different porn stars or dancers claiming to be porn stars seem to give me extra attention when I was sitting or standing at the stage. Usually I liked it but not that one night. I seriously doubt I could get an STD by tipping a stripper or feature entertainer at the stage.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    An Attraction to the Darkside
    If you really want to talk about getting bored and daydreaming, I could tell you what I have thought about while in church. It involves a soldier in futuristic sci-fi type armor and gear suddenly materializing beside me in the middle of church. Then he tells me "commander, sorry for breaking your cover but we need you to join us in the battle at Ja-Kzar" or some odd place. Then another couple of soldiers materialize out of thin air. The first one slaps a plastic armor wrist band around my arm and suddenly a bunch of futuristic gear and armor materializes around me. Then he injects me with nanobots to make me remember everything. Then I tell my relative I'll be back soon. Then, I disappear in a temporal vortex into the future. See what happens when I get bored? I've also had a terrorist daydream involving church. That one wasn't pretty. Daydreaming can be a fun way to pass the time.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    An Attraction to the Darkside
    I never really gave this idea much thought. Maybe I move around too much or dancers are constantly interacting with me. Compared to some dark side dreams I've had, strip clubs are a rose garden. When I'm bored and my mind starts daydreaming, I start imagining myself in a sci-fi future with gadgets and abilities that most people haven't even imagined. One thing I can't seem to stop thinking about involves a levitation effect. Some of my dreams are almost instructional as if someone is telling me if you use this device and float across a room a few inches above the floor, this will have the effect of scaring the living daylights out of most people watching. I can dream up some weird stuff. One very cool parlor trick in some of my real dreams (not daydreams) is to hold out the palm of my hand. Then I let everyone watch a nuclear blast go off about an inch above my palm (very miniaturized). It rises a few inches high and forms a neat mushroom cloud. No radiation, no deafening shock wave, and no blinding light from my little demonstration. Maybe I saw too many "need a light?" commercials. A couple of times I might have thought "this blonde girl reminds me of the 3 blonde alien females that took me aboard their ship for a wild night." Of course that was only a dream I had one night. I tend to not talk about my darkside thoughts. Those are scary.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Are you a cop?
    I'm envious, no dancer ever seems to ask me this. I wonder if it's some way I act or they can tell when I tip them on stage. I don't know, maybe they have a pic of me back stage saying "definitely not a cop". I remember one club many years ago, the dancers would tell me when vise walked into the club. I wondered "how do they know?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    VA Tech...
    Speaking on a brighter note, I heard about a 76 year old professor I think he was. He is being called a hero trying to barricade a door and taking shots in the process while letting some students escape out a window. I heard of some other students pushing a table against a door while the gunman shot through the door but they were all down near the floor. Those bullets he wasted may have saved more lives. I don't know how much ammo this guy had. I'm also wondering if 2 hours passed between the first group of killings in the dorm and later in the classrooms. What did he do during those 2 hours? Maybe I missed something. I'm just trying to make sense of the whole thing.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    VA Tech...
    I believe the whole nation is in shock wondering Why? Why? I believe the individual may have been suffering from mental illness and/or depression. I don't understand how anyone could just go around shooting everyone in site unless they were mentally ill or the devil himself. It's my opinion such an individual visualizes all the victims as objects instead of human beings. The individual isn't happy with something in his life and he blames everyone in a group or maybe in this case everyone he sees. It's trully tragic that so many had to suffer and die as a result of this individual having problems. What's even more sad is that I heard today someone may have reported this individual to the police already as having some serious problems but the police told them that there was nothing they could do unless he broke the law. If anyone reading this is suffering problems and blames society, please ask for help instead of seeking revenge. I do believe everyone has a soul and they will be judged on everything they did. Murder and/or suicide is not the answer. my 2 cents. Maybe if people were convinced that suicide doesn't end anything and they would get punished for killing others or themselves, they wouldn't do it. If anyone reading this was personally affected by the events, my condolences.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer in mourning.
    I would tell her your condolences when you see her. She may not remember and I don't think that hurts to show you care. Then I would not discuss it anymore unless she does. Death is a painful experience and some people may not want to talk about it or not talk about it with people outside their immediate families. If she's working and in the club, she may want her routine to get back to as normal as possible. This is just my opinion but I've experienced the death of someone close and know of one dancer and a co-worker that both lost someone close.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    If you posted a discussion topic and it didnt show up...
    I don't remember if this happened to me or not. Since I don't remember, I wouldn't care if they got deleted.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When does stripper shit turn turn into bonifide conversation between friends?
    I was thinking what stripper shit? However I wouldn't be surprised if some dancers talk about customer shit. I was thinking I told one dancer who asked me for a dance maybe later. I just got there and was drinking some beer I had. She went to work on getting dances from another group. Right before she had a chance to finish up with them, I moved to another corner of the club and then snuck out the door. I knew I was next on her hit list. That's not really customer shit in my opinion, it's just a savvy customer. I might have stayed if the rest of the club wasn't so boring.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever had Porn Internet Serendipity with a particular girl?
    One dancer told me after getting some dances from her that she appeared on some famous wrestling show as one of the show girls. Guess that's not the same thing though. Maybe seeing people on TV doesn't seem as exciting when I've met several people on TV. I unintentionally got caught in the background on the news once or twice. I just happened to be where the news was happening. I've seen my mother, friends, and the next door neighbor on the news all at different times. I prefer to stay off camera and away from reporters.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever had Porn Internet Serendipity with a particular girl?
    I seem to be the opposite here. I'm not really interested in finding out a girl I just got a lap dance from is a porn star. I had one dancer tell me this before. I would have never guessed. Another dancer was selling sex videos online and I was actually surprised to find out. Here I thought she seemed somewhat shy and there she is on the net. I remember meeting another girl who had a live web cam. She did look pretty good both off and online. I don't think she did porno. I've seen a few female porn stars when they were feature entertainers. Some looked pretty good, others looked a bit older and seemed to be getting by with their celebrity status or their claim to it. I know of one dancer who seemed to like me more than I originally thought and she did tell me she wanted to be a porn star. At first I was wondering if she was joking and then I started wondering who she intended to be on camera with. Then I started thinking, I hope she was joking. She told me right before she gave me a lap dance as if she wanted to make me wonder what she meant by that. I don't really like the thought I could be getting secretly videotaped. This dancer was a bit reckless at times so I really didn't know for sure what she might do next. When I first went clubbing, I was into getting pics taken so I have a few pics of naked porn stars sitting on my lap. They claimed they were porn stars but I never saw them before. Unless a porn star is pretty and acts nice, I'm not too fond of them appearing as a feature entertainer. I still remember one called Houston ripping my shirt open. She ruined a nice shirt. I wasn't too happy. I remember another called Syndney or something like that. She was pretty and seemed nice.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    For those of you hoping to continue ...
    By the time I'm ready to retire, I expect the government to have screwed over social security so much that social security will only be a supplement to my 401K and anything else I have. It should be called social insecurity since if I had that money to invest myself, I would have a very nice and large retirement fund just using that money alone. The really sad truth is that our government has no trust fund and is using the money collected for social insecurity to pay now and hope they figure out something later for everyone else who will retire later. If I had an opt out option, I'd still be better opting out even though I've paid social security for many years.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Things You'll Never Hear a Stripper Say
    Here's a new one for me that I had not heard before. customer asking dancer "You mind if I tip her?" (a dancer on stage) dancer "Yes" Then she grabs my hand and leads me off to the dance room.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What Does A Stripper Spend Her Money On
    In response to grrldancer, I guess this is one of the threads that came back from the dead. With the old format, all threads with no replies in the last 7 days were automatically dropped and disappeared off the discussion board. Answering the question of what do strippers spend money on, I know of one that is probably facing a hefty hotel charge since she is at the beach. Then there are all the tip out fees at the club she is working at. She makes sure to show up on time as well or else there is a $100 late fee charge as I call it for not showing up by a given time. Years ago I never knew some clubs had a scheme where they could charge the dancer a fee if they showed up late.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    I just noticed or realized when posting new comments, you can still see the rest of the thread. That's a really nice change.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Tax Day
    I've been done for over a week. Every year I keep thinking about adjusting my withholding so that my refund is just a tiny amount. I tell myself well 1 percent interest on that amount isn't even enough to pay cover charge for several clubs so I just leave it alone. With the democrats getting back in charge, I expect my taxes to go back up. Probably not a whole lot since I estimated my total tax savings due to all the tax cuts at only $50 the first year of the tax cuts. Therefore, my taxes probably won't change a whole lot unless whoever in office thinks of a new way to screw us all over. I have faith though, we'll get screwed over some way some how. To top it all off, I heard the IRS doesn't have enough auditors to go after all the people filing phony tax returns and claiming outrageous tax deductions. They need to hire some more to go after most of the outrageous red flags. I suggest complaining to your congressmen. The government estimates the amount of unpaid taxes is about 300 billion dollars. That unpaid money instead gets taxed back against everyone else who does pay. Here's a case where any private business could justify the expense and make money by collecting more than enough revenue. Of course no one likes the IRS anyway.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    The new rating system, does it take the average rating for a given user and count that one average together with every other unique user to determine the final rating? It appears to be that way to me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    It might take me a little while to notice all the differences.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    Yes, I just noticed that. Looks nice there. Having the rating and number of reviews beside each club would be a nice extra feature to those lists. Just a suggestion.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    I just checked out the search by state. That's not too bad. You can just scroll down to the city of your choice. If you wanted to add a nice feature to that and had room, you could add rating number, and the number of reviews beside the club name. I guess I can live wihout the search by city name since there aren't usually too many cities in a given state with strip clubs. Maybe I'm wrong though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Format Comments, Complaints and Bugs
    The biggest thing I still miss is searching clubs by city name, maybe city and state to be more precise. When I go traveling, I may not know the club names but I do know the city name. It just makes it easier to find unknown clubs using this site.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How has "clubbing" changed your life, if at all?
    I spent some money but I have fond memories as a result. Clubbing has made me happier overall. I've had some fun times in regular clubs as well with regular girls and a couple of times with dancers in their off time. I once thought $50 in cash was a lot of cash to being carrying around even for a special occasion. I don't think so anymore. Going to clubs has been an educational experience.