
Comments by zipman68 (page 72)

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    11 years ago
    Just in from CNN...
    Hard4Dancers my man...we get it. You don't like Alucard. I've defended many a troll that I think is funny. But all the bumping of old threads, reiterating Alucard's old profile info, and the mean-spirited stuff just gets boring. What's the point? What did Alucard do to you other than post stuff you don't like on a discussion board? Yes, Alucard is an oddball. But we're all a bit odd. You can put him on ignore if you really don't like his posts. Peace man ;-)
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    11 years ago
    Women of CNN vs. FOX
    Looking for pics of Patti Ann's tits I ran across www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXGOMuylYe0 Not Patti Ann, but still pretty coo-el.
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    11 years ago
    Women of CNN vs. FOX
    #18 Patti Ann Browne Cannot believe that chick is almost 50. I'm not an extras hound but I'd be tempted to do her ITC. Let those tits out Patti Ann!
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Street walkers
    You're a humanitarian SnackBox69...I knew my faith in you was not misplaced. Maybe we should start a charity to support your streetwalker outreach efforts.
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    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Street walkers
    Motorhead is probably right. Thrill may be more important than sex. But there is a more important question -- what does a chick that walks the streets and gives CFS for < $50 or so look like? I cannot believe I would want to hit that on my saddest day...
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    Just to expand a bit...my problem would be with actions in the present. Not the past. Especially for an arm of the govt they should be as open as humanly possible and that includes things like porno Tiffany (if my hypothetical were true) and a former KKK member. To make it concrete, I remember a documentary that showed a pre-teen neo-Nazi group called Prussian Blue. Apparently, the have given up being neo-Nazis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prussian_Blue If those girls wanted to teach or do something else, shouldn't the question be "will they be unfair to non-whites now?" and not "were they ever Nazis?" (Easier in their case since they were under 18 when they were Nazis, but still...)
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    @jester214 -- it would depend. In the hypothetical I posed Tiffany was a former pornstar who hadn't lied about her past. If we swapped KKK for pornstar in that hypothetical AND there was no evidence she was grading unfairly I say keep her job. The one difference between KKK and pornstar is that -- if you believe what the KKK believes -- non-whites are inferior. If that translated to unequal grading or treatment it would interfere with her job. Pornstar isn't associated with a similar ideology that could interfere with the duties of being a teacher (except discipline issues). Under 18 kids shouldn't be looking at porn so basically teaching them that they have to respect her could actually be a positive (in a perfect wold -- not so much in the real world). If Tiffany were an active KKK member but kept it private and there is zero evidence she was grading unfairly I'd support her staying on. That's a tougher call. Remember, I altered Tiffany's case to pose a hypothetical. I don't have a problem with her being fired for actively filming gangbangs as a teacher (likely contrary to her contract) and then lying about it. Plus, if a person actually believes KKK ideology one would expect unequal treatment. Said teacher should be fired for that. If she's an *active* KKK member she probably believes what they sell. If she was former KKK but then rejected KKK ideology, zero problem. Again, if students found out it could be a "teachable moment".
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    (Tied to the) Whipping Post
    Motorhead my man...do you dig the Allman Bros? Nothing like "Tied to the Whipping Post" just as your acid trip is peaking at an outdoor festival in Telluride. Best time...my buddy was going to get tickets but flaked 'cos he was a crazy stoned hippy livin' in a shack in Silverton. Didn't tell me he flaked 'til we got into Telluride. So we decided to scalp. Found a wacky hippy who sold us tickets at face value. Then we realized he had tucked some blotter papers in without telling us. Yes my brothers...FREE ACID!!! So we went into the fest, dropped some acid, watched stoned hippy chicks twirl in the rain (nothing like a bra less hippy dancin' in the rain. Wanted to sit on some hay bails but there were uptight folks hangin' by the hay. We made friends though...I was so high on the acid I could not roll a joint. I had a pack o' zig zags and a bag o' weed and KNEW that they could be combined to get us even higher (& possibly be used to convince hippy chicks to hang with us). But damned if I could figure out how... So we got the uptight folks to roll doobies for us. They got a whole lot less uptight and we had a good ol' time sittin' on the hay, smokin' weed. Then the Allmans kicked into "whipping post" just as the universe began to melt. I could swear the bass solo went on for at least an hour...but that was probably the acid and weed... Ah...the folly of youth. If I tried that again I'd probably get arrested (unless Colorado goes soopah-coo-el and legalizes acid...). Alas, I'm not sure I'd want legal acid...fucked up people would be drivin' and shit. Not coo-el.
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    11 years ago
    The Duck Dynasty Fiasco
    The thing that I think is cool about this fiasco is that it really illustrates free speech working, contrary to the OP. Robertson says something gay people find obnoxious. Exercises his right to free speech. I'd probably find it obnoxious too, but I'll reserve judgement that maybe it would be ok in context. Doesn't matter -- even if it was really obnoxious I'd still support his right to free speech. Regardless, GLAAD speak up about the issue, exercising their right to free speech. Then pro-Robertson groups speak up threatening A&E with a boycott. That's their right. Gov't stays out of all of it -- as they should. Whether or not A&E will lose or gain viewers from this isn't the point. They made a decision that they believed to be in their best business interests. If they fucked up it sucks to be them. I haven't watched A&E in years. They used to have shows more to my taste but then started doing "reality" TV. I haven't watched full shows, but the commercials for stuff like "Dog the Bounty Hunter and his big-titted wife or girlfriend" did not appeal. If your going to have a chick with big tits on a show she should be HAWT. Reading about Duck Dynasty actually made me more interested in it. But other things I read make me suspect that the show is way less interesting than the Robertsons actually are. Looking around I found an interesting blog post with that perspective: www.salon.com/2013/12/20/phil_robertsons_true_colors_the_real_duck_dynasty_story_isnt_on_tv/ Still doesn't make it any sort of infringement of Robertson's right to free speech.
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    11 years ago
    Mnnnnn All The Haters Be Hungry for Dick.....
    Yeah...national troll day is a time for Betty!
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    11 years ago
    What Does It Mean If She Swallows?
    Dude...it means you've got a keeper. But don't kid yourself that you're special, as the other pervs say. I've only had one stripper tell me I was "special" that I believed. This was many moons ago before my marriage. Before the dance she just said "I don't have many rules". Then, after the dance and taking and swallowing my load she said "yeah...well I don't do this with everybody". I said something like "really" and her reply was "yeah...you have to be careful about who you do it with...not like you can come out and say 'I'll suck your cock'...club might get raided and not worth it unless i know you'll tip...you came in and paid for a drink and tipped more than a dollar on stage. Hey, some cheap guy comes in I'm not going to do anything..." I *totally* believed that. I was special 'cos my wallet was special. Totally plausible.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    @carl95 -- agreed. Paying teachers enough that any gangbangs they do are for fun (and unfilmed) would be good. @crsm27 -- to be fair, I've only seen a video with her taking 3 cocks at once. Do more dudes join in later? not like i've watched the *whole* video. If you've seen a more extensive gangbang...DON'T BOGART THE PORN my friend. Let's have a link! Wait, I know how to get rehired...maybe there should be a rule like "max # of cocks is set by # of holes normally used for sex -- if you've got a dick in each hole & dudes are standing around waiting their turn you've crossed a line". Would work if she's never actually had a 7 cock gangbang... Seriously though, i would like to see government entities held to a higher standard regarding their regulation of private behavior. The first amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The spirit of the law, in my opinion, is that the government lays off our freedoms. I have no issue with a private entity having contractual obligations that you not say certain things. I suspect A&E knows whether they can suspend given their contract. I just don't have much sympathy for the Duck Dynasty dude -- if he feels aggrieved -- since it was private entities having a dispute. However, the dude may have actually wanted out of his contract and decided not to self-censor. Could actually increase appearance fees for audiences that agree with him. I have more sympathy for Tiffany (or would if she hadn't lied).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Supreme Court Of Canada Throws Out All Remaining Restrictions On Prostitution
    Sharkhunter is right. I think streetwalking should be illegal. Alternatively you could have specific zones like Switzerland where there are "luv shacks" available. Otherwise, let folks do what they're gonna do anyways. The government could actually do something 'bout pimping by passing some maximum amount the "organizer of a bawdy house" can take. But for most people if I was into whoring and had a choice between a clean $300-$1K and <$150 with a streetwalker (no idea what a typical streetwalker costs) I'd go clean. I suspect costs will work themselves out based upon the appeal of the prostitute. Plus it would allow strippers to arrange ITC (if the management were cool with it) or OTC without fear of Johnny Law. There will still be issue. But I don't see how legalization can make it worse.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I gots a TURTLE DICK my friends. A mothahfuckin' TURTLE DICK!!!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRJhHoUuaoY Check out that turtles O-face. Freaky, freaky shit right there.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    The Duck Dynasty Fiasco
    Agree with Goodsoutherndude... Calling these guys inbred hillbillies isn't cool. The dudes have a right to their views. They're living their lives the way they want to (I presume) and making a lot of money doing it. That's pretty smart in my book. I strongly feel that they have the right to say WHATEVER they want. I just don't think the network suspending the patriarch is a free speech issue. I assume that A&E acted within the boundaries of the contract. If they didn't, the Duck Dynasty folks should sue. However, I suspect the Duck Dynasty folks will do better by letting the A&E show die. I read a few stories about the show and apparently A&E was bleeping the prayers to Jesus for a period, until Mr. Duck Dynasty complained. Seems that A&E was skittish about the in your face Xtianity on the show for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if the Duck Dynasty dude wasn't irritated by that and just decided "fuck it, I'll just say what I want and if they fire me that's fine." Fuck it. I'm gonna go watch some wholesome TV. I think the new "Two and a Half Men" is gonna have Ashton Kutcher smoke a doobie and Jon Cryer fuck a transsexual. And the kid is gonna light his own farts. No references to Jesus. You know...just like the last episode. Ahhhh...FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Supreme Court Of Canada Throws Out All Remaining Restrictions On Prostitution
    @jester -- a person who really embraced either social liberalism or libertarianism should not be against prostitution. Such a person would say that the government (through the legal system) should only intervene in people's affairs if one person (or group of people) are actually infringing upon the rights of another (person or group). There are clear cases of this (any sort of violence, theft, etc) and fuzzier cases (e.g., if a strip club next to me was playing loud music at 3am I'd want the police to shut that down; if they kept everything inside the club...well, I'd be inside the club too!). Prostitution doesn't infringe upon anybody's rights. As long as there is no human trafficking or coercion and everybody is 18+ years old the government should keep it nose out of our crotches (unless they'd like to send a HAWT redhead govt employee to blow me...I could live with that).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    Oops ...teaching students...
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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    True dat rockstar...like I said, she wasn't a perfect poster child. But teaching student that they need to respect the position of teacher even if they've seen film of her takin' a cock up the pooper might be good for the kids. Overall we need to be less uptight I say anything that gets more hot chicks to take it up the ass, on film or otherwise, is soopah-groove-EE!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Supreme Court declares Canada's anti-prostitution laws unconstitutional
    I'm movin' to Canada!! I've always said, if George H. W. Bush really wanted to make the place a kinder, gentler nation he'd merge with Canada and let's the Ottowa run things. Of course, that might be good for us but why would the Canadians want that?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    Oops. ...took a dick in each hole...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Freedom of Speech my Friends...
    PS my pervo bros. Truth is that I'd rather have a better poster child than somebody who lied. Plus I know there is complexity -- blackmail would be a concern in some position. But c'mon folks, if we support freedom we should support freedom On the other hand Tiffany worked HARD for her money. That babe too a dick in each hole like a champ. AT THE SAME TIME!!! Isn't that the work ethic we want in our teachers?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Intelligence Test
    And this dialog if ilbbaicnl had been speaking Juicinese: ilbbaicnl: waye u talks i likez u frum wear at??? Stripper: Sorry...couldn't hear you over the music. Can I sit with you? ilbbaicnl: yo fo dillies sitta sitta down yo assa. U talks all sexxxy an shee-it. Where u frum??? Stripper: (confused) Thank you. I appreciate the complement. I am from Moldova. Do you know where Moldova is? ilbbaicnl: Ummma Ummma Ummma... Dat be da place wher mold cum frum??? Stripper: (nonplussed) No, I'm from the country of Moldova. I grew up in Chisinau. That's a city in Moldova. ilbbaicnl: u grue yo chesticles in a moldy oven??? Dat shit don make so cents. butt u gotz da nice nice tittays. Yo ass be reelee sexxxy. Kin I payz u 2 lemme put an xxxtra kris-pay drumma sticko up yo bunghole??? Me gots a booket! Howe mucho??? (Holding out $3.50, an old spearmint candy, and a used Kleenex tissue) Stripper: Oh, I see. You are very SMART. I'm going to get the nice man by the door to escort you to the room for our smartest customers. (makes a bee line toward the bouncer). Are YOU smart?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i am a god
    Say it like Yoda you should. Hmmmm? God you are. Yes. Yes.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Bull in my lee me yuh fo shizzle
    'Tis all in jest my friends...all in jest. Jack my man, it sounds like you're becoming fluent in Juicinese. Nothing to fear from that. Soon Juicinese will be Lingua Franca for dudes livin' in a van down by the river. And from there it will expand and take over all the world. Trust me, in our dystopian future we'll all talk just like that!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucked up Leia Ripley would have. Hmmmmmm? Likes the name Yoda Yoda does. Indicates wisdom he thinks it does. Hmmmmm?