
(Tied to the) Whipping Post

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Does your favorite ever make you feel like that?


  • ime
    11 years ago
    not really into the bondage and S&M
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    No. You can only put yourself in that position.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Sometimes I feel, like a Whipping Post...
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    No. Wrapped around her little finger at times and can't do anything about it? Yes.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    No, why would she still be a fav?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    In all seriousness, no. My CF has gotten me dances from other dancers. She's smart enough to know that she'll get my money.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Motorhead my man...do you dig the Allman Bros? Nothing like "Tied to the Whipping Post" just as your acid trip is peaking at an outdoor festival in Telluride.

    Best time...my buddy was going to get tickets but flaked 'cos he was a crazy stoned hippy livin' in a shack in Silverton. Didn't tell me he flaked 'til we got into Telluride. So we decided to scalp. Found a wacky hippy who sold us tickets at face value. Then we realized he had tucked some blotter papers in without telling us. Yes my brothers...FREE ACID!!!

    So we went into the fest, dropped some acid, watched stoned hippy chicks twirl in the rain (nothing like a bra less hippy dancin' in the rain. Wanted to sit on some hay bails but there were uptight folks hangin' by the hay. We made friends though...I was so high on the acid I could not roll a joint. I had a pack o' zig zags and a bag o' weed and KNEW that they could be combined to get us even higher (& possibly be used to convince hippy chicks to hang with us). But damned if I could figure out how...

    So we got the uptight folks to roll doobies for us. They got a whole lot less uptight and we had a good ol' time sittin' on the hay, smokin' weed.

    Then the Allmans kicked into "whipping post" just as the universe began to melt. I could swear the bass solo went on for at least an hour...but that was probably the acid and weed...

    Ah...the folly of youth. If I tried that again I'd probably get arrested (unless Colorado goes soopah-coo-el and legalizes acid...). Alas, I'm not sure I'd want legal acid...fucked up people would be drivin' and shit. Not coo-el.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Zip-Now that's what I call a groovy time.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    @Zip-Far out, man. Happy Trails!
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Kool story bro
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Lying,cheating,hurting-that's all you seem to do
    Messing around every guy in town
    Putting me down for thinking of someone new
    Always the same-playing your game
    Drive me insane-trouble's gonna come to you
    One of these days and it won't be long
    You'll look for me,but baby,I'll be gone
    This is all I gotta say to you woman
    Your time is gonna come
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Whipping post?

    Is that when she gives your dick a lickin but you just keep on tickin?
    Or are you talkin bout when she really smacks?

    I did feel a bit disturbed when one girl smiled and said she already had 3 orgasms before me. That really seemed disturbing. She was super persistent in asking for sex when she saw me again. Made me wonder if she could have been telling the truth. I thought strippers lied all the time. So many seemed to be named after a car.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Tied to a whipping post? No. Pussy whipped? Yeah, sometimes. But sometimes the pussy is worth the whipping.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    No I use a boulder and some barbed wire.
  • AnonymousJim
    11 years ago
    Never. You have the money, ergo you are in control.

    I know some guys talk about places where dancers are very possessive and don't allow others to touch "their" customers, so in that scenario, I could see that. But, if anything, that means two things:

    1. You've given that dancer reason to believe they should feel like only they get you. Get a dance with someone else. If you approach another dancer, I don't think they're going to get up and run away.

    2. You're at places too small for their own good. Get to someplace bigger where the girls can't keep track of who's "got" who.

    I've never had the problem where I've felt obliged to a dancer for anything. I get to make the choice whether or not I want to spend my money on you. Not you.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Jim in any business transaction both parties have something the other wants, so neither has absolute control. Dancers get to make the choice whether or not they will get anywhere near you.

    In any business transaction, if you feel like you can't walk away from it, you're running a big risk of getting totally screwed over. When I go to
    the SC, if nobody I like offers me a dance, I watch the stage show, tip reasonably, and get out of there having spent less than $50. I roll over the savings into my roll for the next visit.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    But I'm getting quite good at becoming a masochist.
  • AnonymousJim
    11 years ago
    @ilbbaicnl True, but the dancers are there to make money, and you're in control of the money. Yes, I suppose if you're totally repulsive, smell bad or are really creepy, the dancer might not think your money is worth it, but I don't have that problem. They want what you have and there's a lot of them there. You are in position to hold out for what you want. You're in control.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    @Jim and you're there to get lap dances, and they are in control of them. But hey, if that's your kink, feeling like your Alexander Haig when you're up in the club, enjoy!
  • AnonymousJim
    11 years ago
    I like the Haig reference. But when I leave the club without getting a dance, I usually grumble a bit about wasting time but know I still have the cash. When a girl leaves without doing dances, there might be mouths that don't get fed (or drug habits) or rent that doesn't get paid or whatever. They need me more than I need them.
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