
Comments by zipman68 (page 68)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    in public
    Super_Mane dude...do you fly under your own power to the clubs where you have the public sex or drive the Super_Man_Mobile? If the latter, I can see it now. I'm sure it looks just like the Batmobile 'cept its got psychedelic undercarriage lights and when you open the door dry ice fog spills out. Frickin' coo-el as shit I'm sure.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: from NEWSMAX -Detroit Police Chief: Armed Citizens Deter Crime
    ilbbaicnl -- an alternative, reality based perspective on the topics covered by Dallas' rants can be found at: www.factcheck.org/2008/03/violent-crimes-and-handgun-ownership/ You know, one based upon actual science. The long and the short of conclusion is that it is difficult to say. So many factors other than guns have an impact upon crime that -- unless the streets really were filled with roving bands of "gun-totin' heros"TM like Mr. Dallas fancies himself to be -- it would be shocking to find that guns play an important role. There is a reason the FBI doesn't keep statistics for this. No way to reliably assess crimes prevented. I bet Mr. Dallas is callin' 'em up e'ry day tellin' 'em that he prevented crimes 'cos he was all gunned up! I mean really, just read the guys posts. Dude clearly thinks the fact that his packin' heat suppresses crime in his immediate area. I enjoy the superheros but know they're fiction. Mr. Dallas thinks he IS a superhero. Maybe he should move to NOLA and fight crime there!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    In the wind
    Liberal Hypocrisies Within Science, Big Bang Theory Disproves Global Warming
    I love this ChrisTwire.org site. Every article reads like it was written by Dallas! I especially like: Russian President Vladimir Putin Beats Living Crap Out of Great White Shark, Dares Barack Obama to ‘Bring it On’ Complete with an image of Putin carrying a shark over his shoulder. Frickin' priceless.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: from NEWSMAX -Detroit Police Chief: Armed Citizens Deter Crime
    Oh...and if I was facing down an armed criminal I'd rather have Super_Mane backin' me up than an armed Mr. Dallas. Super_Mane would drop trou and shoot super jizz all over the criminal. Mr. Dallas would just lose his cool and shoot himself in the foot. Of course, I would have little to worry 'bout. With the speed force I'd outrun any bullets and dispatch the criminal with the infinite mass punch. Easy peasy! Wally West ain't got nothin' on me mothahfuckah!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: from NEWSMAX -Detroit Police Chief: Armed Citizens Deter Crime
    Most people on this board are pretty coo-el, even the ones I disagree with, but Mr. Dallas really of irks me. Between the bug he has up his butt about the word gay (not necessarily implying anything there...), his insistence that "lesbian" only be applied to residents of an island with fewer than 100,000 people (alas NOT all hot lesbians), and his pointless posts 'bout guns (I get it dude...you likes your guns and fancy yourself a potential crime fightin' hero). There are a lot of factors that have an impact on crime rates. Guns are only one of them and actual academic studies (not conducted by nut jobs with an axe to grind) have been highly equivocal. Some say yes guns help, some find no impact. Personally, I have no issue with law abiding non-idiots having guns and would be happiest to see gun laws reflect that (though Mr. Dallas has to give up his guns...only non-idiots can have firearms). Riddle me this Mr. Dallas...if crime rates go down in all cases with the easy availability of guns then what the fuck is up with NOLA?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    in public
    Dig the review Super_Mane. Did you end up fuckin' the stripper from Cheetah in public? Maybe go to the Coca Cola museum together and fuck in front of the tour groups? That would friggin' ROCK!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    in public
    It's a DARE Super_Mane...go into Publix in yo' costume ready to stop crime and if you see some crime just expose lil' Juice and start jackin' it! That'll confuse the criminals and make you a friggin' HERO!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    OT: Because guns are *bad*!
    I'll start by saying that I have no personal desire to prohibit law abiding citizens AND that I think a lot of Bloomberg's policies are shitty, but if we're being fair here there is no real hypocrisy in saying that only trained professionals that are subject to specific regulations should be allowed to do certain things. i mean really...I think it should be legal to fly planes but I don't think we should let Juice in the cockpit unless he gets a pilot's license and promises not to fly when he's on a meth, molly, and OxyContin bender! (But Juice my man...please report the results of your next meth, moly, 'n oxy bender...I bet they'll be HI-LAR-EEE-OUS!!!) And I do have to call bullshit on Dallas' moronic rant 'bout NYC... not only is he factually wrong although gun laws in NYC (handguns ARE legal with a permit, although unrestricted carry is very limited) but also about the crime rate...apparently ol' Dallas doesn't realize there are a lot of people in NYC. A LOT OF PEOPLE! So you divide the number of murders by the number of people and WOW you get a low number. Guess they didn't teach multiplication and division where ol' Dallas went to school! The murder rate in NYC is less than half that of his (presumed) home town of Dallas and about a tenth that of real war zone cities like NOLA and Detroit. Facts don't go away just 'cos they are inconvenient Mr. Dallas. Now if you asked me I wouldn't be in favor of the highly restrictive gun laws like those of NYC. Nor am I saying the low crime rate of NYC is causally connected to gun laws. Indeed, crime is a complex issue. I wouldn't have even commented here 'cos there is a bit of irony in Bloomberg's behavior and he is a bit of a douche... ...but Mr. Dallas pushes my buttons because he routinely says really stupid things and behaves as if they are great insights. He's entitled to his opinions but I'm entitled to say he's fill of shit.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Extras at a place with a reputation of providing no extras?
    HJWMPL...ilbbaicnl you're one weird ass dude (and I mean that as a complement). BTW, do not use the syrup as lube if you get extras at a Bob Evans. A sticky situation will ensue.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    in public
    E'ry day Super_mane, e'ry day! I likes to get on stage and face fuck the hot nekkid chicks 'til I give 'em a groovy facial! FUCK YEAH!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any local joints with some action?
    True dat RickDugan. What you have to understand barnike is that a lot of guys on this site tell wacky stories. But Chris Rock is right...there's no sex in the champaign room my friend.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dig the Bobbie Gentry version more... I love it when strippers can dance to something other than all the hip hop crap that clubs normally play. A fave from many moons ago used to dance to "Bus Stop" by the Hollies www.youtube.com/watch?v=It75wQ0JypA Ain't nothin' better than a hot naked chick movin' to some good music.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Any local joints with some action?
    Guys guys guys...you just ran off a dude who could share some mad intel. He could tell us 'bout Bella at "the club" in his area. Or maybe one of the chicks named for cars. You know, Mercedes, Volvo, Escalade, and VWminibus.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    PL No More!
    That image is frickin' hilareous. I almost hate sharing what I found when I checked whether it was real... www.ibtimes.com/did-181-million-lottery-winner-find-love-his-life-viral-photo-exposed-hoax-1522938 I really wanted the story to be real goddammit!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OMG...I just checked whether Private Dancer was still open. Worse! They've gone pasties...WTF? PD was never stellar, but at least you could look at some nice pussy if you found a hottie amongst the dancers. Columbus...I love you but I needs the nekkid chicks!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    C'mon folks... I just checked leabow's reviews and they're all Columbus OH area. Unless ol' Cow-town has changed since I was there (last I was in town was a decade ago...) the SC scene is pretty sucky. Indeed, even when I was in C-town regularly the SC scene was trending downward (the Toy Box on the east side -- can't remember where -- closed and Private Dancer on Trabue started to suck). So I suspect leabow's clubbin' may be in a dead clubbin' area. I love ol' C-town but it ain't a clubbin' place! And the other posters are right that LE would use posts on a place like TUSCL. I suspect LE knows what the deal is pretty well, but no sense in making things easy.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper raped in Gastonia NC
    @Slick... "@Atacdawg-You brought up the truth. We have more slavery now than ever yet it's a moot point for most folks. We've talked about human trafficking before. I've even called ICE on a sweatshop in downtown LA." I knew you were one of the good guys.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How Can TUSCL be Improved ?
    Club discussions might be straightforward to add. If there was a link from the club to a thread on the discussion board people could just post on that thread if they have something to say (or ask) about that club. Of course, there might be a problem...if Rick posted discussing success at the club we might have a lot of "SLAMDUNKED that faggot RickyBoy". People would also have the common sense not to post shit that will close clubs or get girls fired...like: "I went to this place and spent $.25 for a lapper with Bella where she asked if I wanted a BBBJ for an XXXtra $.75. Ended up negotiating Greek for $2.5. Weee-yaw!" I mean really...could a cop EVAH figure that out?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Medical Advice
    @motorhead -- good point. To be fair to ilbbaicnl I am certain he wasn't implying anything like that. Perhaps a better joke would have been: 2. Put on some baggy pants and hop the next flight to Germany for an FKK visit. To my knowledge, the FKK's have not been suggested to be major contributors to human trafficking (though I have not investigated thoroughly so correct me if I am wrong). Back to the joke answers. I'm shocked we haven't had: F) got to the sleaziest club in yo' area and rock out wit' yo' cock out.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Lap Dances in Sex Shop Video Booths?
    I don't have the energy to translate ilbbaicnl's post to Juicinese, so I'll respond with a (semi-)serous post. 'Tis done in some areas, but most porno shops are sausagefests. Wouldn't recommend. In areas where the cops aren't cracking down the video clerks probably don't care as long as you feed $$$ into the video. That's your rental fee. I've done that shizzle a million times ilbbaicnl my friend. Show up in a Starfleet uniform wit' da hottest chick EVAH and a bucket o' da Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay... WEEE-YAW!!! Get the chick to suck random dudes through the glory hole while you fuck her up the asswhole and penetrate her cunt with a drumstick... WEEE-YAW just like bein' in a porno my friends! You date a chick that'll do that...marry her. (But put "must continue to fulfill my perverted sex drive" in the pre-nup).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Five Vagina Stories That Got Women (And Men) Talking In 2013 #NSFW
    Vaginal shrink cream -- friggin' hilarious.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    hey y'all
    Happy New Year brothers!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper raped in Gastonia NC
    @doctorPhil -- I heap derision on you because your posts exhibit a disproportionate degree of hostility. Your last really takes the cake! I'm going to be truthful with you regarding my motives because: 1. You may actually be a touch introspective and see an alternative point of view. 2. You may respond in a manner that gives me the lulz. Who am I kidding...I'd bet a pretty penny on #2. You've given no indication that you can respond with anything other than anger and obfuscation. So why do I "argue" with some of the posters (i.e., those you allege to be my superiors). Simple, I'm interested in their perspective. Just because I disagree with with a perspective and may even (in some cases) consider it fundamentally illogical doesn't mean I'm not intrigued by said perspective. If you think I'm trying to convert people you're mistaken. However, since my prediction is that you'll respond in a manner that will give me some lulz I'll share a few observations: 1. You excoriated me for being a nerd with no social life by posting fairly late on a night when many people with actual social lives are out socializing. What's up with that? 2. You state that only 15 TUSCL posters read my posts. How many regular posters do you think there are? For the sake of this argument, count Juice (bless his crazy lil' pervo heart) as one person. You seem to be saying that a high proportion of regular posters read my stuff. Thanks for the compliment! 3. You seem obsessed with pointing out that, in your opinion, many posters are superior to me in a variety of attributes. Why did you feel compelled to do so? The last of those points would appear to reflect either a clumsy attempt to goad me into responding with some description of my credentials (which you would then dismiss) or an expression of your own desperate need to feel superior. If the latter I suspect it reflects the fact that you actually feel insecure. Perhaps you have not accomplished as much in life as you thought you would when you were young. So I'll share some helpful advice. True validation is internal. Just focus on the things that make you happy when ever you feel blue. But do dial back the haterade...rage isn't good for the soul.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper raped in Gastonia NC
    @ATACdawg... Thanks for adding something interesting to this discussion, which has drifted a bit from its original topic. Newton is an interesting case. He continued to participate in the slave trade for a reasonable length of time before actually becoming an abolitionist. Nonetheless, he ultimately ended up on the right side. That said, I think Slick made one of the most important points: "How come when the topic of slavery comes up, it's always that the blacks sold their own people into slavery... I hardly hear from most Caucasians an open and honest discussion about slavery. Instead of holding the accountable groups accountable, they throw in the blacks sold their own people into slavery. Nobody talks about the fact that American slavery WAS race based and inherited at birth." Hit the nail on the head here.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper raped in Gastonia NC
    @Slick -- yep, I noticed. You see, ev'rybody's fave scatophile (aka DoctorPhil) is the type of wing nut that simply can't look at the world and see complexities and shades of gray. He has to impose a narrative in which white guys are always the good guys and -- if white folk ever did anything questionable -- that is OK 'cos folks who weren't white did the same thing. The cognitive dissonance necessary to maintain his world view is probably the thing that drove him to his coprophilia. I feel sorry for him...