
Extras at a place with a reputation of providing no extras?

Thursday, January 2, 2014 11:48 AM
Hey, has anyone ever gotten extras at a place with a reputation of providing no extras?


  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Yes. It was the right girl and the right manager.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    Yeah it happens more often than you think.
    10 years ago
    Yes, and she was a great looking girl. After she told me where she had worked in the past I figured she would offer a better dance than most of the other dancers. And I was completely correct.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Yes, I agree with sclvr5005.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Never. Would love to though. Without doubt the clubs that are known for not having extras have the finest dancers.
  • ButterMan
    10 years ago
    Yes. If you get the right girl and she is familier with you. There are always a few at these places that do more than others.
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    I did recently too, I'll also post the info on the club soon. I doubt I'll be headed back, and I definitely won't use her name, lol!
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Sure. Even in the SC waste land of Alberta a wily PL can wangle extras. They will be costly extras, however.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Cost is relative.
  • canny
    10 years ago
    There are extras available at every club. They're just more expensive and harder to find at some than others, but they're there. It's just a matter of finding them.
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    lol of course.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Yes. No matter where you are, some form of extras are always available with the right girl. Finding her is the hard part in a no-extras club.
  • sofaking87
    10 years ago
    It's good to hear that my peers on this website, won't take no for an answer, lol!
  • londonguy
    10 years ago
    One day I hope to achieve this in SR in LV.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    "Yes. No matter where you are, some form of extras are always available with the right girl. Finding her is the hard part in a no-extras club" & "There are extras available at every club. They're just more expensive and harder to find at some than others, but they're there. It's just a matter of finding them" & "It's good to hear that my peers on this website, won't take no for an answer, lol!" In the first instance of this happening with me, I didn't have to do much if ANY convincing. An unknown Dancer I was eyeballing came over and sat in my lap and started necking with me. We got up and headed to the VIP. She proceeded to engage in sex with me after a few minutes of warm up activity. I DIDN'T ask for anything. She did it on her own. Prior to this situation, I had never gotten more than a hands on Lap Dance there.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    I have but I was "familiar" with the dancer previously.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    If any of the bouncers has done a long prison term, he might be down with corn-holing you in the men's room.
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    Affirmative, in the sense of a place with a clean "reputation"/"public image" -- and I'm not even a regular extras-seeker, I do take no for an answer unconditionally (self preservation at work there) but as in Alucard's case SHE took the initiative. In fact it was partly the "pleasant surprise" element of finding this at that supposedly "clean" place where I had only had clean experiences, that got me to follow through; at first I laughed it off with a "yeah, right, sure that will happen, betcha that gets you a lot of guys back there" but after a brief while that turned into "daaang, you are serious!"
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    Good stuff does happen occasionally. LOL
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    There might be waitresses at Bob Evans who would do extras it you asked them. But if you ask at Bob Evans, you might get thrown out, or get your ass kicked by somebody's husband. So just remember that, next time a stripper plays you and says or implies she'll do stuff that she won't: most women would consider it within their rights to have you beaten to a pulp for implying they are hookers.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    ^^^ ???
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    BTW the best extra at Bob Evans is HJWMPL (Hand Job With Mashed Potatoes as Lube).
  • rl27
    10 years ago
    Yes several times, and in many different circumstances. In most cases it was after I had gotten lots of dances over a year or so from a dancer. Several times the dancer was a bit more drunk than normal. Many times it has been the last time I saw the dancer at the club. Once or twice it had been because a dancer was glad she didn't have to put up with all the rude bachelor party guys, or because I got a dance from her during the feature act.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "There might be waitresses at Bob Evans who would do extras it you asked them" Not only at Bob Evans. The last time I was at The Olive Garden, my waitress brought be extra bread, and I didn't even have to ask! Sweet.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Not only that, Motor, but more salad with those delightful little hot peppers, and they we we all free! LOL
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Argghhhh! Were all free. Damned autocorrect.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Noreen at Senior Softy Center gives the best extras.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    HJWMPL...ilbbaicnl you're one weird ass dude (and I mean that as a complement). BTW, do not use the syrup as lube if you get extras at a Bob Evans. A sticky situation will ensue.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I get extra Juice!
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    And where in the world is Juice Santiago?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Julio "Juice" Santiago was a welterweight from P.R.
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