
Comments by Kyle1111 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Pet peeve . . . eye contact . . .
    I'm old (40) and out of shape. I like the young dancers. I thinking that your getting the eye contact because you're young and good looking. Or, perhaps you have a great personality. Glad to hear the eye contact isn't completely dead.
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    20 years ago
    High Heels . . . Yes or No?
    I'm short, about 5' 4". If the dancer is any taller than about 5' 6", then I lose interest rapidly. If she is less than about 5', then I lose interest. The ideal for me is 5' 4". I think the issue if more a question of "fit" than intimidation, but then who knows perhaps it is some form of intimidation that I won't admit to.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Yes, I want the stripper to be young! :) I can't imagine wanting an old stripper; unless she looked very young and healthy. If the young stripper can fake a GFE, then all the better.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Hi, Low Mileage. The Topic of the thread is "So you older guys want a young stripper-read this!" Then the post goes on and on about relationships. Seemed fairly amusing. Look I want a young stripper with a super hot body. Screw all the psycho babble about mentoring and growing apart and shared interests and etc. I trade $$$ to get a service. Part of the service involves young and hot. I have zero interest in a woman my age unless she looks 20 years younger than her actual age and is super hot to boot. Hell, if even I want my young stripper to behave like a girlfriend, then I know it is a FANTASY!!! You know it is fake. Every once in a blue moon a real relationship may blossom . . . but, it is NOT what I pay for or what I want.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Correction: Every once in a blue moon a real *romantic* relationship may blossom . . . Heck, you can be friends with dancers or care deeply about dancers and they may even have similar feelings. But, a real relationship relationship? Seems too farfetched . . . Hell, I can always start buying visits from dentists and some may care about me but it is a long way from caring to attraction and wanting a relationship. And, why o why would I want to date or build romantic relationships with old women?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    The original post seems to bemoan that the young woman will eventually outgrow the older man. EXCELLENT!!! :) Now the old man is free to pursue some other young hottie. Bad news would be young stripper wants to marry old fart and have plenty of babies, ultimately divorcing old fart for any reason and steal his cash complements of corrupt courts.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Buy dances . . . in hope of finding LOVE :)
    Yes, many times I feel that I'm being stalked by old or ugly dancers. Of course, in the club I frequent fat giant dancers are considered premium while super hotties are ignored, unless there is another white customer or customers hanging around. Unfortunately, because of this there are few super hotties . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Boob test evaluation, test your skills and post results here
    Scored 16 out of 20. Not too happy with that score. On the positive side perhaps there are good titty jobs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Boob test evaluation, test your skills and post results here
    OK, so we have some good titty jobs that look natural. But the real test is feel and even more important are the breast still sensitive . . . It seems like a good strip club promo to conduct a squeeze test with free dances as first prize. I've seen breasts that seem to good to be true and they even felt too good to be true . . . so I guess it makes no difference if those are fake or real . . . Still, I have this bias that good fakes don't look or feel as good naturals . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    I'm an old man who asks young dancers out every once in awhile. I do it because I looking for the GFE--if I find them to be exceptional. I expect to pay for this service. Perhaps I need to be more blunt so the young dancer doesn't get confused and think I'm looking for a real relationship. If the girl is doing her job, then I don't care too much what her personal opinion is. I see it as hiring an actress and the more convincing she plays her part the better and the more I will care about her even if she is 100% acting. I generally care about people who consistently do a good job for me and that especially includes dancers or hookers or paid girlfriends.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers admitting they PAY STRIPPERS FOR SEXUAL SERVICES while strippers NOT
    Perhaps there is a more of a stigma to selling sexual services than to buying sexual services--sorta like buying drugs vs. selling drugs. Or perhaps it has to do with differing social expectation for men and women. It is zero accomplishment for most women to get sex while for most men they needed to work a little harder. Anyway there could be lots of different reasons like the previous poster pointing out that perhaps the all the buyers are going to the same seller. Word of mouth rewards good service. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who think it is an ACCOMPLISHMENT to PAY a stripper for SEXUAL SERVICE
    Perhaps because it is an accomplishment. I don't think it takes a special man to pay for sexual services. If I'm paying then I like her at the very least for her beauty. I only brag if I got a great deal e.g. one of the ten best sexual experiences of my life.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who think it is an ACCOMPLISHMENT to PAY a stripper for SEXUAL SERVICE
    It does seem strange to brag about that. :) But, when I get a good deal I like to let my friends know because they like good deals also. My buddies delve into every success--paid, unpaid, ugly, old, fat, skinny, tall, short, beautiful--afraid of real gay action (except for the one buddy who died of AIDs :( ).
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    I never thought of old guys who go to strip clubs as being in need of protecting their feelings. When I was young part of being a guy (at least an ordinary guy) was facing rejection and ridicule from girls. Normally, you learn part of success is accepting rejection or worse "mocking." Let's say I really like a dancer for more than her looks--perhaps she has a great sense of humour or she has the same political beliefs, etc. Then I hear she is mocking me for being a dirty old or being fat or being stupid or whatever. Assuming she had deceived me prior to this concerning her feelings--made me feel I could be a boyfriend--I'd be thinking damn she does a wonderful job of acting. And, if she could continue giving doing a good job, then I would continue to buy her services. Would I be disappointed? Sure. If I like her, then I would like to be liked back. The point is that by the time you are an old man I thought--incorrectly--that you've been battle hardened. For every hundred women who may hate or NOT care about you one way or another, there may (should) be at least one who is crazy about you. Only problem is you may NOT like her even a little. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do u think it is cool to date a stripper
    If you're interested in dating it could be cool. I think it is much nicer just to rent rather than get involved in traditional type dating relationships.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    The real problem that I've experienced at strip clubs is NOT being deceived by dancers. It is the exact opposite: Dancers who don't and won't sell a fantasy. This one dancer was just physically perfect. Wonderful personality. Excellent skill. Even after many months should refused to sell a fantasy. Her reason was very straight forward. She said that if she started pretending to be my girlfriend she might actually start believing the lie. More $$$ was rejected--She had NO interest in role playing. So I continued to buy her services and accepted her limits. She was NOT going to be fake even if that is what the customer wanted.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Jesus sent a Stripper with an Axe . . .
    Hell, I was angry he didn't introduce her to ME! :) She was an ANGEL (perhaps he was right about Jesus). Of course, I didn't introduce myself at the time when she was axing his house because 1) she had an axe, and 2) I thought she was his girlfriend. He always gets the hotties . . . Anyway, there are NOT enough hotties for the damn government to go around jailing 'em. America is already too much of a prison state without locking up the hot babes as well. Hotties deserve the old DO NOT GO TO JAIL courtesy based on their service to the community. (BTW, juries are much more likely to send the plain and the ugly to live behind bars than the beautiful . . . they understand the importance of eye candy . . .)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    TopGunGlen, you really hit the head when you wrote abourt paying the doctor or whoever direct. When I was much younger I took it for granted that the person would be responsible enough to spend the money on a real need like medical care. The crazy girl actually lost a couple teeth because she thought the hot new dress or was it a tattoo? was more important than seeing the dentist. :( So the young girl is after the old man for his $$$ . . . the old man is after the young girl for her beauty and youth . . . seems like the old man is getting the MUCH better deal . . . The old man gets his feelings hurt? That is sad . . . he should be old enough to know better . . . My two cents: Share the f**king wealth and have a good time and more importantly use the big head NOT the little head . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    I was watching this very old unattractive out of shape white man receiving sweet hugs and kisses from a young and attractive black street girl. It appeared she was giving the old man LOVE. And, perhaps she did love him for providing financial and emotional stability or perhaps she was just doing an excellent job. Anyway, he sure seemed happy and she sure seemed happy . . . Is there something wrong with her seeking out a sugar daddy? Is there something wrong with him seeking the affection of a hottie? There is always the possibility that looks are irrelevant to her . . . she may find power or status far more attractive . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    FONDL, that is an excellent point. Some girls believe it must be some type of scam because that is their history. This one dancer was soooo hot and she thought I was a pimp. She didn't believe that her good looks were the real reason I was treating her so well (I wasn't treating her particularly well--just being friendly and interested and respecting her limits). Another dancer wanted to stop accepting money from me because she thought it was wrong to take money from a friend. That ended a very good relationship because I didn't want a real girlfriend and she wasn't willing to continue selling to me. Anyway those are the exceptions because usually the dancer is gone too quick (the really attractive ones don't usually stay at the clubs I frequent). Also, I'm trying to buy a fantasy so I'm NOT seeking anything other than some fun without strings. My income is also a restraint. I can't spend nearly as much as I would like to so that makes me less outgoing.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Yoda, even if your motives are good the money can be a dagger to a friendship or a potential relationship. I don't mind helping out even if I think it will ultimately end the friendship (if there was one) or end the relationship (if there was one). More than a few times I've helped friends (male and female) who refused the offer of an outright gift (to help them thru a bad financial time). I have little doubt their intentions started out admirable--just a loan till times get better. So far never has a loan been repaid and the relationship dies. Partially it is my fault because I don't treat it like a loan because I'm willing from the start to make it a gift. Anyway, more than a few dancers that I've known will lose respect for a man who helps them without demanding some type of compensation. Trying to buy real affection seems like a sure loss.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    A friend of mine has no problem loaning money to friends, but he insists on a written contract and plan for repayment (he doesn't charge interest). He thought I was out of my mind loaning money to friends without a written contract and a lawyer for a lawsuit if necessary. The way I feel is that if I need a written contract, then I don't want to lend you the money in the first place. Also, I only want to lend money that I would have no problem giving as a gift. BTW, my friend is far more successful than I am. So I guess all the legal bs is the smart way of doing things . . . Back to wanting a young stripper for a girlfriend. Does the old man really want to settle for an old lady merely because a young woman can be a pain in the ass? Last I checked an old woman can be a pain in the ass as well. Personally, I find that an old lady my age is probably more compatible--but if compatible is my goal I guys friends are also compatible without being a pain in the ass. I NEED the young woman to have satisfactory sex--perhaps to other old men the sex is good regardlesss of the woman's age. I need a healthy, attractive, young woman. Attractive and old would probably require a healthy dose of viagra and does that have anything to do with desire? The young stripper or young woman easily wins over the oldster in my book.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Also, I have almost zero interest in actually having sex with a lady that I've just met. At the strip club you can hang out over time (a couple weeks) and decide if the woman is someone you like more service from. Assuming I was 100% crazy about an escort the idea of full service so fast is too much. And, with the cost of an escort service and my limited budget limited service would feel like a waste. Limited service from a woman on the street is fine because the price is so reasonable . . . Anyway, it was strip clubs that got me away from the street scene. A definite improvement. The streets are too tough for this old man and were probably too tough when I was young (but, I was too young to know better).