
Comments by Kyle1111 (page 3)

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    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    When I say the strip clubs were a "definite improvement" that is a little misleading--as I got older and slowly climbed somewhat on the economic ladder safety became a consideration. Young and poor equals almost a death wish or at the very least a complete lack of concern for meeting death--just a little more money makes a big difference to me. OTOH, some people have NO problem with living in poverty. Some of my very best experiences were on the street. Being young and poor and from the street the risks were irrelevant. It was party time. I met a lot of real people i.e. outside mainstream culture. Probably the biggest negative was the drug worshiping. I sympathize with people wanting escape or treating depression or even just wanting the high. The problem was the suspicion my lack of interest in drugs caused. Just try, don't be afraid, etc. It made me laugh inside . . . I had tried and some drugs are good, very good. As far as addictive CHOCOLATE is way, way more addictive than even the hard drugs I tried. Anyway, my interest in drugs was near zero. A beautiful woman gave me so many times the pleasure-- a SUPER HIGH! So there would be this distrust . . . Anyway, despite the blast of the street scene the creeping infirmities of age led me to a safer more staged and more expensive environment--the strip clubs. If I was young, then I might very well be headed back to the streets. Perhaps if I was wealthier I could have created a safe party time that would equal the streets. I haven't really experienced much of a problem with women who can talk a good game, but nothing else. I've been fortunate in that those who talk the good game have been able to deliver an even better performance for the most part. Usually, the women I'm interested in going further with just aren't in that game. Their limit is the PG and R rated scene of the strip clubs. Perhaps if I got further I'd be disappointed. But, I don't push the issue. Those dancers who demand sex or are too eager to give full service cause me to back off . . . safety rears its ugly head again along with a reservation about girls who are too hardcore . . . even if the girl is in heat I prefer less aggression from her at the very start . . .
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    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Hi MisterBliss, you're a little ashamed of playing the lottery? Well, a lot of people are. But hey sometimes you have to take a dumb gamble now and then to hit the gusher. A little ashamed of paying or wanting to pay for sex? That's common too. Generally there is a price to be paid for the good things in life even if the price is not obvious. Just appreciating a beautiful sunset takes time. Getting that special lady takes time plus whatever . . . good looks, dancing skill, humor, fancy clothes, compassion, intelligence, lack of intelligence, a job . . . whatever. Unless I'm looking for a soul mate, then I'd rather reduce the price to time plus $$$. I believe I could play the "game" i.e. use clothing or cars or humor or whatever to reach the same end, but that ain't me. So unless it is a soul mate I'm hunting $$$ will do just fine. Yes, there is the social stigma--it's a crime--but, then I'm NOT a social butterfly. Keep the government off my back and I'm a happy camper. I just have very little interest in embracing a social code imposed by lawyers and corrupt court system.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Oops . . . "put it" NOT "it put."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Two words, one concept: Mind Control. :) Hey it works for the religious establishment and the government and the fashion biz. Why NOT it put to a humanitarian use? :) Of course, I'd rather just pay the $$$. But, for the cheap or romantically challenged . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    The exchange between Fondl and Mouse reminds me of lady who got upset when this man declared "We are all sinners." To me that is a given just as is Fondl's point on reality. But, the lady was very upset that 1) anyone might think she was a sinner and 2)with the concept that we are ALL sinners. :) So much for givens . . . I was speaking with this one lady as she was adamant that she would rather have her and her family be held as slaves rather than kill another human being . . . she would rather die and have her family die rather than kill to protect them. Yep, so much for givens. Can you imagine that some people actually think that America is a terrorist state? I'll bet if they had Mouse's knowledge of reality they wouldn't think like that. :) My reality, which is everyone knows is correct, is that older guys should want young strippers (plural) assuming the older guys have blood running thru their veins and eyes to see with and a tongue to taste with . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Speaking of quality. I went to the local club last night. This one hottie who usually ignores me showed interest because the club was almost completely dead. Anyway I bought some dances and learned that her skin was not as smooth as I require. Well, there aren't that many women whom I consider to be hotties. But, boy, the field gets super narrow when considering how she feels and smells and talks and her skills compared to my likes. So at this point we are talking a needle in a hay stack. Now, assume I find the perfect woman with all of the above. What are the odds she is going to be interested in me? Even 50% would be depressing because she represents such a tiny minority of women that I drool over. Fortunately, for me, she sister has almost everything I demand. Looks, feel, smell, skill, personality, etc. She grades a little low in one area a super important area but she is as close to perfect as I've seen in aeons (sp?). Do you think she would be interested in me? Perhaps. Do I want that intense real relationship. Hell NO! I'm wayyyyy tooooo olddddd for that game. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Get the quality I NEED for free? Not likely. And, NOT worth the price. A real relationship involves super charged emotions. I've done that. And, it was good. Too good. I'll stay with the sex for $$$. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Oops . . . I need to be a little more careful. Her sister NOT she sister. :) I am a grade school drop out, but I like to give the appearance of being literate . . . Damn neighbor kid is trying educate me with his homework . . . reminds me why I quit school . . . it was complete toture, but then I've got a fairly low pain threshold. That especially ain't a good quality growing up in the streets of hell.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Kitana007, you are clearly a good American. America is the world's No.1 prison state by far . . . hope you don't get into any legal probs sweet pea . . . theys plenty of good Americans running loose just like you . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    You ask. You're denied or accepted. What is the big deal? Let's pretend I'm NOT interested in paid sex, but want a meaningful relationship with a potential soulmate. I ask. The lady says the equivalent of yes, no, or maybe. Again, what is the big deal? Of course, some ladies want to think every overture by a male is evil unless the lady wanted the overture.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    And, incarcerate the evil doers with trial or without. Not having a trial makes no real substantive difference other than some lawyers being denied a little work and money. Strip clubs customers who even think about asking a stripper for extra service should be rounded up in the initial security phase. A man who is willing to pay for sex might be offensive to some dancers. Since the women folk must be protected . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Hi Mouse. YIKES, it is a scary world. Spend the $$$$$$$$$$ on homeland security. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Imagine the picture of a breast. The imagine the letter B with a minus sign in front of it. Now there is a drawing of a small hotel or local pub. Finally, a picture of a dove. Please scroll down for the answer . . . Breast sans the B sounds like Rest. The small hotel or local pub is an Inn. The piture of the dove represents Peace. Yep nothing like RIP next to a titty. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    OK. There is a picture of a Donkey. Then you have a series of lollipops getting smaller. Next the symbol for the Halo. :) Please scroll down for the answer . . . Ass Licking Good. Which I think appropriately describes a hot stripper . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Here's an easy one. A Shed + A Dress = A Portrait of Benjamin Franklin Yes, honey is worth the money. Or as me fav cashier @ Publix talks NO MONEY NO HONEY, NO WORK NO PLAY, NO MEAT NO HEAT, NO SWEAT NO SWEETS, NO DIME (DATS $1,000 SUCKA) NO TIME . . . I'm sure there is more and better . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Hi Pinhead, I'm feeling so so. The chocolate addiction is sending me into fits of high and low. It is a real bad habit. And worse than the emotional roller coaster is the blubber gain. I NEED a lawyer to sue these chocolate pushers . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Let's see: A stork delivering a baby + a suit + two eyeballs + a man + circled date on a calendar + a boat oar + the letter E + 4 + dancing girls undressing. You know the routine if you still reading . . . Birthday suit is mandatory for strippers. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    First line shows a cake, candy canes, cookies, etc. Second line shows dancing girls, girls, girls . . . Third line shows a lit light bulb and up arrow. Fourth line shows the planet earth. Ok, this ain't the best but I'm trying so please scroll down . . . Sweet dancing girls light up the world. :) Well sounds better than power to the people imo.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Bought a private lap dance over at Gold something and the dancer was exactly what I like. Anyway, she had fairly strict rules which basically equated to one way contact only. What I thought was super sweet was that she offered me the option of a refund or another dancer. :) Surprisingly, she was born and raised in America and yet she had NO desire to call the cops or see me jailed. Wow! She actually wanted me to have a good time! Double Wow!! She gave a very nice very conservative dance and that was that except that I asked if there was any chance she might consider an outside date. She said NO and apologized. Triple Wow!!! Eyes rumanateen her bee fibben bout being bred 'n born en America. She's sweet 'n strange stripper . . . shant a stereotypical American . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Last one 4 the night. A fishing hook + human ears + a sneaking thief with a bag over his shoulder + hearts + brains + & + halo + pennies!!! Hookers steal hearts, minds, and good sense. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Start First line we show a Bumble Bee + Stripper Pole + lit cigarette lighter. Second line we show Roman Numeral II + Undressing Girls Be polite to strippers. :) Finish
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    After a good nights sleep--actually I was boiled alive--NO AC--sans titty bar I came up with this gem: First line shows a cocky police officer standing akimbo + the capital letter A Second line shows the capital letter F + the picture of an eel. Third line shows @ DA + breasts + a gold bar Please scroll down . . . Cop a feel at the titty bar. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    Are we having fun yet? First line show an open hand + the letter L Second line show undressing girls Third line show a marijuana leaf + automobile + the letter E The deal . . . Handle strippers with care. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Club REBUSes . . .
    OK, Pinhead, I sees yoos into sweet sounds . . . Beautiful dancer with single breast exposed playing the saxs + the Roman Numeral IV + a sailboat with a full sail . . . Yes, sir. That dancer's playing my favorite song . . . Sex for sale. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Prostitution and Strip Clubs . . .
    Best sex ever--by far--was a couple years back from a young stripper. She was really cool. She had NO price in mind, but when pressed she mentioned a few things she had to have. I explained that I really had NO idea how much that translated into and that I wanted to make her happy. She reluctantly gave me a price which was super cheap. So, I doubled the amount and told she was fantastic. (She would have been a steal at double the amount I paid). Anyway, I see her back at the club about two weeks later. She's in a super bad mood. She's telling me she's NOT that type of girl and a lot of other stuff. I told her she sure fooled me. She says she merely tried it and decided that is NOT the life for her. Almost a year later at a different club she still has the anger. I really don't see what the big deal is . . . it is NOT like she was a virgin or any thing. She seemed to like me and the money. What the hell is the hangup some strippers have with charging for what they have NO qualms about giving away? I liked that stripper BIG TIME. And, if I was young and had little experience I'd definitely be interested in her as a girlfriend.