
Comments by dragman

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    19 years ago
    Any Regular Posters Here Owners/Part Owners/Managers of SCs?
    Main Entry: pros·ti·tu·tion Pronunciation: "präs-t&-'tü-sh&n, -'tyü- Function: noun the act or practice of indulging in promiscuous sexual relations especially for money I guess what I meant is that it just seems with the rise in VIP activity and meeting customers outside the club, mthat some of the dancers that wouldn't have done that before may seem that it is almost required to participate because if they don't, another will. The "everyone else is doing it" justification is very evident and could make some do something thay may not want to but feel they must in order to keep regulars and make money. Prostition in my opinion is not only intercourse, but the fact that someone is paying for something that wouldn't occur without the cash incentive. I'll say also that if someone deceide to meet otc because of desire or interest any money is not mentioned, that is entirely different. But if it is soley based on the income, it is a form of prostitution in my opinion.
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    20 years ago
    Truth about VIP rooms
    I ask because my girl is going to start dancing next week and I am not a strip club regular.
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    19 years ago
    The Whole "Culture" is Sick
    Hello All! I'm new here so bear with me. I was the GM at two large clubs, one in ATL and one in NO. What I found is that there are three types of performers in sc'S. The Stripper who scams, lies, turns tricks in one fashion or another. Then there is the Dancer who goes through the motions but not with the intent of money, money, money. The last of the three is the Entertainer. They work professionialy and with standards and the income represents that. All of the ladies are needing the cash for one thing or another but as in life, it is the way they handle themselves that determines their level of success or failure. All can not be grouped together and strereotyped as screwups, problem children, addicts and whatever else. Like everywhere else, we all have our own baggage.
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    19 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    I would like to put my two cents in...I worked as a shift manager and GM of severaql Adult Entertainment clubs. I discovered that the independent contractors that without a doubt, make the entire industry what is is. True, that can be good or bad, sophisticated or slutty, and that varies dependent on the chemistry of the ladies as a group. A few rotten apples can spoil the entire bushel. I found that there where "strippers", "dancers", and "entertainers" in every club. It depends on the leadership abilities of the Entertainers and manaqgement to operate a first class esthablishment. So my idea of the ideal entertainer is someone who takes pride in her job and recieves pleasure and financial gain from it. People are people, no matter what they do for a living and these ladies deserve the same individualism as the rest of us. Hell, it's about T&A, plus fantasy and entertainment. We aren't electing the next President here! Enjoy the fantasy of the Dance! (Am I full of some bullshit or what! but it is true in my opinion!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    I would like to put my two cents in...I worked as a shift manager and GM of severaql Adult Entertainment clubs. I discovered that the independent contractors that without a doubt, make the entire industry what is is. True, that can be good or bad, sophisticated or slutty, and that varies dependent on the chemistry of the ladies as a group. A few rotten apples can spoil the entire bushel. I found that there where "strippers", "dancers", and "entertainers" in every club. It depends on the leadership abilities of the Entertainers and manaqgement to operate a first class esthablishment. So my idea of the ideal entertainer is someone who takes pride in her job and recieves pleasure and financial gain from it. People are people, no matter what they do for a living and these ladies deserve the same individualism as the rest of us. Hell, it's about T&A, plus fantasy and entertainment. We aren't electing the next President here! Enjoy the fantasy of the Dance! (Am I full of some bullshit or what! but it is true in my opinion!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Does anyone go to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend?
    I'm not going to get one rather , hopefully, get one back. My lady and I started dating 2.5 years ago and 3 years prior to that, she danced at the Platinum. She never wanted to do it again and I didn't either but when she deceded that she needed to live alone for the very first time in her life, money became a problem and she put down the tray and pulled up the garter. I really don't have a problem with it because I worked in the clubs for about 16 years. What I did have a problem with is that she said that she thoiught we should take a break while she danced. She felt like she was cheating . YEA RIGHT! I think she was getting horny, dancing again and wanted to act on the impulse or at least be able to if she wanted. I can understand that to0. What I am not sure of is after she gets this out of her system, can I trust her again when she tells me she will not dance again. I can love this women for the rest of my life but I can't wait for the other shoe to drop. What do you guys think.
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    19 years ago
    Clubs for my Wife
    There is a web site called SDC.com. It stands for swingers date club and it will blow you away (really!) that quality and quanity of swingers these days. The "lifestyle" is gaining tempo everywhere and if you are ever in Atlanta, there is a club here called Trapeze that you will be talking about for months after going.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I'm beginning to think...
    my grandfather had a saying that fits at times..."anything that bleeds one week out of every month and doesn't die, is pure evil"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Does anyone go to strip clubs to look for a girlfriend?
    Situations like that are what made me get out of the industry. Plus seeing a bank teller, grocery check out girl or Hooters girl that I recruited turn their entire life upside down in a few months. From frunctioning members od society to drug addicted alcholic whores meeting customers after work. Hell, I fired one and cleaned out her locker, she had her own credit card machine! Anyway, I really don't mind the sex, it's just that. But if it hidden from me that says to me, that it could be more involved than just sex. We have / had a fairly open relationship, it was about communicating and sharing the experience. Hell, I used to get excited as hell when she would describe her sexual exploits, it was like a talking penthouse that I could touch.... What really has me bothered is the have her cake and eat it to attitude. I am the typr of person that likes to know where we stand on important issues and life choices. But of late, her favorite color is peach today and could be black tommorrow. I never know. Her views and opinions change to reflect what she wants at that moment and that is no way to have a relationship. What woories me is that she only started this after getting back into the bussiness. I an starting to worry about drug and alchol abuse. I just know that I love her but I also know I will not be played again.
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    19 years ago
    What would you do ?
    If a women will leave someone for you, she will leave you for someone later!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Clubs for my Wife
    Excuse me having fun, apparantly you are not having fun and that is why you made judgements abouut someone you don't know based on a totaly innocent post. A l;ittle sensative are we? I am comfortable, I do know the lifestyle from personal experience and just as there are many types of dancers, there are also many types of "swingers" Let's not stereotype or group people as the same when we are all individuals.
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    19 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    Davids, not to b e rude but if it fits....SC mqay not mind driving intoxicated and you might dislike proper english? Does it really matter? Thank God we are all different and if more people would judge themselves as much as the do others, what a wonderful world it could be! ( Hey, I think there might be a song there!)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Regular Posters Here Owners/Part Owners/Managers of SCs?
    Come clean, that was the reason for leaving. I managed the largest and very upscale Crescent Cabaret in the French Quarter of New Orleans for a few years. I have also worked with the Gold cLUB IN atl. Two brothers from Texas op-en and owned both of thosem clubs and then cashed in. I also was employed by Stormin BNormin's (now Flashers}mand The White Rose , also in ATL This web site as been truly educational. When I was in the AEI, the actons and performances that go on regular these days, would have been cnsidered fireable offenses. To any of the clubs or entertainers for that matter, but time, effort , and tho0ught into their stage routines? I remeber when the ladies would pull together elaborteMini- features and give the customers on hell of a show. The outside meetings with the customers were few and far between. In New Orleans, we had two Private Detectives on retainer to make sure the club wasn't being used as a front for prostitution. It's sad, it almost seems that is where the industry is headed The only reason it is not already there is due to "Entertainers" like phoenixxxblaque. I feel sorry for the girls just starting out in this field because what they are learning is sex for sale. But we already have that and it is called Prostitution. Why lose a wonderful, erotic, and stimulating experience such as AE, because of the money? Those that want to entertain should and those that are willing to sel themselves should find pimps. I wish someone would push me off of the soapbox I tend to speak from. I apoligize if it offends anyone but it is the way I feel,
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Regular Posters Here Owners/Part Owners/Managers of SCs?
    so true.....SC, can I contact you via email?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any Regular Posters Here Owners/Part Owners/Managers of SCs?
    I don't think that high-contact LD are prostitution but I think they are better suited for the jack-shacks. I just think that the entertainers can provide a stimulating performance without having to worry about the extras. If this had remainedtrue, then I think the quality of the entertainers would have remained higher and the less fortunate ladies could have stayed at the jack-shacks or elsewhere. With some offering extras, it puts pressure on those who choose not to and that isn't fair in my opinion. Let the genre's remain seperate and everyone benefits. Clubs are staffed with higher quality, more employees at the shacks and escort services become more avaiable and cost efficent.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do most dancers set their own work hours?
    Being a former GM, this is the toughest part of the job. You have to be firm and not let the girls do as they please but at the same time, you have to be careful not to piss them off. The good ones know they can take there "talents" anywhere else and there customers to. It is true that without them, nothing goes in the register. But does the tail wag the dog or vice versa.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do most dancers set their own work hours?
    SC, right you are! Hell, it might be easier if when men are born, we just sign all future possessions, dreams, earnings, and freedom over to the oppisite sex. They seem to end up with it anyway. But, I guess the "dance" is worthy of the cost. In my eyes, it is the only real time where men can actually get what they want since there is no loser in a fare exchange. Women, can't live with'em, can't live with'em
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    already done....out of the country in 12 days!....USVI here I come
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    19 years ago
    St. Croix!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Yea........(as I daydream again) can't wait to get in that plane!