
Comments by MIDancer (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    lotsoffun, I'd steal that line if it wouldn't get me in trouble if I happened to say it to an undercover police officer. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers as SC employees. What do you think?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers as SC employees. What do you think?
    There's a club in Detroit that pays the girls hourly ($8 or $10 per hour - I can't remember which), and offering benefits. The girls keep all tips and money made from dances. The only catch is that you have to work four scheduled shifts per week.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Mind Your F***ing Manners
    Thanks for the responses. Bones, I often "turn the other cheek," but I can't help but think, "what the HELL is wrong with this person?" I try my best to be polite and professional, and I expect the same in return. Maybe I'm expecting too much. I just don't understand the guys who come in and, by means of their own poor attitude and behavior, create a lousy time for themselves. Why not just stay home? As far as not being satisfied with the money spent... If he was SO unsatisfied, WHY did he CONTINUE to spend it? He made it sound as though he had dropped hundreds on this girl. Dumb move, if you don't like the dances that a paricular dancer provides. Perhaps he was expecting more, but our club is fairly low-contact (it's a pastie, one-foot-on-the-floor, get fined if you let a guy touch your breasts kind of place); you'd think he'd realize that after getting a series of "unsatisfying" dances, or simply looking around to see the type of dances being given.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    God, I wish there was an edit feature: *If the customer makes it obvious that he/she doesn't like my answers, I'll simply tell him/her that I don't recommend asking questions to which you may recieve unfavorable answers while in a strip club. (Sorry, the sentence just didn't sound right the first time around).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    DougS: I'm currently living in Florida, and won't be returning to Michigan until late next spring. I have yet to decide if I will continue dancing at that point.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    jablake: I have too many ethical objections with regard to all facets of practicing law to be a lawyer. I'm looking to one day teach at the collegiate level.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    I don't need to lie to build a fantasy. If compliments are needed to persuade a particular customer, I'll find something that I genuinely like (a nice shirt perhaps, or pretty eyes, or a great sense of humor, etc...). If I cannot find a SINGLE nice thing to say, then I probably don't want to be dancing for that individual anyway. Now, if a customer starts asking personal questions regarding, say, my relationship status or sexual orientation, I'll tell him/her the truth. In most cases, I have my customer in the VIP area before such questions are able to arise (I don't spend a great deal of time sitting an chatting; if I do sit, it's generally for a single song or less). If the customer makes it obvious that he/she doesn't like my answers, I'll simply tell him/her that I don't recommend asking questions to which you may recieve an unfavorable answer in a strip club. That usually quiets them a bit, and if they've liked the dances I've provided up to that point, they generally keep buying. Then, of course, there are the customers that simply don't care to know ANYTHING about your personal life: the typical "high rollers," if you will. These are the type of customers that you don't have to impress, or build a fantasy for; they're generally too busy demonstrating their social prestige (and will tip you generously just for just sitting and looking pretty at their table).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    jablake: Avid reader here as well (my degree's in English).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    Well, be that the case, Professor, the problem with number #10 in your initial list (regarding SS), is that most guys believe it's SS no matter what you tell them. For example, I have no kids, I have a college degree from a Big Ten university, my boyfriend doesn't beat me (nor is he unemployed), I don't do hardcore drugs, my parents are still married, my dad's the best dad you could ever hope for, I've never been raped/molested/sexually abused, and I grew up in upper-middle class suburbia. Of course, when all that gets relayed to a customer (generally by questions asked by HIM), I'm apparently full of shit; "Well, then how did you end up doing THIS?" Because, jackass, my parents didn't spoil me rotten, and I had to pay for my living expenses while in college. I continue to dance because I have four years of school left (Master's and PhD). "Yeah Right." (And this is generally when I leave the table).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    We (my boyfriend and I) met in college. My roommate introduced us.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    Professor, I make it a policy of mine not to lie about anything... ever. If you ask me a question, I will give an honest response. No girl makes out like a bandit EVERY night. I don't "whine" about it (as in, I won't go on and on about it), nor do I bring up the topic myself. But if asked, I'll answer.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    I should make an addendum to my previous statement: Also, just because I might find myself attracted to a customer does not mean I want to fuck, date or OTC with him.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Question for the strippers here: Do you ever find some customers very attractive
    99.9% of the time I do not find my customers attractive. Very, very rarely, there are exceptions. In my five years of dancing, I've probably found maybe two or three that I was actually attracted to.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    10 Customer Truths
    "When I tell you I'm out of money, believe it and don't steer me to the rip-off ATM." If you're out of money, why are you still at the club? "Don't whine to me that business is slow. Take that up with the manager." Don't ask me how my night's been going and then accuse me of whining when I say that it's been slow.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    Yes, ZuluZ, some men do pay the girls and don't partake in dances. However, if your husband has admitted to having dances at either club, I can almost guarantee that they were not air dances (unless he specifically requested such dances).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Michigan Dancers and Customers
    There are no air dances at Player's and Trumpp's (at least none that I've seen). I've worked at Trumpp's for a few months a couple years back, and around the same time, competed in seveal amatuer nights at Player's. MOST dances in BOTH clubs are full-contact, and those that aren't, are still relatively high mileage. That said, you also won't spot any uglies at either club (generally nothing below a 6 is hired), so your husband's argument that the good looking gals only air dance is complete and utter crap: they're ALL good-looking. This is in part why I LEFT Detroit; I found myself extremely uncomfortable giving those sorts of dances, and the competition was simply too high to give the sort of dances that I AM comfortable with.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    I'd say about 50%-60% ACTUALLY have children. I'd say another 10% CLAIM to have children, in the hopes of evoking the customer's sympathy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers' worst nightmare :(
    "What do you think would happen to the strippers if all of a sudden men would stop going to strip clubs?!" Simple. I'd request more hours at my other job (bartending) and commence my graduate studies sooner than planned. Meanwhile, I might look for some menial and flexible side work for which my current degree level qualifies me, and in which I already have some experience (such as freelance copyediting/copywriting), in order to generate some extra cash.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Oh, and to Bones: No problem. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Even *obscene* amounts of money doesn't do it for me. I mean, if the obscene amounts of money accompanies the aformentioned qualities that I posted above, than great! If not... oh well. I should also clarify that if a man's confidence (listed quality #5) comes simply from his copious amounts of cash, I'm very, very unlikely to be attracted to him. I can't necessarily describe the type of confidence that I'm looking for without sinking into some sort of new-age, existentialist rhetoric, but I'm looking for *inner* confidence; something that comes from being smart, witty, morally-grounded and KNOWING it. Now THAT'S attractive.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Excuse me, *shared* values/morals.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    "In general having lots of money helps -and that rachets up both confidence and the sense of authority and power. Now height, e.g over 6 ft and taller is a big plus, although I know Book Guy - you mentioned you don't have that, however you can become the guy women fear as someone just alluded to." Huh? Maybe I'm a weirdo but I could care less about money or height. In descending order, what attracts me to men is the following: 1. Intelligence/Education 2. Sense of humor 3. Chared values/morals 4. Shared interests 5. Confidence
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    Honestly, Professor, I'm not really sure where I fall in the grand scheme of things. I know that I do well, but I know that there are girls that consistently make two or three hundred more than me. If I were to make a guess, I'd say that I'm in the upper quarter (we have about 80 girls total on the schedule at my club).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    This one for Dancers only
    This is a somewhat complicated question, as there have been nights where I've done virtually no dances, but made quite a bit of money. I'd say that I average 20-25 dances per night, plus a half-hour to an hour in the Champagne room (generally I'm able to get at least one guy to purchase a Champagne room).