Comments by how (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    It's slow in the club and the dancers, though present, aren't active...
    CTQWERTY said, "had I awoken missing a kidney, I would've made like Rambo (big gun, limited vocabulary) and set about finding some answers..." You just pitched a new action movie! "In a world where sleeping in public can lead to real nightmares, one man is about to fight back... Stripped of his kidney, stripped of his dignity, and just plain stripped -- at a strip club -- the man known only as QWERTY has launched his vengeful search for his missing organ."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    I said, "No tax rates were lowered in the stimulus bill, MG. Those little social engineering ploys that the left tried to claim as "tax cuts" are further examples of the abuse of the language used to deceive...the classic tactic of the evil left." Then MG replied with a laundry list of those little social engineering ploys, proving my point, but claiming to have made his point. MG either does not understand the language, or lacks the intellectual capacity to participate in the discussion.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    No, samsung1, they did not bother with strip clubs; they are rapists.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    16oz T-bone...$7.25.
    samsung1, you learned a valuable lesson that is also worthy to keep in mind when dealing with schiesters like government types or used car salesmen or environmentalists: There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    jablake, I'm not wealthy. But I hope you someday try to take something from me, so I can give you what you deserve. Anyone who espouses the evil you do can do only one good thing for the universe: die. Right now.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers with boy's names
    Those are fairly androgynous names, like "Pat." But if a certain "James" offered me a lapdance, I'd go for it...if she were James King, the supermodel.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Okay, jablake, rather than edit your statement to its essence, here it is quoted directly via cut-and-paste: 'Ideally "rich" would be foreign concept for later generations because the government thru fear (its favorite weapon) will have dramatically equalized wealth across the board.' Wowzers! A tyrannical government instilling fear in its citizens to have its way over jablake's "ideal." You seem, jablake, to want something for nothing. Specifically, you want others to produce, while you reap the benefits of their hard labor through tyrannical government confiscation. Try and take something of mine, you selfish and greedy punk. You're a daisy if you do. You're a worse-than-worthless piece of trash for even wanting to do what you have said you want to do.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    jablake said, "Ideally [something; doesn't matter what] because the government thru fear (its favorite weapon) will [something; doesn't matter what]." Wowzers! A tyrannical government instilling fear in its citizens to have its way over jablake's "ideal."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    No tax rates were lowered in the stimulus bill, MG. Those little social engineering ploys that the left tried to claim as "tax cuts" are further examples of the abuse of the language used to deceive...the classic tactic of the evil left. If you believe Obama was telling the truth about his pledge to cut income tax rates for all earning less than $250,000/year, I challenge you to a bet. If my taxes on my sub-$250k income go up during Obama's presidency, you pay the bill. If my income tax rate is actually lower at the end of his presidency as promised, I will pay you $20,000. Should be easy money for you, unless Obama is a liar. So, do you want to bet, or admit he's a liar? (Hint: don't take the bet. The Liar has already said he'll sunset the Bush tax cuts next year, at which time, everyone's rates will go up...the lower income-earners' rates will go up more, since Bush had cut them more. At that point, you will have lost the bet, and Obama will be proven again to be a liar.)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    MG, I suspect you believe the things you write. How sad. But your belief does not impact the Truth. jablake, "wealth equality" as you describe it would require absolute tyranny to enforce. Who would willingly give all they earn to greedy and selfish slugs who choose not to earn it?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Simple solution to that, Clubber: no vote for federal office counts if the voter pays no federal income tax. Your information reminds me of a fine point about "greed." Greed is less like one keeping what s/he has earned, and more like one demanding what s/he has not earned.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Ironically, Clubber, exit polls from last November showed that many voters thought Obama intended to cut taxes! There should be an aptitude test for voters so the rest of us don't pay the penalty for some others' ignorance.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Srip clubs in the movies...
    "My Name is Earl" had an hilarious episode in which the hot latina returned to her old job as a dancer to help earn money to bail out Earl's ex. Burt Reynolds played the super-sleazy strip club owner.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Modern political spectrum from left to right: Radical -- Liberal -- Moderate -- Conservative -- Revolutionary Classic political spectrum at the time of the founding of the US: Tyranny (Ruler's Law) -- People's Law -- Anarchy These are just terms, but words have accepted meanings. When you mix them up, confusion or mis-information is bound to follow.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is YOUR line of BS?
    Not a fan of the BS.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    No, Dougster, the National Socialists were about strong central government with nearly tyrannical control. They were leftists. They were also murderous and pure evil, outside their political lives.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Female "O'dior"
    I remember well a dancer in Denver that gave me one of my very first lappers. When she stood on the couch and presented her bare vagina for my consumption, it was the sweetest smelling and best tasting of any I've ever encountered, before or since. Ahhhh.... It's amazing how the memory of scents lingers...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any clubbing is good clubbing?
    I can have fun anywhere. But if I'm in a stripclub without extras, I won't be spending money.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Leftists monikers, some historical, some current, list is a sample only: Monarchists Radicals Communists Socialists National Socialists (shortened commonly to "Nazis") Liberals Statists In common, all leftists tend towards tyranny and strong central government control over individuals and states. The founders of the United States sought to avoid the natural trend for governments to decay towards such a state, and created this republic. Modern leftists in America have vowed to "fundamentally change this Nation" (quote from Barack Obama in presidential debate against John McCain, 2008).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    MG, I claimed Ted was a LEFTIST, and he was. I doubt this country's had a "monarchist" in it for over a century... And Jefferson would be shunned from the modern democrat party for his conservatism. He railed against the left, because leftists hate what America is.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    Leftists in the early 1800s were not called "progressive," "liberal," "communist," "socialist," nor "Marxist," because none of those terms had their present meaning back then. That should be obvious. Leftists are leftists, and lovers of stronger central government, then and now. At that time, the term Jefferson used for the stronger-and-larger-central-government types was "monarchist." So, while you would be correct to ridicule a claim that "Ted Kennedy was a monarchist," no such claim has been made. Ted Kennedy was a leftist, and Jefferson's words against leftists are as true as ever. You will never win a discussion point by arguing against contentions that were never even made. That's typically known as "making a strawman argument," and it is a sign that you are either dishonest or ignorant or both. That's pitiful.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    MG, you asked what my statement means (re: less-active congress) and it means what it says. The reason it is in no way hypocritical, as I explained before, is that I do not complain about congress not doing enough. I wonder sometimes if you understand basic English language. And to bolster my contention that you discounted as "a joke," here's some wisdom from Thomas Jefferson: "I have spoken of the [democrats, then called "Federalists"] as if they were a homogeneous body, but that is not the truth. Under that name lurks the heretical sect of [leftists, then called "monarchists"]. Afraid to wear their own name they creep under the mantle of [the democratic party], and the [democrats], like sheep permit the fox to take shelter among them, when pursued by dogs. These men have NO RIGHT TO OFFICE. If a [leftist] be in office, anywhere, and it be known to the President, the oath he has taken to support the Constitution imperiously requires the instantaneous dismissing of such officer; and I hold the President CRIMINAL if he permitted such to remain. To appoint a [leftist] to conduct the affairs of a Republic is like appointing an atheist to the priesthood." (newspaper letter, 1803)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is best thing a dancer told you she shouldn't have?
    Her: I never go all the way in the club. Me: I respect your boundaries. Her: I want to do it. [proceeds to give no-fee FS]
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cost of FS OTC?
    I've done OTC FS from a range of 0 to 150 dol. I've had a couple of ladies ask for more, but those "transactions" did not interest me. 0 is the typical, but I won't call it "free," just to keep terms in line with gk's fine post.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pineapple juice
    Applications for Judy's larger "control group" will be taken at the post office on Monday from 9-10 AM. Expect to find campers Sunday night...