
Comments by hugevladfan (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Tipping After a Lap Dance
    You are 100% accurate with your tipping theory. As someone who works in a service industry I've always felt that what I give would somehow come back to me. People in the industry juss know and it's very unstated. I would never tip after a lapdance or three. If I felt that a stripper was quite generous in her time with me I will give her a few extra bucks to compensate for the lost revenue unless I've gotten more than 15 dances (this recently happened)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you pity tip?
    Sadly I have even gotten pity dances and pity shots for dancers. The pity dance was the worst as the girl was about 6'3 and huge. It was her first night at Cheetahs and I was her first dance. Somewhat non-surprisingly I haven't seen her since, tho it may have been Thursday or Friday when I saw her and there are totally different shifts m-wed and thu-sat.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you pity tip?
    I am not sure why you would lump FDR into the same sentence as this current administration and even Johnson. Of course if you're trying to paint Bush as a liberal, all I can say is nice try since liberals you know have feelings and all.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you pity tip?
    It'd be kind of hard to get Social Security without there being some sort of a federal registry to know who to send the $$$ to. As for centralisation of power in Washington as opposed to LBJ and Bush for the last four years of the Roosevelt admin (well 3.5) we were in a state of World War in which it was feared that a scourge of fascism or National Socialism would overtake the land or world. As opposed to future voluntary exercises which seemingly had only one or two raison d'etre.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If you could go to one club that you have not yet visited, which would it be?
    Rick's in Seattle, followed by the Playhouse Lounge in Burlington N.J.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    and if you can find me one ultra leftist that stands outside taking pictures of patrons exiting seedy establishments I'd appreciate knowing about it, since it's the family values crowd that want to impose their one world order on their worldmates.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    I am an ultra leftwinger and have ZERO problems with strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    What's the point of this post anyway? I live in Vegas, a rather conservative city and never see anyone from either side lamenting the next strip club to open. I think liberals and leftwingers have more important things to concern themselves with than flag burning, gay marriage and the new opening of a club where women are scantily clad.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Not much would please me more than to see a principled conservative argument about anything but they seem to be lacking at the moment.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Hugeladfan, here's several: I think the US Dept. of Education should be shut down because they cost a ton of money and don't add any value, in fact they've made our schools worse. I'm opposed to most federal welfare programs on similar grounds, they've destroyed our inner cities at great cost. I'm opposed to the federalization of what used to be state programs for education and welfare, plus many others, because they've added cost without adding value. I'm opposed to the continual raising of sales and excise taxes and government sponsored gambling programs like lotteries because they're regressive and hurt low income people the most. I've never heard a decent liberal argument that makes any sense in favor of any of these liberal programs. You'll get NO argument whatsoever from me about lotteries. Govt's aren't even trying when they decide that they can raise revenue by taxing more heavily on those that may be able to least absorb it (which ostensibly is where a lottery generates alot of its monies). I don't mind taxes on items that have a heavier social cost like alcohol, cigarettes and gigantic SUV's. Unfortuantely it's the latter of the three that is the beneficiary of a huge tax BREAK (hmmmmmmmmm wonder why?) I am opposed to sales tax increases when they go to support welfare for billionaires (see sports stadiums and infrastructure for two big examples), I REALLY despise hotel taxes and rental car taxes for the same cause. The local populace wouldn't support such a measuree but as long as its someone else paying I guess it's OK to soak them right? Since we're abolishing the Dept of Education can we also dramatically scale down the corporate welfare we hand to military defence contractors? Billions and billions and MORE billions spent and all I got was a camoflauge t-shirt and a heckuva lot of wounded and dead bodies on my conscious. If these companies really want to enrich themselves via the fruits of war is it too much to ask that maybe a few of their offspring fight in a cause that has raised their stock price sometimes four and five fold?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    I think a standardised education system has alot of merit to it and since we're all under the same system there should be one major clearinghouse(?) for policies.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    proofreading is your friend. It's conscience. Oy how did I screw that up?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    I rarely sample multiple girls. I may give a girl a dance juss to get her to go away at some point. I don't think I ever go more than two songs in a row unless the third song is an absolute killer tune. Last time I went to a club I hung with the same girl for over three hours and more of the time was spent caressing, massaging and talking than dancing (I think there were three sets in the VIP room).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    My main obsession
    To me World Football has the best athletes, when played at its most elite levels be it World Cup, Premier League, Champions League or Serie A. When it comes to the sport I am more or less a once every four years guy (World Cup fanatic). Sumpin about national pride of the entire world grips me unlike the latter three leagues. It's hard to explain the passion for the sport I have every four years whereas it ceases to exist during non WC competitions (never have gotten into MLS either) but I have alot of respect for the hundreds of millions of fans, if not billions and can easily see how it's the most popular sport both participatory and viewership. Now can someone explain to me the allure of Formula One racing?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Prostitution arrests
    Uh yeah until Republican de-regulation allows a fly by night business operation to open up for a lil while with no real indication that the establishment is safe. Juss when the shit hits the fan and people start noticing this weird stuff growing all over their dick and balls there is no one to hold responsible because said business has already closed up and moved on. BTW I for one would be for legalised brothels for both men and women to indulge their fantasies. It'd be a heckuva lot less destructive than gambling, smoking or alcohol and people can't get enough of those activities. (Note: as someone who works in an environment where casino gambling is all around me there are numerous healthy ways to engage in both drinking and gambling).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    More indigent people ride public transportation or find alternate means than pay much in gas tax. As I am sure you can figure I am one of the liberals that would love a higher gas tax. Why should Exxon and Chevron be able to clear 30 billion in profits per year?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting robbed in a club
    I WAS keeping track and it was juss a bummer that someone would pretty much juss smash a financial transaction and lose dignity over such a piddling amount. I don't drink so alcoholic impairment isn't a factor.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Growing tired of a particular dancer
    In my case I feel the reverse is true with one stripper. I will patently avoid the club she frequents now simply because seeing her would be a major pain in the head. No matter how much I condition myself that I could handle juss such a meeting I know there's no way on earth I would make it through unscathed. The damndest feeling in the fucking world. Juss passing by the place on a Friday night accelerated my heartbeat for two subsequent hours (and I am in peak shape).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting robbed in a club
    chandler -----I believe I should've done what you wrote about that you had done. I'll handle it differently in the future. I don't like paying as I go or keep a running amount. I haven't been burned before but it's obvious I was opening myself up to juss such a possibility.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    I guess one public bus carrying several dozen people is much more a of a public nuisance than 15-20 cars with one passenger in them, not to mention all of the dangers associated with juss one vehicle LIKE a bus.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Oil companies compete. I guess it's juss such an amazing coincidence that prices are within juss a few cents of each other in each particular locale. They don't compete in any realistic sense of the word. They are pretty much price-fixers worried strictly about the same thing that Abbie Normal is, the bottom line. In a capatilist society that is the primary goal, the bottom line i.e. stock price. Companies and private business exist for no common good, they exist for one reason and one reason only. PROFIT.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    ATM in a club? Yes or no?
    dancers love them to pieces, I have used them twice in all my clubbing experiences on juss one girl and I was grateful the one time I had to rely on it. Sometimes emergencies arise but I can normally exhibit a decent level of self-control.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    I apologise for veering off into a discussion about politics. As an avowed liberal this isn't the place to really launch into political diatribe and I will refrain from going into it much. I juss took offence that the author of this thread decided to tie leftwingers as being similar to rightwingers in their opposition to stripclubs. I'll leave it at that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    BINGO FONDL. I think if a guy begins to get to close to a stripper regardless of intentions she will pull back, probably to see how much she can get away with and possibly because the guy is coming on too strong as well as not being interested in him.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    I am sure that the same industry that gets billions of dollars in tax breaks will one day ever get seriously condemned by a Congress that is pretty much an extension of a local Chamber of Commerce.