Keep an eye on the I-95 corridor
gammanu95Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
and nearby cities. Romanians are coming to the US via Canada at the I-95 northern border crossing.
Illegal aliens, regardless of race, religion, or national origin, should be arrested and deported with equal haste; however, I have found that Romanian women are consistently hotter than virtually any other. This makes me wonder where along southbound I-95 immigration patterns would lead a Romanian in the US? I would guess that most would settle between Boston and Newark, and only the most ambitious or aimless going all the way south to Fort Lauderdale
last commentGamma Ape, this is the stupidest post this rick has ever read.
Anybody that has watched those “Star Trek” documentaries knows that the Romanians have a frickin’ cloaking device. How the fuck can anybody track them with a frickin’ cloaking device?
You’re just using insane ape logic. ROAR!!!
Wait…wait…I just looked it up and the ones with the cloaking device are Romulans, not Romanians. My bad…sometimes the Jack makes me a bit tipsy and I confuse words that begin with ‘R’.
Well, I’m sure this post is stupid for other reasons. Like maybe the Romanians purchased a cloaking device from the Romulans. Discussing that possibility is much more interesting topic than indulging Gamma Ape’s bizarre obsessions. ROAR!!!
===> "Illegal aliens, regardless of race, religion, or national origin, should be arrested and deported with equal haste; however, I have found that Romanian women are consistently hotter than virtually any other."
Why would we want to deport hot Romanian women? I mean the dudes I get, but hot young women?
Shit man. I'm rooting for every hot young Romanian woman to make it in undetected and eventually end up at a strip club near me! 🎉🥳💃
Well, I once saw a homeless dude giving himself a bath, and that was right along the I-95 corridor in Jacksonville. The light changed to green, and I moved away briskly. Some things you just can't unsee... 😂
@RickDugan: equal and uniform application of the law. If you want to come to America to strip naked for my $1 bills and male gaze, you have to do it the right way
I’m not worried - unless they’re Gypsies.
OK Mr. Law & Order. But I for one will always be in favor of a hot female exception, even if it's an informal one. 😉
I heard about this too. I don't speak Cuban/Spanish however I'm sure my Romanian is way worse. And I do agree, regardless how great they are, get the hell back to Canada.
@mogul1985: Fortunately with EE girls there's no need to learn their language. Unlike the Cuban girls, the EE girls make it a priority to learn our language so that they can communicate.
One of the things I admittedly miss about NE clubs are the EE strippers. They tend to be beautiful and have an old school view of the roles of men and women. I would love to see a large crew roll down 95 and start to replace some of the Cuban girls infesting a few of our clubs, though sadly it's much more likely that they would settle in the NYC region and work the NY, CT and PA clubs.
I voted for Trump but he's getting ridiculous with some of the policies he's implementing especially with trade and tourism and immigration.
heck I might be a illegal immigrant. I honestly don't know if my ancestors came to the United States lawfully...
Its crazy watching married men who solicit prostitution as a hobby pretending to be moral or law abiding
^morals have nothing to do with laws those are separate things.
Super stupid post. Agree with the Lion.
Having sessioned with many Romanian women in FKK clubs I'll say that they're generally attractive but not the hottest thing around. Hungarian and Czech women, however.... Of course, I may be biased by the fact that I've had loads of Romanians and only a couple of Czechs and one Hungarian.
@caseyx - if we had Romanians, Hungarians, and Czechs flying across the Canadian border for the US strip clubs... fuck, we should be so lucky. I would relocate. I would find which fucking city they are settling down in and park my ass in those clubs for the foreseeable future.
This lion agrees with his brother rick. There is certainly room for a Romanian hottie exception.
In fact, this rick wonders if there could be a trade where we send an obsessed dorkus named Gamma to Romania in exchange for some sexy Romanians. Hell, let’s trade Gamma for some Romulan hotties.
This rick recognizes that it is possible that the frickin’ Romulans are fictional, but I’m not sure due to all the Jack. But don’t think that should stand in the way of strapping Gamma into a rocket and shooting him toward a planet that may or may not be called Romulus. ROAR!!!
I wonder why they dont also do the same with the middle eastern women? At least allow the women in? Or at least allow the non religious ones in, the ones who arent wearing headscarves?
Australian women are the hottest. They also seem to often have naturally large breasts. I think they are developing properly out there because their food and water supply isnt corrupted and tainted like it is in the US.
Look at guys like henry cavill and chris hemsworth. We dont have anyone in the US like those guys at least not a celebrity. Really makes you wonder why. Weve got John cena but hes on the juice. Weve got chris pine and chris evans, but honestly, they dont have the look and development guys like Cavill and Hemsworth do. Cavill has those cheekbones that really pop out…Tom Brady has them too but he appears to have gotten work done on his face.
^ lol. How do you feel about Fabio? Any other hot guys you’re into?
Who had “fake rick jacks off to chris hemsworth” on their bingo card?
Ricktheloser was spotted in Kenya taking his sad, furry cosplay too far
I watch Icey post, and I understand why she was abandoned at 11. The epitome of the progressive, whiny, loser.
That’s a very revealing link Gamma Ape.
I’m not sure why you thought that sharing a story from your stash of gay lion porn would somehow impugn this lion’s character.
Whose TUSCL bingo card has “Gamma reveals that he jacks off to kids movies” and “ Gamma shares gay lion porn”?
^^ oh, thats me!! I win! I win!
What’s my prize, A free MAGA hat?
So many liberal minds to occupy and so little time.
All you do is think about me and follow me around online like pathetic little strays looking for scraps to comment on. I'm out in the world making money (and actually improving lives and outcomes while I do), getting laid, living a joyful life with friends and family. You guy trail in my wake with minds full of hate, jealousy, seeking any chance for a petty, ineffective, cowardly, online trolling. A furry cosplayer and an impersonation of a failed d-list comic are pretty much the personification of failures.
Wait a moment, are you SkiBum reincarnated? ^^
^you forgot to switch screen names, loser. What happened, were you too triggered?