
Should Strip Clubs Limit Strippers to One Drink Per Hour?

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

This is largely a hypothetical, as most clubs seem to turn a blink eye even to dancers shooting up in the bathroom. The main reason strip clubs cause problems is that they attract dancers with substance abuse problems, and that in turn tends to attract criminal types to the locality. But gubment would rather do a DOGE, close down clubs, rather than make them benign amenities through regulation (as is typically the approach with businesses providing alcohol).


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Avatar for IWantHerOnMe

I think this might be hard to do to subcontractors but they should definitely send home over the top intoxicated dancers. I NEVER deal with drunk dancers for any reason period.

Avatar for Iknowbetter

I haven’t known this to be a problem. Occasionally I’ve encountered a dancer who’s obviously drunk or on drugs, who I’ll simply avoid. But I always thought that the clubs encouraged dancers to have customers buy drinks for them (whether they drink them or not), and often the dancer drinks are significantly more expensive than the customers drinks.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I've only encountered the drink hustle in a minority of clubs.

It's pretty common for clubs to ban certain dancers from drinking while working. Assuming that's legal, a club should be able to limit drinking.

Avatar for wallanon

Strip clubs that sell alcohol make a ton of money that way. It's not likely a club would willingly cut out a legal revenue stream. Clubs are a business.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Alcoholics (and other types of addicts) are generally functional enough that they don't typically pass out or get disruptive when they're under the influence. But their addiction does seem to make them more likely to get involved with criminals. It stands to reason that criminal guys are going to gravitate to places with women willing to get involved with them.

Avatar for WiseToo

When you're at a table with a stripper and order drinks, you don't get to see how the drinks are made. You get served a real drink. The stripper knows the drink she ordered will actually be non-alcoholic fruit juice. The club makes a ton of money on stripper drinks avoids the possibility of drunk strippers.

Avatar for Flash4

"When you're at a table with a stripper and order drinks, you don't get to see how the drinks are made. You get served a real drink. The stripper knows the drink she ordered will actually be non-alcoholic fruit juice. The club makes a ton of money on stripper drinks avoids the possibility of drunk strippers." - I often sit at the bar but even at a table I generally don't buy dancers any drinks. If I knew a dancer ordered (and I paid for) an alcoholic drink and I was aware it was fake, I'd grab a manager to give them an earful, leave, and probably write a review here. I would be p..i..s..s..e..d.

Avatar for boomer79

It varies on the club and dancer. I have seen some that made a habit of needing to be cut off and some clubs where you didn’t see dancers messed up. Like patrons though contractors or not dancers shouldn’t be over served.

Avatar for IWantHerOnMe

I don't care if the club runs a drink scam or not. What difference does it make me? And seeing how I don't like drunk dancers it's a good thing she doesn't get thrashed when we are together.

Avatar for WiseToo

I experienced a drink scam being exposed at a well known club in RI. I was sharing a table with another customer because the club was very crowded. They were having some porn star feature entertainer that evening who used puppets in her show.

I had my drink and a stripper joined us. She asked the customer to buy her a drink. After some small talk about drinks and what she wanted he agreed and the waitress came over. She ordered and he said that the drink she ordered sounds good and he'll have the same. The waitress returned with the two drinks and placed one in front of the stripper and the other in front of the customer.

He quickly picked up the strippers drink and began jokingly comparing it to his drink. He then switched drinks and placed his drink in front of the stripper. The stripper complained that he switched drinks and she wanted her drink. He said that the drinks are the same. She insisted and he refused. Finally, he tried the stripper's drink and said something like just as I suspected, a fake drink, no alcohol. The stripper left the table. The waitress took the real drink and left the table without getting paid for anything.

Avatar for Manuellabore

One night at Kings Inn on Cape Cod was ordering drinks on the fly for a dancer who had been cut off. It seemed like it was a routine event for her. She was apparently enough of a hard core alcoholic that she didn’t seem impaired, so the bartender must have been keeping track.
I had a flight attendant on a cross-country flight pull the “one drink an hour” thing on me. She laid down the law when I ordered my second beer, so it wasn’t like I was in the bag. Never happened before or since. In fact, I sat next to a guy who put away 5 or 6 on a flight from BOS to PHL. He was bouncing off the walls of the jetway when we exited the plane

Avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat

I think some dancers get cut off on an individual basis.

Avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger

No because liquor makes them do nasty and naughty things. Which I likey

Avatar for Jascoi

I wish to clarify my post that says no.
That is an answer to the title of the OP.

Avatar for JamesSD

If clubs chased away all the girls with substance problems, there would be almost no American Born dancers left

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