Five ways to long-time a Chica in the Zona: which do you prefer?

avatar for RonJax2
I had an interesting conversation with @justinyoo recently, about the best way to warm up to an arriba, and I thought it was interesting food for thought for a discussion here.

One of my favorite past-times in Tijuana is spending serious quality time with bar girls. Conversing, flirting, watching her dance, getting lap dances, and all with my favorite extra, lots of DFK. Of course, I enjoy a FS experience, but in TJ, what I enjoy most is a long and intimate GFE warm up that makes for a mind-blowing arriba.

Some mongers go to TJ for the efficiency, and "vamos arriba por cien dólares" / let's go upstairs for $100 is about the only conversation they want to have with a chica. I get it, and if you're in this camp, this thread will not interest you. This thread is about the cost and value tradeoffs of various options for spending quality time with a chica in the Zona, before you get to the main event.

Imagine this scenario: you've just met a bar girl who is a perfect dime in your book. She smiles warmly as she gives you a hug after introducing herself. You're smitten. You have an unspecified but fixed amount of money to spend, and you want to maximize the value of that spend on an afternoon and/or evening of fun.

There are 6 options for locking down a bar girl's time: Ficha Fucking, Privados, Azul or Senda Norte, VIP Rooms, Extended Arribas, and OTC.

Here are the details, pros, and cons of each approach, as I see them:

*** Ficha Fucking ***

If you're not familiar with the Zona, the staple of the lap dance at any Zona club is the ficha. Usually these are $11 or $12 tiny lady beers, about 5 ounces each. If you keep feeding a chica fichas, she'll generally be happy to sit with you for an extended time, and if you offer her propinas, she might dance for you, flirt and give you peaks under her undergarmets, give you the stripper handshake, sit in your lap and grind, let you feel up her assets, and maybe even have a FRMOS with you, depending on the chica and your propinas.

The ficha is an essential tool for finding the right chica to invest in. During the first ficha, I always tell chicas "Estoy buscando una chica que le guste besar mucho" / I'm looking for a girl who likes to kiss a lot. Or I might say, "dame un besito" / give me a little kiss. And based on the response, I might decide to eject, to have another ficha, or to escalate by inviting her to a VIP room.


- If she's drinking at a reasonable pace ficha fucking is the second most cost effective way, inside the club, to spend time with a hot chica. With the right girl, you could kill several hours at the club flirting and downing cervezas, for not much more than a price of a civvie date back in the US.

- New to HK? Buy a hot chica a ficha and ask her for a tour. This is a fun and cheap way to explore, see the main stage show, grope slippery nipples at the shaving cream show, watch live music at Chavelas and maybe even learn some mexican dances, or watch the dancers twerking to reggaetón in the Miami room.


- Though YMMV, ficha fucking will generally be one of the lowest mileage approaches for spending time with a chica. This is especially true at Hong Kong club, where a mesero hawking "dance cards" will pester you if things get too rowdy. This is less of a problem at the smaller clubs, where fichas, in the right circumstances, can get pretty wild.

- Also at HK, though it's possible to avoid them, some girls will insist on $33 wine fichas. And some chicas can mow through those fuckers fast. Generally it's best to avoid girls who insist on wine and/or chug fichas, but if you are absolutely smitten by one who does, it's more cost effective to move her on to somewhere else like VIP or arriba.

*** Privados ***

At HK, a Privado is a one song lap dance held in a tiny curtain covered cubicle. I believe these go for around $26 a song these days. BT has privado options too, which I've read are cheaper. Not all the smaller clubs have a one song Privado option.


- The cheapest way by absolute cost to give a chica a test drive in private.


- Expensive by the minute, compared to VIP rooms. If you're going to do several of these, it's generally much more cost effective to do a VIP room. I generally avoid Privados for this reason.

*** Azul & Senda Norte ***

Azul is the adjoining restaurant for Hong Kong Club, Senda Norte for Bar Tropical. Chicas from BT and HK both are permitted by management to join you for a meal at either spot while they're on the clock. Çhicas don't have to go to dinner with you just because you invite them, but in my experience, most chicas are down for a meal if you offer, they work long shifts and no one ever feeds them.

The food at both places is pretty decent, especially given how reasonable the prices are. A dinner and drink for you and a chica might cost $50 at either spot.

Service at Azul is generally prompter than Senda Norte although that may be a plus for Senda Norte if you want to spend time with a chica on the cheap.


- Given that a meal might take an hour, this is arguably the cheapest way of all to spend time with a bar girl on the clock, cheaper even than ficha fucking.

- A meal with a chica is a terrific post-arriba activity. Especially if you want to spend time with her recharging for a second round with the same lady.


- Obviously, a meal in public is generally not a high mileage proposition. However, you are still with a puta, in a brothel, and I've been pleasantly surprised with the mileage I've gotten out of some meals. (My last meal at Senda Norte, they were really slow to bring the check, but I spent the whole time seated next to my CF chica, making out with her as stick-shifted. We've since been to dinner elsewhere, she doesn't do that at a regular restaurant, jaja.)

*** VIP Rooms ***

Both big and small clubs in the Zona have private VIP rooms that you can rent by the hour. At some clubs (Chicago, BT) you can rent these rooms by the half-hour too.

At HK, the cost is $110 per hour to the house for the room, and comes with a small bucket of drinks, "for the lady", which in my experience is usually enough to share. Whatever you negotiate with the girl is separate from the house fee. Usually, I just offer the chica a $100 propina at the start of the hour, "por los bailes sexys, y muchos besos" / For sexy dances and lots of kisses. And usually I tip the mesero who brings the drinks $10, bringing the total cost to $220 for the hour.

The quality of the room varies by club. Chicago and BT's VIP rooms are pretty small and dingy with marginal privacy. D&G has a pretty nice VIP room with good privacy but it does not have views. HK has fairly nicely appointed rooms, some with a view of the main stage, the shaving cream show, and then also there's VIP rooms above Miami, which look right down on the main stage/bar.

You can definitely fuck ITC in one of these rooms, if you are so inclined, or you can stick to dances.


- You can get ultra high mileage dances in VIP, much higher mileage than ficha fucking. I recall one recent trip where I had the chica completely naked, pinned against the wall as we kissed and I massage her tits and lady bits. Another dancer I recall had this move where she would sat in my lap RCG, and grinded her crotch on the top of my cock while reaching underneath to massage it with her hand from below. One chica had me bite her nipple, then told me she wanted me to boss her around. I could go on. I've much more experience clubbing in the US than TJ, and still about 8 of the 10 most memorable lap dances I've gotten in my life were all in TJ.

- At HK, those views above the club stage, and also above Miami room are indeed baller. I'm not a fan of "making it rain", but giving a chica a few bucks to toss from the VIP room window to the chicas on the stage below at Miami is a fun past time.


- As with any club, YMMV and much depends on the dancer and your ability to screen them during the ficha. Once with a hot jovencita in HK, I got nothing but air dances, even after asking explicitly for a "baile de regaso" / a lap dance. But most of the dances I've gotten in VIP rooms in TJ have been high quality experiences that would have cost close to $1000 in any major metro area in the US.

- $220 with a tip brings the price pretty close to what you'd pay for an hour arriba. So for many the value proposition might not be worth it, it depends on how much you enjoy getting lap dances.

*** Extended Arriba ***

Most people are familiar with quotes for HH arribas in the Zona, $100 on the low end, $120 more typical, and sometimes asks of $160 or even $200. Every chica has the own prices, and many will negotiate. Most chicas I find are very negotiable on time.

For example, I find that a chica who wants $120 / HH might:
...agree to same $120 for 40 minutes. $200 for 1 Hour. $350 for 2 Hours. $450 for 3 hours.

Or you might do even better "buying out" the remaining hours of her shift. Maybe she tells you she has 3 hours of a shift to go, and she might jump at your offer to spend it in your hotel room for $400.

There's a catch: bar fines. At Rizo and Cascadas, the house will typically want you to buy a $110 bucket "for the lady" for every hour over an hour. That's $110 extra for a 2 hour arriba, or $220 extra for a 3 hour arriba. There are ways to avoid or mitigate these bar fines, including having the chica visit you off her shift, and also tipping the hotel manager, but neither of these are guarantees.


- Obviously, arriba is high mileage and as much fun as it gets ITC in TJ.

- Sudsy chica jacuzzi time is amazing fun and requires longer arribas.

- The hotels are generally 420 friendly whereas the clubs less so. I'd estimate that 67% of chicas I've met like to toke.


- If you're in a small bar bones room, you both might get stir crazy in a long arriba. A bigger room, like the double master at Rizo or Cas is better if you're planning long term arribas.

- Trying to avoid feeding the dragon by playing bar fine games is an obnoxious hassle. To elongate a fixed budget, the highest value play might be to ficha fuck for as much time as you like and then do a 1 hour arriba, so you don't pay a bar fine at all.

*** OTC ***

In my review of HK on my very first trip to Tijuana, I naively described the arriba ITC as the "King of all lap dances." Now, having about a half dozen multi-day trips to TJ under my belt, I know this not to be true. The real king of all arribas in TJ is an OTC date with a hot chica. The seasoned pros on TUSCL who patronize the Zona all put most of their mongering efforts into finding gems for OTC rendezvous.

Not all chicas will meet clients outside the club. And those that do might be picky about who they'll see. So for OTC meetups, your mileage will definitely vary.

Prices bar girls will charge to meet outside the club can vary wildly. A good baseline here might be that escorts typically charge $350-500 for a TLN (8-10 hour) session, though a bar girl might charge a little more than an escort might.


- You've cut out the middle man, and by the hour, a TLN OTC is the highest value of any approach to spending significant time with a chica.

- You can stay in whatever hotel you like, based on your budget and preferred level of comfort.

- You can stay out of the Zona, which mitigates the biggest safety risk in TJ: bandits with badges.

- You can do whatever activities you like. Maybe stay at the beach in Rosarito. Or maybe even one day take her traveling in Mexico, have her give you a tour of her home city.


- It takes some time and effort to cultivate OTC relationships. Most likely, you'll need to have taken a chica arriba at least once before she'll be wanting to offer you her WhatsApp for OTC. For those who prize variety, there's always a variety at the clubs.

- She's going to be late to meet you, guaranteed. Punctuality is just not a trait common among chicas. For the impatient, there are always bar girls or street girls ready to go arriba right now.

So, that's my take on the options for long-timing a chica in the zona. As I was having this discussion with @justinyoo it occurred to me that more recently, I haven't done enough time ficha fucking these ladies, and maybe I'm often too much in a rush to get them into a VIP room. So, for my next trip to the Zona I'm resolved to buy more fichas.

I also think there's a time and place for all of these tactics, except for Privados which I think are bad value.

What do you think fellow TJ mongers? Which of these tactics do you most prefer? What are your tips for getting good value for your dollar long-timing chicas in the Zona?


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avatar for justinyoo
3 months ago
Amazing forum post RonJax! Your contributions and experiences are legendary.

I personally ficha fuck half the day and then possibly half the night away with hour arriba. I would like to experience OTC with a chica like in your Mission DFK review but I only get down to TJ like 1 to 3 times a year so I don't try hard to keep relationships made.

VIP I always thought wasn't cost efficient so avoided it but the experiences you have in the club is something pretty wild and interesting that now I want to try out once when I go in a few weeks. I would think this works best after a 2 minimum ficha introduction to find the right girl to suggest VIP otherwise you might get the airdancer you mentioned, someone reserved or someone with a bad attitude and then you will be missing the experience and it will be costly. Find the right lady and it could be an amazing experience albeit at a higher $ rate.

Thanks again Ron!
I do not have any set way I do things.
I might use the half price coupon on a 5 minute privado.
chemistry counts right from the get-go.
I rarely buy a ficha first nor do I keep her over an hour. afterwards we might have another drink... maybe get a bite to eat.

As usual YMMV.

and my expensive encounter with the bandits with badges was away from the was right by the arch.
and I'm not looking for OTC usually.
But I also have not had many girls compared to some other guys... But I still do have fun!
Great read, even though going there is of no interest to me. This post is what all posts should seek to be.
Great post, RonJax. As usual, your writing is both entertaining and informative.

Though I can't get to TJ often, I've visited La Zona Norte a good number of times over the last ten years. Things change, and your post will help me make the most of my time whenever I next make the journey to TJ from where I live on the east coast.

It's been interesting to see how many more options there are now (even within a single club like HK) in terms of how one can have fun there, as well as what things cost. Ten years ago, ficha dances at HK were less than $10 (and VERY high mileage), the going rate for a half-hour upstairs was $17 for a private room and $60 to the girl. I even took two perfect 10s (to my taste) arriba at the same time for $100 -- $50 to each girl. Obviously, those days are long gone, but dollar for dollar, TJ still beats anything available in the USA.
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
Lol to East Coaster. I was looking at those prices and wandering what TJ these guys are going to. I can literally pick up a phone and pay those prices right now without traveling anywhere, but if the girls are still anything like they used to be I can understand the appeal.
> I can literally pick up a phone and pay those prices

Tell me more about this @WallAnon, you're talking about hiring an escort for the same price as an arriba in Tijuana? And for the same amount of time?

I'm skeptical, but tell us more!
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
"I'm skeptical, but tell us more!"

Telling someone you can't comprehend how they hobby doesn't really motivate them to try and explain it. This isn't Reddit. I'll drag you here lol.
I've had some experience with the US escort scene in a few metro areas, and I don't think it stacks up at all against the value of spending time with a bar girl.

Especially when you compare spending an entire afternoon or evening with a lady. An all night date with a hot escort in the US could cost several K, definitely much less than you'd spend on an equivalent amount of time in TJ.

Sometimes I think people compare apples to oranges on this.
Also, I'm very jealous of @EastCoaster and other mongers who were lucky enough to visit this monger's paradise back when the ficha was higher mileage and the arriba was only $60. What a time that must have been!
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
"Sometimes I think people compare apples to oranges on this."

Now that RonJax decided not to get dragged lol, I don't do escorts. Mostly. My ATF2 was an escort but I found that out after I was already banging her. Plus after one awkward time at her house where her little dog tried to attack me and I don't think she'd showered after the last guy we kinda fell out lol.

But enough on that. Bottom line is I regularly spend less than what was quoted for hours and hours of company and pretty hot sex and sometimes more. Most girls would cost more for that, but I was able to work something out with a few. There's no secret to it. Sometimes you just click with a girl even if it's hobby stuff, but it *is* the hobby so you've gotta be willing to spend money to save money.

I stopped going to TJ years ago, at least a decade, but man I had some great times. Yes there are pics and vids but no CJ you can't see them...
Even though I have no interest to visit Tijuana, I agree with those who said this is a well done post, interesting and intelligently executed.
Thank you for sharing this with us @RonJax2
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
twentyfive is right about the original post being well done. You should think about tweaking it a bit and submitting it as an article.
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. This kind of grew from a small comment about VIP versus ficha fucking and to a post of six different approaches. Only right before I submitted it did I think it might be article worthy if edited a bit. But then, I thought I have plenty of VIP stocked up anyway so better to just put it in discussion where I won't have to wait a week for it to get published, jaja.
avatar for wallanon
3 months ago
I don't think there's a rule that says you can't submit it as an article after it's posted if you're the one that wrote it.
This is the best, most relevant post I've read in a long time. I visited TJ last month and am visiting again in January. I plan on applying the lessons you are describing. Thank you Obi-Wan!!
Something to be careful of that is not clear, if you see an HK or BT girl off shift in Cascadas or Rizo, they want their cut. Either a bucket/hour or $300 for the night.

An OTC is best truly OTC (outside the club). Book a downtown hotel, so you won't be bothered. Most are about the same cost as the hourly bucket.

Great write up. Good job.
HK and Cascadal/Rizo hotel management definitely fucked up the OTC experience...
Just a note on that $300 barfine for an OTC chica. I've paid this barfine on an earlier trip. It sucks.

But my last trip, due to wizardry I don't understand, I was able to take a HK chica who had just ended her shift up to my room at the Rizo... with no barfines at all. She was there like 2-3 hours, not even a knock. She had to show her Tarjeta de Salud to security come to my room but that was it - it was similar to bringing a chica back to the hotel from D&G, where there were also no barfines.

I honestly don't know if there has been a change in policy recently, or if there were some other circumstances at work.

The other thing I've done successfully is tip well on a 2 hour barfine to avoid paying a full 3 hour barfine. YMMV.

Regardless, the whole "barfine game" is an obnoxious hassle. I'd honestly prefer that the rules were clear and consistent so I didn't have to waste the cerebral millwatt-hours on trying to avoid feeding the dragon. Thus, @PT's advice about avoiding Cas or Rizo for OTCs is still quite valid.

I'll add my props for a great write-up RonJax, thanks. I have no plans to go to Tijuana, but I've enjoyed OTC countless times on trips to other destinations and agree it's great with many possibilities.
RonJax... as you found out... the rules are not equally applied or enforced.
Just back from a trip to TJ. I have some reviews to write!

But I wanted to offer some data points on the matter of avoiding barfines:

- I had a current HK chica come and visit me at the Rizo on a day when she was off the clock and not working. She stayed 3 hours, no bar fine, no knock, no nothing.

- My wingman @Zbott met a chica who was just finishing her shift. He was able to bring her back to the room with no bar fine.

- I asked a few chicas about this, what they told me was that in their "tiempo libre", the law says the hotel can't make money on their visits.

- One knowledgeable monger I talked to mentioned that they are stricter at Cas versus Rizo at applying bar fines. So YMMV. As @Jascoi mentions, the rules are not always equally applied or enforced.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 months ago
OTC is the best option for me. There’s no rush, reasonable out-of-pocket and above all majority of the girls that I hang out with LOVE it ( and so do I ). Since I am not exactly the ‘ Wham Bam Thankyou Ma’am ‘ type of guy, I also enjoy VIP room sessions ( mainly as a foreplay ) before diving in for any possibility of arriba session/s or else a line-up for a future OTC hookup. These 15-mins/half-hour/1-hr sessions are ample sufficient for me to figure out a girl’s overall attitude. It tells me whether it needs to end right there or else to proceed with the girl for more Fun OTC. So far, surprisingly enough my judgement seems to have been quite accurate. LOL…. by now many girls at TB/CC and HK already know me quite well and also they are familiar with my style, so they automatically put in their best effort form the get-go and I love that. As a result the girl/s line-up and FUN is getting endless, but my only problem is managing my time as it can get easily become overwhelming dealing with a few girls at the same time and keeping them all happy and content ( besides yourself Ofcourse ) 😁
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Only been to TJ once, but I was told at HK that the VIPs are the BGs least favorite (worst money for them) option.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 months ago
> I can literally pick up a phone and pay those prices

@wallanon, you’re right and it’s easily doable. I’ve done it uncountable times myself and I still have a impressive local girl/s lineup at my fingertips.Still, the thrill behind OTCing these gorgeous young Mexican girls in TJ is unmatched.Each time I come out to TJ hoping for just a one time gig and then returning back to my local girls, I simply get dragged into this endless nonstop FUN maze and then as usual there’s no turning back for me ( despite all the incoming messages, how much they miss me…Lol!). In brief, TJ FUN is mind blowing once you get the real hang of it and have made friends with the locals inside/outside the clubs. Now, this is where a very different level of fun comes into play, and a lot of it comes in for free too.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 months ago
> “Thus, @PT's advice about avoiding Cas or Rizo for OTCs is still quite valid.”

RonJax2- Good advice, by PT👍🏻

On bar fines, it’s bullshit and unheard of in my vocabulary. As astonishing as this may sound, I wasn’t even familiar about TJ’s bar fines until lately after reading about it frequently in these discussions. IMO it’s a complete waste of money, regardless of how drop dead gorgeous the girl may be. There are way too many other better options, especially here in TJ.

RonJax2- Based on your excellent reviews/discussions/feedback, IMO you give me the impression of being a high-roller and also a generous hearted person. So my friend, regardless of which long-time Chica option you may choose you’ll be a magnet for these pretty ladies and they’ll follow you like bees around honey👍🏻
@ilbbaicnl, this really depends on how much you, the PL, tips. If you're a total dick and tip nothing, she gets 10 fichas for selling the room. That's 500 Pesos or about $25. Even by Mexican standards that's chump change for a 1 hour dance. I would not expect to get a quality dance in this scenario.

But if you tip her, say, $100 for the hour, bringing your total cost all-in to $220 for the hour, you're in a for a marvelous time, in my experience. She's still not earning quite what she'd earn for an arriba for the same time, but I think most chicas are happy to dance for you because they know an arriba will be up next.

You could also tip even more and get a full service experience in those rooms. In which case, it would be a wash for the chica versus an arriba.


> OTC is the best option for me.

Yes, I am definitely coming to realize that my favorite nights in TJ have all been out of the club! And really it's thanks to guys like you who have sharing OTC experiences that encouraged me try take out with chicas of my own.

> On bar fines, it’s bullshit and unheard of in my vocabulary.

You can definitely avoid with these two simple rules:

1. Not staying at Cas or Rizo.
2. Keeping arribas ITC with on the clock chicas to an hour or less.

(And I'm not even sure #2 is necessary if you follow rule 1. Like if you pay 3x$40 for a 2 hour short term room at Cascadas and compensate the chica accordingly, would they try to charge you a bar fine too? They probably do, but I'm curious to hear if others have tried a S/T rental for 2 or more hours.)

The thing about "feeding the dragon" is, I don't hate the idea implicitly. The dragon is arguably North America's best broker between PLs and hot chicas willing to party at incredibly reasonable rates. The Dragon is providing a valuable service, and without him, I wouldn't have met ANY of the chicas I've OTC'ed with in Tijuana. HK manages to continuously find a steady stream of Tapatías, Chilangas, Culichis, and other hot chicas from all corners of the country, all who are eager to work and play. I'm willing to concede that the Dragon deserves some of it's due.

My problem is just the inconsistency of it all. Shit like, club policies that encourage some chicas to order more expensive fichas while others stick to beer, the randomness of the enforcement of bar fines at CAS. And, are they going to be dicks about collecting a bar fine? Sometimes they have been very polite, sometimes I've even felt threatened, which is bullshit.

avatar for PAFBABS
2 months ago
> Yes, I am definitely coming to realize that my favorite nights in TJ have all been out of the club!

RonJax2- Based on your most recent TJ trip review/s, you have definitely vamped up your game in OTC hookups with these pretty ladies. The FUN will just keep getting better for you, because you aren’t cheap and have a big heart when it comes to TJ chicas ( they absolutely LOVE that, they’ll follow you around endlessly and in a good way )👍🏻

Having said that, it’s just my assumption of you being a bit too nice of a guy sometimes. I am the same and as such we can easily attract all types of women, but you need to be cautious by not being taken advantage of or your niceness considered as being a weakness. Just remember that not all bars think like us, many are coming from different parts of Mexico and from broken families. They are mentally hurt and are looking to survive, so attracting them by too generosity can easily backfire on you. Everything must be balanced out equally, and never lift your guard too fast as it’s not good.Happy Lapping!
avatar for PAFBABS
2 months ago
👆🏻Correction, “ Just remember that not all bar ‘ girls ‘ think like us, many are coming from different parts of Mexico and are from broken families.”
> Having said that, it’s just my assumption of you being a bit too nice of a guy sometimes.

Guilty as charged, definitely. I am still trying to walk a fine line in the Zona. I don't want get suckered into paying too much (especially to the dragon), but I also want to have fun and be somewhat memorable to these chicas, first by being respectful and second by being considerate of their time. I feel like those things get you better service (and lead to amazing OTCs!)

And for sure, plenty of chicas have tried to exploit the fact that I am respectful and considerate of their time, many who after we've met have tried to hit me up for money due to various personal problems. I think you in particular helped me see over DM that there was one in particular I needed to ghost.

It's hard but I've definitely learned to set those ones aside. I mean, everyone's got baggage to deal with with, but the funnest chicas aren't unloading theirs on you.

And I feel like the longer I'm at this, the better chance of building a rolodex of chicas who are sweet and fun, and not hitting me up for cash because the club punished them by sending them to BT, lol.
avatar for PAFBABS
2 months ago
> I feel like those things get you better service (and lead to amazing OTCs!)

RonJax2- Yes, you are 💯 percent right, kindness does go a long way and I am sure you’ve already experienced it first hand in this recent trip of yours to TJ.

> I mean, everyone's got baggage to deal with with, but the funnest chicas aren't unloading theirs on you.

Very true, and that’s a good observation made by you. There are plenty of Fun girls around in TJ, so no need to unnecessarily get dragged in by the insincere ones.

> And I feel like the longer I'm at this, the better chance of building a rolodex of chicas who are sweet and fun, and not hitting me up for cash because the club punished them by sending them to BT, lol.

RonJax2- You are quickly learning the tricks of the trade and at this speed very soon you’ll be having twice the FUN at less than half the cost 👍🏻
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