The posts below about SC rules frequently centered around fears about being robbed or otherwise taken advantage of (e.g., don't bring your credit cards). All good cautionary notes, to be sure. But sometimes it is good to remember that human nature does not completely suck, and there is some goodness in the world.
At the club I frequent most often, there is a dancer I regularly see for sex. We have a pretty simple arrangement. When she is working, I go pick her up near the end of her shift. We drive to a nearby hotel, have sex, and then I take her home. It works pretty smoothly and fits both of our schedules nicely.
The one problem is that I arrive a little before the end of her shift, and so find myself sitting there 30 minutes or so waiting for it to end, and then waiting for her to get dressed. Because I am wearing a suit from work (so I look like I'm good for $20), the other dancers are always on me for a dance. I'm too polite to tell them to fuck off, so I have to endure this 30 minutes or so every time I come to pick her up (not to mention the dollar parade).
So I was at the bar and took out my handheld device to do some emails, and as a consequence I had it out on the bar. One of the girls comes up and starts chatting me up, and keeps persisting for a dance. Finally I figure what the hell and go back to the LD room. While we are there (not a spectacular dance to put it mildly) my "date" comes in to tell me she's ready to roll and will meet me outside. I end the dance but only then realize I left my handheld sitting there on the bar.
I go to the bar and the handheld is gone. This has great potential for disaster. Aside from someone using it to run up my phone bill, they would have instant access to all my personal information. Plus it would be pretty difficult to explain to my wife how I "lost" my phone in a strip club.
Ah, but lo and behold, no worries. My ATF saw I had left my handheld on the bar, and took it just so no one would steal it. She's waiting for me outside with the phone in her hand and a big grin, for what a forgetful idiot I am.
And then we had a nice fuck. See the world is not all bad.
I've met many decent people in clubs. Managers, bartenders, bouncers, dancers, etc. I seem to find it often depends on the person they are dealing with, as to their attitude and such.
With the mix of alcohol, the removal of clothing, movement from one seat to another, and then, of course, a lap dance, there's great potential for lost items. I've come to enjoy the immediate look of joy and relief that comes from customers who were just out of their minds a moment ago, thinking they lost something, just to see I've found it! I do look out for my customers, and especially people I know. And as for me, there are a couple of dancers I rely on, those I know I can trust to look out for me. I've had my share of losses at the club, as some dancers must be so damn desperate that they choose to lose all their dignity for a few bucks. Focus on the good, though, and thanks for sharing the positive.
I have a really great leather jacket from my motorcycle days. I had worn it to a club one night. A cutie talked me into "two dances" before she went on stage. I left my drink and jacket at my table. When I got back, the stripper at the next table was trying to put it on her customer. I gave her the hairy eyeball, and she not only gave it back, apologizing profusely, saying her customer was totally drunk and he insisted it was his. She even offered me a free dance, but I declined for several reasons ( I wanted to screw her but I was so angry that had she said no, I might've lost my cool)
I had one of those moments with my cell phone on one of my most recent visits. One of the bouncers found it and gave it to the lady at the front door, so I was grateful beyond belief and put in a tenspot in the tip jar they have there. On the other hand, I've lost stuff as well that never got recovered, so I've experienced that, too.
I once lost a (fairly nice? $30?) lighter in a club once. I know exactly what its trajectory through the evening was, because I was watching it as it sat on my table and I saw the waitress palm it when she served my drinks. I thought I'd give her a chance to redeem herself, so I "asked around" for what I termed a "lost" lighter. A day later she said she'd "happened" to find it under a table, and she asked for a $60 reward. She had looked it up on the internet, she said. I said it wasn't my lighter and she could keep it. At that point, she got a bouncer to kick me out of the club for having mistreated her. She's got a cute game going ...
Oh, this was supposed to be a story about human nature being NOT bad. Hmm.
I've gone to stip clubs hundreds of times and have never had a problem with any sort of theft in a club. I frequently leave some money on the bar or my table to save my place when I go to the john, and it's always there when I return. I've never had a girl try to cheat me on dance count or try to tell me I owe her more than I do. I've never been shorted on change. I actually think that strip clubs are one of the safer places you can hang out from that standpoint. But maybe the kinds of clubs I prefer are a little different than what some of you other guys do - I rarely go to really seedy places or places in the downtown area of cities, most of my experience is in suburban and rural clubs. And I never drink very much in a club, which is my #2 rule of clubbing - for me drinking and clubbing are two distinctly different and mutually exclusive activities. I learned that the hard way. People are far less likely to try to cheat you when you're sober.
Left my keys sitting around some random place in Players Club one time. Stuff gets set on tables if I don't have a jacket around because dancers hate sitting around on a lap if there's junk in front pockets. Since I was solo that night who knew where they'd gotten off to after my set in the back was done.
So I look around the floor where I was sitting. No keys. Panic? Nope, just walked up to a bouncer and asked if they'd seen my keys. They were behind the bar and he had himself a reasonable tip. Unlike FONDL I'll visit a dive or two if it promises a little fun, but Players Club is on the level.
last commentOh, this was supposed to be a story about human nature being NOT bad. Hmm.
So I look around the floor where I was sitting. No keys. Panic? Nope, just walked up to a bouncer and asked if they'd seen my keys. They were behind the bar and he had himself a reasonable tip. Unlike FONDL I'll visit a dive or two if it promises a little fun, but Players Club is on the level.