
Hawk Tuah Girl

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:27 AM
Is this too lowbrow for TUSCL? [view link] I saw the video clip the other night and replayed it a couple times to get a handle on what was going on, and then some algorithm kicked in and its consuming 80% of my social media (the other 20% is AI-generated anti-Pride memes somebody desperately wants me to see) What is the emotional age range of males who find Hawk Tuah girl to be hilarious? I’m going with 10-71. I’m saying 10 because I wouldn’t have gotten it till I was 13, but kids are getting more sophisticated these days. 71 because my brother is 72 and he wouldn’t see the humor Not to steal CJKent’s gig, but I would smash Hawk Tuah Girl—once. Not really into spit play but she seems fun—just not marrying material


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 days ago
    It's soaking up a lot more bandwidth than it deserves. I think it's great to see a woman bluntly treating sex like something that is simultaneously messy and fun... because it is. The only reason why it's getting this much attention is because she's a woman, and on some level we still expect "good girls" to be demure (particularly about sex). But a guy acting similarly wouldn't get noticed. Personally, I think it's refreshing to see a woman being so honest about sex (even if it is fueled by booze). Manuel said "just not marrying material" While that might be true, I wouldn't say that based on her 10 seconds on a microphone.
  • Hank Moody
    4 days ago
    “too lowbrow for TUSCL?”
  • georgmicrodong
    4 days ago
    Hopefully, she wins that wrongful termination suit she seems to be trying to put together.
  • rickthelion
    4 days ago
    Nothing is too lowbrow for TUSCL. ROAR!!!
  • misterorange
    4 days ago
    I like the Tuah. Lubing up my cock with saliva... pretty hot. It's the Hawk part I'm not too keen on. Coughing up a loogie - not too high on my list of sexy stuff.
  • rickthelion
    4 days ago
    Georgie Lildick said => Hopefully, she wins that wrongful termination suit she seems to be trying to put together. C’mon Georgie, if you’re going to spread false rumors about Ms. Hawk Tuah at least make it the amusing one about her father being a pastor who thinks Satan possessed her when she said that shit: [view link] ROAR!!!
  • Puddy_Tat
    4 days ago
    LOL Hank & other felid. We're a bunch of degenerates who pay to play with and fuck hot women. Too lowbrow, you gotta be kidding me.
  • Dolfan
    4 days ago
    I saw it, it was funny for 15 seconds or so & then I was ready to move on. I don't really do social media so I don't know how pervasive it is. Someone send me a link to it in a text, I watched it once and that was it. I'd totally bang her, probably several times if given the chance. Based solely on that very short clip, she seems cute, fun, and at least somewhat sexually open. I'm not about to hand her my grandmothers wedding ring or anything, but I don't see anything that screams not marriage material either. And finally, I'm not sure too low brow for TUSCL is a thing.
  • Hank Moody
    4 days ago
    The original vid is funny for a sec, the real good stuff is all the memes that it spun off. The joke is how something so inconsequential is now so prevalent. I see the humor. Founder, there’s a new website banner tagline in here somewhere. Maybe, TUSCL, where cumming in your pants is high brow. TUSCL, constantly lowering the brow in low brow. TUSCL, where debating the merits of spit on a hand job is too high brow.
  • rattdog
    4 days ago
    what's next? hok tua goes to college - a brazzers feature presentation?
  • PAWG_Patrol
    4 days ago
    How could this be too lowbrow for tuscl when a Hawk Tuah is one of the hottest things a stripper can do?
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 days ago
    Looks like now there is a Type 2 Brownbagger. When she engages in non-consensual spitting. Like any meme with legs, it's more about the fan art: [view link] .
  • ilbbaicnl
    4 days ago
    Hopefully, she can monetize this, and at least make enough to pay for the security she's probably going to need.
  • Rod8432
    4 days ago
    I've experienced several Hawk Tuah girls, and it's hot as hell. May she deservedly enjoy her 15 minutes of fame.
  • Muddy
    4 days ago
    Yeah that works @hank lol
  • Muddy
    4 days ago
    She's super hot btw. That's like an instant VIP girl
  • Puddy_Tat
    4 days ago
    I fucking love when a chick spits on her hand before stroking my cock, then drools on it and continues to do so.
  • JamesSD
    3 days ago
    I'll admit I'm confused why she needs to lube it up to put it in her.. mouth.
  • captainfun
    3 days ago
    This thing has definitely gone bananas on social media. The combo of her hotness + her hilarious spontaneity sent it soaring
  • JamesSD
    3 days ago
    Yeah, her delivery really is what sells it, along with her girl next door looks
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 days ago
    Guys who wear knitted caps in August are eternally grateful to Hawk Tuah Girl, for proving that porn real.
  • gammanu95
    3 days ago
    "Too low brow for TUSCL"? No, this is exactly where it belongs. There were rumors and stories of her being terminated from her job as Preschool teacher at Epstein Day School, but those seemed to have been debunked. Most of her follow-up posts have also been deemed satirical. But "hawk tuah" as the "HOTTEST" think a girl can do to drive a man crazy in bed? Shit, that's just the foreplay.
  • Book Guy
    3 days ago
    Cute face. Can't see her body. Jury therefore remains out.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 days ago
    Our society is DOOMED.
  • 5footguy
    2 days ago
    Any girl who says "spit on that thang" is comfortable with herself, with her body, and with cocks. That confidence is sexy. If you're into sterile sanitary sex, good for you, but for this degen there's truly not much sexier than a woman's spit pretty much anywhere. Especially when she actually spits with force and intention. That's a bad bitch. You guys ever spit real hard on a pussy when you just dive in to eat it up? Same kind of thing. What kind of uber beta do you have to be to be thinking "ooh gross, germs" when a woman is worshipping your cock like that?
  • Manuellabore
    2 days ago
    I would never spit on, at, or in a woman’s pussy. The whole point of the exercise is to make that “thang” get wet on its own.
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