The Cat is almost back

Atlanta suburb
Thanks to my buddy Bubba 267 most of you are aware of my medical problems. Heart attack on the way home from oral cancer surgery.
I came home from rehab 2 days ago. I'm feeling pretty good. Just need to build up my strength. I saw doctors for follow up today and have 2 more next week. And I have a kidney stone to take care of. After that I should be ready to start doling out the money at Vivide. Shooting for 1 month from now.
Thanks for all well wishes. They were much appreciated. See ya soon
last commentGood to hear you are on the mend Shadowcat.
Welcome back. so glad to hear you're on the ups
No, those aren't the meds. While you were post-op and in the ICU, Founder decided to overhaul the whole site, LOl
That’s a lot of medical stuff. Best wishes.
Are they going to zap the kidney stone (lithotripsy) or address some other way?
Get well soon, Shadow.
TUSCL discussion boards: shadowcat is in the hospital? I hope he's okay.
Founder: shadowcat is in the hospital? I have an idea to really fuck with him...
Welcome back, shadowcat.
@Shadowcat: My best to you. I had quad-bypass on 1-Jun-2023. Take it easy, follow the doc's protocol, heal up! Kidney stone - YIKES! I had bladder stones twice the past 25 years that put me in a fetal position. Again, my best.
God father is back and ready to rumble. Shoutout to bubba too, universally liked dude on here
Get well soon.
Get well soon. You're an inspiration to us all.
I’m glad you’re feeling better, hopefully this was just a speed bump. Keep strong buddy.
Get well soon man!
Glad you're getting better. If you're well enough the weekend of the 7th, I'll be in the ATL clubs...a few dances on me if we meet.
welcome back brother
nice to hear you're on the mend
Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Just remember to take it easy as you return to the club, blowjobs only for the first couple of visits before you rush back into fs.
Life is precious, enjoy and be thankful.
Looking forward to your next round of stories
Welcome back, Shadow! Get well buddy.
Sorry to learn of your health issues. Hope you recover quickly and completely
Glad you're back, buddy! May your recuperation be speedy, and catch ya the V one afternoon soon!
Glad to hear you're on the mend.
Glad to hear you are doing well.