Is Georgia Back To Normal?
IWantHerOnMeI'd live this way again
I might be alone in this but I think the post COVID nickeling and dimeing might be over in ATL UHM clubs. The songs are getting full length again. Dancers are less pushy to me than they were this time last year. Dancers are actually behaving like they have had some training. I can’t tell if this is a good spot, a response to guys being less desperate after being back outside or a permanent change. I think the real thing is the threat of Platinum (I’ve heard there no word on the meeting for the liquor license) making clubs actually enforce rules and more competition among dancers due to the fall of Fulton Industrial causing a flood.
last commentNormal? All I know is that the clubs I go to the prices on everything are higher since Biden took office and turned off the oil spigots that triggered the inflation spiral.
Well, that went political quickly. Last year under Biden the US drilled more oil than ever in its history and was the number one oil producing country in the world. I think something else is causing the Cubans to up their prices for handjobs.
I feel like the ROB shit has slumped since Fannies and Wax got pushed out my experience is the opposite
@Hank Moody, come on don't let irrefutable facts get in the way of a political rant. Hannity and his ilk keep repeating this BS about Biden limiting oil production so it must be true!
Back in the real world, when one of the largest energy exporting countries (Russia) invades one of the biggest food exporters (Ukraine) food and energy prices spike world wide, not just in US where we have had less inflation than other industrialized economies--probably due to record oil production in USA.
Now as to the increase in prices at the local club. The economy is better, and there are more options like SB and OF so more competition for "labor". Plus demographically, there are fewer women in the 18-30 age group than there used to be. At least native born young women.
Google can't seem to find any definition of UHM that is meaningful in this context. What does it mean?
^ Ultra High Mileage
See the board glossary: /glossary
I wish I woulda looked at the glossary I asked the same question at one point