What time is it?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
It's 7:58EDT. I've updated half of my time pieces. 3 to go.

Will this country ever get a bipartisan bill passed on the time change issue?


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avatar for 5footguy
10 months ago
It's an inconvenience, but there is history which makes it not so straightforward.

avatar for Mate27
10 months ago
If you had young kids, do yiu really want them walking to school in the dark, and spend the first two periods napping? There’s also the energy savings which is why President George W implemented lengthening the duration from mid March to November. In the Sun belt it’s not as useful as it is in the norther states.
avatar for gammanu95
10 months ago
Another binary issue which Americans will never agree on. I hate daylight savings time. I like sun earlier in the morning and nightfall earlier in the evening. Science has demonstrated that standard time is healthier for our circadian rhythms. Everyone knows about the sharp increase in heart attacks, strokes, and drowsy driving fatalities in the days following the leap forward.

However, some Americans like an extra hour of sunlight at night. Marco Rubio tried to introduce a bill which would have made Daylight Savings Time the national standard with no fall back in November. He believed that the extra hour of sunlight would benefit Florida's tourism industry. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.
avatar for Longball300
10 months ago
Spring ahead and stay there for me; time for a nine after work.
avatar for funonthaside
10 months ago
Economy is in the crapper; more important things for politicians to be worried about than a time change.
avatar for crosscheck
10 months ago
All I know is that the clock in my car will finally be the correct time again.
avatar for FancyNuts
10 months ago
Thank you T-Mobile NOT! for updating my time to MDT when I live in AZ and stay on MST, at least I was an hour early to my appointment
avatar for Dolfan
10 months ago
I fucking hate changing clocks. I really couldn't care less if we stay on standard or savings time, but I really wish they'd pick one and go switch.

I don't know why anyone cares. Where I live about zero kids walk to school anyway, fucking parents drive them to school or even drive them to the bus stop and sit there and wait for the bus. Playing golf after work? Go in an hour early and finish an hour early. Seriously, you're telling me guys who play golf don't have a little flexibility in their work schedules? Worried about circadian rhythm's? Seriously? Abruptly changing your schedule by an hour twice a year is what's unhealthy, not waking up with an hour of darkness.

I don't care if they switch by half an hour next time to meet in the middle, but I'm sure some asshat will call that the stupidest idea they've ever heard too.
avatar for goldmongerATL
10 months ago
Change the TIME on the clocks? I thought you were supposed to change your clocks! I buy new ones twice a year.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
10 months ago
I don’t wear watches anymore and our appliances are mostly WiFi connected. They all change on their own except for the clock in my car.

I like leaving work before it gets dark so DST is welcome.
avatar for 5footguy
10 months ago
They tried year-round DST in 1918, in the 40s, and in 1973. For those of you who couldn't read the article I post above, here's the consensus at the time:

"Public opinion of year-round daylight saving time was high leading up to the bill’s passage, The New York Times reported. The nearly 80% approval rate in December, 1973 would fall sharply in the months after, however."
"By February, approval was at just 42 percent, according to the Times."

After the war, states reinstituted standard time because they hated the permanent DST so much.

One argument for a permanent time is that the twice-a-year change disturbs our sleep rhythms. What about all the other nights in the year that you don't sleep well, or go to bed--heaven forbid--an hour earlier or later and wake up an hour earlier or later ...? They make it sound like we are all perfectly tuned machines who go to bed at the same time and this two days a year one hour disturbance is some kind of disaster.

And surely none of you whining about the body adjustment ever has to travel to a different time zone. That would be just too hard to get used to, wouldn't it?

But by all means, let's "just pick one" for those of you that "hate changing clocks."
avatar for boomer79
10 months ago
I really prefer the evening sun. I’m indoors working in the morning any way. I really love being able to do things in the evening and having the sun going down just as Im done in the Winter is extremely depressing.
avatar for mogul1985
10 months ago
My dogs know 2 things: Sunrise is breakfast, and sundown is dinner. When I traveled a lot I was leaving Monday AM at 6AM MT and arriving Philly 2PM ET, the leave Philly on Friday at 5PM ET and home at 9PM MT. Did this for 11 months. After that gig I was doing 100K miles for like 4 or 5 years , I just got use to it. Going to Germany for 6 days was brutal as adjusting first night(s) was sleepless - I did this 3x in 2008. Going home the 7 hour time shift was easy.
avatar for minnow
10 months ago
I dislike having to get up 1 hr earlier. Leave it at Standard Time.
avatar for Jascoi
10 months ago
i live in Arizona. I like not having to change my clocks.
avatar for Muddy
10 months ago
I hate it the fall back. Spring forward is awesome! Just stay there.

I hate, hate, hate, hate winters. We don't need the light in the morning throw it at the end of the day.
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