Aggressive Dancers

A man wants to walk into a club sit down with his drink and scope the scene out.
It is not a good business practice to approach someone as they enter the club and ask if they want a dance or buy you a drink.
Give it a few minutes and be playful at the bar and you will most likely be rewarded.
With all due respect we want to spend time with someone that we are attracted to at some level. It's a big turnoff to be treated like an atm. The money will flow better if you warm the customer up first.
A man wants to walk into a club sit down with his drink and scope the scene out.
It is not a good business practice to approach someone as they enter the club and ask if they want a dance or buy you a drink.
Give it a few minutes and be playful at the bar and you will most likely be rewarded.
With all due respect we want to spend time with someone that we are attracted to at some level. It's a big turnoff to be treated like an atm. The money will flow better if you warm the customer up first.
Isn’t it better to get approaches and have the choice to defer versus no approaches.
Also, I agree with your premise for my personal tastes, but I have to disagree about it being good business. The prevalence of that behavior, and the fact that girls do it for years, leads me to believe that it's profitable.
Even outside of strip clubs, a lot of customer hostile behavior is counter intuitively quite effective.
Most dancers will take a polite line about just getting there or “chilling out a bit.” If they proceed with the hard sell You might have to be more direct about not being interested but usually it’s sufficient.
However, if it really was a bad business practice they wouldn't do it for long. There is a success rate with this approach, you're just not in the target demo.
If she is wearing a bikini, or something equivalently revealing, and she doesn't come up from behind, I can decide right away if I want a dance. Otherwise, I have to see her on stage first. Maybe she has a beautiful soul, but I'm there primarily due to cruder desires.
2. I've been like that for years as in let the poor guy get a drink at least and sit down (if there's seats) before he gets pounced on.
3. A lot of chicks make a fuckton of money by being door vultures. It isn't my style, but I'm not gonna shame a high earning hot chick that does this. (I absolutely will shame ugly girls that door vulture because we all know that is the only way they make money)
Also +1 to Ibb's comment. Wearing an outfit that shows the goods and approaching where I can see her also mostly counteracts any door vulture vibes. At the same time, wearing an outfit that leaves a lot to the imagination and/or approaching from behind amplifies the door vultureiness(tm) of said stripper.
Not to hijack the thread too bad, but what about the reverse? Is it bad form for a customer to approach a dancer who just got on the floor, or are they "supposed to" let her sit down and have a drink or whatever first? Is there a term for guys who grab girls the second they walk in? Are they whore vultures? I'm not sure I'd take offense to be labeled a whore vulture. I might even get a shirt that says it.
Hilarious @Dolfan!
And for the record, I don't think this is a bad practice at all. I'd assume that since she just got to work, she's ready to go, in full sales mode, and already had time for a drink/rest/whatever before her shift started. But who knows, maybe she's got a regular to attend to first, or needs to check in with the house mom. In that situation I might introduce myself, give her a tip and say, "hey, whenever you're ready, I'd love to chat about doing some dances."
He said, The dancer should ask to sit with the customers, get their names, chit chat. maybe 5 min. excuse herself, leave table for a few minutes. return a little later, say hi to them, then ask for a dance. No cold calling.
Being brief and friendly while possibly spending more time if the customer shows interest is the way to go.