
The Final Countdown

Hello, men, it has been a while.

So long, in fact, that I have not danced in a club in over a year. I *accidentally* got a really good job, whoopsie. Now I have very little free time to travel and where I live just doesn’t have very good options for dancing without driving a pretty good ways.

The next year to 18 months is going to be the end of it for me, and I feel pretty sad. I look at the girls around me that I’ve known for a really long time and I’m just about the last one standing, which is kinda what happens with this job anyway. One of my really good friends is a very famous p0rnstar and even she got fat this year, 🫤🫤 getting older when you’re expected to stay extremely beautiful is hard!

I read a thread on Stripper Web once that was about “what do you miss the most once you stopped dancing?” Man, the stuff on that page just broke my heart. One day I’ll tell you my answers, even now I think about how it’s been a whole lifetime of dancing for me and I have memories that are OLD lol. I have nostalgic moments, and songs that remind me of great times that I’ve had. I have come out of this job (almost!) with a heathy mental state, a good financial situation, I’m tough and smart, I paid for and completed college twice, and it’s been a pretty good time for me. I only mention that because a lot of guys here talk down on dancers like they’re fucked up losers, junkies, and sluts. I’m none of those things, and I’ve been at this a while.

The last person I gave a dance to was Wallanon. I had a great time, he was a gentleman and I also enjoyed myself. I hope and think we’ll meet again.💕

But if you see me say on here I’m coming to your city, it may be the last time.

Wish me luck!


  • 59
    8 months ago
    Enjoy your farewell tour and build some additional memories.
  • gSteph
    8 months ago
    Best of luck 👍
    Tis unfortunate that some men talk down re dancers.
    Lucky Wallanon
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    Do you have a tour schedule yet? Hopefully you'll do like The Stones, do your last tour every year for the next 20 years. Are you going to model or do any other type of thirst monetizing?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 months ago
    Glad that you're retiring on your terms and not in any other way.

    Also, wallanon is a lucky bastard.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    If I am still dancing for 20 more years, please, you all owe it to me to have an intervention. 😬

    Modeling has ….changed…. since I first started doing it. I did it before bc it was fun! And, not everyone could do it (including photographers), you had to be gorgeous, nothing was just amateur, and, you got paid! Idc about onlyfans and making $3 off a subscription, especially for the time investment required, that people expect the *most* for little money, and that your content is shareable and out there forever. Pass.

    I prolly will go to St. Louis most, possibly Dallas, possibly NC, possibly Phoenix. And I heard of a weird small town in Indiana that I want to try.

    Thank you for your kind comments, it’s really nice to hear that from you. ❤️
  • drewcareypnw
    8 months ago
  • twentyfive
    8 months ago
    Good luck to you PSD if you’re down here message me.
    P. S. Wallanon is a good guy
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Seattle is VERY possible, SoFla prolly not, but thank you for the invite!
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    Do you mean Club Coyote?

    You might be able to make at least decent side money on OF even with PG content, if you tied in your interest in cars. The big money seems to be in being both gorgeous and relatable. Desperate women from poor countries will always end up with the guys who want max raunch for the buck. I've read there are a lot of guys that will pay a high subscription if you respond to their (frequent) DMs fairly quickly. But, the only way to do it is creepy, you have to hire chatters to pretend to be you and respond to them.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Idk what club coyote is?

    But regarding OF—I have a marketing degree, if I wanted to make money there I feel it is within my grasp—what you described of how to be good at it, I want nothing to do with any of that. I am not desperate or from a poor country and in my own experiences with social media and working ITC I have been asked many times for max raunch for the buck. This type of person who solicits that is not discriminating. 🙃🙃

    Zero interest in OF, I do not care what the potential is for me, zero interest, I don’t want to do the things you have to do to make money on OF. The end.

    What is club coyote….
  • shailynn
    8 months ago
    Just trying to wonder what your new job is? Not sure I can see you putting brakes and rotors on a Z in an auto shop!
  • whodey
    8 months ago
    "And I heard of a weird small town in Indiana that I want to try." Make sure you let me know which Indiana town and when. I don't get to the clubs in Indiana as often as I used to but I will gladly make an exception for a chance to see you.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    I graduated UW so I have my “real” degree. I’m also a hair stylist and nail tech. So before I got my job I have now, I did nails for about 2 years bc it’s pretty good money (about $35-50 an hour) and I could still dance. Nails is hard on your body, and while the customers in WA were so wonderful, in the south customers are TERRIBLE. But—doing nails I met a girl who was a dancer, she got a job at my shop and told EVERYONE she was a stripper (while I did not).

    She said she goes to Evansville, IN, and I really know nothing about it besides that it’s a shorter drive than STL by a lot, and probably very cheap house fee, too.

    My job now—I work in automotive, can you believe it?? I don’t wrench though. I work in a superstore type dealership and I do logistics, inventory (as in vehicle inventory), I manage all the lower support people and I do all the titling. It is very busy and fast paced and I love it.❤️

    Also I have done my own brakes for about the last 5 years.

    And, I bought a Nismo Juke for my daily car, it is the weirdest car ever. And I hate it. Lol.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Just looked up Club Coyote. It has 2 reviews in the last year here and on google it has 3 pictures and one of them is a pic of a sign at the club that says NO GANG COLORS. 👍👌

    Does anyone remember that club in like…Mobile maybe? Or Montgomery? The Candy Store? That looked like a total shithole on the outside? Club Coyote looks like the same as that club. VERY PROMISING. But no, that was not where I was planning on working.
  • Jascoi
    8 months ago
    You're an interesting smart talented lady! and that posted photo of you is awesome!
  • whodey
    8 months ago
    Evansville actually has a pretty good strip club scene for a smaller midwestern town. I haven't been to Evansville since late 2021 but frm my experience Xcess and the Pony are both pretty good clubs and Lucky Lady is more hit or miss but not bad overall and can be a good value for customers if you can catch it when some good dancers are working. I haven't been to Ponytail after a bad experience with some aggressive and drugged out dancers back when it was Busy Body so I can't say much about it.
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
    Yeah I’ve done Evansville. All kinda mid range joints can’t go too wrong. Not a town a lot of people think about but a nice stop between Louisville and St.Louis if your traveling off of I-64

    Candy store closed I actually tried to go a couple weeks ago.

    One thing PSD just cause you leaving dancing don’t mean you can’t still bs around on here on TUSCL. But fuck it just follow the fun I’m sure dancing was a good time looks like fun job in all honesty as long you avoid ghetto bullshit, now time for a new chapter soon wish you luck in that.

    I think not every dancer gets along swell with the PL’s on her but I never heard a PL on here say a cross word about PSD. Definitely one of the good ones. Although full disclosure PSD’s line “Gauc is extra” triggers my cheap bargain bin Dave Ramsey listening ass lol. Yeah I admit it fuck it but hey then again I’m in other dugout.

    One question, what was the best strip club you ever worked at would you say?
  • blahblahblah23
    8 months ago
    I actually totally understand her POV on OF. It is the same reasons I won't do it. The only women making non-explicit real money on there are already rather famous to start out.

    Congrats on things going well, and hope that final tour ends up being awesome!
  • Muddy
    8 months ago
    And hey not for nothing we gotta atleast try to do a big tuscl meetup that coincides with the psd farewell tour.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Dancing is a fun job if you avoid certain aspects of it. But I will say, when I was dancing I had CONSTANT anxiety. Crippling, even, make you not leave your house-anxiety and stay home crying-anxiety, anxiety over anxiety-anxiety. My anxiety was over making excellent money on my next shift. And I would say I had a bad shift way, way less than most people, honestly I could count the times on my fingers and toes lol, but I still had anxiety over it every day.

    Now that I am not dancing I have anxiety very, very little. So that part of dancing is not fun.

    It’s also expensive to be a dancer, all the beauty things you do are pretty big money and unfortunately I’ve not changed my ways about those things 😬 but it makes me happy to feel good about myself, just being honest.

    My ultimate strip club list, in no order:
    Penthouse on Bourbon
    Stars in Beaverton (RIP)
    Penthouse Tampa
    Stilettos in Harlingen/Brownsville
    Honorable mention for both Penthouse and Diamond in STL
    Honorable mention for lil ole’ Secrets in Fayetteville 💕

    Places I worked that I made a lot of money but didn’t necessarily like:
    Buck’s Fort Worth (very hard work for $20)
    Men’s Club Charlotte (so many no-touch rules)
    Kittens Seattle (the grossest shit hole I have been in)

    Places that can fuck the fuck right off:
    Houston and Austin 🖕
    Mons 🖕 SUPER overrated
    Myrtle Beach 🖕

    And, I was very lucky to work in the club I worked at in Seattle for so many years, DJV in Tacoma. The customers were very good to me and I was able to go to college and give myself a very good life because of that club. ❤️
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Oh also, Cheetah in Southern Pines can fuck the fuck right off too. They’re owned by the group that owns Doll House in Myrtle and they take your money from the customer and keep it until the end of the night and then charge you a percentage on a percentage which comes out to be about 50%.
    Fuck the fuck right off. 🖕
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    One of my favs danced at Pure Gold in Southern Pines, she did OK. But that was quite a few years ago.

    A couple of dancers I met, who bounce between clubs, danced at Club Coyote. They liked it OK (but not enough to stop bouncing).

    Another fav was thinking about dancing in Evansville. She called all the clubs there. She thought the club fees and cut from the dances was high.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    I go to that area of NC bc a girl I met in Secrets is one of my best friends. She worked at that club when it was Pure Gold and it was $30 to dance there. She said it was really good money in golf season, and that was after she had already retired and gained some weight. These clubs that take so much of your money were probably great places to work before they started taking so much of your money and I’m just not going to do that.

    If I, a dancer from Seattle—where the club makes it’s money off of house fees because there’s no alcohol served, where the house fee is $160-$180–if I, a dancer from Seattle, am saying the house fee is high, the damn house fee IS HIGH.

    The house fees in cheetah clubs are unreasonable.
  • wallanon
    8 months ago
    "I hope and think we’ll meet again."

    I hope so, too. If anybody gets a chance to meet PSD while she's traveling you're in for a treat. Memorable to say the least, and for me it was great to spend time with someone who could engage on every level.

    Thanks to PSD for putting up with all of us and being a great contributor on TUSCL. It should go without saying if she's coming to a town near you circle it on your calendar.
  • wallanon
    8 months ago
    And I'm sure it's just a coincidence that I was PinkSugarDoll's last dance before deciding to leave the business entirely. Completely unrelated lol.
  • funonthaside
    8 months ago
    Wow....I didn't realize that some clubs charge nearly $200 as house fee. I hear dancers complain about $40-$60, and I think it sucks to need to make that to break even, especially when club is slow.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Imagine you work at Cheetah and on a $30 regular dance you make $20, then they take a percentage of that dance also when they are calculating your house fee. They charge you TWICE.

    Their house fee was whatever % of anything under $400 and less as you made more but they taxed you before you got any money in your pocket, they charged you for regular dances and they charged you for rooms then they took a percentage after that. I don’t remember the specifics but you can go read my review on Thee Doll House at Myrtle if you want to know. It was a hustle for sure.

    In the south it is also a thing where they want to keep track of your dances and you owe the dj 20% of what you earn. Absolutely not. I worked at a place like that ONCE and I tipped the DJ $20 because the contract said $20 or 20%. I figured that meant if you don’t make $100, you tip 20%. They confronted me at the door and said you need to pay him, I said, I will not be doing that, goodbye.

    You can also easily owe a high house fee if you like to start your shift late at night, during prime time. I like to start early and leave early so that never affected me. ☺️
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    @ Wallanon, the dance was so amazing I needed a year to recover lol 😵😵
  • chiefwiggum
    8 months ago
    Growing up in Chicago, we always thought of Evansville as a hick college town that people live in because they couldn't find a job outside of Evansville. It was like saying "yeah, I'm going to junior college to save money and get some credits and enroll in (some prestigious) university 2 year later -- only 5 years later, you're taking one or two classes, at night, barely half way through your third major and accidentally got some girl pregnant.
  • chiefwiggum
    8 months ago
    btw, if you can put Chicagoland on your farewell tour, I'll for sure give a visit.
  • nicespice
    8 months ago
    Sounds like an exciting new transition there. Congrats 😋 Hopefully I run into you at some point
  • PinkSugarDoll
    8 months ago
    Thank you! We have been in the same city 3 times (that I know of!), I think it would take a miracle but I’m not giving up lol. ❤️
  • Mate27
    8 months ago
    ^^ count me in on your dance card if you cum to
  • Evergreen98
    8 months ago
    Count me in if you visit Omaha or Phoenix. Nicespice can give you information on the 3 Phoenix clubs that she previously danced at. It appears that Dirty’s was her favorite.
  • RTP
    8 months ago
    PSD, I have never been to a club in Fayetteville, but I will travel there if you post your schedule.
  • ilbbaicnl
    8 months ago
    What dancers have told me about Fayetteville is that it's only good for dancers weekends after a military payday. But, the clubs are hostile to dancers who only want to work those shifts.
  • jackslash
    8 months ago
    Good luck, Sugar.
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