
Guys I’m hanging it up, done with this life

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:41 AM
After strip clubbing in Tennessee, Virginia, Alberta, Fort Wayne, Orlando, Colorado Springs, D.C, San Jose, Salt Lake City and Boise I have determined that this hobby is a complete and utter waste of time. All of it can go to hell. I bid you all a very fond farewell. A very fond farewell, indeed. I won’t be coming back either, no chance. (GURANTEEE’D GURANTEEE’D. TRUST & BULEE DAT)

Now zoom in on my ass with the camera as I walk away. Go ahead zoom in with the camera.

*walks off into the sunset, shaking his ass*


  • rickthelion
    10 months ago
    Does this mean that you’re giving up on you unhealthy rick fascination?
  • misterorange
    10 months ago
    Muddy quit clubbing like Snoop quit weed.
  • shailynn
    10 months ago
    Let me tell you any “hobby” (and the term hobby can by used very broadly) is a complete waste of time and money, but you need something to do in your spare time to keep you sane from your daily life and job.
  • Muddy
    10 months ago
    I’ll give it one more Hail Mary in Cincinnati, but if that don’t work out. I’m out, fuck it.
  • Electronman
    10 months ago
    Perhaps you should choose cities with more satisfying clubs?? Unless, of course your strip club goal is blue balls.
  • twentyfive
    10 months ago
    Shailin called dibs on your white polyester three piece !
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    10 months ago
    Announcing that you're leaving TUSCL or quitting strip clubs guarantees that you're doing neither of those things.

    -- Skibum's Law
  • gammanu95
    10 months ago
    Muddy's sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek humor does not work on a cold medium like internet message boards.
  • Mate27
    10 months ago
    CMI, great reference to SkiDumb!
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
    muddy. yeah.
    you're going to quit.
    don't think you're ready to quit yet.
  • bkkruined
    10 months ago
    Ya, I haven't been to Alberta, Fort Wayne or Colorado Springs, but have tried the rest out, and if you can't find somewhere else to go, I'd be done with it too...
  • Jascoi
    10 months ago
    Even though I've told myself I'm not going to Tijuana anymore... guess where I am right now?
  • JamesSD
    10 months ago
    Is San Jose a terrible city for clubs? I'll admit I know nothing about it but feel like all that tech bro money should make it good.
  • SquareCastle
    10 months ago
    way too much time on his hands. But I oddly envy that.
  • rawhide
    10 months ago
    Hobby expenses can be written off on your taxes......

    Most hobbies require some out-of-pocket costs. The good news is that the IRS lets you deduct a portion of your hobby expenses on your tax return. But you'll need to show that you're running a bona fide business to be eligible for more generous business tax breaks.Oct 19, 2023
  • groundball
    10 months ago
    with DC and Virginia on your list, no wonder you think the hobby is a waste of time. Be safe out there!
  • whodey
    10 months ago
    "I’ll give it one more Hail Mary in Cincinnati" if you expect a trip to Cincinnati to save your love of strip clubs you are sadly mistaken. You'd have a better chance of finding a decent strip club in Tehran.
  • shailynn
    10 months ago

    Thanks (most in part) to TUSCL you know which clubs to go to and which clubs to avoid. Even more specifically even which coyotes to avoid.

    Instead of just going to Detroit, Miami, Toronto, COI, Phoenix and where else - maybe some spots in Texas, Rhode Island, maybe Tampa? Muddy instead went everywhere. I can see where this gets you burnt out. It’s also a great big waste of money but hopefully the memories and stories to tell outweigh the money usage.
  • motorhead
    10 months ago
    Wow. Fort Wayne, Indiana. Haven’t been to a FW club since the 80’s. But they were pretty awful.

    Have things improved?
  • elmer
    10 months ago
    Man we're really gonna miss you Muddy

    Welcome back Muddy any new adventures while gone?
  • herbtcat
    10 months ago
    Pretty sure Muddy typed that post while sitting in a VIP booth... and he did NOT type it with his hands..... Just saying.
  • shailynn
    10 months ago
    ^ no, Wal-Mart parking lot, inside his car.
  • TxVegas
    10 months ago
    In Shailynn’s post two above he says TUSCL tells you which coyotes to avoid. I know that auto correct tries to “help” too much, but that one made me laugh.
  • shailynn
    10 months ago
    ^ avoid all coyotes at all times. Was supposed to be “cities” but Siri is usually drunk on my phone.

    As for muddy this is what one too many nights sleeping in a parking lot will do to you. I’ve slept in my car for 4 hours before and I needed physical therapy afterwards - I can’t even imagine what consecutive nights would do.
  • ATACdawg
    10 months ago
    The bad part is when Muddy's in-car naps are taken while the car is moving between strip clubs.......😲😳🤕
  • jackslash
    10 months ago
    Strip clubs are a waste, Muddy. It's time for you to try German FKK clubs and Thai bar girls.
  • drewcareypnw
    10 months ago
    Would be sad to lose the Mud. With his penchant for sarcasm, the endless allure of titties, skibum's law, and firm plans to sleep in the sc lots of Cincinnati, I am dubious. Following...
  • lurkingdog
    9 months ago
    @drewcareypnw -- I'm with you, dubious. Will continue to monitor as well. . .
  • rattdog
    9 months ago
    funny that the city of cincy was brought up. i figured that if jerry springer at one time was mayor of that city then the strip clubs ya would think would at some time or another be pretty good. so much for that. television is not the same as actual reality.
  • Dan3635
    4 months ago
    I enjoy reading how Muddy retired in Nov 2023 yet has posted 87 reviews since Jan 2024.

    Cheers! To your continued good health! Bottoms up!
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