Do Strip Club Billboards work on you?
How often are you guys driving and see a big ass sign for a club and decide fuck it, I was doing something but now I'm going to the strip club. Usually going to strip clubs are a premeditated act for me but how about y'all out there. Is it effective even on hardcore mongers?
When I was younger, I definitely found myself in clubs in Vegas, NYC, and randomly off the side of some highway because of the adverts. I used to be particularly persuaded by Taxi cabs with club adverts on them. "Here's a taxi driver who is certainly not going to judge me for going to the club," I'd think.
lol I remember when I first found TUSCL and did this, you’d think I was planning to invade a country with all the planning I would do for a trip.
Today, the only place I know with a billboard is King of Diamonds in Inver Grove Heights, MN, a place I will go to regardless. It's on US 52 south of the exit you would take to get there. I suspect they may be after the trucker demographic with that one.
Back then, many clubs in Houston had those searchlights shooting big beams up into the night sky. And you can see them for miles there due to the flat terrain. He often commented on how he'd run out to Target or some other errand, see those lights, and then follow them to the club. Like a moth to a flame.…
The slogan is something like 100 hot girls and 1 ugly dog. Featured on the billboard is a Pug.