Do Strip Club Billboards work on you?

avatar for Muddy
How often are you guys driving and see a big ass sign for a club and decide fuck it, I was doing something but now I'm going to the strip club. Usually going to strip clubs are a premeditated act for me but how about y'all out there. Is it effective even on hardcore mongers?


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avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Some to come mind are all the El Paso clubs on I-10 you will see that. The Colorado in Houston has this huge Vegas style light up sign that'll you see from I-69. And then the more rural highway clubs that's sort of all they have to go off of. For awhile back when Jon Stewart had the daily show I would see this sign for Larry Flynts in Hell's kitchen all the time.… that always intrigued me I'm not gonna lie.
avatar for RonJax2
a year ago
Now, not so often. My trips are now are more meticulously planned based on TUSCL reviews and I've learned some of the worst clubs in the country do the most advertising.

When I was younger, I definitely found myself in clubs in Vegas, NYC, and randomly off the side of some highway because of the adverts. I used to be particularly persuaded by Taxi cabs with club adverts on them. "Here's a taxi driver who is certainly not going to judge me for going to the club," I'd think.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
“My trips are now are more meticulously planned based on TUSCL reviews”

lol I remember when I first found TUSCL and did this, you’d think I was planning to invade a country with all the planning I would do for a trip.
avatar for Cruz_LV
a year ago
I mean Little Darlings in Vegas has the best signs IMO but more of satire than something that would draw ppl in…
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
Last tine I saw a sign was early 90"s in Memphis for the Platinum Plus. I don't drive much.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a year ago
Sort of... there have been times where I was thinking about it, then as the club got closer I thought about it more, then seeing the sign I said, "yep I'm going in". Never out of the blue, but with some warm up, yes.
avatar for DandyDan
a year ago
After I moved to Omaha way back when, I made my first ever trip to Kansas. Going south on US 75 towards Topeka, I remember seeing a billboard for a strip club (it was the now-long-defunct Club Orleans) and thinking to myself "They allow strip clubs to advertise?" I didn't go there, though, because I owned this one strip club publication I got from the local adult bookstore and had decided on a different plan. This was before I had heard of TUSCL.

Today, the only place I know with a billboard is King of Diamonds in Inver Grove Heights, MN, a place I will go to regardless. It's on US 52 south of the exit you would take to get there. I suspect they may be after the trucker demographic with that one.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
definitely in my early days of strip clubbing billboards put ideas into my head.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I'm not sure I've ever seen the billboard and changed what I was doing to hit a club, but I have seen a billboard and thought to myself "oh, that seems interesting, I should stop in sometime" and then some time later when I was going to be in that area shuffled things slightly to make it happen.
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
The Tootsie's sign on the Florida turnpike works on me. I usually dont plan on it, because Tootsie's has fallen so far. But if the Pompano triangle is more out of my way than Tootsie's, I will give Tootsie's a shot.
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
No. Every club I’ve been to has been through the internet ott word of mouth. I have seen a club though and looked it up. Of course most of the billboards I’ve seen are for Cafe Risqué. Those are generally known to be crappy dives.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
I definitely feel the pull when I pass one. Rarely it might pull me enough to drop in if I have nowhere else to be, whether it’s a club I know or new to me. More likely, a sign for a new to me club will cause me to read some of the reviews on here after I pass by. Savannah’s on Hanna in PA or XXXV off the Jersey TPKE have signs that have caused me to research and/or stop in.
avatar for ArtCollege
a year ago
Yes, before TUSCL. Back in my youth, when traveling on business I'd check into a hotel and grab the yellow pages. (Youngsters, look that up to understand grandpa.) I'd look under "nightclubs" to find strip clubs in the town. Pull out a road map to figure out where they were located. In this environment, billboards were like heaven sent.
avatar for steve3000
a year ago
Years ago, I had a friend who lived in Texas.
Back then, many clubs in Houston had those searchlights shooting big beams up into the night sky. And you can see them for miles there due to the flat terrain. He often commented on how he'd run out to Target or some other errand, see those lights, and then follow them to the club. Like a moth to a flame.
avatar for Ulrik79
a year ago
Yes and no. I've seen a billboard while driving and then decided that one of my usual clubs is on the way home so why not stop in. Never had the billboard make me go to that particular club.
avatar for misterorange
a year ago
Usually not, but this one I couldn't pass up:…
avatar for captainfun
a year ago
Billboards work on me. Just calling my name.

avatar for 59
a year ago
Nope. I'm either headed to a club or I'm not. For better or worse, I'm not spontaneous.
avatar for 59
a year ago
There's a billboard in the Philly area for Sin City Cabaret.

The slogan is something like 100 hot girls and 1 ugly dog. Featured on the billboard is a Pug.
avatar for whodey
a year ago
Not often, but occasionally on a long boring road trip I'll see a billboard and decide to make a quick pit stop to break up the boring drive. Usually these stops are just a quick hit where I just get a few lap dances and then get back on the road.
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