Would you live next to a strip club?

avatar for Muddy
I see some strip clubs that are in somewhat residential areas and I do wonder sometimes what the folks next door think about it. I guess maybe if you were really into it, it might be convenient but if it's a crazy club probably nothing but headaches. And if you did would you let the strippers there know where you lived? Could be real easy to pull OTC, just ask her take a smoke break.

One thing check out these backyards, right in back of Allure in Atlanta which has been a shooting gallery in recent years. I would be sleeping in the tub, fuck that. Neighborhood doesn't seem like a bad area otherwise.

You got this club Jiggles in Jersey. https://maps.app.goo.gl/xwuUxs… and you also Clancy's in Jersey too https://maps.app.goo.gl/J9hBFK…

There's also this club Cloud 9 I was at recently in Pennsylvania https://maps.app.goo.gl/qsmSws…

Although I have stated in the past how I would actually love to live on this block right next BELAX. That would be my dream, homeless and potential 2amers be damned. https://maps.app.goo.gl/CEjVjh…


last comment
avatar for Heaven-sent
a year ago
Depends on where you are. I frequent gentlemen’s clubs with no liquor. I’m sure weekends nights are challenging sometimes. Michigan requires $.10 beer bottle/ can deposits so hitting the lot in the morning would really help cut your grocery bill. Most people near them I would suspect have never been inside. I would go broke If I lived there and wouldn’t have a house for long. No, I would not invite the girls over.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
I can’t drive down the street and go to a strip club, and I can’t drive down the street and go into a casino to play poker.

Those are probably two good things.

I would hope I have enough discipline and will power but what if the Flight Club (or a club just like it) was down the street…. Damn. I don’t know how jackslash does it.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I probably wouldn't. But, mostly because of the rest of the neighborhood though. In those two examples you posted, those places don't look that bad. Houses/Lots a little small, but if I was a little younger and earlier in my career I might have been fine in those neighborhoods.

Booby Trap & Cheetah are pretty close to houses in Pompano, there's no fuckin chance in hell I'd live in those neighborhoods. The Rose in Palm Beach and Sexy Lady in Miami are also very near some homes that I'd never live in. In all of those cases though, it's not the strip club and associated activity that scares me off. It's the rest of the neighborhood. I recognize it's not a coincidence, strip clubs are generally considered places of nuisance at best and the only way you're gonna get one in a nice neighboorhood is if it's been there forever and the area gentrifies around it. Even then, the don't stay long. Usually when that happens, the property values rise enough for where the club to sell out and take a massive profit on the land and move to a lower-rent area, or the landlord can raise the rent high enough to drive them out because there are other business that make much more sense in that area.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
For awhile when I was younger I lived within a very short distance of a non-chain diner and Mexican taqueria. I thought “this will be great”. And rarely went to either one. Sometimes you can surprise yourself with self control.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Yeah I hear y'all. I guess it would depend on how awesome the place was. Most clubs I chuck in the garbage.

There's also another I thought, Mickey's in Rhode Island https://maps.app.goo.gl/zzp35R…
avatar for rickdugan
a year ago
Pretty much every strip club I've been to that was located in a residential area was surrounded by a shitty neighborhood. No thanks. Also I'm sure that a strip club is hardly a positive for neighborhood property values, so I also have an entirely hypocritical NIMBY view of this, lol.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
I have never seen a strip club that was located in a neighborhood that I would consider living in.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
I will say none of those places I posted are in a rough areas to the best of my knowledge though. I don't if it's the greatest of all time spots but for a guy like me idk it'd be fine.

I've posted this before but check out a place called Levels in Kensington neighborhood of Philly. https://maps.app.goo.gl/51nL5a… And that's just daytime, imagine night. You wanna leave your car around that shit? I'm good with all that.
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
I’d be hesitant to live next to any busy commercial place especially if it was active late at night. Living in proximity would depend on whether there was frequently trouble at the club and whether noise, traffic, or crime actually affected me.

For instance Platinum in Atlanta was a pretty respectable club but I’m sympathetic to the residential area that apparently turned into overflow parking. Considerations like that are legitimate. Now from a zoning perspective if there is a problem they should be allowed to relocate to an area where night clubs of other sorts are permitted.
avatar for drewcareypnw
a year ago
I lived in Ballard, a neighborhood with a commercial street with houses one street back. One of our clubs (Playground) is there, and I actually lived less than a block from the club, just one street back from the club. It was great for quick visits and last minute stops at the end of the night. Strippers bring weird energy to a neighborhood though. Like one time when my neighbor’s dog got loose and made its way to the club. A dancer found the dog and called my neighbor (number on dog tag) demanding money. My neighbor went up to the club, and it was some high stripper demanding cash. She had put the dog is her car and forgot to lock the door. My neighbor said fuck it, grabbed the dog and booked, with the stripper shouting threats after him.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
^^^This is the most Seattle story of all time
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
I wouldn't live next door to any business. The closest I ever lived to a strip club was 1/2 mile.
avatar for gSteph
a year ago
One point eight miles to my club is working out just about right.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
NFW. I’ve usually lived in the burbs anyway, but even in a city I like keeping my two worlds separated by some distance. If I was single and not planning to get remarried? Nah, probably not then either.
avatar for captainfun
a year ago
I’ve been to clubs in most states in every type of neighborhood- mostly urban or otherwise sketchy places.

But the most suburban club that I’ve ever seen in all my travels is X Club at 6225 Sunderland Drive in Columbus, OH. My recollection is of pretty nice suburban homes all around the club which was tucked back into a neighborhood
avatar for captainfun
a year ago
If I lived in a big city I wouldn’t mind a club being close by. 1-2 miles away would be perfect. Closest clubs to me today are 15+ miles. Well, one is 10 miles but I don’t go there since high cover and no alcohol served. That’s DOA in my book
avatar for gammanu95
a year ago
Before it went upscale, you could rent fleabag apartments all around the clubs on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Even though it smells like piss and vomit, those are $1.5M privately owned condos now.
avatar for RamPaige
a year ago
There used to be a strip club that's about 10 minutes walking distance from my place. It was poorly managed and went through 3 or 4 ownerships before it was closed down for good. Now that location is an escape room and a ball room.
The movie "Hustlers" is based on what happened in that club. Also it's the club where Cardi B assaulted one of the waitresses there.
avatar for doctorevil
a year ago
I’m a 10 minutesl drive from a couple of decent clubs. That’s as close as I want to be.

FYI, Mickey’s Valley View Pub in RI is literally in the middle of a residential neighborhood, with houses right next door and across the street. Weird. Apparently no zoning ordinances there.
avatar for nicespice
a year ago
…Where are the people from Portland OR to comment on this thread?
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I wouldn't mind living next to a strip club!
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I mean I've stayed in the hotel right next door to strip clubs many hundreds of times in tj! it's nice to be within walking distance!!!
avatar for Specialj
a year ago
Probably the closest I ever lived to a club was the pure platinum in Delray. They turned in to a super Walmart. Originally it was Aphrodites and before that it was Tiffany's, but that's going back almost 30 years.

Further north there was platinum showgirls, formally showtime. That was the first club I ever went to 30 years ago. The club was raided/shut down about 15 years ago. A lot of people got busted for drugs/prostitution. I would NEVER walk around that neighborhood at night.
avatar for Jdo11
a year ago
It's a lose lose situation. Either the club is in the ghetto and then you're living in the ghetto, or it's in a nice part of town and you're now worrying about the criminal history of the dancer you're bringing home.
Motels are the primary meeting spot for hookups, for a good reason.
avatar for goldmongerATL
a year ago
Back when Allure was the 24K strip club It was a local bar with strippers. I knew a girl that danced there. She lived in one of those houses on that street along with two other dancers. They were the good neighbors, helping the older neighbors with groceries and errands etc. Some of the older male neighbors were regulars at the bar. The customers and dancers literally walked home from the club.
avatar for RiskA
a year ago
Muddy I had a house about 4 miles from BELAX, and you don’t want to live near there. There’s only residences to the south, in an area with trashed old shacks and apartment buildings, interspersed with auto shops and taco places (the best thing of that neighborhood). Parking and traffic is horrendous. Plane noise, but worse, plane grit (I lived north of LAX and out of the flight path, but still 1/8” of black dust builds up in a day or two). I don’t know about crime but I think houses have razor wire on the back walls. But your real estate agent can probably be more positive than me.
avatar for jaybud999
a year ago
I think it would limit the value of my property, assuming we're talking about ownership. I also don't like to play where I live, so no.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
where I live in Arizona is a shithole by most all of you guys' standards. so having a strip club next door would be an asset!!!
avatar for mike710
a year ago
My place in San Diego is a long walk, 30 plus minutes, from a club. Never walked it and haven't been since a new club went into the old Pure Platinum location. Mostly because San Diego is not a good place to go to a club.
avatar for dickdecker
a year ago
19th hole in Glenside. Totally in a neighborhood, NO other businesses around. AND very nice houses there, probably $300k. It's next to a golf club. Place is built like a fortress though. Doubt there is any noise. No windows anywhere in the building. Are there ever clubs with windows??
avatar for Specialj
a year ago
Cheetah pompano has windows at the entrance if my memory serves me correctly
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
@dickdecker said "very nice houses there, probably $300k"

^ Funny how the real estate market varies. The houses in those shitty neighborhoods I described around Cheetah & BT are filled with houses in the 300-400k range, but they ain't "very nice" at all.
avatar for stripperlover777
a year ago
If The Strip Club Is In A Good Area, It Would Be Niceee For Live Next To. Those Dancers Would Be Turned Into Girlfriends In No Time & Believe Me, OTC!!!
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