
Providence vs Pompano Beach vs Tijuana

avatar for FTS

Providence has two clubs in the top 40, Pompano has three. Has anybody on this forum been to all of these clubs? Is Desire in Providence really worthy of its current ranking in the top 40 at #5? I've been to the clubs in Pompano, and I've been to Hong Kong... it's difficult for me to imagine that there is a club in li'l ol' Rhode Island that is of similar caliber as Hong Kong, FKK, and the Pompano clubs full of sexy Cubans.


last comment
avatar for JamesSD
1 yr ago

The club ranking methodology is known to be a very inexact science. There's always been an issue where locals who generally only club in their own area tend to compare clubs in the same region. So the best club in the area may get a 9 even if really it should be a 7 compared to the rest of the country.

avatar for bostonfinance
1 yr ago

I think this is just an issue of opaque methodology in the rankings. According to the lists here, Desire is the top-ranked club in the USA, which is hard to justify (not addressing that club in particular, but for any business to claim with legitimacy that they are the best in the country, I'd have to see a lot more data...). But the other clubs in Providence being ranked so highly are pure farce. Foxy Lady Providence is ranked 22 in the USA. I went there on a recent federal holiday, and for three hours during the day shift, there was ONE and only one dancer working the floor. The idea that there are not more than a couple dozen clubs better than that in the entire country is a complete and total joke.

Not sure we'll ever know how those rankings are determined, but I sure am curious about the algorithm, because it's not very reflective of reality...

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

The rankings here aren't supposed to be incredibly scientific. They only account for the tiny percentage of customers who are active here. I love clubbing in Providence, but I'd never claim it's the best in the country.

Also, of the three locations discussed, one is filled with literal brothels. Apples and oranges.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

The rankings are scientific. It’s literally a formula. It doesn’t mean they are accurate. They rely on the ratings which are user generated, which we know are not only subjective but subject to location bias and reviewer variance. E.g., some reviews assign ratings by how a club compares to other local clubs. Others travel across the country and may rate a DC club against what they get in Miami. They are guides. Nothing more.

avatar for OG12346
1 yr ago

HK is huge. Has an large amount of girls, all willing to do fs for 30-40 minutes in a private room with a bed and a shower, for $140-$160. They have cheep beers, shaving cream shows and women in all shapes and sizes.
Hard to beat.
The pompano clubs (3) are much smaller, less girls, and private vip is in smaller rooms, ji beds, and more expensive for less time.
Never been or follow Providence clubs but, at best, would be on par with Pompano clubs.

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

“Hard to beat“

Except for the obvious drawback

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Don’t look at the rating, waste. A way better indicator is # of reviews.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

Ratings here are nothing more than a popularity contest, for the ratings to have more meaning there would need to be some methodology, these ratings might have some relevance only if you’re looking to see which clubs get the most visitors.

avatar for funonthaside
1 yr ago

What makes a club good? Ask 3 TUSCLers, and you will get 3 different answers.

Reviews are more telling than the number ratings.

An extras-focused TUSCLer will rate TJ clubs highest, while a TUSCL who likes seeing model-quality girls will rate Vegas clubs highest. Vegas and TJ clubs are in different universes. Each has a place in the hobby. FL clubs are likely the best combination of TJ and Providence club attributes.

The good news, though, is whether you're in the Northeast, Southeast, or Southwest, you have access to good clubs.

Expand to Midwest (Detroit) and Northwest (Portland), and there are even more options.

I feel bad for the poor saps in Arkansas....they need to trek to Texas.

Muddy has them all accessible to him, though.

avatar for CJKent_band
1 yr ago


I will play along and comment on your discussion.

As anything in the hobby and life in general “YMMV Literally, "Your Mileage May Vary," coming from the small print in (American?) automobile commercials in the 70's and 80's. It has come to mean an acknowledgement that the opinion of the poster may not be shared by everyone.” ~ Urban Dictionary

Everyone will have a unique experience at each place, depending on a lot of factors however:

According to Krusty, and most heterosexual American males, TJ is the Happiest Place on Earth for the Adult Industry Hobby.


So just adjust your expectations accordingly; prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

And remember that people who take part in leisure activities such as the adult industry hobby without having or feeling guilty or ashamed, have fewer negative emotions and are less stressed.

Our heart rates are literally lower and our health physically and mentally benefit when we engage in our adult activities/hobbies.

Just don’t buy anything that you can’t afford. This hobby may be for you if you can afford it physically, mentally, economically, emotionally.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Tj clubs are not strip clubs. I have almost 50 years south Florida strip clubs, never been to tj and 45 years of Rhode Island strip club experience, predating Desires by decades. CHEETAH Pompano, Desiree, Booby Trap is my list.

avatar for FTS
1 yr ago

@skibum, so you have been to the Pompano clubs as well as Desire, and you would say they are comparable in quality?

Everybody is commenting that club ratings are relative, blah, blah, blah, I know that already. I’m just hoping to get an impartial comparison, and by that I just mean—an opinion from somebody who has actually been to these clubs and can therefore make a direct comparison from experience.

I don’t expect there are many people who have frequently visited the Providence clubs AND the Pompano beach clubs.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

^ if you read the reviews it pretty much makes it clear, the New England clubs are great for regulars, the Pompano clubs are probably better for all.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

In the last 10 years I have about 700 desire visits and 200 Pompano visits. Pompano is great for $10 dances and extras and Desires is the best for regular attendance and favorites. For the uptight northeast Desires is unique and the privacy level is amazing. Pompano has the hotter dancers but its cold and emotionless.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

It's completely subjective, it's not even close to being scientific. Hell, if someone challenged me on how I rated various clubs in my area I'd probably be hard pressed to justify the relative ratings.

Then you try to account for taste, and you're fucked. Look at any of the threads about "is she hot" type questions. I can't recall ever seeing a girl everyone could even agree was not ugly. One man's curvy is another man's fat, one guy's bony is another guy's fit, one guys obnoxious fake tits are another guys amazingly enhanced rack, one guys awesome ink is another guys ruined with tattoos, one guys amazing fishnets is another guys stupid fucking outfit, on and on and on. And that's just girls, different guys want different vibes or have different budgets, etc, etc.

avatar for rockie
1 yr ago

Foxy Lady Providence's reputation was last legitimate about 10 years ago. Desire certainly can stake a claim in the Top 40!

avatar for FTS
1 yr ago

@dolfan, yes, much of it is largely subjective, but it’s not completely subjective. We are, in fact, human beings with DNA that programs us to find certain features desirable, generally speaking. Each individual is unique, but MOST men will agree that the petite, 20-something girl with perfect facial symmetry, a full set of pearly-white teeth, flawless skin, ample bosom, long blonde hair, and excellent hygiene is MUCH more attractive than the morbidly obese 80-year-old granny, with 8 yellow teeth, grey unkept hair, liver spots and moles, broken nose, double mastectomy, hasn’t bathed in a month, etc etc.

I thought it was a simple question: is Desire in Providence really deserving of its rank in the top 40? There is a very obvious difference between the truly great clubs, like Hong Kong, and a local hole-in-the-wall strip club in a no-name town that attracts maybe 10 patrons on a typical weekend.

avatar for FTS
1 yr ago

@rockie, thank you for the direct, concise answer.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Desires will have 40 customers at noon on a Tuesday. The basic lap dance area is more private than 90% of the customers in this land. How many clubs have a members only section accessible only by elevator? My second favorite club of all time.

avatar for Iknowbetter
1 yr ago

How do these clubs compare on ROI? The general going (negotiated) rate for extras in Pompano is $150 CBJ / $300 FS. I know TJ is a lot less, but you have to factor in travel, etc. What’s the going rate in Providence?

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Providence is slightly more simply because this is a far wealthier area, with a much higher cost of living.

avatar for FTS
1 yr ago

Thanks, skibum.

avatar for chiefwiggum
1 yr ago

The Houston area has private clubs, some with lifetime memberships. I have yet to go to Providence so I can't comment with any authority. TJ is apples vs oranges. I just looked at the top 40 list and Allure is on there. Allure would be a banana (to keep the analogy going). Allure is pretty damn good for a jack shack (in the good sense of the word), but there are better ones out there. I have been TJ (Chicago) only once and I found it comparable to Bogota, but I thought Bogota had better girls (and my spanish went further there as well.)

avatar for fenwayfav
1 yr ago

I've been to the Providence and So. Florida clubs many times in the past few years. I agree with Skibum's comments, although my ranking is very slightly different - Desire, Cheetah Pompano, Booby Trap

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

I can live with the change, I have been a desires regular since the lap dance area was behind the first bar and some of the dancers would do 2/20.

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