When the dems lost the Supreme Court, they start abusing us through lower courts
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
The Republicans, Conservatives, and the rest of the right in this country need to wage unrestricted total population lawfare against the democrats. They went down this road, and now we need to see mugshots of democrat politicians. Hillary, Bubba, Hunter - anything and everything that can be indictable, prosecutable, and jailable should be brought against every democrat possible. They are doing this to the country, the country needs to do it to them. The democrat party hates representative democracy, they hate the Republic and they are done with it. They want single-party rule and they will do anything to get it. They want absolute, unfettered power and control over every individual in this country. They want to tell you what appliances you can have, what car you can drive, what medication you will receive, and how you can speak. They want to abuse prosecutorial power to punish their opposition? We have states and cities with Republican DAs and AGs. It is time for them to get to work, We The People cannot keep fighting with one hand tied behind our backs.
"This forum is for people to post whatever they want, as long as it's not political or regarding Tijuana."
I expect Skifredo to waste his life posting stupid political bullshit in the front room. Well, the part of his life that isn’t spent filling out divorce paperwork in crayon, the way he learned at the worst law school in the country.
But this rick has one question: why aren’t the rest of you aren’t telling Gamma Ape and Fredo to move this shit over to the stupid politics room? ROAR!!!
Why here?
Some people consume bullshit media from sun up to sun down. They make their whole life and identity about politics. They consume AM talk radio when driving. They sit on their couch and yell at their TVs and wives while they work themselves into a frenzy. Then, unfortunately, when they sit down to shit and pull out their phone, they make political posts here too since they have no personality of their own..
Passive-aggressive much Gamma Ape? I mean really, you could just apologize for bein’ a frickin’ dingus and move on. But noooo… you have to complain because people call you out for postin’ political shit in the front room.
Know this Gamma Ape: I feel bad that I made you feel bad so I’m currently playing the world’s saddest song on the world’s smallest violin just for you… psych! I’m actually ‘bout to program my Tesla to go find you and go all frickin’ wildebeest on your ass.
You probably don’t have much to worry ‘bout because I usually get all drunk and forget about shit like this. Then again, a Tesla driven by a frickin’ lion might show up and do donuts on your mommy’s lawn while you watch in fear from the basement where you live. You can post about that in the front room. ROAR!!!
Nailed it. Someone should frame that.
I go to tuscl to review titty bars and find new titty bars. That's it. I don't understand users who come here to fight or make grand political statements.
Anyhoo, to return to the topic at hand, we want this thread to continue and for you to keep trying to justify yourself. That way the uninitiated will read this shit and go “that Gamma whosiewhatsis is a real bonehead dingus I don’t wanna be like him!” That will prevent more political posts in the front room.
So keep helpin’ us out by continuing to be a dingus. TTFN…err…ROAR!!!