Where does nicespice need to dance next?

avatar for Muddy

She hasn’t gone on a road trip in a little while now, we gotta change that. Now you might say she has a life, she’s can’t drop everything on the drop of a dime and travel globe…welll fuck all that shit, the crowdsourcing of a bunch of random perverts on the internet takes precedence.

-I would like to see Nice try California with the employee bullshit and see how that goes. I’m sure the paper works a nightmare BUT full benefits! That means the very same dental coverage that Shailynn has.

-I think at least once doesn’t Nicespice got to come out to Desire in Providence even just for a day or two to shut people the hell up. 10 minutes after you take stage there will be a 7 full major league/police sketch level scouting reports of desire and the new girl submitted to tuscl.

-In Detroit a lineup consisting of Nice, Nina and bubbleyum would bring out tuscl out in full force. Even SJG would show up.

Just throwing it out there. We’re taking your suggestions/requests to try to guilt trip her into finally leaving the Rockies.


last comment
avatar for loper
1 yr ago

Living in New England I'm down for her to come to Eastern Mass. or Providence, because I'd love to see her. Just being selfish.

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago


avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago


avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

She's already been to Jacksonville. I vote for ATL.

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

Oh, wait, she didn't dance in JAX, but I think the spirit of this OP was met.

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

She did get some dances there, though.

avatar for Mike Rotch
Mike Rotch
1 yr ago

On my face.

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

^Hmm, I didn't see you there

avatar for rockie
1 yr ago

If Nice comes to New England, Doctorevil and Muddy have to be part of the package at Desire! I am not diminishing the rickdugan element, but him being part of the Tuscl Carnival might be too close to the hometown of his youth for a TUSCL Celebrity Meet.

Muddy - Have you seen my nuanced shout outs to you in reviewing a couple of stripclub disaster sites that you might have visited 2 years ago (Sticky Mickey's & The Matador cum to mind).

avatar for rockie
1 yr ago

Fishhawk: Stand down on any request to place Nice in the Panhandle! That would be very much like putting "baby" in the corner! The compliment - is that I am thinking of you as you are one of few voices of the Panhandle on this board.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

lol Rock now I did. Hey now how am I supposed to the see that? We all know the only person that visits/reads/reviews Matador club is you.

BTW there is unfinished work in the panhandle, in the world of Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I'll be back"

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

I like nice spice and she’s a great broad, (in the vernacular of my generation being a great broad is a great compliment) Time for her to do what she wants to do though.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Loper nailed it.

avatar for rockie
1 yr ago

Muddy - The only unfinished work after work hours in the Panhandle is at the beaches baby! Eye candy from Okaloosa Island Beaches all the way East to Panama City Beach.

As for the neglected and dated reference material offered for that region - I get a couple of critics or critiques. I gently tell some to suck it! I'm a lover (not so much), not a fighter (tru dat) - ok, ok, ok I'm a little grumpy some days.

In the new format - This was my favorite discussion starter to date offered by the Ultimate Tuscl Wanderer. What I also knew is that if you hadn't seen it - you would see it in TUSCL TIME, with a nudge.

avatar for rockie
1 yr ago

Fishhawk - Are you out there? Are you lost in the new format? Obviously your Nice/Blah centric sweet talking southern ladies man "My Feed" is not working!

Founder - Don't fix it for "feed" me, fix it for Fishhawk. Fishhawk has survived the misery of stripclubbing in the Panhandle for the 3 lifetimes!

avatar for doctorevil
1 yr ago

“ If Nice comes to New England, Doctorevil and Muddy have to be part of the package at Desire! ”

I’m down for that!

avatar for azdd
1 yr ago

I know she’s worked in Phoenix before, but I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her. Might as well head west for the hottest months of the year!

avatar for wallanon
1 yr ago

"Might as well head west for the hottest months of the year!"

That doesn't sound enticing at all lol

avatar for FishHawk
1 yr ago

I am still around. Mostly a lurker these days. I would love it if nice would come to the Panhandle. Maybe she will swing through the area on her way to the greener ($$$) pastures in central and South FL.

avatar for Heellover
1 yr ago

How about back to phx area after the summer (which is actually mid October or so).

Have never met a dancer on this board before, but you all know the saying: there's a first for everything!

avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

I’d definitely love to spend more time in the eastern part of the country in general. Aside from Florida, I haven’t danced anywhere, nor even seen very many places. I’d especially to like to have the excuse to binge visit a bunch of Smithsonian museums…and maybe from there go in any direction. According to the GPS, it looks like Washington DC is only 7.5-8.5 hours away from Providence by car. Or 8-9 hours to Detroit. Places are so close to each other, lol

Phoenix is a fun area for sure. Though if I dance in Arizona again, I think I want to try out Star Valley or Fort Mohave.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

If you’d like to check out the Eastern side of the country, I’d recommend Mass in the summer, along with Rhode Island, but if you’re really into beach life Eastern Long Island can’t be beat, I spent my summers from 1969-77 working as a lifeguard at Jones Beach , those summers at the beach were incredible we went to Montauk, Hampton, Shinnecock, and went to the North Fork through the Long Island wine country, damn what great memories I have.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Although I got to admit Nice you seem way more west coastie than east coastie personality wise but hey most of us on this site (and just Americans in general) are in the eastern US so you gotta do it at least once. Im sure there would be a fuck ton of PLs lined up from the get go.

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

^ maybe she can work out of your Camry. 😝

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

It’s an accord god dammit get right!

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

But I’m about to sell it I’m looking at something more comfortable and more a chick magnet https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dumbanddumber/images/b/b8/B-1528143847.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180604202407

avatar for Cashman1234
1 yr ago

That’s easy - Hitching Post in Paterson NJ.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

^ Welcome back, Cash.

avatar for Cashman1234
1 yr ago

Thank you Ishmael!

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 yr ago

It's been years since she's had a SirLap massage, so it stands to reason that she returns to Portland (OR). 🤗🦄

avatar for Cashman1234
1 yr ago

I’m thinking her next location should have an actual hitching post, so the White Knight can park his trusty steed out in front…

avatar for nicespice
1 yr ago

Aww, I do miss Portland. And their completely amazing Berries. And Pip’s. And even my wife 🔪

And Paterson is only 4.5 hours from Smithsonian museum land. And surprisingly, the dancer reviews didn’t flag anything really bad about that club. I’m kinda wondering if that place would be like a Texas club. 🤔

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 yr ago

@nicespice I think it's time for you to come out and consummate your marriage with blah. Preferably on stage. 😍👯

avatar for Cashman1234
1 yr ago

That would be a great stage show - as Blah is quite an impressive beauty too.

I hope they can consummate their deep connection on the lower stage at Hitching Post…

avatar for SirLapdancealot
1 yr ago

With blah in Portland I think they should do it here. I'll take one for the PL team and bear witness to it. And I'll bring my own "hitching post".

avatar for Cashman1234
1 yr ago

SirLDAlot - if your hitching post can handle The White Knight’s trusty steed - you are a very impressive man! Lol!

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