
Tobacco Girls

Friday, April 7, 2023 8:11 PM
Girls that smoke. Not too long ago I hooked up with a girl that’s is really pretty but she is a heavy smoker. She didn’t tell me this, she didn’t have to, I mean I basically ingested/inhaled/absorbed it myself. She tasted like cigarettes! I felt like I got done smoking a pack myself it came out of her pours and everythingIt just came out of her pours and everything. Overall it was so much that kinda ruined the sex. We met up before and it wasn’t issue but in the interim a habit got picked up. Every stripper I know smokes weed or vapes. but cigarettes is a no for me from now on. What are your guys experiences with girls that smoke? And I’m sure it’s awful for them in a Vice versa scenario.


  • Brahma2k
    a year ago
    Ahh the girl who has the scent of perfume and cigarettes. Heaven…
  • JimGassagain
    a year ago
    If she smokes, she pokes! Smokers are pokers! Does she smoke pole? Bacon!!
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Vaping is probably the dumbest fucking thing ever. You're better off inhaling burning leaves through a cotton filter than that chemical brew, but tobacco doesn't taste like pink grapefruit. I used to smoke a pack per day off and on for about 20 years. I regret ever having picked it up in the first place. finally kicked the habit for good about 10 years ago. Light smoking doesn't bother me, but I would prefer to just not be around it at all.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Some of those tobacco scents ain’t bad. Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille. Many of my relatives smoked so I was kind of used to smell, in small doses not bad. But this particular instance was too much.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    "I love the smell of napalm in the morning"
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    Hate the smell of cigarettes. I've passed on otherwise hot dancers because they smelled like an ashtray. I'm indifferent to weed.
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    ^ This. Actually, I like the smell of weed in moderation.
  • docsavage
    a year ago
    My former wife smoked so much her teeth had turned brown. I had a chronic cough from her secondhand smoke that disappeared after we got divorced. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, it's important to be in a relationship where your partner has good health habits. A lot of strippers have bad health habits but that doesn't affect me very much since I only see them for short time periods in the club. That's one of the advantages of strip clubs, that you don't get sucked into the negative aspects of strippers personal lives.
  • Tetradon
    a year ago
    Go to an FKK and you'll choke on the smell of smoke (tobacco). Every smoker I've ever kissed, the stereotype of "licking an ashtray" is true.
  • Renegade_Buddha
    a year ago
    I've gone back and forth with it ... I quit for 7 years then picked them back up after trucking. Then started vaping and tried a bunch of different vapes until my lungs felt overly heavy Then went back to cigs to get the fix but now I stink again because of it. If im smoking then it's OK that she does but I make it a point to never smoke in the house. And when I had quit smokers were a turn off. Planning on quitting again ... And weed smoking chick's usually trip out and get weird on it which fuvks up the vibe half the time lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    I’ve posted in the past that I’ve never been a smoker and have always disliked it. In my younger-days when I dated I never dated a smoker (wouldn’t have worked-out for any lengh-of-time given how much I dislike it) – and kissing a chick that just finished a cig (or is smoking one) almost makes me throw-up. I don’t mind dealing w/ dancers that smoke as long as the don’t do it when they are with me (unfortunately my local-clubs in SoFlo still allow smoking) – but I’m not one to stick to any one particular dancer for a long-time during a visit since I like variety thus I usually don’t get in the situation where I’ll be hanging w/ a dancer for a long-while during a visit to where she’ll wanna smoke-a-cig while hanging at my table.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    Btw I got to re read my stuff before I post that shit is a disaster
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    I don’t know how she did it… but a dancer I used to hang out with a lot would smoke inside the club, then we’d go to VIP - I would never smell it on her and she’d go to kiss me and I could not tell she had been smoking. Now that’s talent. I’ve only dated one girl briefly in college that ever smoked.
  • crosscheck
    a year ago
    That's what I dislike the most about hitting clubs in Florida when I visit is the smoking. Coming from Massachusetts where smoking in public places hasn't been a thing for so long that you don't even think about anymore, stepping into a club with clouds of smoke is like culture shock now.
  • uniquename
    a year ago
    Smoke is strictly a game ended for me. I don’t like the smell - repulsed by it, actually - and don’t wish to come home smelling of it. I don’t care how hot or willing the lady is.
  • minnow
    a year ago
    OT a bit here, but vaping seems to be the rage now. My go to clubs in FL are non-smoking, but they seem to ignore vaping. I don't like vaping , but at least the odors don't linger like tobacco products. My concern about this is some people probably vape illicit drugs. Many localities/states aren't 420 friendly. Drugs are still LE hot button to some degree, I'd hate to have a visit tainted by LEO raid, especially by guilt by association (eg adjacent customer or dancer caught with illegal drugs).
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ Which clubs in South Florida are non smoking I’ve been to most, and I don’t know of any, you must be in a different part of Florida than I am.
  • stainglass
    10 months ago
    In the spectrum of ANYTHING you like or don't like - be it smoke, be it dressing, be it selfies, drinks / ITC / OTC / long term friend / newbie / ... , you only have 3 options: 1. HECK-YA. (>80% spectrum) - you know what to do 2. hell-no (<20% case) - you know what to do - or worst case Tell them "smoothly" or not, this is up to you - but GET the point across and let them decide the next step. 3. Inbetween - it is your personal choice - gauge it for your preferences and habits and longevity / whatever - then preferably "gently" break your point across. But do keep in mind YOU have the $$$ - you control the deal - if it is not worth it for (most importantly) YOU and them, then "amicably" split, but keep the options & communication open so that they can crawl back in, when their money flow dips due to their habits.
  • mark94
    10 months ago
    Outdoor smoking patios for both dancers and customers are a great way to screen and connect with dancers.
  • Estafador
    10 months ago
    Cigarette smoke hurts me. So I never ran into a STRIPPER that does that but if she did the entire affair is over. If she's attractive enough I'd tell her go brush her teeth and don't smoke any more if she still wants my dollar. ID be polite but firm about that. Absolutely hate cigarette and the smoke associated. Weed not so much but it's your job to look and smell good. Don't have smokers breath if you can. At least not around me.
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