Words of wisdom??? šŸ¤”

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I remember years ago having a conversation with my father, RIP. I was about 20 years old at the time and I had mentioned to him a desire to find a ā€œnice girlā€ to be in a relationship with. He looked at me and said ā€œYou donā€™t want a nice girlā€¦..they are too expensiveā€.

Fast forward approximately 30 years and incidentally here I am, never been married, single and with no children. Although I believe children can de the best thing in the world for people who have them, but for me apparently, it wasnā€™t meant to be.

It should be noted I am perfectly happy with the ITC ā€œattention I get from dancers. Itā€™s not a relationship where Iā€™m committed and there is minimal expectations on both sides and the odds of me getting emotionally attached are low being that that change in the dynamics of association between both parties would less than desirable.

So maybe my dad was right all along!?! What do you guys think?


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The woman you love is an investment not an expense.

If you're using hookers as a surrogate for a sex life or relationship. Save that money for therapy or the gym
^^^Yeah Iceydodo that's good advice for that poor RIL trick bitch that staged a faux suicide over getting dumped by a coke junkie stripper whore. šŸ¤­šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The advice my dad gave me was find someone with the same long-term goals. I was married once and once was enough. I'm happy in my sixties with the freedom I have by staying single. People with a certain personality type are happier not being married. I've learned not to do things just because everyone else is doing them.
If by nice he meant "well educated and groomed stay at home mom with class expectations and a 1/2 written novel" then he was definitely correct.

If by nice he meant "nice to you" then I would disagree. Mrs C for example is nice to me (generally) and she's been nothing but an asset. Earns large cash, builds relationship in family/friend/neighbor circles, takes care of children, etc. All of which contribute to the bottom line. Maybe I'd have more cash if I didn't have kids, but I like having kids, so that's more a cost of doing business as DC.

If he meant "not dirty in bed", then it could run either way... some delightfully slutty women are financial assets in a partnership, and some duds are millstones in the same context.

My dad's advice was "try strippers, they let you do everything except come inside them". That was on my college graduation day. LOL
I donā€™t remember any sort of wisdom from my dad when it came to women. I found things out on my own, and I learned from my own mistakes.

As long as you are happy, thatā€™s all that matters. I am not a guy who can judge anyone elseā€™s life decisions.

My ex and my kids have added much more to my life than I could have ever imagined. Iā€™ve made enough mistakes for several lifetimes, and Iā€™m still learning - and growing. Enjoy what you have, and avoid asking a bunch of strip club perverts about life advice.
My dad told me to go hard for the woman who loves me and wants me more than I do her.
Setting aside the whole strip club thing, I'll opine that some people (male and female) are not built for marriage, and also that some people are not built for parenting.

The fact that there is a societal expectation that *EVERYONE* must be married and have children is part of the reason why there are so many divorces and neglected (and in some cases abused) children.

And it doesn't need to be all or nothing. I know a couple of happily married couples who solidly don't want children (but it doesn't stop their relatives from nagging them...). And I know a few people who adopted children as single parents with no intention to marry (and the kids are fine).

It's a good thing to recognize what you're built for, even if it doesn't conform to what everyone expects.

I have a therapist already. She works at the strip club. And I donā€™t need a gym membership to stay in shape. I can outwork most people half my age. But thanks for your experience strength and hope
I do agree with whatā€™s been said as far as marriage, itā€™s not for everybody. Also that society considers it to be the norm, and consequently many people get pressured into a relationship they deep down know they arenā€™t interested in.
somebody told me to keep life simple.
I wish I had listened... instead of getting married.
The desire for a pair bond is a natural part of being human.
Being married to the right person is the best thing in the world.
Being married to the wrong person is the worst.
If youā€™re going to do it, choose wisely.

My pops told me long ago there are girls you play with they're fun broads, but they aren't wife material, those are called ladies and they won't ever understand, nor will they tolerate your fun broads. So remember this if you want to have a happy life marry a fun broad, and you'll never be lonely. The only thing my pops got wrong there, was he never factored into the equation, of his eldest son being widowed due to a tragic accident. Life is funny and you never know what is around the corner, so enjoy it as best you can.
Twentyfive - that is good advice. Itā€™s something many guys donā€™t realize until after they are married, and they find they have married a non-fun broad.
I could say something so cruel and cutting here, that even I had second thoughts about it. Then I almost typed it anyways and had third thoughts.
As for the OP's OP, I commend him for him taking the path less taken. So many marriages end in divorce, and each and every single one of them is a mistake. Too many people are getting married who just shouldn't be.

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

ā€œA man once asked his father, ā€˜Father, how will I ever find the right woman?ā€™ His father replied, ā€˜Forget finding the right woman, focus on being the right manā€™.ā€

I work with a guy close to my age. He is in a relationship with a girl and she has him so screwed up in the head he canā€™t even focus at work. Lots of people there like to give him a hard time about it. I honestly feel bad for him. I guess itā€™s one of those scenarios love is blind, but I certainly wouldnā€™t want to jeopardize my mental health to be in a relationship with Any female. I donā€™t care how hot she is. At my age Iā€™m more concerned about staying out of trouble and saving money. Be there for my family and close friends. Simple life, but a good one. Yeah, I believe Iā€™ve become the Right man
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago

What cj didn't divulge was the similar conversation with his father.

ā€œcj once asked his father, ā€˜Father, how will I ever find the right woman?ā€™ His father replied, ā€˜Forget finding the right woman, throw out your dick pic collection, focus on being a man and not a homo.ā€

As we now know, cj didn't follow his father's advice, was deported from Germany and now practices his hitler devotion while clutching his dick pics here in America.
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