Well, this rick like Jack straight from the bottle a drivin’ whiskey. Puts hair on your chest. And then there is the rickarita, can’t beat that shit.
Also, I’m more partial to cachaça than rum. ‘tis rickthejaguar’s fave. It is totally hilarious to walk into some dive in podunksville and say “this rick wants a cachaça and coke” and watch the gears in the head of some normie going “wtf is cachaça, we only got corn whiskey here”. Then I up the ante by sayin’ “gimme my drink wildebeest”. Good times. ROAR!!!
last commentNeither.
Run and coke hold the run
I avoid mixed dranks. If I’m going for a run, I avoid dranking coke.
Well, this rick like Jack straight from the bottle a drivin’ whiskey. Puts hair on your chest. And then there is the rickarita, can’t beat that shit.
Also, I’m more partial to cachaça than rum. ‘tis rickthejaguar’s fave. It is totally hilarious to walk into some dive in podunksville and say “this rick wants a cachaça and coke” and watch the gears in the head of some normie going “wtf is cachaça, we only got corn whiskey here”. Then I up the ante by sayin’ “gimme my drink wildebeest”. Good times. ROAR!!!
crazyjoe - I figured your go-to drank would be prune juice with a size of MiraLAX.
I like rum and coke!
A spell checker ? Is that an option too ?
Instead of run and coke, crazy joes choice is runny shits!
Sugary mixed drinks are a no-go. That the surest way to a hangover (and fat fuckery) I would do Jack or rum neat
Try to get the best bourbon they have (which is usually - sadly - Makers Mark) “neat” with a side of Diet Coke for me.
Back in my early 20's it was Jack and crack!!