I don't like to multitask so I generally avoid eating ITC -usually only eat ITC if I'm at a club for a very-long-time and I get hungry and don't wanna leave the club just to get something to eat.
Anyone who pulls a camera out in a club and records other people should have his teeth caved in with a baseball bat. I don't care what the attention-seeking twat uses as an excuse.
There is no lunch in Seattle clubs. No booze either. One club tried it for a while, and the idea of all that atomized jizz infusing my mid day snack was not appetizing. Barf.
The pattern I've seen is that clubs that have "amenities" (besides nekked women) are high margin, in the sense that a smaller percentage of each dollar I spend ends up in stripper purses. Aside from the stunning hotness of my fat old self, I thinks it helps me if strippers have as much financial motivation as possible to try and get me as a regular. Food service that's on a par with a good, full-menued restaurant is an example of such an amenity. Some fast food (burgers, pizza, nachos, and such) is a good idea, in case you're hungry as well as thirsty. Better yet, just let food delivery services make deliveries to/in the club.
As long as he doesn’t show the faces of nonconsenting adults, it’s fine. Will IG normalize eating lunch in strip clubs? No. Most people will never see strip club customers as anything other than depraved perverts. But there’s an opportunity here and good he’s taking it.
There is almost always a nearby restaurant that has better food than what you can get in a strip club. I almost always combine a strip club visit and a restaurant visit together on one trip. I also enjoy the quiet late night drive home except for one time when my car almost hit a homeless drug addict who had wandered out into the street, and she then started yelling curses at me.