
Several senior Ukrainian officials, including five front-line governors, lost their jobs Tuesday in a corruption scandal. They’ve been skimming millions of dollars from money pouring into the country, primarily from the US.
This follows a Christmas shopping spree in Paris by President Zelensky’s wife where she spent $50;000 in a few hours.
There have been lots of rumors that much of the military equipment we send to Ukraine is sold in a black market.
Congress is pushing to audit how our dollars are used by Ukraine. The firing these officials is an attempt to get ahead of the audit.
last commentWhoa. That would be a very quick way to lose American support. Really stupid if true.
Mark94 said "Several senior Ukrainian officials, including five front-line governors, lost their jobs Tuesday in a corruption scandal. They’ve been skimming millions of dollars from money pouring into the country, primarily from the US."
Massive corruption in Ukraine was present well before the war and Zelensky's role as president. It's why foreign investors and governments have been wary of doing business with Ukraine for a very long time. Whenever the U.S. sends aid anywhere, there's a built-in expectation that a percentage of what is sent won't land on target (because the U.S. doesn't send aid to countries that are high functioning). In this instance, it's the price we pay given that the alternative is the Soviet Union annexing all of Ukraine by force. That doesn't mean we ignore it. The U.S. should put pressure on Zelensky. There should be an audit. And if several corrupt officials get ousted as a result, then that's a move in the right direction. I have no problem with Zelensky feeling some heat.
"This follows a Christmas shopping spree in Paris by President Zelensky’s wife where she spent $50;000 in a few hours."
You say that as if it's an established fact, but point to a solid journalistic source that presents any evidence of that shopping spree. By the way, most of the "sources" I looked at gave $40,000 as the figure, so it looks like you gave her a raise...
"There have been lots of rumors that much of the military equipment we send to Ukraine is sold in a black market."
Right...rumors. From where? From who? How much and what kind of equipment? Reliable non-Twitter sources?
The only people who are surprised by systemic corruption in Ukraine is people who know nothing about Ukraine. I hope that the pressure stays on and grows, but this is the price being paid to show the Soviet Union that it can't grab back all of its former satellite states by force.
^ those are good articles
Here’s another about the shopping spree
WTF does her shopping spree have to do with U.S. aid? Zelensky and his wife were reportedly wealthy before the war even started. I seriously doubt that he had to sell a Stinger on the black market to fund his wife's shopping spree. 😆
Now with that said, I would agree that it was in poor taste given everything that's happening right now. Appearances definitely matter when you have your hand out asking the taxpayers of other countries to foot the bill for billions in aid.
Zelensky and his wife should be using their wealth on humanitarian aid for the citizens, not shopping in Paris.
This does not chamge the dynamics of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but should be factored into decisions of how to spend American taxpayers' money.
Which is of greater national interest to the United States, securing the Ukrainian border or securing our southern border ?
===> "Which is of greater national interest to the United States, securing the Ukrainian border or securing our southern border?"
Why would these be mutually exclusive? Why can't we do both?
Zelensky was a comedian before he entered politics. What is the source of his wealth ?
There is clear value in securing our southern border. The administration has yet to stand in front of Congress, or the American people, and explain logically how Americans benefit by sending our wealth to Ukraine. So far, it’s just an emotional appeal that Putin is evil. He is, but why is this our fight ? Why isn’t it Germany’s fight ? They’ve sent relatively little to Ukraine.
Zelensky is clamping down coz he wants all the money for himself. He's a petty ductator on Washington's payroll to broker a proxy war for biden
Russia has increased its mobilization of the military. By May, they will have 500,000 soldiers ready to enter the fight in Ukraine for the spring fighting season. They will be poorly trained and poorly equipped. Most of them will be cannon fodder. Many of them will die. Putin doesn’t care.
What happens when a half million Russian soldiers enter Ukraine ? What will be America’s response ? Will we escalate our involvement ?
FTFY @Call.Me.Ishmael
The only people who are surprised by systemic corruption (inequality and injustice) in the USA is people who know nothing about the USA…
~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ Jan 25 2023
“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."
~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
There is always an economic motive underlying USA made-up conflicts, even if the stated aim of the war is presented to the public as something more noble.
The 1%, the Robber Barons in the USA and their criminal accomplices all over the world, are constantly clamming that they are “protecting our strategic interests abroad” and creating “conflicts/wars” than ultimately serve to protect the large amount of money and assets of wealthy American Criminals and their accomplices all over the world.
America’s manufactured Wars usually creates a shortage in the supply of “commodities” for the war efforts which results in higher prices and higher revenues.
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
~ Fritt Ord Award (2019)
~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019)
~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019)
~ Right Livelihood Award (2019)
~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019)
~ Time Person of the Year (2019)
Anyone not 100% in favor of halting immigration is a traitor to this country.
Here’s a twist. Putin is trying to buy billions in US weapons that we abandoned in Afghanistan, to be used in Ukraine. You can’t make this shit up.
I’m okay with skilled LEGAL immigrants. Engineers. Doctors. Wealthy entrepreneurs. What I don’t want are unskilled labor and criminals like the invasion on the southern border.
It’s quite possible ubiquitously apparent that Zelensky’s job has a lot of risk to it, and how he is compensated is likely part of the territory. Akin to
Policemen and Firefighters whom should be compensated for the extra risks they take on. Not excusing any corruption going on because it should be minimized, however politics is the breeding ground for corruption so why is this any different than Biden or Trump or any other local corruption that has taken place?
My Congressional representative, Victoria Spartz, is a former auditor and a Ukrainian-American. She was calling for better oversight of the aid flowing over to the Ukraine last July. She sensibly understood support for that aid would decline if it came out it was being diverted to enrich local politicians. Unbelievably, the Ukrainian government attacked her for even hinting they might not be totally honest.
This is damaging news for Zelensky. I understand the reasons for aid to Ukraine, as it is necessary to stop Putin’s attempt at recreating the old Soviet Union.
However, the optics are horrible when considering the pleas Zelensky has made for funding. I am looking a bit more skeptically at his lecture to American regarding more funding. His own citizens should be very unhappy with him and his administration - as they are suffering - and this likely adds to the pain of their situation.
It was well known that Ukraine was quite corrupt prior to Zelensky being in office. I would like to believe that the bad apples have been discovered and are now out of office, but I think that is likely naive.
The optics of a Paris shopping spree, while fellow Ukrainians suffer without heat through the winter, is beyond bad!
In many cases - the only way to not uncover government corruption is to avoid looking for it. That is likely true here in the USA as well. But it’s very different in other countries, as many do business very differently.
What do you get out of being paranoid right wing nut jobs?
Keep in mind that FTX, the Ponzi scheme pretending to be digital currency, sent hundreds of thousands of dollars from Ukraine to US politicians. This was happening at the same time billions of US dollars were flowing to Ukraine. Coincidence ? I think not.
My comments were not paranoid or right wing.
@ Skibum - are you a native American descendant, if so what tribe, Sioux, Mojave, something else?
Omg, I am ever so surprised that a hugely corrupt dysfunctional eastern european shithole would do corrupt shit! Who in the world would have ever guessed such a thing??????????
Why do you think all these people try and move to America, Canada, UK, South America, Australia. Hell even Mexico is a wealthier and easier country to make it in than Ukraine I've heard from actual Ukrainians. Welcome to reality, guys.
^ oh and my moving comment was like aimed at before the war/outside of war times and war zones. I feel like it is obvious what I meant, but just in case.
“ I am ever so surprised that a hugely corrupt dysfunctional eastern european shithole would do corrupt shit! “
Are you surprised we’ve sent them $120 Billion ?
Should we send them more ?
A 40K shopping spree is really... not that much money? It's a few Chanel bags and a Rolex, ffs.
Not at all surprised. America has always been getting involved in messes half a world away instead of fixing their own fucked up country, duh.
His wife isn't on this list...
“War is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures”
The nature of American created wars is that huge corporations and the 1% of the world benefit and the rest of the people suffer in America and the world…
U N D E N I A B L E . . .
This is a red herring, does anyone here remember how WWII began, the Russians are using Hitler's strategy as best as they can.
Let's face a few simple facts, only one sovereign country has invaded another sovereign country, Russia has invaded Ukraine, that is what is what is UNDENIABLE.
Next fact nothing NATO is doing, nor planning to do can be defined as an act of war, by any existing definition.
Third lets stop giving credence to Russia's threats, Russia knows as well as we do if they follow through on any threats, that actually sucks NATO into this war, they will be anihilated, and Putin's regime will be over. They aren't that stupid.
So let's stop the hand wringing over bullshit, and do what we need to do, so this adventure by Putin ends in failure.
People spend so much time fighting with each other. As I've gotten older, I've kind of mellowed out a little bit. I've come to realize I'm not going to be on this planet forever and I don't want to spend my time here getting in fights. I'm headed to my favorite barbecue place and then over to a strip club to see a cute little Puerto Rican regular. She says she has a feeling of relief when I walk in the door because I never cause her any trouble. She never causes me any trouble either.
In one part of a recent undercover video involving Pfizer executive Jordan Trishton Walker, he is caught saying this:
“It is a revolving door for all government officials. For any industry. So like in the pharma industry, all the government officials who like, you know, review our drugs, eventually come work for pharma companies. And the military, all the Army and defense government officials eventually go work for the defense companies afterwards. It’s pretty good for the industry, to be honest. It’s bad for everyone else in America.”
This helps to explain what happened with Covid but also what is now happening with the Ukraine. The defense companies make bigger profits if the U.S. government is buying weapons from them and then shipping them over to the Ukraine. The government officials who implement this will then later be rewarded with jobs in these defense industries.
Everything's relative. Clearly the Afghan army was much more corrupt. Even though the opposition Taliban is ragtag, the minute they didn't have NATO soldiers to babysit them, they folded like a cheap suit. Whereas the Ukrainians held a defensive line, and even have made gains, against what is widely regarded as the second strongest military in the world. There's lots of families that have lost loved ones, and a strong will to resist. I think people who's corruption is weakening the Ukrainian military are likely to get strung up by their heels.
For most of my life, the selling out of Czechoslovakia to Hitler was a mistake that shaped US foreign policy in a big way. But it was referenced improperly to get the US into the Vietnam War. It does, however, seem very applicable to the Ukraine situation. There just aren't so many of us left whose parents lives were greatly impacted by World War II.
I keep coming back to the same question. How is it in America’s interest to pour billions into Ukraine while risking nuclear conflict ?
At one time, the Soviet Union was on the march across the world and was an existential threat to the US. It made sense to oppose them. It was the foundation of our foreign policy. Now, it is China, not Russia, that poses the greatest threat.
Russian is a dying nation making a final, desperate attempt to capture past glory. Our sanctions have accelerated Russia’s decline. A million young Russians have fled the country. Their energy and mining industry is literally crumbling without western technical assistance. Their airlines are failing without replacement parts. They pose no direct threat to the U.S. unless we goad them into nuclear war.
If Russia somehow manages to capture all of Ukraine, it is estimated they would need 2 Million troops to maintain order in the territory. They don’t have 2 Million troops. Russia has no path to a lasting victory. Their fate is already sealed.
^ are you channeling your inner Neville Chamberlain?
It takes a special kind of stupid to think there are anything more than circumstantial parallels between global power balance circa 1939 and the modern world.
There is a much stronger argument that this is an extension of the cold war. Western and Eastern proxies fighting for land, resources, and ideology. You need to look at the larger scheme of things and loop in Chinese influence-peddling, Iran's increasing regional threat, and the ever-present threat of global nuclear holocaust.
The CIA vastly overstated the economic and military capabilities of the Soviet Union in the 1980s. They misstated, or lied, about WMD in Iraq. That led us to spend billions, perhaps trillions, of dollars and cost thousands of American lives.
The military industrial complex really does exist. Eisenhower was right.
Russia is not an existential threat. They are a short term regional threat. The only thing keeping their economy going was energy and mineral exports. Sanctions have crushed that.
Similarly, China is not a long term threat. Their economic system is failing. Their population has aged to the point their population will be half as large by 2050. From 1.2 Billion to 600 Million, relatively few of them working age. Their economy is dependent on western technology, oil and food imports. If we imposed the same sanctions on China as we have on Russia, hundreds of millions of Chinese would starve within months.
The Cold War is over. We won, though it will be a few more years for the proof to be obvious. We need to stop fighting an 80 year war that we’ve already won.
All armies prepare for the last war. When a new threat appears, they are unprepared. The current threat is largely economic as globalization ends and populations shrink. We should restate our military’s goal as protecting American borders, not being the World’s policeman.
^ did the CIA lie about Russians and Chinese possessing nuclear weapons along with delivery systems as well, exactly what would you consider an existential threat, a bow and arrow or maybe a long sword?
Nuclear weapons aren’t a weapon of conquest or invasion, they represent mutually assured destruction. They will only be used as a final act of madness if Russia or China believes their demise is inevitable and imminent.
The last thing we should be doing is threatening Russia’s survival by sending F-16s and Abrams tanks to Ukraine.
Incidentally, Russia’s nuclear force is 40 years old at this point. We really don’t know what its capability is after 4 decades of deferred maintenance.
The US never signed the non proliferation treaty. And is the only country which has used and threatens to use them.
Russia's nuclear arsenal makes them an existential threat.
China is at least a peer adversary, and they are running laps around us in the grey area of cyber war and intelligence. Furthermore, if all of these sighted UFOs are terrestrial in origin, whose are they if not ours?
If we learned anything in the last 120 years of western civilization, it is that isolationism does not work. Having said that, we should not be cutting blank checks for Ukraine,ROK, Taiwan, NATO, and others. We need to partner with responsible regional allies to share thr burden.
“China is at least a peer adversary“
That’s what they said about the Soviet Union. It was only after the Berlin Wall came down that we realized it was a Potemkin Village.
One US destroyer positioned between India and the Middle East could shut down the flow of oil to China. Their Navy is really just a Coast Guard without the range to operate more than 1,000 miles from its border. China knows that and we know it.
^ guess what happens if either China or Russia and even Iran and North Korea falls apart they’ll become existential threats to every country on this planet including the USA.
So how’s about stopping the political propaganda and face the facts, we cannot allow the Russians to accomplish what they’re trying to do, and if we all pull together this will be over quicker and you can go back to your partisan politics and conspiracies.
20fag we can't stop russia from preventing nato and American bases at its borders and from saving the people of lugansk and Donna's from systemic oppression and violence???
Ukrainians are dying for bidens imperialist aspirations
25 - When Russia fails in the Ukraine and Putin the Progressive faces his demise, he will use nukes. Every cent we spent on Ukraine should have gone to arming Taiwan against our real enemy: Chine
^ we are arming the Taiwanese,
Here’s the real issue, when Putin realizes the gig is up, he’s gonna try to pass his nukes around like an insurance policy to every bad actor he can , in an attempt to stay in power, I don’t think he uses them himself I think he’s planning on creating chaos, that’s the more likely scenario.
The US is the most prone to use nukes
Biden brokered the proxy war against Russia
^ You should move there, you obviously don’t have any love for this country
I appears that Russia would be the solution to all your problems
You could become a cosplay commie pimp
20fag go .ove to ykraine and fight for biden.
You're a cosplay jew cosplay millionaire cosplay man. But a real troll and senile bitch.
You have to be retarded to not believe this is just bidens proxy war against Russia.
Meanwhile tye senile bitch in the white house ignores the problems facing Americans
Iceefag are you having a temper tantrum, I don’t understand why, you’ve told us how terrible the United States is and how much you hate living under our system, I merely made the recommendation that you might be happier living somewhere else and since you appear to be such an admirer and advocate for Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation I made the suggestion that you would be happier living with people and a system that you prefer.
20fag keep your word and leave the site.
I guess you support bidens war coz senile bitches flock together
^ Temper Temper, you throw hissy fits like a little girl.
Leave troll. You promised.
How Joe Biden suckered Europe
To my reading of the article, CNN did not say any of that equipment disappeared. They said it was a risk and it had happened in other venues and it was a risk the USA were willing to take. I suspect most of this rumor, like Qanan cult, is a Russian conspiracy designed to change american opinion.
Russians are very good at mind games -- they have fooled more than half their population that Ukraine government is nazi. Hope none of you are qanans.
Welcome back 25
Newsweek debunked that shopping spree story as FALSE
"Claims that the first lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska went on a shopping spree during her visit to Paris this month are not supported by credible evidence. They appear to stem from a single tweet posted by an unverified and low-engagement Twitter account, which provided scant details about the alleged purchases, simply citing an anonymous "source.""
Good chance it was started by a pro-Russia individual, seeking to divide the West. The fact that mark94 and others lap it up as truth, without bothering to fact check it, only demonstrates how GULLIBLE they are.
That's funny, using newsweek as the exemplar of fact checking is as laughable as assigning that title to msnbc.
Read the article, Newsweek did a thorough dive into this internet rumor. They are fairly centrist, not far left or far right. No other news source has countered their fact check on this.
You're a fucking idiot supporting bidems proxy war against Russia just coz you're a Democrat 🤡
Can anyone spot the flaw in the argument being made by some
Russia’s nuclear weapons are a threat to our existence
Therefore, we should throw every weapon we have to defeat them in Ukraine
^ Who's making that argument.
What's really happening here is you always make it impossible to have a reasonable discussion, any time a reasonable point is brought up you try to mischaracterize and twist it to completely mic=characterize the legitimate points that were stated. It's a shame, but it's impossible to have any conversation when you are so dishonest.
25 said
“guess what happens if either China or Russia and even Iran and North Korea falls apart they’ll become existential threats to every country on this planet including the USA.
So how’s about stopping the political propaganda and face the facts, we cannot allow the Russians to accomplish what they’re trying to do, and if we all pull together this will be over quicker and you can go back to your partisan politics and conspiracies.”
In February, we defined our mission as defending Ukraine. Now, it is defined as defeating Russia. Big difference. Mission creep. However, rather than neocons pushing this agenda, it’s liberals. Go figure.
^ Untrue, in February we defined our mission to give Ukraine what they need to defend themselves, in order to defend themselves they need to defeat Russia, unless the Russians just give up, and turn around, and return to where they came from. again you are just twisting the narrative to fit your personal political agenda.
I could be as dishonest as you and put forth the claim that you are pro Russian, anti-American, based on your continued promotion of Russian propaganda, but that would require me to be as dishonest as you. I probably could, based on your talking points claim you are a communist yourself, but again that would require me to stoop to your level of dishonesty.
Where did I advocate throw every weapon we have, that was you pretending that was what was said, again pure dishonesty.
I have zero faith in the honesty of left wing Newsweak. Ramping up the fighting in the Ukraine and giving them weapons we need to use against China is incredibly short sighted.
Hey scrubby have you paid your bet to nice spice, you welcher
The idea that we’re going to send in tanks to Ukraine, that’s called WWIII.
Joe Biden
March 2022
Today, I am announcing that the United States will be sending Abram tanks to Ukraine
Joe Biden
January 2023
20fag you had 4 chances to meet me but were too scared. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Biden thinks ww3 would get him reelected
'Newsweek did a thorough dive into this internet rumor. They are fairly centrist, not far left or far right.'
Yeah I know you're not rumdum but doubtless you're from the same kool aide factory that has you claiming a leftist rag like newsweek is centrist. Lol
Who would have guessed twenty years ago that Republicans would be a multi ethnic party of the working class while Democrats were the party of Wall Street Billionaires and the Defense Industry.
25 is right, Mark can't help himself from constant mischaracterization of the facts to suit his purpose. He also can't own up to posting false information when it's pointed out to him.
There are many examples of legislation passed in recent administrations that clearly show that Republican policies and positions largely benefit the rich, while Democrat policies and positions largely benefit the poor and middle class. Mark's got that totally backwards. Wall Street Billionaires loved the Trump tax cuts.
Trump’s tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working class for first time
Wild4tatas you're a dogmatic dumbass toting the party line no matter what it is
Lots more indications that Russian is planning a renewed invasion of Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of new conscripts.
Will they succeed ?
Will the US escalate our involvement ?
Will they succeed?
Will the US escalate our involvement?
Holy smokes Batman
Will Robin escape from the clutch of the diabolical Putin
Tune in tomorrow, same time same channel
Kapow Bazoom
To be continued.
Sad and remarkable how willing Putin is to lead tens of thousands of Russian men to needless slaughter. Such a move might bump the number into the hundreds of thousands.
This is how big wars start. WWI began with an assassination that quickly triggered escalation after escalation. No one wanted a world war but they couldn’t stop themselves by reacting to each others provocation.
If Russia captures territory, will we send even more deadly weapons ? Advisors ? Would we allow missile attacks on Russian territory ? How would Putin respond ?
Last week the count of Russians killed per day exceeded 1000, with estimates of total Russian casualties approaching 200,000.
Ukraine says Russia faced its deadliest day in the war yet, with over 1,000 troops killed in a 24-hour period
I wonder if people in Russia were able to see any of yesterday's Super Bowl. The half time show was also impressive. The Super Bowl is a great showcase of American sport, exceptionalism and freedom. What a contrast between our countries. We are still the greatest country in the world.
Reuters just reported that the US has advised all Americans to leave Russia immediately. Historically, this is the last step before war breaks out between nations. Biden’s incompetence is putting us on the road to WWIII.
The Russians just had one of their worst ever days for loss of Russian soldiers, they no longer appear to have the ability to take ground, the only ability they show is the ability to achieve massive destruction, their command and control is no longer functioning properly, the likelihood of a coup in greater Russia is becoming a serious threat. That is the reason for the US advisory, if WW111 does break out it will be over quickly and it won't be a success for Vladimir Putin.
^ I'm hoping one of Putin's guards points a Makarov at the back of his head. But his inner circle is mostly KGB guys who I hear are just as bad.
Biden is zelenskys sugar daddy lulz
Or is zelensky bidens pimp?
Word coming out of Ukraine is that they are running out of ammunition for their tanks and artillery. These are old Soviet era weapons and the stockpile is exhausted. Ukraine is unable to make more. Meanwhile, Russia continues to restock their munitions.
Russian aircraft and troops are massing on the border for the expected offensive on the eastern front.
You can tell Putin the new troops will be slaughtered too
Top US general says Russia has already 'lost' the Ukraine war and has paid an 'enormous price on the battlefield'
I wouldn’t believe anything General Milley said.
^ are there any American military officials you would believe, or do you just believe things that are put out by our adversaries?
^ Gen. Milley is the one who thinks "white rage," rather than warfighting, is the pressing issue for our troops. He, like many of the top military brass, are administration mouthpieces.
I put more stock in independent analysts without a dog in the fight.
In the long run, Russia is screwed. Millions of young people have left the country. Sanctions have destroyed its economy, permanently. Their oil industry was the only thing keeping them going and, without western investment and technology, it won’t come back.
In the short run, Putin will pay any price for victory in Ukraine. He tried to win with 100,000 troops in a quick victory. Now, he is committing 500,000 troops in a long term slugfest. Millions will die, on both sides. The carnage and failure in Ukraine will make our abandonment of Afghanistan look like a cake walk.
Maybe NATO knew that all along. They were willing to sacrifice the Ukrainian people to weaken Putin. If so, shame on them. It’s going to get ugly.
^ I don’t think that’s true, despite the bullshit, passing for our national conversation, our military has done a pretty good job of helping the Ukrainian people stay free, and keeping the Russians on their back leg.
The best resource for the war in Ukraine is the Institute for the Study of War at
Russia won its war with Germany in WWII by throwing bodies at the Germans. During the turning point siege of Leningrad, 1.5 million died. That’s how Russia has always won its wars. By enduring unbearable losses to gain victory.
We are about to see that again in Ukraine. The Russian troops are poorly trained, unmotivated, badly equipped, and incompetently lead. Yet, they will keep throwing bodies at the front line until Ukraine can longer defend itself.
'until Ukraine can longer defend itself....'
or until we get sucked all the way in.
If we (The USA) hadn’t entered WWII when we did the Russians would have been destroyed by the German Army and Air Power, if the Germans didn’t have a new front to contend with, Russia would be gone, and All of Europe would be speaking German now. All of Stalins Armies would have been crushed despite the amount of bodies they piled up
Russia won by moving its industry east of the Ural. The winter greatly weakened the nazis. And pro soviet guerrilla forces throughout East Europe and Russia weakened the nazi advance. Then it came down to russian bravery and technology ie lighter more maneuverable artillery
Russia will beat bidens nazis now too. You're brainwashed idiots supporting bidens sugar baby zelensky. Coz all of you cared about Ukraine for decades right. Steeple lulz
Good question from Monica Crowley
America Has Sent Over $100 Billion Dollars To The Ukraine Yet They Are Running Out Of Bullets, Where Did The Money Go?
What an idiotic and laughable comment. Just because there was a voluntary seminar on the topic, and Milley's comments actually made total sense if you bothered to read what he said, doesn't mean he considers it more important than fighting wars.
^ No, they sound like a politician who can't stay in his lane.
"He said he wanted to know and analyze what caused thousands of people to storm the US Capitol during the 6 January insurrection, and “try to overturn the constitution of the United States of America”."
Sounds like a topic worthy of some attention, and a military leader on top of his game looking to examine influences that could affect US troops. It's a touchy subject for some people on the right I understand, risking shining more light on their bad behavior.
^ Yes, because a general's remit includes riot control like January 6, and "white supremacy" is the biggest problem in the military, and not potential wars heating up with our two top geopolitical foes.
Wokes ruin all they touch.
Shining light on Jan 6, like releasing the video of that day, or making the interview transcripts public, or interviewing Ray Epps or the FBI agents in the crowd, or the Capitol police officer who shot Ashli Babbit in cold blood. You mean, that kind of light ? From the Committee that excluded the Republicans who were named by McCarthy, against all precedent.
Comments like Tetra's are a preview of how Republicans are likely to overplay their "woke" bogeyman narrative in 2024. It will rile up their base, but leave many others scratching their heads and concluding Repubs are once again attempting a con.
Elections are about base turnout nowadays.
Woke peaked in 2020 after the Floyd tragedy. Now it's been exposed for the grift that it is. BLM admitting it was about collecting penance from dumb woke whites. At the corporate level it's about using it to distract from their use of Chinese slave labor.
Once we're in a real military confrontation, even Milley isn't going to give two squirts of piss about white rage within his ranks
In a bit of an about-face for Washington based on past officials' more aggressive posture, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken now says the administration is not actively encouraging Ukraine to seize Crimea.
Politico reports of his words that "A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be a red line for Vladimir Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a Zoom call with a group of experts Wednesday."
From The Guardian
The war with Ukraine will be over unless the EU finds a way in weeks to speed up the provision of ammunition to Ukraine, Josep Borrell, the EU foreign affairs chief, warned on the final day of the Munich security conference.
He said a special meeting of EU defence ministers slated for 8-9 March will provide a chance for countries to offer ammunition from their existing stocks, adding it is taking up to 10 months for European armies to order and receive a single bullet.
A new AP poll shows the number of Americans who support providing weapons to the Ukrainians has dropped from 60% down to 48% over the last nine months. We've seen this slow deterioration of support for previous interventions like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Americans always eventually tire of these wars on the other side of the planet. Russia has three times the population of the Ukraine, five million Ukrainians have left the country, and another five million are Russian speakers who don't support the Zelensky government. The Ukraine will run out of soldiers first and when Americans realize they will have to send their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers over there in order to continue the war, support for that war will evaporate.
This administration has chosen to go to war with Russia, a nuclear power. If sending billions in weapons, or providing ongoing targeting intelligence, didn’t put us at war, blowing up the Nordstream pipeline clearly did. Yet, this administration hasn’t explained what our goals are or how this war is in the interest of the American people. It isn’t willing to spend $5 Billion to finish the wall on our southern border but is has spent $100 Billion to protect Ukraine’s border.
From Wiki
“The Powell Doctrine states that a list of questions all have to be answered affirmatively before military action is taken by the United States:
Is a vital national security interest threatened?
Do we have a clear attainable objective?
Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
Is the action supported by the American people?
Do we have genuine broad international support?”
I would argue that none of these questions were answered before entering war with Russia over Ukraine. Nor, have they have yet to be answered.
From CBS News
Mr. Biden's visit to …..( Ukraine )…amid concerns first publicized over the weekend by America's top diplomat that China may be on the brink of providing Russia with weapons to bolster its assault.
Excellent to see Biden visiting Ukraine and showing our continued strong support.
Biden makes surprise Ukraine visit, pledging more U.S. aid as war’s anniversary nears
Mark is sinking to new lows lately. In a prior post he cited some blogger that suggested the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline, and now above he's stating it like documented fact, even though no credible news organization is running the story. I'm sure Putin is happy with him though. Putin is counting on people like Mark to divide the West to help him win.
@docsavage the Ukrainians who left were women and children seeking refuge as their country was attacked. The only significant numbers of men leaving either country are the tens of thousands of men who fled Russia to avoid being drafted. I think you should provide a link to your claim that millions of Ukrainians don't support Zelensky.
To see the level of support for the Ukrainian government, you merely have to go back and look at the result of the 2014 election. The eastern part of the country voted for the pro-Russian candidate and the western part voted for the pro-Ukrainian candidate. The pro-Russian candidate won but was then overthrown in a U.S. supported coup. The U.S. claims to support democracy but really only does so when their guy wins. Since then, the eastern part of the country has been trying to secede but has forcibly been prevented from doing so. Thousands of civilians in the east have been killed by shelling of the Donbass by the Kiev government. Anyone claiming the Zelensky government is popular in the east is engaged in gaslighting.
Russia was supporting the secession efforts of eastern Ukraine, which you conveniently omit. They held sham referendums last year. Sentiment has likely changed with the war, I think you need a more recent reference point than 2014.
If the U.S really thought the eastern part of the country wanted to be under the Zelensky government, they would support a settlement that would involve a U.N. supervised referendum in the eastern part of the country. They have not done so for the obvious reason they are afraid the east might support secession. Instead, they are supporting the corrupt government in Kiev by supplying weapons. These weapons are bought from U.S. weapons manufacturers, thereby increasing their profits. The mainstream Democrats and Republicans are now the parties of the military-industrial complex and endless wars. Rather than two parties, we have a Washington uniparty. A recent AP poll showed only 48% of Americans want to provide weapons to the Ukraine.
It's Ukrainian territory. I didn't see Putin push for a UN supervised referendum, instead he lied that Russia was fighting Nazis and sought a military solution. It's a threat to Ukraine's democracy and our NATO allies see it as a potential future threat to theirs as well. Claiming that both parties in Washington just want more wars to support the military-industrial complex is nonsense.
Well it's a doosy
Zelensky has banned opposition political parties, engaged in press censorship, thrown political opponents in prison, and banned all males between 18-60 from leaving the country so they can be drafted into a war they don't want to fight. What kind of democracy is that?
The U.S. has a 31 trillion-dollar national debt and almost a hundred trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities for the Social Security and Medicare system. It can no longer afford to play policeman for the world. The Europeans have a GDP several times that of Russia. They can afford to pay for their own defense instead of what we have now, military welfare for Europe paid for by the U.S. taxpayer.
Yeah I'm long tired of us being the cops of the world at our expense.
We often end up misreading the issue and the result is things turn out worse after we intervene.
We should take care of our own security and issues.
If you hate Zelensky you hate Biden. If you oppose giving our tax dollars to Ukraine you hate America Andover Putin
Ukraine and Russia is Europe's business, not ours. Let the socialist Europeans pay for this, not the American taxpayer who in reality sees them both as enemies.
Skibum you hate America
“he cited some blogger that suggested the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline”
Seymour Myron "Sy" Hersh (born April 8, 1937) is an American investigative journalist and political writer. He gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. During the 1970s, Hersh covered the Watergate scandal for The New York Times, also reporting on the secret U.S. bombing of Cambodia and the CIA's program of domestic spying. In 2004, he detailed the U.S. military's torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq for The New Yorker. Hersh has won a record five George Polk Awards, and two National Magazine Awards. He is the author of 11 books, including The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House (1983), an account of the career of Henry Kissinger which won the National Book Critics Circle Award.
Not exactly “ some blogger “
Today’s headline:
“Putin withdraws from nuke pact with US, Xi prepares to visit Moscow”
So far, our $100 Billion has brought us closer to WWIII while sparking an alliance between Russia, China,and Iran.
I suspect icey dodo is behind putins wacky antics.
That blogger is running on a grand total of one source to support his theory about the Nordstream pipeline. It's a quaint theory but ultimately unsubstantiated without evidence at this point, which explains why almost nobody is covering it. The real point Mark is you dishonestly presented it as fact, and I called you out on it.
Here's a check on who's paying what.
"In total aid (military, financial and humanitarian combined), the European Union and its countries have provided the most to Ukraine, whereas the United States has by far provided the most in military aid. The Kiel Institute has tracked €108.8 billion from 46 countries in financial, humanitarian, and military aid, from 24 January to 20 November 2022. Out of that €108.8 billion, €51.8 billion came from the European Union and €47.8 billion from the United States, with most of the remaining coming from the United Kingdom, Canada and Norway, and significant but smaller amounts from several other countries."