Your body compared to hers

Random topic, but wanted to see how much people's experience differs based on height, weight, fitness, etc.
For myself: I'm short and relatively in shape. With most strippers wearing heels, it's easy for them to tower over me which has it's pros and cons
- it's kind of a kink being with a taller girl and feeling like you have a lot more body to enjoy. a lot easier to be smothered
I feel like a kid when a stripper leads me by the hand to the vip, so I gotta take the lead and grab some ass to save my pride
it's a little harder to get comfortable when getting a lap dance on a vip couch because I have to sit on the edge of the seat for my feet to touch the ground sometimes
Anybody else have any specific nuances affected by their size? i.e. bigger guys with a gut and if that affects a lapdance, guys who are super fit - if girls comment on that, taller guys getting dances from spinners, etc.
last commentWell, I’m fat and ugly yet usually attracted to the hottest girl in the club
My wallet suffers, but I tend to overpay.
Bottom line at a Strip club: spend lots of money and tip decently. Then you will be treated like a king. That's it. Nothing else matters. few crazy people will troll here. just ignore. Enjoy. Nothing to worry.
Agreed amount the money. Just to clarify, I'm definitely not trying to shit on anybody about their bodies or asking for advice about getting in shape. Just curious if other people's experience is much different from my own
I’ve yet to find a dancer that can keep up their shape with mine. Pear shape.
I have a major gut, but I've never found it to be an issues with strippers. One stripper did tell me I looked like I was a member of the Mafia.
I've never noticed that being fugly is a disadvantage. That's kinda the point of strip clubs. Strippers seem to prefer PLs they don't find attractive, it strengthens their negotiating position. Strippers who prioritize their thirst over their money get dick whipped, the whipper gets jealous of their customers, and they soon quit dancing.
I'm short and fat. I get a lot of compliments on my eyes. Guess they can't think of anything else.
One of the clubs I go I know a guy in 60s fattest short guy. He gets one of the prime reserved seats on the bar stage and always have 2-3 hottest dancers around him. He really spends, he owns few local businesses. He spends. At strip club dancers are not looking for their date. There working for money, whoever spends more he is the one good looking. looks may get initial attention, but money is the one takes forward..
I'm fit, flat stomach, no body fat, so that probably explains why I expect the same from dancers for me to be interested in them. I am willing to and have made exceptions at times for a slightly chubby dancer if her face appeals to me or if she has a personality I like.
TheeOSU, you can imagine expecting whatever a dancer to be ultra thin or 10 or however super thin you are. But they expect only one think how fat your bank account and are you willing to open it for them. lol. It is strip club man. I am very fit, but I spend enough in club.
Good God is this even a real question?
Nope it's just another cacaplop thread
So are you implying that because you are not in perfect physical condition, you can't enjoy the company of the hottest girls ? BS. I'm the paying customer here. If I wan't the girl with the perfect body, then that is what I will get. Unless I get outbid by someone else. If you want to enjoy a girl that is a foot taller than you, then who cares what other PLs think when you are walking to that VIP room. I always imagine that every other PL wants to give me a Hi-Five as I'm walking past them.
Some people see me as short, but I see myself as a vertically-challenged American. Most dancers are taller than me in their stripper heels, but when they take off their Pleasers in VIP I'm suddenly taller. My ATF was exactly my height when we were both in bare feet. I prefer girls that are not too much bigger than me. Once I had a dancer who was 6 feet tall without heels come to my place for OTC. She was too much taller than me and the sex was a little awkward.
Some people think I'm old, but I think of myself as the recipient of a monthly Social Security check, which allows me to waste more money on strippers. I am now able to have sex with women who are 1/3 my age without being a pedophile. But I prefer girls who are in their mid to late 20s, which is more like half my age.
I'm not fat. I exercise every day. When I weighed myself this morning I was 1 pound over my target weight. I am healthy and fit, but women are not going to fantasize over my body. I like dancers who are not fat but have big breasts.
I found out last year that over time I have shrunk 3" in height. How many times do doctors measure your height. My weight has stayed about the same for many ears. Doctors do check that. So I'm 5'7 1/2". I have one favorite that is 5'!0" and one that is 4'!0"(not a midget) and the height difference has not cause any significant problems.
I'm 6'0" with a lot of muscle but something of a gut too. Lots of women compliment my big arms and chest.
But the biggest compliment I get is on my smooth skin. I've never needed to moisturize, I'm just naturally smooth.
You can tell when a compliment is sincere.
The best compliments to me are when they act surprised and ask why I'm in the club. And when they get drunk and manhandled me...
I shoot for a specific type of dancer: Beautiful face, spinner, or tall and thin. I'm not interested in thick or large breasts, especially those created by surgery. Only 99% of dancers in their shoes are taller than me. I don't give a shit, because all others see is me headed out back with a very hot woman. What strippers see when they see me? The worst dressed human being on earth; I get a lot of compliments on my eyes, but I believe them because women have always been fascinated by their color and shape; mostly I get the old "no way are you 65". I have hair, very very few wrinkles, I am muscular, the smoothest skin on earth, but what my cf says is that I am always in perpetual motion, and bouncing around too much to be close to my real age. I also have skier's ass......
Dancers compliment clients just like that as handsome, best eyes on earth, looks of hollywood star. They really don't tell that from heart. It is their sales speech to get vip or more tips or more money in OTC. One of my dancer friend told me this. So, do not get excited.
Anyways even if compliments aren't sincere she's doing more to raise a pls confidence ythan any other woman... so...
Dancers tell me the same things that people tell me in real life. As with real life I say thank you, which ends it and I don't care anyway. The opinions and beliefs of others couldn't mean less to me; good or bad.
"They really don't tell that from heart. It is their sales speech to get vip or more tips or more money in OTC. One of my dancer friend told me this."
Wow dude you are truly "in the know!" And a dancer verified it? Unbelievable.
I'll bet 99% of the guys on this board wouldn't have known that if you didn't share such valuable insider info.
Thanks man, you're a really good guy and important person on this site... fuckin asshole.
@misterorange, you can disagree with my views, but what is the need to call me funckin asshole? What did you achieve from that? Unnecessary nasty behavior.
^He was commenting more on your belief that somehow you know something no one else does; when in fact we all know it.
You are a fucking asshole cacaplop
I guess I read the OP differently – the way I read it was the OP was asking if someone’s physique/height was some kind of barrier to getting-dances in terms of comfort; etc – but seems almost all the responses were based on quality of dances based on how one looks.
Assuming the OP question was about dance-comfort; i.e. being able to get good dances when the dancer and OP are mismatched physically either b/c of height or body-shape, I’d say I hardly ever had an issue – I’m about 5’10 and about 190 lbs so kinda avg height avg build – the few times I’ve had an issue w.r.t. a dancer’s height has been when a dancer has been too-short b/c I usually visit dives where dances are on the floor often barside on a barstool and some dancers have been a bit-too-short to be able to reach and give a good-grind if I’m sitting on a barstool. I tend to usually prefer shorter-women since I prefer them curvy/voluptuous and often the shorter-girls are more-compact and look/feel more curvy/stacked – although when getting barside-dances on a barstool the taller-girls can often give a better-grind.
Most of us figure-out what works best for us w/ experience – if a dancer is too-tall, you can ask her if she can take-off her shoes (although I think that may not be allowed in some clubs at least if the dances are out in view) – some clubs’ dance-sofas/couches are too-deep even for an avg height guy – in some clubs I’ve actually pulled a chair from the main-room into the VIP-room w/ me or asked the dancer to grab a chair from the main-room but sometimes the staff may say something but if u explain u just wanna use the chair for dances and will bring it back the staff will sometimes say ok and sometimes not (IME a chair w/ no arms are usually good for getting dances b/c there are no obstacles – generally IME if a chair is comfortable for sitting; it sucks for getting-dances and vice-versa).
I’ve also have moved the sofa/couch around when possible and have used the backrest to lean against while I’m standing-up and she grinds on me also standing-up in front of me (w/ her shoes-off) kinda as if we were doing-it doggy-style.
If the dance-area is private; one may have some options of doing things differently – if the dance-area is out-in-the-open, it can be a bit harder to modify things.
“… I feel like a kid when a stripper leads me by the hand to the vip …”
Yeah – I don’t like being pulled by the hand either – to me it does feel/look like a mom dragging her kid thru the store b/c she doesn’t want the kid to wander-off – some guys like the holding-hands thing; but many dancers just pull the guy behind them like they were pulling a cart and it gives me the impression that:
she just wants to get the PL into the dance-area ASAP to start making that money
she wants to make sure the PL doesn’t wander-off for-some-reason and she loses the sale
Although I’m sure many dancers do the holding-hands-thing to make the PL “feel special”/liked as if they were a “real couple”; etc.
Papi, agree with your reasons 1 and 2 of why girls hold hands back to the room. I’ll add reason 3 as ‘check this out other customers’ we are going in back, this could be you next so get in line so you don’t miss out.
skibum, you can not certify that entire forum is against me. As i noce to every one. You are saying whatever you want. Icee crushing you under obnoxius post of itc ir otc with...Entire forum watching that. You can only shout gentlemen like me. Icee go for it. Lol
^What a stupid comment. I told you why one person disliked your post and you wet yourself like the stupid little bitch your rancid parents raised. I am glad you like Icee; you are both liked equally.
Skibum, i am not icee supporter. But atleast icee picking you is super fun and well deserved.
Just enjoy the music.
Champphilly said "skibum, you can not certify that entire forum is against me. As i noce to every one. You are saying whatever you want. Icee crushing you under obnoxius post of itc ir otc with...Entire forum watching that. You can only shout gentlemen like me. Icee go for it. Lol"
Go to the hospital. You're having a stroke.
CallmeIsmel is a fake account of icee. No doubt about it.
"... Papi, agree with your reasons 1 and 2 of why girls hold hands back to the room. I’ll add reason 3 as ‘check this out other customers’ we are going in back, this could be you next so get in line so you don’t miss out ..."
Part of me wonders if some of the dancers also do the hand-holding thing in a way to "mark their territory" - i.e. letting all the other dancers know "this is my custy/Atm - hands off bitches" :)
Champy you are right, you always have been. I’m sorry I insulted you before!
Moneyman1234, it is ok. No issues at all.
Me too Champ. I'm sorry I called you a fuckin asshole. I should have called you a shit-eating maggot.
A dancer who was sitting with me and another dancer said that she loves doing laps with fat guys so that she doesn’t have to feel their dicks. She also is gay, which may or may not have impacted her opinion.
Misterorange, by reading your cruel naaty hate comments, relalized bad hate is fueling your brain, blood and all over your body. It not necessary at all. Enjoy the stupid ride until you hit a roadblock.
Mister Orange is quite perceptive. I thought Chump was more of faggy little bitch, but I can accept being wrong.
Skibum, icees screwed you with a post
You can say anything about me. Cool
Cheers man.
Icee screwed me with a post lol. Only a weak, little, progressive bitch cares. Go fuck over your family some more......."Camp" lol. Ok Chump.
Skibum, iceee did fantastic work on that itcotc post. Go read enjoy. Icee has no guts to write something like that on me. Congrats
^Itcotc? What a fucking douche you are little girl. Go fuck yourself Icee.
Dump brain. That was no,1 post. U are the hero.
In any strip club, cash is king. With that said, I think in the natural order of things, men prefer to be taller than their woman. Clocking in at 5'9", I'm short and slim. Never had any issues as long as the bills I presented had dead, American presidents on them.
As far as lap dances go, there is something to be said for chemistry. Your mileage will certainty go farther if you and the dancer have chemistry; as in if she wasn't stripping and a "normal" girl, she would find you attractive. Hygiene also goes a long way.
My two cents. Godspeed gentlemen.
Ahhh I love the gritty honesty in this thread 😌