WTF is going on out there?
Ok, leading up to Christmas, the clubs around here were pretty busy and the numbers of weeknight strippers were limited. I think that the girls were making bank on the weekends and generally avoiding the clubs during the slower weekday shifts, but IDK for certain.
Anyway, over the past week, my favorite club has been packed full of girls on every weeknight shift - like 30+ in a mid-size club. There have been more girls than guys in the club every single time, including last night.
Meanwhile, my phone has been pinging even more than it was during the week leading up to Xmas from a combination of strippers and SA girls. One stripper I hadn't seen in months suddenly wanted to reignite, I just made a brand new hot as hell OTC friend out of a newer stripper and I've seen two different SA girls who I thought were never going to respond to messages sent weeks ago. And these are just the ones I've agreed to - other offers are coming in.
WTF is going on out there? How has the dynamic shifted so dramatically in such a short time? Is anyone else seeing this in there areas?
Just a few days ago I made a pledge in a New Years thread to stop binging, but man have I already blown through that resolution. I really do need to slow down now.
last commentI think the holidays took a big toll on personal finances. Wednesday I went to my local Waffle house for a late Breakfast and at 1 time only I was the only customer. When I left there were only 4. Server said that it is always like this after the holidays.
I got a phone call yesterday from a stripper giving me her new phone number that she had been promising to do for months. Of course she wanted to know if I was coming into the club. I got a text message from another asking the same question. I did go to the club as it was my plan anyhow. The number of customers and dancers was down but there still were more dancers than customers. My observation was that there were not many VIPs being done. I disappointed a couple by not going to VIP. It was not money problems on my part. I had plenty of cash with me. I just didn't feel it with any of my regular girls.
^^ Money is getting a bit tighter, I think there's a lot of anxiety going on and folks are being careful how they spend. I was in the mall last week and it should have been busy with people spending Christmas money, and even though the mall stores were crowded, I didn't see a lot of people carrying packages to indicate, they were buying a lot of goods.
I’m curious what a SA is. I know what a SM and a SD is. And a SO lol too many acronyms these days. One day it might justify a language.
My hobbying is at a much lower level than yours Rick, but what I've seen is that the dancers I visit and even those that I inquire about are all reaching out more, and looking for me book time with them in advance. My main form of comms with dancers is IG (sorry 25) messenger. This doesn't seem to have changed from the pre to post xmas season.
I haven't seen quite the same thing, but I did notice at one of the local clubs prices are falling. The club feels busy, but it might be because of the additional 20+ girls in there over normal rather than additional customers. I thought it was isolated to that club, but my most recent visit to another club suggests otherwise. That club being much smaller and with much lower customer head counts, its easy to see that the fullness is from more strippers. I can't tell if its really increased supply or decreased demand, but I suspect its probably a blend and the both and the common genesis is that there's some tightening up of spending. In any event, there's been several girls who I've turned down in the past because they asked for well over the typical price who have initiated the discussion by saying they'd like to do a room and will do it for basically half of what they were asking before. Even with the discounts being offered, I still noticed many of the rooms unoccupied.
I'll be driving through the area where the clubs are this evening on my way home, I'll probably stop in and see what things look like on a weekend evening.
People wanted to have a normal Christmas but in order to do that they had to spend more money. The dancers are probably trying to make up for that by going into the strip club to work more often. At some point in the near future, they will realize they have to adopt a more frugal lifestyle. Even if they work more, they will find out the customers have less money to spend on luxuries like strip clubs.
^ Sorry why ?
One more acronym.... lol
^^^^My question was to Drew Carey
Oh shit... that wasn't you, it was specialj. Ok now i will just stop typing.
^ I don't have a problem with Acronyms, I believe specialj was the poster that asked, bot OK apology not needed but accepted LOL
Some of these explanations certainly make sense, but I'm floored by how dramatic the swing has been, at least around here. I've always been able to keep a decent rotation, with the normal ebbs and flows of course, but the amount of chasing I'm seeing from these girls right now boggles the mind. And it's not like I've gotten any younger or more handsome over the past two weeks. 😆
Let’s have a vote is desert turd blossom worth responding to ?
In my neck of the woods, the clubs were closed on Christmas Day and New Years Eve (2 weekend days). Otherwise, the same thing your witnessing in the South has been the norm in MA for years. One might refer to early January as the best prospecting period of the year (ITC), but I won't👀!
The holidays are expensive and dancers (like everyone else) tend to take time off for family and holiday parties. But, that's all over now except for the resulting bills and debt.
I've had three dancers who were off my radar pop up again.
@Rockie: The difference here is that the snowbirds pile back into the area for the Winter. So typically January is a very good month for these girls. This is not normal for these parts.
RD: We can agree that the snowbirds definitely still migrate in your direction! Maybe they went deeper south this year!
"... I’m curious what a SA is. ..."
SA = - it's a popular sugar-daddy website but it now goes by after it faced some backlash a few years ago
^The money you have to spend to even read a message is ridiculous on there.
In “normal years/times”; the first couple-of-months of the year were usually slow in the clubs (PLs working off their Christmas-shopping bills; Christmas vacations; etc) – often times things started picking up around March as some custies would start receiving tax-refunds; etc.
“This year may be different” given current-economic-conditions – a lot of folks are being-squeezed w/ much higher-prices/costs (inflation) thus less-disposable-income (or willingness to spend w/e disposable-income they may have) – these conditions affect dancers (thus more girls in the club trying to make ends meet); and it affects custies in that many may not be able, or willing, to go spend in the club.
I was listening to a youtube channel a few days ago where they put up some charts that showed current-savings rates are at an all-time-low while credit-card-debt is at an all-time-high (many speculate folks are using credit-cards to make ends-meet and not just for conspicuous-consumption).
I’m on my 8th different woman(girl) from SA since thanksgiving. I on the other hand had not resolved to slow down but see how many I can “meet” in swfl in 5 months. Btw 22 - 32 yo and between 400-600 all 8.5 to 9’s. I’m able to host though that helps based on where I live now lol it def gets their attention.
the chart below shows savings-vs-debt over the last 5-years or so and how that difference is bigger than ever - this of course in general affects both dancers and custies (likely driving dancers into the club and driving a certain # of custies out of the club):
I dunno Rick, I like hearing your stories but this is at least the 2nd if not the 3rd "my phone is blowing up with OTC options" post you've made in the last 6 months.
As others have said, Christmas spending has likely left both buyers and sellers with noticeably less cash. January should be a good month for buyers with cash, I didn't have any wait with a favorite dancer on Wednesday and will be testing this out again tomorrow.
Thanks papi for answering my question. Last club I was in was cheetah pompano and there were So many dancers and I was thinking to myself, how can Any of these ladies be making decent money? I could be wrong with my estimate, but
It appeared to be at best a 2:1 dancers to customers ratio.
I think clubs right now suck at the moment. It's honestly not that great at all.
===> "I dunno Rick, I like hearing your stories but this is at least the 2nd if not the 3rd "my phone is blowing up with OTC options" post you've made in the last 6 months."
Fair enough, but whatever I posted before is nothing like what I'm seeing now. Things really seemed to go sideways in a hurry after the holidays ended.
If these observations are correct, would you expect the cost of ITC and OTC services to go down? I haven't seen obvious price reductions in the Detroit market.
I did stop in to a couple clubs last night. Both were much slower than typical customer wise and busier than normal dancer wise. I noticed a lot of overlap in girls, some I recognize as day girls pulling doubles by staying late and some I've seen during the day and presume have been night girls pulling doubles by coming in early. The lack of customers was dramatic, especially considering that yes, this is snowbird season down here. The was an obvious difference in girls being more pro-active and seeking out customers. Girls I had history with were making a b-line over, I legit had a line of girls waiting for a chance to make a pitch at one point. At the higher price club, the girls were definitely willing to drop prices to make a sale. Many girls told me thinks like "my offer from last week still stands" referring to basically dropping prices by half. At the lower priced club, none of that happened but they're already priced at a point where there isn't much room to go lower.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that a lot of snowbirds are the older crowd. And many/most of the clubs around here have made changes over the last two years to cater more and more to the younger crowds. The louder music, emphasis on bottle service, making it rain, and for lack of a better term the "flexing for the gram" type shit is rampant.
I still haven't seen the dramatic uptick in OTC requests, but I did get a girls number last night who seemed very keen on the idea. Previously I presumed she would have never considered it, so I had never asked. Way too small of a sample size to draw any conclusions from though.
^ I was speaking about OTC availability, not pricing per se. There is a big difference between a short-term surge of availability and price decreases. Sure there can be a correlation between increased supply and the price of the action, but IMHO it's not as simplistically linear as you theorize.
For starters, demand is not static or solely a function of price. Sex sells. If a hot girl who has said no in the past suddenly decides to say yes to OTC, a guy who wants her is more likely to divert entertainment spending from elsewhere to get that ass. It's not necessarily a zero sum game. Just look at me - I've been binging the past 2 weeks, lol.
Second, even if a hot girl decides to say yes in order to supplement decreasing club money, she's likely to hold out for what she thinks a piece of her ass is worth. It's not like she lacks other vanilla job/earning options if she can't make a premium selling her ass.
For both of the reasons highlighted above, IME and IMO stripper ass prices are like the price of gas - they go up quick but come down very slowly.
Even during the Great Recession, when the economy tanked and good paying jobs were scarce, it was not all champagne and chocolates on the OTC front. It was great when the markets first cratered along with club revenues - I was suddenly getting some of the hottest OTC action I had every had. But eventually a lot of girls just gave up altogether and left the business. It took years for a lot of clubs to recover on the hot talent front.
^ That was for electron.
For past several months, it seems like most of the customers worth anything are younger, and some of them are conventionally attractive. Seven years ago I despised customers below the age of 35 and having to talk carefully around them lest I accidentally trigger a “I can get laid any time I want!” from them. I’ve become more cautious around middle aged guys now because a lot of them have become extra mean spirited. And if they are white, a lot of them seem pickier nowadays about wanting white girls. And I think most (all?) decent sized metro has been screwed.
Nowadays, I think it’s mostly easier in more rural areas. Hang out with chill dudes under the age of 40 (and some of them are good looking, that still messes with me) and agree with them that Biden stole in the election in 2020. I can understand and am not surprised at brutal downtowns because (imo) we never truly recovered from 2008 and the past 15 years has just been artificial pumps into markets in an unsustainable way…but there’s no way I could have predicted this type of bizarro world.
As far as Denver specifically…eh at least at my club conditions seem mostly stagnant. I did hear gossip a few weeks ago that the club fired like 12 dancers all at once. And then I repeated that to another customer, and he shrugged and said, “oh, maybe the managers have been checking the cameras”. Then I asked what he meant by that and then he suddenly changed the topic. 🤦🏻♀️
Rick some of these girls have daddy issues and like older men. Even without daddy issues, a lot of them like older men if they’re still attractive. You mentioned being muscular and built like a truck. And also getting OTC providers who don’t do otc with others. So it may be your looks creating this increased chasing
@nice why does it mess with you when attractive guys are is a strip club (and actually spending money, not just trying to hook up with strippers)? Do you assume they could get NSA sex from a civvie that would beat a lap dance with the typical stripper? Or, do assume they'd rather get sexual pleasure by being in a relationship (rather than getting lap dances from the typical stripper)? Are most of them actually single, not just getting lap dances as side action?
Because the behavior of younger guys (in general) has improved in the past few years. And in the past few months in particular, it’s in contrast to dudes older than them who have been obnoxious without shame and act as if I should be falling over them and are more demanding. Not all of them by any means, some are great. But the most entitled stuff seems to be from a source. Like one middle aged moron who got his friend to buy a dance, and told me to go back to him to get more money for more. Then that friend was a major asshole and I walked off and was done with them. Then the moron texts me a couple days later almost expecting me to hang out. And doesn’t even bring up money or apologies or anything. Freaking incredible.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining by any means, it’s just different.
And as for their personal circumstances, I try to not ask. I think a good chunk of them are single though?
Ooh yeah and a couple days after that happen, a group of young kids come in and spent plenty and the next day somebody had to come in to refill the ATM. One guy who got $600 of dances was 19 years old 😊
That's the career you have chosen. Would think a lot of unusual circumstances occur every day for you. But, thanks for the heartfelt feedback. I'm sure all of us appreciate it, are sensitive to your traumatizing experience, and can learn from it. RIGHT! Did you give them their money back and ask them to spend it on a dancer they respected more. No? Didn't think so.
To the one, or possibly two individuals who seem bothered by my posts on this thread, feel free to alternatively contribute your own personal experiences. Specifically, personal experiences where you felt as if something odd was happening in your local area clubs—since that is the point of this thread. 🙂
Sorry about that.
Rick, there was a dancer who reached out after Christmas and asked if I could come see her to talk. I was wary, cause she had threatened me several times before (due to some insults etc sent over text). I thought it could be a setup to subdue me, but at the same time there’s all this talk of dancers needing more money in the holiday season and now this post of yours.
Btw, there are also decent escorts available for $300 and $350 an hour currently, whereas it seemed like in early 2022 everyone was charging $400+ an hour usually $500 or more.
===> "To the one, or possibly two individuals who seem bothered by my posts on this thread, feel free to alternatively contribute your own personal experiences."
Nice, I for one have no objections to your unicorn stories. Young, single, attractive and respectful young men throwing gobs of money around in your club(s) on a consistent basis? Cool beans! You do you boo. 😁
Some here might be skeptical because it's just not what we normally see, in part I'm sure because young single guys often just don't have that kind of coin to drop. Around these parts the young groups that slide into the clubs on the weekends are often rather cheap. But if you're seeing different things then go yee forth and all that. 😉
It seems the h in dha is for Hyman (Roth). If nice gets shot in the eye for not giving a 50 year old a BJ, he'll be like well that's what strippers sign up for.
Many young guys are rich Rick. It can often be family money. The Arab exchange students driving around in lambos and maseratis. The Indian and Asian tech nerds or startup nerds. Millionaires at 23. The old money rich white or black kids. The hard working beaners.
Maybe inflation spiked over the holidays, and the girls need the extra dough just to survive and make ends meet!
At the main club I go to, about a dozen dancers who hadn't been dancing for several years have returned over the last couple months.
A few stopped during the COVID shutdowns and just hadn't come back (until now), but most hadn't been dancing since well before that.