Only me? No worries, guess I'm the only horny dumbfuck around here.
Sad part is, I then tried the two other places in close vicinity. Also closed. Of course. The dancers want a day off too, not just me as a lonely perverted fuck.
Good times. Google searches don't mean shit when it says "open, but hours may vary due to New Years Day." Who's gonna test how much it varies? Me. Who's gonna drive home feeling like a perverted dumb fuck? Also me.
Hilarious. Right as I finished posting this, I see a car with three guys pull up and waltz to the front door of the club and knock on the door. Waiting like someone is gonna answer and let them. Funny sight.
I was on a road trip from Ohio to South Carolina and decided to spend the night in Charleston WV. I had done my homework before my trip and had the addresses for 4 clubs in the area. I drove to all 4 only to find them closed because it was Sunday. Nothing on Google or TUSCL pages for them showed that. So I had dinner at Bob Evans and then watch Urban Cowboy in my hotel room across the parking lot.
This taught me that guys will send in those reviews to get the VIP status but few will take the time to submit a update club details.
Once or twice when driving home from a holiday thing I've taken a minor detour to see if a club is open. Usually, they aren't, which is fine.
Another time the club was open but there were very few cars in the lot (in a lot shared by customers, dancers, and staff). I felt a disturbance in the Force and decided to just go home.
I never have. Although 25's suggestion makes sense, in my limited experience with calling strip clubs I don't know how confident I'd be in drawing the conclusion that they're closed because they don't answer. I've only ever tried to go on NYE a couple times though, never new years day.
I noticed a number of clubs either have posted holiday hours in their entry areas around the holidays or post hours on instagram. I was surprised that a number of the primarily cuban clubs in Hialeah were closed on NYE. A good number of clubs everywhere seemed to be closed yesterday, I guess the combo of being Sunday and New Years Day pushed them over the edge. I also saw what I thought were some odd hours posted around Christmas. Places closed for day shift on xmas eve, but open for night. And then the opposite on xmas day, open for day shift and closed at night. I'd have thought it would be the opposite shifts open on both days based on the holiday, but I guess the fact that it was Sat/Sun changed things.
^ I hear ya and many times you’d be right, but I’m not driving out of my way to find out, if they can’t be bothered to staff a little thing like a phone there’s plenty of other options for me
that's why i stopped going to the clubs whenever there's an upcoming major holiday. the club(s) will most likely be closed or closing early. if open as usual the the club will be real slim pickings and most likely you will not like what you see.
it will be ok guys. today it's already january 2. regular activity and hours of operation will continue as normal.
I haven’t done that. I want to avoid being the only guy in the club while the bar is just opening and the dancers are still showing up.
I did take a buddy to a club in Orange NJ once - and we were the only white guys there. It was interesting as several dancers did a double take when they saw us sitting at the bar. I may have given my buddy too much of a club sales pitch - as he was uncomfortable and uninspired by the talent.
I guess I'll add another way of seeing if a club is open, text a stripper. It probably has the same flaw as calling the club, in that a non-response isn't really definitive, but most of the strippers I keep in contact with are pretty responsive and know what's up at the club. And if you didn't pick up on it, instagram and other socials are fairly popular means for clubs to communicate that sort of thing. Not all clubs are active, but some are.
I would have been surprised if a club closed for New Year's Day. Christmas sure, but New Year's Day isn't exactly a closing holiday for any retail businesses other than banks and post offices.
But shadow is right about being careful about Sundays, especially in the bible belt states. I too have had the misfortune of passing through the Carolinas during Sunday overnights and it's very hit or miss.
The thing about hit or miss is the hits can be home runs. If there are two dancers and you are the only customer, one of them probably wants to work something out with you; there's a reason she's working when it's dead.
It also means the fun social dancers cam just hang out without much pressure.
As my mother is dead, Mothers' Day is just another day to me. So I went to a club only to find it was closed for Mother's Day. I guess not all the dancers are lying about having kids.
"Don't any of you dumb fucks own a phone,..." that made me lmao. If I had water my mouth I would have spit it out in hilarity. Perhaps I haven't had a good laugh in a while but that was funny
last commentThis taught me that guys will send in those reviews to get the VIP status but few will take the time to submit a update club details.
Another time the club was open but there were very few cars in the lot (in a lot shared by customers, dancers, and staff). I felt a disturbance in the Force and decided to just go home.
I noticed a number of clubs either have posted holiday hours in their entry areas around the holidays or post hours on instagram. I was surprised that a number of the primarily cuban clubs in Hialeah were closed on NYE. A good number of clubs everywhere seemed to be closed yesterday, I guess the combo of being Sunday and New Years Day pushed them over the edge. I also saw what I thought were some odd hours posted around Christmas. Places closed for day shift on xmas eve, but open for night. And then the opposite on xmas day, open for day shift and closed at night. I'd have thought it would be the opposite shifts open on both days based on the holiday, but I guess the fact that it was Sat/Sun changed things.
it will be ok guys. today it's already january 2. regular activity and hours of operation will continue as normal.
I did take a buddy to a club in Orange NJ once - and we were the only white guys there. It was interesting as several dancers did a double take when they saw us sitting at the bar. I may have given my buddy too much of a club sales pitch - as he was uncomfortable and uninspired by the talent.
But shadow is right about being careful about Sundays, especially in the bible belt states. I too have had the misfortune of passing through the Carolinas during Sunday overnights and it's very hit or miss.
It also means the fun social dancers cam just hang out without much pressure.