An incel wet dream....

Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser…

Cnn trying to normalize incel delusions


  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    lmfao!!! I glanced over that article and didn't read.

    I mean there are a lot of dudes into that and they are definitely not "incel" and can go get laid if they try or already do have a woman.

    Some women are definitely into this too.

    My only issue is for women to be acting like this traditional housewife shit is the only correct way to live. There are a lot of highly successful women out there who bring in way more money than their husband or the avg guy if they're unmarried. I think the traditional housewife route is more the way to go for the lazy and unambitious (which I am not knocking btw). Like if a woman would never be able to earn well above avg plebian pay rate, I do think she is way better off in this role so long as her man makes more than the average pleb. To each their own. I just don't think anybody should shit on others' way of life if they aren't harming anyone. I do think that these traditional wives would be foolish to just sit and be homemaker and not have any real career skills/knowledge to start a successful biz if things got bad for her. But then I know of at least a few housewives that don't even bother having any employable high lvl skills nor to learn them cuz they got fat inheritances so if their husband leaves them, they likely are still just fine lmfao.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    This is a very interesting take on the family. I think it’s extreme, but it counters the culture of men impregnating multiple women and not actually being responsible or part of the family.

    We’ve gone too far towards the other side where men are only there to impregnate women, and then leave. That’s never been a good way to create a relationship or family. This is moving in a different direction. I don’t think it’s an incel type of thing, but rather an indictment against the current state of the family in this country.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    ^ I agree.

    I have conflicting feelings on this. I don't think every woman wants to be a housewife with the man the breadwinner, and in turn submit/do whatever the man says. On the other hand, like Cash says, at least this is a decent quality enough guy to be responsible for his children and not leave the woman and child to fend for themselves. I do think though if a woman falls in love with the type of man with whom it is a "benevolent dictatorship" type of relationship then he better be paying for everything and providing comfort/an allowance. I cannot imagine why any woman would work to bring in good money then submit to the man who isn't really doing any better. No fucking way. I am aware that a lot of men are that way so that is why I am mentioning this.

    We do have way too many single, never married moms in this country. I think this is an issue that could destroy nations because we have way too many millions of kids out there without even at least a co-parenting situation. Some of these kids will defy the stereotypes, but most will not. Then we wonder why everybody is so god damn fucked up in this country anymore.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    A lot of incels _do_ want claim to want a tradwife, but could never be a 1950s-style provider for a wife and 4 kids. Those types work shit jobs (if they can hold one) and couldn't change a lightbulb.

    Really, they want a woman who'll cook, clean, suck their dick, and wait on them hand and foot while they play video games and jerk off all day.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Blah - you said it better than I did! I agree with you.

    Sadly, this country has come up accept men being sperm donors and deadbeats. Now we have someone like Icee thinking that men who provide for their family are incels. That wives who want to keep their families together (with a father in the household) somehow encourage men to become voluntarily celibate?

    This country needs help.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Cashie theres a few threads now where you’re misreading the OP and posts...
    Icee doesnt believe guys who provide for their family are incels. On the contrary he thinks “tricks” guys who do p4p especially guys who buy extras, are incels.
    He actually supported his girlfriends living expenses, college expenses and even her parents living expenses for 5 years. He thinks its tough and manly to spend lots of money on your girlfriend and her parents
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I would say there are more incels who just want a traditional gf in the house and still pays half the rent/bills. No fucking way. That's what platonic roommate arrangements are for. I'd rather live alone and be single forever than even waste a minute of my time on that.

    I have not really encountered any incels that want a *housewife*. I feel like these men understand that they are not in the position in life to even entertain such an idea.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Also I have wondered why in the hell women that desperately want a kid no matter what... why don't they use an actual sperm donation? Won't have to demean herself by actually fucking some loser who doesn't gaf for free.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Incel if taken literally is supposed to mean involuntary celibate...
    In many opinions if you can only get sex via paying for it, or even a relationship by paying for it, it still qualifies as an incel. .
    There might be incels who want the wife or girl paying half of the bills but the idea in itself isnt incel as there are people doing this... more and more people are getting wary of the divorce and child support laws and protecting themselves
    Btw Reddit has a volcel section too
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Tetradon you'd be surprised how easy it is to have that these days....

    I think the current state of families and relationships is fucked up. But going the opposite extreme is just as bad.

    I think the ideal is being equal partners
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I could never have a kid without taking care of it.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I believe a man should be a provider. Pay bills and stuff. But she should be his equal partner not his servant.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I don't necessarily believe in equality lmao. 😂 but like that goes both ways.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I do. I want a girl whonwill be loyal but isn't afraid to tell me when I'm wrong and who I can make decisions with. I want her t9 have equal say in what we do.

    And I've had girls spend their money on us and stuff. But I want to be the one who pays bills and stuff. To me it's part of being a man. I'll pay whatever I can afford
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    Through most of history women had to have several children in order for a couple to survive. There were no modern household appliances and no convenience foods. By the fifties this was no longer the case. Women, once their children went off to school, had lots of free time. They would spend time watching tv soap operas, playing bridge or gossiping on the phone. This was boring for a lot of them and helped to lead to women moving into the workforce.

    My mom was a bored fifties housewife who went to college with the help of my dad and became an elementary school teacher. She took college classes while me and my sister were in school and my dad watched me and my sister while she took college classes nights, weekends and during the summer. He was off in the summer because he taught high school. I would never denigrate women who want careers, and I would also not denigrate women who want to find a provider husband and just be housewives.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @icee, neckbeard incels can't keep a good woman any more than they can keep a good job.

    I saw some crazy bitch on an online dating site who wanted a man to fulfill her "breeding fetish." She said she was 25 and wanted to spend the next 15 years "as pregnant as possible." She sounded fucking cuckoo.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    A spin through the #tradwife universe leads me to the following thoughts.

    1. There is always some crazy bitch pulling some stunt on the internet and telling everyone how much sense it makes. In this case, "I wanna be June Cleaver". Yes, yes, of course you do. And last week you were stuffing crystals in your ears to align your chakras with the universe. Next week: the all kale diet, etc.

    2. If she's so trad, why is she posting a bunch of videos on tiktok all day? Isn't she supposed to be scrubbing floors and baking bread from scratch? And who is holding the camera? Her tradhusband? Isn't he supposed to be at the office working or in the recliner with his feet up reading the paper? He's probably getting his ass chewed when he doesn't get the lighting or editing right. What a trad-man!

    3. I liked the one with the big tits (, but that voice would be a dealbreaker.

  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago

    I feel like some of these internet tradwife women are just trying to flex like "oh, I get paid and free rent to be the perfect woman while the rest of you don't" or w/e. It is such a joke lol. A lot of married women are the same hoes and sluts that most other women are so they also can't play that holier than art thou sht people like to play. I also haven't noticed the average housewife being any prettier than the average woman lol. I think the main thing is say a girl marries a dude for money- she can put up with anything and everything that most women can't deal with such as him being 3x her age and totally gross. Or a lady is a housewife b/c she is lazy quite frankly, again b/c she doesn't have the income stream- she does gotta depend on a man and ask to be allowed to spend money on this n that. To some women this is no big deal. To others this is a problem. As far as housework- I am with docsavage on this one. These days there are appliances for everything to the point that housework and cooking is no big deal leading to too much free time and perhaps not enough money to spend to deal with that. I personally don't get how some women do that as a long term lifestyle and don't at least have some kinda small hustle going on for 1) extra money 2) if shit hits the fan 3) some kinda outlet for that energy. Or imo they should be doing college with all that free time and spending money on education, or learn some valuable skills for free. People tend to degenerate very fast when they do absolutely nothing at all with their life for too long.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I'm not familiar with thus movement that much. But a lot of girls say they'd be a stay at home wife if a guy paid for everything. But some had that and still fucked it up. I think it's about flexing his money and pretending to have so many morals. Most of the firms wouldn't end up with the type of guy looking for them.

    I think a house wife should use her position to better herself with an education in whatever.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @drew not sure I will ever be able to forgive you for posting a dead link to big tits.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @ilb: for once I feel truly guilty. Please try this link instead and try to find room in your heart to forgive me. I was sincere in my tits posting, but failed to execute, and have no one to blame but myself!
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I mean are these women fucking it up if they live with a guy who pays for everything and then leave that situation? Sure on paper it looks good, but often times the reality is that the guy was too much to deal with that she would just rather go back to work and not be with him.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    The reality is all "easy" work still has shitty aspects to it and you always pay for it one way or another. It is what it is.

    I personally couldn't imagine not having my own money and needing to ask permission to use this card for that. It just blows my mind.

    Some women are perfectly content with this and that is fine. These tradwife women shitting on other women come off as insecure to me cuz the only thing they accomplished/did in their whole life was get hitched. I would sure hate myself if my whole self worth was tied to a man. People tend to fail us and disappoint. It is good to have your own thing going a d backups on backups if things get bad.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    The happy housewives I know don't ever shit on other women for working... cuz they are actually happy and not fronting.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^?agree wholeheartedly
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    There can definitely be a major gap between what is portrayed on social media and reality. What the tradwife folks show - and how they actually live - might be quite different.

    However, if it involves buxom hotties bending over and giving a peek, then it’s going to catch my interest.

    I’m confused about the title of this discussion. Is it simply to try and get uninformed members worked up, or is there an article that links tradwife activities and incel behavior?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Regarding the women depicted in the original article, it feels a lot like cosplay that never ends. It also feels like they're cherry-picking from an era when there were a fair number of not great things happening to women (married or otherwise).

    And that's their business, but one wonders about the sustainability of looking like an extra from "Happy Days". I have to imagine that there's a degree of burn out that can't be spelled out exactly.

    Also, there aren't many marriages that can get by on a single income these days, especially once kids enter the mix. So, I don't see this rising to more than a social media phenomenon.

    How anyone wants to maintain their marriage is their own business, but there is such a thing as too much nostalgia.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Lol 2 things about the girl in the tiktok

    1) she is trying way too hard to be retro and cute etc.

    2) unless they moved her marriage or the dates i saw were wrong and i misunderstood, she isn't even a wife yet and is simply engaged. Being engaged isn't being married. Talking about marriage isn't married. Living with a dude rent free isn't a difficult accomplishment, especially if you clean, cook, or at least fuck.

    Anyways hopefully all these social media girls are happy. I just don't understand why they lie and have so many inconsistencies then call people haters when they get called out on their bullshit.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It does seem like cosplay. I know people who dress like they're in the 1950s. Decorate their homes that way. And profess to have 1950s style relationships. It's a form of escapism and they're never themselves. Always acting like they're playing a role.

    I think housewives can be happy. But she needs to be her own person and have some freedom. You can take care of a woman but a part of that is treating her with dignity. She shouldn't have to ask for money or anything. What's yours is hers. And you should be encouraging her to grow as a person. Encourage her hobbies encourage her to go to school. To have friends. You share and grow together. Not give your lives up.

    The tradwife thing I guess can be appealing in theory. Living like in a 1950s sitcom. But I thunk a lot of the escapism is based on being from a fucked up family or low self esteem. Giving up their self for a delusion.

    I also think the men into it are abusive in a way.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I do though still not understand what incels have to do with this tradwife thing. Incels can't even get that lmfao?

    I feel like most men are not that great when they control all the finances.

    I can see how this is some kinda escapism/cosplay/acting for these women. Idk any housewives that dress like that constantly or try to talk that way lmao!

    I know that most foreign girls as in Russian/Ukrainian out here do like to dress in a very feminine way. But they also don't go out of their way to be retro like with the clothes and hair lmao!!!

    I could not imagine putting on fucking makeup and a nice dress just to clean the house. That is crazy.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The riktok girl doesn't have that many followers...she's pretty but just a caricature
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    This is what incels idealized and claim the ideal relationship is
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    My question however again is why is this Chica talking about housewife and tradwife when I deduced that she isn't married yet? Like say ur gonna probably inherit money later, so don't talk about it like u already got it. I am superstitious and think that is bad luck.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I guess I am profoundly disconnected from most social media and dunno much about tiktok and such lols
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    She's doing it for views and to be popular
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Yeah people are weird these days. They will do literally anything to get attention. It boggles my mind. But then I've got my own different set of issues including not having the Harry Potter invisibility cloak.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Some people even tip $1000 on stage all for attention and affection lulz
  • 8TM
    2 years ago
    My perception of "trad" and other kinds of "red pilled" women is that they're into it to find a man they can control and they see this as the best way of doing that. They also get to raise their standards and be more picky, since there's always a surplus of right leaning single men and left leaning single women.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    A certain amount of this is just classic conservatism recut for a cos play and social media context world. My dad yearned for a simpler time, when men were men and women were women and the kids all said the pledge of allegiance every day etc etc …selective memories he had or imagined of that time. So, he voted for politicians that sold that line… “we’re going back” to an imagined panacea.

    These tradwife people are fantasizing about a similar imagined panacea, but instead of voting for Reagan, they’re posting memes and dressing up in June Cleaver’s outfits. The appeal is a little hard to parse, but it’s probably to do with stability, sex, a drop of bdsm, discomfort around modern issues (trans, blm, immigrants, whatever), and the typical low end whites panic at anything that doesn’t look familiar.

    Of course it’s selective, nobody’s dreaming of a time when your kids got polio, everybody had to just wait out the latest huge freaking cold sore, asbestos and lead were poisoning everyone, and you could get the shit beat out of you for walking at night while being black.

    I’ll add this: it’s no dumber than rockabilly.

  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Well, I am not even into tiktok and dk much about it. However, it is interesting that the only tradwife social I found cuz it was linked here has somebody literally pretending to be a wife when they are not a wife. This makes me wonder how many of these people are just making shit up on the social media regarding this trend. I am very much aware that most strippers on socials make a lot of stuff up about their good money they make. Well if you really made that much every time, how come you live with multiple roommates then and can't even afford a car lol?? (which some of them do get exposed from time to time). This reminds me of some moron on the citydata forums for like Portland/ or PNW idr. This one was so far out there, then I remember someone called them out on all their inconsistencies and far out bullshit. It was a good laugh.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Which FYI I am not shaming anyone for how they live or what they are in the above post. But I am absolutely shitting on all these bullshitters. I think you have to be so fucking sad and pathetic in real life to be making shit up and fronting online. This reminds me of all these people trying to sell lessons or coaching on crypto or finances or whatever. Bitch if you were actually rich off investments you wouldn't be telling every average jane and joe how to get rich too and fuck up the patterns you found that work ya know? You'd be shooting urself in the foot getting a few 100,000 followers to do the same thing or even a few dozen thousand. Also the people getting rich off knowing how to invest ain't got time for all that bull fucking shit. They too busy getting that money and doing other things. It amazes how many fucktards online don't know all that is a scam by these social media people. The funny part is some of them come off really fucking retarded like they couldn't even get a degree in anything besides underwater basket weaving or gender studies and then they are trying to tell you they are some kinda finance gods willing to sell you lessons. Bitch fucking please!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    People into the 50s qesthet8c aren't necessarily conservatives. It's a big part of mexican American culture and in turn reflects a lot of Chicano activism for example.

    The people into the whole mid century modern movement aren't usually conservatives either.

    But when we get into incels and glorifying 1950s repression of women and minorities. That's where it gets right wing.

    As for yhe girls on social media it's money and popularity.

    I like the whole pinup look and the rebel aspects of the 50s. James Dean etc. But the whole keeping women down thing is stupid. It's misogynistic
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I think going retro is ok when it doesn't look like you're trying, and that is just a style of clothes/makeup/hair/jewelry whatever that you like. I just hate when they look like they are copying someone. I am able to tell.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    Middle class women are expected to work full time while doing more than half the housework and childcare. I get how the idea of being a homemaker is appealing in comparison.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    ^ ye and those men are beyond delusional. like nope! lmao
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Men like that are delusional because a woman becomes a thing a fantasy there to fulfill their needs on their own terms. They don't see women as people.

    It's like the religious types in these kinds of relationships who just go through the motions of what's expected
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I gotta think, if guys are wanking to June Cleaver, they're too young to remember that women were slut shamed back them even for liking sex too much with their own husbands.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Has icee ever blocked someone before?
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Hah. there are still guys out there that think the woman they are in a relationship with is a slut for enjoying the sex too much. So I don't think there's been much progress made there.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Slut shaming is pathetic. Guys will talk shit about and call a girl a skut for fucking them. When I was in high school this was big. If a girl fucked a guy he'd shame her. It's the dumbest thing. I hated it. If a girl fycked me I wanted her to feel good and fuck me again
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Yeah, I never understood this kind of behavior. It's like hello if you want someone to keep doing something for you then maybe treat them in a way that they keep wanting you to be around??? lol! I am not sure what the psychology is behind this. I sorta get it if a girl screws someone the first time she meets him, but like if they are in a relationship then what's the deal? You want your wife or girlfriend to be ashamed that she enjoys sex? Well, shit, she might find someone else to sex with. 😂
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee that’s good but youve blown $1000 on stage tips shows youre desperate for attention and affection to the point you’ll pay that large an amount of money (probably stolen by your loml too, hence easier to blow away)
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Happy new year 2023 to all EXCEPT Icee and its both aliases ilbbaicnll, and CallmeIsMaell.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Thanks for the well wishes champy
    Icees alias is also cacaplop, and iceydodo and iceepurp
    Also its spelled ishmael... but one person did spell it as assmail
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's the purest form of misogyny and its based on them being insecure about their own masculinity and ability to please women. They feel she's a slut coz she learned to enjoy sex from men other than them.

    The people you sleep with reflects on you. Putting them down in any way reflects one's own insecurities
  • orionsmith
    2 years ago
    I’m not necessarily up to date on all the Incel discussions.

    In a nutshell of my understanding of what’s going on.
    The global elites have plans to reduce the global population.
    Working a bit too good for China as they are expected to drop their population by hundreds of millions within 50 years.

    In the western societies females are taught party or get your career going, then later on in your 30’s or later you can find a spouse.
    Women have all the options at a young age.
    For Men it reverses. They get money and power with age and more choices as they get older up to a point.
    Marriages are at 150 year lows in the US. Western birth rates or fertility rates are dropping. Global populations are expected to drop across western countries within 50 years due to demographics of this situation.

    Most men aren’t interested in getting married and starting a family in their late 40’s or 50’s in my opinion if they stayed single that whole time. Modern women ideas and modern women concepts haven’t fully taken hold yet in Africa and possible Middle East countries. When it does the entire human population can plunge. Global elites win. Millions or billions die never married and unhappy unless they are into just playing video games or being single all their lives.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Oriom the men having more options woth age is that mostly due to more money? So the increased options are basically golddigger options? Not genuine options usually, but there are exceptions like men who look excellent in 40s and 50s
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    People don't plan these things. Women only say they're not looking or don't want anything serious if they don't want it with that men. They'll commit if they like the guy.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    They could commit for many reasons like in your case icee it was to use you for money not because she liked you
    And now you’re back with the same loml lol
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