Would you rather go to an okay club that is 15 minutes away or a great one that is 45 minutes to an hour away? Would you drive further for a club you really like or try to enjoy the closer one?
I tend to club locally but it’s still a 30-40 min drive from where I live… but I’m getting more interested in doing longer trips further away for better clubs
I live in San Diego and don't like any of the clubs here. Not a fan of the LA area and had to deal with Federales in TJ for just walking down the street last time I was there. I'll drive to Phoenix every once in a while. Primarily for club variety but I also make a multiple day trip to partake in other things.
In the mid 90's to about 10 years ago the Inner Room cabaret in Cocoa Beach was my favorite club in America. Best $10.00 lap dances ever, and at the early end of the date range, until about 2002, they were $6.00. Our golf trip during this time was either in Orlando, only 55 miles away, or at World Woods in Brooksville, 165 Miles away. We would pound beers from 10 -2 on the course, shower, drive 3+ hours to the I.R., spend 6 hours then drive back. Best times ever.
Living in South-Florida I have a fair-amount of SC-options – being a variety-guy I like to have a rotation-of-clubs to hit for variety and not necessarily b/c there aren’t good-ones closer to me.
I’m single and most of my free-time is my-time; so I have a fair-amount of flexibility w.r.t. clubbing – when I club/clubbed; I mostly hit a club I was in the mood-for vs a club that was more “practical” (closer to me) – most of the clubs in my rotation are within 45-minutes thus not a big-deal in terms of distance; biggest-headwind is that in recent-years I’ve mostly being a dayshift (late-afternoon) SCer and it can sometimes be an issue w/ the very-bad SoFlo traffic if I’m in the mood to hit a SC where I have to get on the freeway to get there.
I wouldn’t want to drive over-an-hour for my “regular clubbing” (and again I don’t have to given the # of options near me) – but being a variety-PL and also a fan of the old Inner-Room in Cocoa Beach; b/f IR was sold I’d make the 3-hour-drive (usually on a Fr after lunch) to Cocoa-Beach from Miami every 3 or 4 months b/c the IR and Cocoa-Beach vibe was so different from SoFlo/Miami so it was a little-get-away for me from the same-ole same-ole (I often felt almost-immediately more-relaxed once I got past West Palm Beach (norther SoFlo) and was experiencing a different scenery which included less-craziness and much less traffic) – when I first started making my Miami to Cocoa-Beach weekend-trips I would stay overnight at the (then) affordable Motel-6 in Cocoa-Beach – but after a few trips I started driving-back the same night – although it was a 3-hr-or-so drive; at night (past midnight) when coming-backhome I could usually put the cruise-control-on and barely have to hit the breaks for the first 2-hours of-the-trip till I started approaching the more-congested West Palm Beach area.
^Stayed at that Motel 6 before. Its ok. The drive between Cocoa where I have friends and Palm Beach, where I have relatives is so different from South Florida that sometimes we'll take A1A/Rt1.
Funny you ask this question. Drove down to cheetahs in pompano today. About 30 miles from my place and three times the distance as my regular club. I have to say it was So worth it wow. I will be posting my visit soon. ✌️✌️
I live 30-40 minutes away from any club, so it's a moot point for me. I am considering going to Lex once a month next year, as a couple of my favorites will be testing the waters out there. That'll be about a 5-175 minute drive for me.
“… Stayed at that Motel 6 before. Its ok. The drive between Cocoa where I have friends and Palm Beach, where I have relatives is so different from South Florida that sometimes we'll take A1A/Rt1. …”
Yeah; the Cocoa-Beach Motel-6 is nothing to write-home-about – there are also some rooms there that are shared in that there is a door connecting 2 side-by-side-rooms which can be locked from either side but allows more-noise to be heard from the room next door – Cocoa-Beach area seems to get a fair-amount of people/visitors from the Northeast (NY/NJ) that tend to talk loud which can be a problem if one is a late-riser – I mainly stayed at that Motel-6 since it’s a beachside-area and hotel-rooms can be costly but since I normally only stayed one-night and just used the room to sleep and for a shower, it wasn’t worth-it-to-me to pay more for a nicer hotel in the area but it’s worth paying for a nicer-room if one wants better-comfort and a better-quality of-fellow-guests.
I usually took I95 to go from SoFlo to Cocoa-Beach; even then it took ~3-hours – can’t imagine taking the A1A surface-street and the time that would take but one would imagine it’d be a more-scenic drive and one could see a lot more-stuff/areas than when doing the trip on the freeway – I’ve taken A1A from Miami-Beach to Ft-Lauderdale-beach and it’s more scenic than the freeway since it’s close to the ocean.
^ I had a lot of accounts in those beach hi-rise condos up and down A1A from Miami all the way up into New Smyrna Beach, I couldn't imagine driving up or down A1A, it's so full of lookie loos driving slow as fuck gawking even coming to a full stop in the middle of the road, combine that with the bicycles and joggers it's a nightmare driving that road, I'd imagine just the stretch from Fort Pierce to Sebastian would be a 4 hour drive and A1A doesn't actually do straight through, you've got to take the bridge
I'm in a very unusual situation in having three strip clubs within a ten-minute drive. That easy access probably helped to lead to my strip club hobby. For a number of years, I visited those three about half the time and other strip clubs further away about half the time.
In recent years, though, these three strip clubs have declined so I now rotate about equally among eight strip clubs in Indianapolis. A couple times of year, just for variety, I visit strip clubs outside Indianapolis. My favorite non-Indianapolis strip club is the Hip Hugger in Kokomo.
Yes. That's pretty much exactly what I do. Maybe a bit less of a difference, but I drive 30-40 or so minutes to get to the clubs I prefer in favor of about half a dozen or so inferior clubs that are within 15-25 minute range. I'll occasionally hit the closer ones, but they're usually because I'm driving by with time to kill. Sometimes I'll go up to an hour away or so for variety, but that's pretty rare unless I've got other business that brings me that way. I admit, sometimes that "other business' is somewhat manufactured as an excuse to hit a specific out of the way club though. That's about my max though, I've never driven more than about an hour specifically to club, or to pick up or drop of an OTC friend.
@Papi_Clulo said "I often felt almost-immediately more-relaxed once I got past West Palm Beach" <-- Those of us that live up in the Palm Beaches feel the exact same way about Miami. I feel myself getting irritable and agitated the second I cross over into Dade county. It fades away on the south of it too, the second I cross over Jewfish Creek I'm back to normal.
It's an hour to Providence, only city of multiple good clubs within that distance. If I wanted guaranteed extras, it's 45 min to Worcester, cheap extras, it's 2 hr 15 min to Bridgeport.
Usually I make the hour to Providence. Though my interest in P4P is way down at present.
I just realized my post got cut off, I guess I put some accidental html comment characters in there. Anyway,the rest of the sentence was basically that we feel similarly, those of us that live up here can feel the irritation and agitation the second we cross into Dade county. And you can feel it melt away the second you pass it going south, it's like somehow the evil in Miami doesn't cross Jewfish creek to infect the keys.
I Iive in Charlotte where there are about 7 clubs but none of the Are great to me. I make the 1.5 hour drive to Platinum in Columbia, SC with no regrets.
I drive ~ 3hr one-way for a good club over the lame excuse of a club that's only ~30 minutes away... but it is getting harder and harder to pull off as age and other life commitments take their toll on me.
I don’t live near any clubs. Atlanta is two hours away but I try to combine visits with other things for trips. Usually I look for opportunities to club. Occasionally I might go to Florida but it’s not specifically for clubbing.
Is this a fair question though? I mean some folks have a sliver of time to fit whatever fun they can have in a relatively narrow time window. Like the guy who stops by a club on the way home from work before the SO wants him home. The guy who hits a club at lunch break. Stuff like that
last commentI’m single and most of my free-time is my-time; so I have a fair-amount of flexibility w.r.t. clubbing – when I club/clubbed; I mostly hit a club I was in the mood-for vs a club that was more “practical” (closer to me) – most of the clubs in my rotation are within 45-minutes thus not a big-deal in terms of distance; biggest-headwind is that in recent-years I’ve mostly being a dayshift (late-afternoon) SCer and it can sometimes be an issue w/ the very-bad SoFlo traffic if I’m in the mood to hit a SC where I have to get on the freeway to get there.
I wouldn’t want to drive over-an-hour for my “regular clubbing” (and again I don’t have to given the # of options near me) – but being a variety-PL and also a fan of the old Inner-Room in Cocoa Beach; b/f IR was sold I’d make the 3-hour-drive (usually on a Fr after lunch) to Cocoa-Beach from Miami every 3 or 4 months b/c the IR and Cocoa-Beach vibe was so different from SoFlo/Miami so it was a little-get-away for me from the same-ole same-ole (I often felt almost-immediately more-relaxed once I got past West Palm Beach (norther SoFlo) and was experiencing a different scenery which included less-craziness and much less traffic) – when I first started making my Miami to Cocoa-Beach weekend-trips I would stay overnight at the (then) affordable Motel-6 in Cocoa-Beach – but after a few trips I started driving-back the same night – although it was a 3-hr-or-so drive; at night (past midnight) when coming-backhome I could usually put the cruise-control-on and barely have to hit the breaks for the first 2-hours of-the-trip till I started approaching the more-congested West Palm Beach area.
Yeah; the Cocoa-Beach Motel-6 is nothing to write-home-about – there are also some rooms there that are shared in that there is a door connecting 2 side-by-side-rooms which can be locked from either side but allows more-noise to be heard from the room next door – Cocoa-Beach area seems to get a fair-amount of people/visitors from the Northeast (NY/NJ) that tend to talk loud which can be a problem if one is a late-riser – I mainly stayed at that Motel-6 since it’s a beachside-area and hotel-rooms can be costly but since I normally only stayed one-night and just used the room to sleep and for a shower, it wasn’t worth-it-to-me to pay more for a nicer hotel in the area but it’s worth paying for a nicer-room if one wants better-comfort and a better-quality of-fellow-guests.
I usually took I95 to go from SoFlo to Cocoa-Beach; even then it took ~3-hours – can’t imagine taking the A1A surface-street and the time that would take but one would imagine it’d be a more-scenic drive and one could see a lot more-stuff/areas than when doing the trip on the freeway – I’ve taken A1A from Miami-Beach to Ft-Lauderdale-beach and it’s more scenic than the freeway since it’s close to the ocean.
Sorry I hit post too soon.
In recent years, though, these three strip clubs have declined so I now rotate about equally among eight strip clubs in Indianapolis. A couple times of year, just for variety, I visit strip clubs outside Indianapolis. My favorite non-Indianapolis strip club is the Hip Hugger in Kokomo.
@Papi_Clulo said "I often felt almost-immediately more-relaxed once I got past West Palm Beach" <-- Those of us that live up in the Palm Beaches feel the exact same way about Miami. I feel myself getting irritable and agitated the second I cross over into Dade county. It fades away on the south of it too, the second I cross over Jewfish Creek I'm back to normal.
Usually I make the hour to Providence. Though my interest in P4P is way down at present.
Maybe once a month 60 miles 1hr 15
Poor house getting closer every month
Are great to me. I make the 1.5 hour drive to Platinum in Columbia, SC with no regrets.
Drive an hour? Thanks, not for me.
Is this a fair question though? I mean some folks have a sliver of time to fit whatever fun they can have in a relatively narrow time window. Like the guy who stops by a club on the way home from work before the SO wants him home. The guy who hits a club at lunch break. Stuff like that