QUENTIN TARANTINO FILMS - since we are talking about film...

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
What do you think are his best? Do you think he's overrated? Underrated? What do you think of his films? What do you think of his style as a director (and screenwriter)?
Critically, I'll say Pulp Fiction was his best. Inglourious Basterds was great also.
My faves might just be Jackie Brown, Kill Bill vol 1, and of course True Romance (written by QT, directed by Tony Scott).
last commentFrom dusk til dawn is the only one I like. And he didn't direct it just wrote it
Shit like once upon a time in Hollywood is unwatchable
Love his stuff. Pulp Fiction, True Romance and Reservoir Dogs are my favorites.
Resvoir Dogs was good and then Pulp Fiction was great. And then Jackie Brown was interesting. Other than that though I don’t really get it like other people do. I think there are way better directors out there personally.
Inglorious Basterds (who could forget the "Jew Bear" and his baseball bat), or True Romance (Dennis Hoppers "Sicilians" dialogue). I didn't catch Pulp Fiction, but love the sound track.
I just don’t get why he’s considered great. I’ve seen a few of his. Django Unchained was the only one I finished.
Kill Bill I and II. Tarantino obviouly rates high at doing Tarantino, and nobody does Tarantino better. So it´s just a matter of whether you like Tarantino.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Inglorious Basterds
Django Unchained
From Dusk Til Dawn
Those are my favorites in that order. For some reason I just couldn’t get into Pulp Fiction and both the Kill Bills.
Note my top 4, 3 of them had George Clooney or Brad Pitt and as far as I’m concerned just about any movie with either of those guys in it is going to be good. Yeah they’ve had a few flops but not many.
he revived a few careers from the dead, particularly john travolta. personally i think he's one of the all time greats. taking elements of blaxploitation and saturday afternoon asian martial art flicks and incorporating them into something amplified and very original. kind of like what jimmy page did with led zeppelin with his blues and folk influences.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
I lived in California as a child in the sixties, and he really caught the feel of California in that time period. I don't know how historically accurate his other movies are but that one was. The alternate history ending with the Manson family wasn't historically accurate but was entertaining.
I agree with most Pulp Fiction was probably his best work, I only liked a few of his movies, most I just didn't care for, a few were fun, like Django Unchained and Once upon a Time in Hollywood, as far as I'm concerned he's a good but not great film maker.
He’s a great interview and i love hearing him talk about his childhood influences, especially the TV shows and movies. We have similar tastes. However, it doesn’t translate into films I like. I don’t really care for his movies. And not a fan of the non-linear plot device he’s used a few times
He loves movies and enjoys talking about them. Compare that to Robert DeNiro who’s a sanctimonious prick
I think he's vastly overrated. I know that a director's appeal is their individual style, but every single Tarantino film feels like it's starring Quentin Tarantino even if he doesn't have any screen time. I liked Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. I liked True Romance more because its his script but lacks his heavy-handed directing style. Everything else is pretty 'meh' for me.
Dusk to Dawn because of one scene :
Salma Hayek. You talk about getting the attention of your audience.
From Dusk Till Dawn is good stupid fun made better by Hayek's presence and costuming.
I think Howard Stern is supposed to have him on soon. Stern is a good interviewer and they usually go a couple hours. Should be good.
Since I’ve lived in Austin, I feel obligated to give a shout out to Death Proof.
My favorite are both Kill Bill movies.
Dusk Till Dawn was decent. The Kill Bill movies were about 3 and a half hours too long.
No one has mentioned "The Hateful Eight," so I guess that must be the bottom of the pile...
^ I didn't like it.
Pulp Fuction.
"I liked True Romance more because its his script but lacks his heavy-handed directing style."
I ageed with you there. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have liked the film as much if Scott had kept Quentin's original ending. Apparantly, Clarence was supposed to die in that end shootout and Alabama still leaves for Mexico with the money by herself. I have even seen an alternate ending, and it's really sad. I like it better the way it is.
Apparently* lol
The Kill Bill series is my #1.
Pulp fiction is the classic, and reservoir dogs is high art for my money. True romance (quoted that movie here a few days ago) is great and really takes me back to the 90s, and of course Jackie brown is a classic. Dusk til Dawn is a guilty pleasure, I like to watch all 3 in a row when I’ve got a lot of time in my hands.
True Romance has 3 of my favorite Tarantino scenes of any of his films: Alabama vs the Sopranos guy, the Mexican Standoff at the end, and of course, the Sicilian scene with Dennis Hopper (RIP) and Christopher Walken. Pristine story telling.
Pulp Fiction has some great scenes, too. The end scene is magical, but there are so many more. Even down to Christopher Walken's dialogue about Bruce Willis' character's daddy's watch (which, if you missed it, was inside of an asshole for quite some time, of course).
Inglourious Basterds' Tavern scene? chef's kiss.
Kill Bill vol 1 has an opening scene that can rival any film's opening. Her driving off in the "Pussy Wagon" to end the scene was just the cherry on top. The crazy 88's scene was amazing cinema that clearly took a lot of hard work. Must've been a bitch to film.
"Now take your hands from around my throat, NIGGA" from Jackie Brown? Amazing story telling.
Salma Hayek was mesmerizing in her role in From Dusk Till Dawn as much as any female ever on film, including the likes of Marilyn Monroe.
True Romance was the movie that triggered my love for movies where Brad Pitt gets beaten up or killed (turns out to be a lot of his movies).
I'll always have a soft spot for how he let Uma Thurman be a bad ass and not just eye candy.
Nina... I'm on board with True Romance. A great, coherent overall story told well, and several memorable scenes.
Pulp Fiction is less substance with more flash. I still like it, but it's less coherent. That said ... I am also a fan of the Christopher Walken scene.
I might be the odd one out here, but I got pretty bored with Kill Bill (both of them).
Tarantino is entertaining! One of my favorites.