
Anal Anyone?

Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 9:34 PM
What’s the consensus on anal sex? I’m speaking entirely from the perspective of male to female anal, since I have neither the experience nor the desire to know anything about Male to Male or Female to Male anal. (But if that’s what you’re into, we don’t judge here). Anal is one of the most popular porn topics, and it was once considered the holy grail of sex, although I believe is now becoming fairly mainstream. I had a stripper offer me anal in VIP recently, and she was charging a $200 premium for it (I passed). I have always found anal sex to be somewhat overrated. It’s fun and exciting at first because you’ve crossed a threshold that lets you know that your girl is a nasty bitch - especially if she blows you after you been in her ass. But I’d rather fuck a tight wet pussy any time.


  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    I started a thread about this a few months ago. I was surprised that more of us pervs weren't into it. I'm with you. Any part of a woman that can make me cum is fun to fuck. And I love how dominant it feels; there's a sense that I haven't had all of a woman until I've had her ass. I find anal porn, particularly doggystyle, hotter than vaginal. But it's a distant 3rd in feeling behind the pussy and a skilled mouth. It's super tight for an inch and a half, then nothing. Try jacking off with just two fingers versus your whole hand or two. Not as nice, right? And there's still the butthole factor. Poop comes out there on a woman too, I don't want to smell it, see it, or feel it. Better be super clean, and I don't just mean a good wipe.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    Anal is awesome. I would put it at girls that are down to do it and actually are able to do it as less maybe even 10% it’s depends on your size somewhat some girls are willing but it just can’t fit.
  • iknowbetter
    2 years ago
    ^ Exactly my thoughts… the two finger analogy describes it perfectly. Almost like “OK…I’m in your ass, now what?” I would also rate it 3rd, behind a good sloppy BJ, and regular old vaginal fucking. But the nastiness threshold (or your “all of her”) is fun to cross.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I prefer pussy. I'll put it in her ass if she wants, but I don't get anything extra out of it. ITC I wouldn't ask for or do anal though, def not gonna pay extra for it.
  • crosscheck
    2 years ago
    It's definitely a turn on for me with a woman who is truly into it for the reasons stated above. And as Tetra said above, I think some anal porn can be really hot. But then there have some experiences with it where I think the idea of it has been better than the actuality of it, if that makes any sense.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Addendum: It's super hot to finger a girl's ass while fucking her from behind. Dominance factor from the ass, better feeling from the pussy.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    If it feeds a humiliation kink for her, I'm cool with it. Not my first choice though, and if she just "likes" it, or even worse, "tolerates" it, it doesn't interest me. There's a local dancer who *claims* to like it better than vaginal sex; supposedly makes her cum faster and harder. But she also does a lot of coke, so...
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    It appears I’m the outlier in this discussion as I prefer pussy by a long shot. A girl who is great with oral would be second place.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I used to pursue anal relentlessly. Some girls were ok with with it, others were one and done, others still had no intention of trying it. One drunken night maybe 15 years ago I went home from a party with a tall thick blond with huge boobs. Right up my alley. I think she considered herself a nerd in our swingy friend group, so she was going to give it her all. She deep throated me, fucked my brains out, and did not blink at MSOG. Pretty much perfect for me. She had one of those super strong and wet pussies where she'd get excited, clamp down, and shoot my dick out. That was cool but weird, as was the squirting. I'd seen a bit of light squirting over the years, but this was next level: volume. I wondered if she was just pissing, but kind of didn't care. I have no idea what was really happening there. Finally I asked about anal, and she said "sure!" I got it in there and went to town, it took a while bc I'd already shot a couple of times. We were both pretty loaded. She was on her back, I had her legs hiked up and was railing her ass, she was being a sport but I could tell she could take it or leave it. When I finally finished, I got a whiff of something foul, looked down, and saw that she had shit all over my pubes. It was caked on, so I guess it was some kind of diarrhea. I was shocked! But I tried to play it cool and excused myself to the bathroom. I was in the shower rinsing the shit out of my pubes when she nonchalantly walked in, sat on the toilet, and proceeded to finish her shit and wipe. She then took a moment to examine the effects of her wiping on the toilet paper, as I gazed on from the shower in horror. This, finally was too much. I have a high tolerance for gross, but this was a bridge too far. I was permanently turned off of this woman. I cleaned up, dried off, bid her a good evening, and split. This, and a few other ass-gone-wrong capers slowed my interest in anal. A pussy is just fine by me.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    bbbj,pussy prefered. anal is a far distant third.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Only once. In the early years of seeking arrangements I had a short fling with a sleek black fashion model. She brought up up our first night together so I agreed to try it. It was spur of the moment, no lube, I had a hard time entering her tight little bung hole then once inside it felt real dry so I pumped for a few minutes then pulled out and finished in her pussy. One plus was that thankfully she was squeaky clean inside. Pussy is where it's at for me, pussy over mouth, pussy over asshole. I may or may not try anal again but if I do there will have to be some lube available and I don't ever see it replacing pussy.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    I've fucked my share of women's asses. Took four anal virginities in my life. It's fun. It's a nice change of pace. And there definitely is an aspect of it really is something she is doing for my pleasure (I did have one partner who got extremely turned on doing it, but most find it tolerable to mildly uncomfortable even when done right) All that said, if I never got to do anal again in my life I wouldn't miss it much. I would miss pussy. But anal is definitely just a sometimes thing and not necessary. The first time doing anal with a woman is always the hottest. Although I'll admit having a partner ask for it is always hot.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Why drive on a dirt road when a paved road runs right next to it? One of my favs would go on and on about how she loved anal. She said if felt best with very shallow penetration, but no man would stay shallow. When she got pregnant, I worried she had a bad ulcer that went all the way from her rectum to her uterus.
  • Rod8432
    2 years ago
    Same as with most the comments here. Anal was definitely the Holy Grail at one point in my life, but now I'm largely over it. The two fingered HJ is a good analogy. Plus, 50% of the cases involved shit coming out, coating my schlong. These days, I'm finding a skilled BBBJ is the best, follow closely by vaginal, if sufficiently wet and semi-gaping. Got to agree with JamesSD, if anal never happened again, I wouldn't miss it much.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I won’t even watch anal porn
  • BuckMcNutter
    2 years ago
    Ask dessertScrub he’s been bent over a lot
  • minnow
    2 years ago
    T-dons 2 finger HJ analogy good. How about simultaneously getting sensation of dick being squeezed by vaginal fuck muscles and fingering her asshole with pointer finger. When I get a massage in that area (soft tissue finger/thumb/hand), 2 fingers and thumb works better than full hand. There's something erotically stimulating about having two different "limbs" inside 2 different orifices.
  • RTP
    2 years ago
    I have very little interest in the hole that is used to shit. I have no complaints about the other two options and am totally satisfied with those two options. Recently, I have been workng a local dancer of Asian heritage for OTC. She is a college student and at first seemed a bit shy or conservative. She told me that she is only interested in OTC if I will DATY and stick my finger in her ass at the same time. I am not sure if that was a test or why she added that condition, but it was a surprise coming from her. She also has a price which I will not meet, so maybe she is just looking for ways out of this discussion.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Every so often as a change of pace and it's available, sure. But it's not of major interest to me. I did have this conversation with a long-time CF somewhat recently. CF: "At this point, you can do anything you want with me." Ishmael: "So... anal?" CF: "No." Ishmael: "I'm not sure you're using the generally accepted definition of 'anything'."
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Drewcarey - your story is hilarious! I’ve been there before, and I have felt (or smelled) your pain! When I’ve engaged in anal sex with filthy sluts, I’ve always expected that sh*t was a possibility. I prepared myself mentally to deal with it. The few times things got muddy (no offense Muddy), it wasn’t a big surprise, but it wasn’t an aphrodisiac either.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I just don't get a thrill from entering an exit, no judgement if that's your thing, and she's ok with it have fun.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You have to plan it and she has to be really clean
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    I'm surprised this thread hasn't drifted to a related topic yet, so I'll just throw this out there: If the girl is hot enough, I'm gonna eat that ass.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Eating ass is low impact and delicious. Way less commitment required than anal. A gentleman eats the the pussy, the butt, every mother fucking thing. [view link]
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I love eating ass. Eat her ass and pussy from the back
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    @iknowbetter I will play along and comment on your discussion. Q: Anal Anyone? A: Who wouldn’t, It’s part a healthy sexual relationship Q: What’s the consensus on anal sex? A: For all of history of humans, people have been very interested in anal sex. Then there was a hundred-year period where “Weesterners” puritanical whites, became afraid of anal sex. Now things are not going back to normal, but to the other extreme People are not now so obsessed with anal sex; people have always been obsessed with anal sex. There are Ancient Greek texts on the joys of anal sex. I hope you are aware that anal sex, like any kind of sex, can be perfectly safe and gratifying if you do it right. 1)Communicate openly and prepare and clean your bodies. 2)Engage in plenty of foreplay 3)Use a lot of lubrication 4)Use a condom 5)Always start nice and slow If it hurts, you’re doing it wrong.
  • FLAP3000
    2 years ago
    I’ll poke and eat the ass w/o hesitation… Those that know, know.
  • Lockjaw
    2 years ago
    It is a cultural thing. Anal is always part of sex in Brasil. Every woman will give you her butt and if you don't pound her ass, she will think something is wrong with you. The same is true for Venezuela. The Anglosphere has a stigma against butt sex. But who are we to say what is right and what is wrong? Many Americans think men can get pregnant and a baby with a heartbeat is not a life.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Anal has become BLASÉ. We need to take it to the next level. How about beastiality?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Younger girls are definitely more into anal. It's more intimate for them
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    Who wouldn’t make love to Betty Page’s Starfish? [view link] :D
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    Try this link: [view link] In my humble opinion Betty Page, is and forever will be, the brunette gold standard for class, sex appeal, and feminine beauty.
  • DandyDan
    2 years ago
    Anal is one of the pleasures of life. I recently had the alltime surprise sexual encounter with a former coworker of mine who needed it up the butt. You never know who the freaks are.
  • satsuma
    2 years ago
    I love it as a woman. I think for most guys the pussy feels better though, and anal's appeal is more due to the novelty or taboo. The guys I've been with described anal like it's a tight grip at the base of their cocks, and they like the sucking feeling they get when they pound my ass. If they go in deep enough, there's another hole past the rectum that they can feel with their tips. One thing me and my partners enjoyed was dipping the tip of their cocks in and out through the sphincter. It was very intense and sensual to feel my asshole getting opened up over and over again.
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