
This just in: You can be fat AND hot

Avatar for Muddy


Simmer down fellas, simmer down! And hey maybe WE aren't so hideous after all, most of us are actually sexy as fuck.


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Avatar for Tetradon

Does she want to strike a sultry pose while injecting herself with insulin? Take a sexy swallow of horse doses of statins and blood pressure meds?

Most of these "body positive" fat folks I've known are actually drowning in self-hatred.

Avatar for shadowcat

She should apply for a spot on "The View".

Avatar for Warrior15

Well, her temperature may be warm. But attractive ?????? Not according to me.

Avatar for BaddJack

Wow. It is nice to see shadowcat. I was away a long time, and so few of the Old Timers are still around. Cheers.

As far as fat AND attractive, I agree, it is possible. However, this hobby requires that the woman take her clothes off in front of strangers. I saw a dancer last Saturday night that probably tipped the scales at the same point as me. She told me to use her name: Cali, at Ace's Place in Springfield, Missouri. When I got up to give her three bucks, my buddy asked why in the world I would do that. I gave a simple answer: "Courage."

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

If she wanted to live her best life. At that size and shape she'd lose weight or get lipo a bbl....breast lift.

Avatar for Dolfan

Some guys like fat chicks. Some girls like fat guys. I don't.

I'm glad she's happy with her appearance, I don't find it attractive. She has some good points about living life, appreciating where you are in life and enjoying it. It's easy to take that shit too far and wind up like the girl in Ricks thread though, so I hope she moderates shit a bit for her own sake.

I don't care who you are though, this is fucking gold: www.tiktok.com](/member/@bubblesworlddd)/video/7151449531761069354?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 Eating Spaghetti-O's straight out of the can in the middle of your kitchen, wearing a floral mo-mo robe, quoting Penny Lane from Almost Famous.

Avatar for conan_mac_morna

I have known women who were attractive and overweight, but this girl here, nope. Tiny features in a spherical face are an instant no from me.

Avatar for misterorange

She's got more chins than a Chinese phone book.

Avatar for loper

Looks like a bad night at Mickey's.

Avatar for gammanu95

I've seen fat girls that could be hot if they lost the extra pounds. I've seen overweight chicks who are almost hot because they are fortunate how the fat was distributed (often the illusion is dispelled as they take off their clothes). This obese of is not any of those. It hurts just to look at her.

Avatar for shailynn

It works the other way. I knew the cutest girl who was probably 20 - 30 pounds overweight. Beautiful face and like gammanu said, the fat was distributed in the right places.

This girl became addicted to exercise and ended up losing at least 30 pounds when she only needed to lose much less. She looked horrible as a skinny girl and even though she was toned it still was a bad look.

Avatar for Cashman1234

First off - this is not what I imagined a dancer named Bubbles to look like.

I think a girl can be hot with a bit of extra weight. The girl in the article is not hot.

I know there are guys who find fat women to be hot, and that’s fine. I don’t consider this Bubbles to be a hottie.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

New York Post is a tabloid newspaper that runs tabloid-style stories. That's why they ran this particular story using that particular woman. It is engineered click-bait.

Though I'm not into plus-sized or BBW women, there are women I know and dancers in my area who are absolutely plus sized, but also orders of magnitude sexier than the woman in this story. But if the NYP ran this same story featuring one of those women, it wouldn't create the same amount of click-bait traffic.

But though the woman in that story is not attractive, she's also not completely stupid. Because when the NYP approached her to do this story (quite possibly with a payment attached), she recognized that it would also drive traffic to her social media, which is likely monetized.

Avatar for skibum609

^To a true business person profit is important, not hurt feelings, so I say good for her. Bank the cash.

Avatar for TheeOSU

UGH she's the type of woman dipshitscrub has to pay $500 to fuck when he's not sucking cock or taking it up his ass at his I-10 truck stop glory hole because no decent woman wants to associate with a big mouth maggot pussy but then again dipshitsdcrub is happy because she reminds him of his mother and sister.

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