I had a sugar baby date on Saturday night. This girl is the ultimate spinner. 4-11, 92 lbs. And even though she is 26 and has two kids, she looks like she's 17 because of her size.
We go to a restaurant and sit down. Waitress walks up to us, just trying to start a conversation asked " is this a father-daughter date ? I just smile at the question, my date gets this offended look on her face. I think she gets tired of people thinking she is so young. The waitress is now shitting her pants because she is thinking she just ruined all opportunity for a good tip. My date pulls out her ID so she can order a drink. The waitress apologizes and quickly rushes off to get our drinks.
Now though this waitress was in her 20's, she was a tad chunky and kinda homely. So I'm sure she has had no opportunity to ever be a sugar baby. I did not say a single word about the question except just smile. Throughout the dinner, I"m thinking this was about the best service I had received in months. I did tip her well.
At least she didn't ask if my girl was taking her Grandfather out to dinner !
===> "I venture to guess the “sugarbaby” world isn’t on the radar of normal, non-sexworker women like your waitress."
This. Those of us who do this shit often tend to get used to it and not think twice, but for most people in this waitress' situation it likely wouldn't occur to them that this is some type of paid date.
This is why I have a few specific places I use for these sorts of events. One is a tourist restaurant, another is a colorful dive bar where they ask no questions and, in the right circumstances, I also use a couple of strip clubs that serve good food. I don't see myself ever taking a paid date to the type of place where I could someday end up with my kids.
Honestly who gives a fuck though, I would have fun with it and just play right into it. Yeah I’m the father Maury. I’m not worried about whatever the fuck the waitress is saying I’m thinking about pussy!!!
I'm ready for that one: "We're co-workers". It's basically true. Whether the waitress has Sugar Babies in her world view or not, it's an intrusive question that leads nowhere. The best possible answer she can hope for is "yes", followed by a silent but implied "Now get lost". But it is an innocent error so it's no reason to withhold/reduce a tip. I don't pick my dining locations based on the potential reaction of the staff. Just pick places where I don't expect to be recognized and where I would never go with my SO or actual kids. Don't want a scene like in The Graduate where everybody is saying "Nice to see you again, Mr. Labore"
I have had the opposite happen. I have 2 daughters from my first marriage who are now 29 and 27. Thankfully they both look much more like their mother than me. My oldest now lives in NYC, and we routinely get judgemental looks and comments whenever we’re out together.
Some of us are active in our local communities and have to think about this stuff a bit more. Any place where a waitress is likely to be confused and/or surprised is also a place where I'm at risk for running into other people that I know. Once my kids are out of the house I'll probably care about this stuff a lot less, but until that time I have to be sensitive to how my actions could impact their lives.
Idiots make all kinds of stupid remarks, doesn't mean a thing, happened to me once, my date said yes to the waiter that asked, then right in front of the him, she started making out with me, that probably got a few tongues wagging.
Back prior to Covid I took my OTC date to lunch at my favorite restaurant. She is 50 years younger than me. A waiter with an eastern European accent had the never to ask what our relationship was. Before I could reply my gal jumped in and told him that I was her boy friend. That shut him up. :)
I always see on any given night a sugar daddy with his sugar date at a well known steakhouse in Phoenix. It’s one of those “look over there” spots where you’ll see a white hair guy with a young 20 something AA. Curiosity is piqued as soon as you look at their table.
So what did you do Warrior, did you buy her a kids meal?
There, I’ll fill in for Icee today since he claims he lives in California so it’s really 6:30 in the morning for him and we all love to be on TUSCL at 6:30 in the morning.
I once took a much younger friend to dinner. She wore a dress that probably had half the men in the place watching her walk to the table. The waitress made a comment about my "daughter" being so pretty. My response was "if this was my daughter do you think I would let her wear that dress?"
The waitress is just looking for a friendly ice breaker conversation starter. In Las Vegas that scenario is everywhere and doesn’t even get noticed, I think certain areas in LA have the same situation.
After reading some of the comments I realized that I am clueless to the possibility of what others might think when I go to lunch/dinner with my daughters.
I will be more aware - to see if I get any odd looks - when we are out next. It might be different since they are tall - and so am I? They both have their mother’s good looks, so there isn’t a strong resemblance facially - except for the eyes.
When with friends the shoe is on the other foot. Our usual comment is it is so nice that man took his "niece" to dinner. He certainly is affectionate towards his "niece"
I guess I'm not quite old enough for this to be a problem for me as a customer. I used to see this sort of thing quite often when I was younger and waiting tables, even though I wouldn't have ever considered the girl may be a paid companion I knew better than to ask if it was a father-daughter relationship or really to assume anything about the nature of a relationship without solid evidence. There was just no upside to asking those sorts of questions out of the gate, there were tons of safer ways to start a convo. Not that it's this hugely offensive thing, I sympathize with the young looking girl as I know that can be annoying as a woman in her mid-twenties always being assumed to be a teenager, but really it's a pretty minor infraction. It is a bit of a funny story though.
I now a girl that could get into movies as under 12 when she was 20. Now she is 34 and they still give her ID a serious look when she orders a drink. She got refused service when she was 30 and had to pull out her passport.
So those women upset people think they are so young will be grateful for that in 10-20 years.
I went to a concert with a sugarbaby who was 40 years younger than I am. A drunk MILF closer to my age asked if she was my daughter and I simply replied "no". She then looked at my SB who replied "we're friends" at which point the MILF's daughter (I assumed) hustled her away. We were definitely getting the stink eye from her though. Didn't bother me at all but we both laughed about it.
Wallowing - (of a person) indulge in an unrestrained way in (something that creates a pleasurable sensation). "I was wallowing in the luxury of the hotel"
Warrior, you relished every second of that little “misunderstanding,“ didn’t you? Reminds me of a recent trip to a local dive bar with my OTC gal. She had recently lost her drivers license. All she had was a photo of it on her phone. The bouncer was debating whether to let her in. He asked me, “is this your daughter?” I replied, “sort of.” He looked at me for a second, looked at her, looked back at me, and then kind of shook his head and waved us in.
I am so so so so freaking grateful customers don’t blatantly tell me that they want to get a dance from me because I look like a 16 year old anymore. I can filter out the creeps who were trying to shove alcohol down my throat and give me a lot of “advice” of how to do my job. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy 🥳
I remember I was 17 and it was my first day at a high school I had never attended before. I was trying to figure out where I was supposed to be, and the elementary school bus driver stopped the bus, singles me out, opens the door, and says “well, are you coming?” I also remember when I was 21 years old and at the school’s lazy river when a lifeguard walks over to say that “family hours are over and you need to leave” And I shouted back at her that I was a student. She walks off but then announces on the intercom that family hours were over and it was only students allowed in the pool. My friends never let me live that one down. 😅
I dated a beautiful 20 year old dancer. The first time we went to dinner, the restaurant was packed with mostly college age girls in town for a tournament. The booth next to us had 8 girls and their chaperones. When dinner was over my date asked me if it was ok if she got a smoke in while I paid the bill, I told her to go ahead. Up to this point the girls next to us were just chattering amongst themselves. When she got up, came over and gave me a hug and big kiss on the cheek, saying thanks for dinner, I noticed the girls went dead silent. I told my date about it when I went outside and we laughed about it the rest of the night. Sometimes at the club she would introduce me as her next husband. I don't care what others think.
They're hoping for a reason to not serve you. Or you're going to Chuck-E. Cheese without a kid (which means you have a statistically higher chance of meeting SJG before any of us).
Had a fav who thought bras were pointless for her because she was an A cup. But she had fairly prominent nipples. Whenever we had a waiter rather than a waitress, man, did we get great service!
Back in the mid-2000s I was at a Walmart in Dallas (when I lived there) with a semi-fave stripper I was "semi involved" with at the time - I was in my mid-30s (~36); she was a light-skinned ebony in her early-20s (~23); she had a baby-face and was about 5'1 or 5'2 but had big-natural-DDs - we got separated in the Walmart and another young AA-girl-customer (late-teens/early-20s) came up to me and said "your daughter is looking for you she's over there" - damn - I've always had a full head of hair and in decent shape and clean-shaven; it was obvious my AA semi-fave was younger than me but not to the point of being my daughter - but I guess for some people in their very-early-20s someone in their mid-30s is 'kinda old" I guess - it's also not uncommon in the AA-community for people in their 30s to already have close to grown children; my semi-fave was very light-skinned to where she looked mixed and I guess these two-factors is why the young AA-custy thought I may have been her father even though we were actually about 13.5 years apart.
It's inevitable if a PL is over 40 for it to look out of place hanging out with a dancer/SB that are often in their early-20s (hell this may even apply in the PL is just in his 30s) - at it's most benign, it may look like a father/daughter thing, or given how she's dressed it'll raise eyebrows and suspicions of P4P.
"This girl is the ultimate spinner. 4-11, 92 lbs. And even though she is 26 and has two kids, she looks like she's 17 because of her size." Oh yell yes, go Warrior! That was off color but a compliment of the highest order and your girlie needs to accept that or not try to look so hot.
last commentIt sounds like your sugar baby is hot! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your date with her.
This. Those of us who do this shit often tend to get used to it and not think twice, but for most people in this waitress' situation it likely wouldn't occur to them that this is some type of paid date.
This is why I have a few specific places I use for these sorts of events. One is a tourist restaurant, another is a colorful dive bar where they ask no questions and, in the right circumstances, I also use a couple of strip clubs that serve good food. I don't see myself ever taking a paid date to the type of place where I could someday end up with my kids.
Honestly who gives a fuck though, I would have fun with it and just play right into it. Yeah I’m the father Maury. I’m not worried about whatever the fuck the waitress is saying I’m thinking about pussy!!!
Whether the waitress has Sugar Babies in her world view or not, it's an intrusive question that leads nowhere. The best possible answer she can hope for is "yes", followed by a silent but implied "Now get lost". But it is an innocent error so it's no reason to withhold/reduce a tip.
I don't pick my dining locations based on the potential reaction of the staff. Just pick places where I don't expect to be recognized and where I would never go with my SO or actual kids. Don't want a scene like in The Graduate where everybody is saying "Nice to see you again, Mr. Labore"
the waitress that asked that is young and still has a lot to learn about life. but it's still a real fucked up thing to say.
what if the reply was no? would that waitress then still keep continuing that line of questioning? eyebrows raised?
So what did you do Warrior, did you buy her a kids meal?
There, I’ll fill in for Icee today since he claims he lives in California so it’s really 6:30 in the morning for him and we all love to be on TUSCL at 6:30 in the morning.
I will be more aware - to see if I get any odd looks - when we are out next. It might be different since they are tall - and so am
I? They both have their mother’s good looks, so there isn’t a strong resemblance facially - except for the eyes.
So those women upset people think they are so young will be grateful for that in 10-20 years.
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
Good Times, Good Times.
My ATF, at the time in her early twenties, would always make sure the wait staff knew I was “her fiancé”, she looked young, classy and beautiful.
“Can my fiancé and I get a table by the window”
“My fiancé and I would like to see the dessert cart”
Etc etc etc
Time to change your username - Wallowing15 - has a nice ring to it!!!
Wallowing - (of a person) indulge in an unrestrained way in (something that creates a pleasurable sensation).
"I was wallowing in the luxury of the hotel"
I remember I was 17 and it was my first day at a high school I had never attended before. I was trying to figure out where I was supposed to be, and the elementary school bus driver stopped the bus, singles me out, opens the door, and says “well, are you coming?”
I also remember when I was 21 years old and at the school’s lazy river when a lifeguard walks over to say that “family hours are over and you need to leave” And I shouted back at her that I was a student. She walks off but then announces on the intercom that family hours were over and it was only students allowed in the pool. My friends never let me live that one down. 😅
They're hoping for a reason to not serve you. Or you're going to Chuck-E. Cheese without a kid (which means you have a statistically higher chance of meeting SJG before any of us).